) I Moose Whist Party ! Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, October 2J, 1950 Enjoyable Affair Moosehearf Women Meel Mrs. L. Murdoch Wins At Bridge Six tables were In play at the Moose whist drive at the Moose Temple Saturday night. Winners were Mrs. F. W. Grimble, high lady, and Mrs- E. Anderson, second; James Bacon, high man, and Joseph Lapointe, second. Following cards there was a YOU'RE Canadian Legion Auxiliary Card Party, Wednesday, 8 p.m. (249c) E. D. Coughlin, chief welfare assisting. Winners at cards were: bridge Mrs. L. Murdoch; whist Mrs. W. G. Griffiths; cribbage Mrs. J. Tompsori. Tasty refreshments were served by the refreshment committee convened by Mrs. H. Blair. Assisting her ere Mrs. C. Jo-hanson, Mrs. J. Kurdziel, Mrs. V. Schneider, Mrs. M. Girardet and Mrs. H. Hampton. r SMART TO INSULATE NOW I The Conrad Street School officer here, will be the speaker Miss N. Welford of the staff at Miller Bay Hospital sailed for Vancouver on the Camosun today. She was accompanying a patient. W. Brule, formerly with the Canadian Fishing Co. and now with the B. C. Packers lure, sailed today on the Camosun for a holiday trip to Vancouver. insulate, the earlier you P-TA card parties got off to a good start Friday night with H Blair convener and V. Schneider tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rup'irt Gyro Club. Industrial first aid classes fihe protection you get 111 L. t,s rare early short entertainment and dancing. Committee in charge consisted of Mrs. Elizabeth Blair, convener; Mrs. L. Halstad, Mrs. F. W. Grimble and Mrs. Lugren. Next Saturday the drive will be put on by the men. Y !. ... tndav for estl- Mrs- N. McGlashan was co-hostess to the Mooseheart committee of the Women of the Moose with Mrs. N. Kennedy at whose home the monthly meeting was held. Following a urtef. business session, the women played court whist. Winners were Mrs. R. B. Skinner, first; Mrs. N. McGlashan, consolation. Seven members and a visitor. Miss Diane Kenndy, were present. Members present were Mrs. N. Kennedy, Mrs- N. McGlashan, Mrs. V. Morrison, Mrs. A. Hamilton, Mrs. J. Flewin, Mrs. R. B. Skinner, and chairman, Mrs. J. Hoskins. Delicious refreshments were served by the Joint hostesses. . er. wu commencing Tuesday, Oct. 24, Jantzen Sweaters ! Music and Drama Festival 8 p.m., at Fire Hall. All Interested welcome. (243c) Jarvis H. McLeod left Prince LBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Association meets Civic Centre, Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 8 o'clock. (253) Miles Donald arrived today on the Camosun from Alice Arm-The pioneer of the northern SKI PATTERNS FOR FALL All Wool Sweaters styled in the Jantzen manner. Pullovers 1 Ml Logger Rupert recently for Vancouver to join Mrs. McLeod who has been visiting In the south for some time. You are invited no Miss Jeanne Faure's display of paintings at Civic Centre this Thursday and Friday from 2 to 10 p.m. Admission absolutely free. (lt Progress seriously , camp continued his trip to Van-, couver on the same ' ship this I afternoon. progress In hospital her. It was reported by his physician here that he received severe Injuries In the pelvic region. The accident occurred late Friday afternoon. in the "Thunderbird" and "Reindeer" patterns the Aero Camp Ju. HOTEL ARRIVALS Inlet ana nun making satisfactory r at. .. $ft.95 and $10.95 I Northland Dairy Is changing the milk routes to a different . schedule from Tuesday on. Romp I Always Prompt and Courteous Cardigans in the ' We're Here to Servs TOO i . customers will receive their de- Clty clerlt H- D- Thain will be livery a little earlier and some a tne speaker at the weekly lunch- Reindeer Prince Rupert . W. G. McKenzie, R. Douglas, H. G. Wescott, H. L. Routh, F. D. Hagen, R. D. Box, Geoff Naylor, D. F. Fraser and A. G. Gotts- Commodore Cafe little later. Put your bottles out ! eon of the Prince Rupert Ro-early. (248) I tary Club this Thursday. He will fyti will be delighted with this fragrant tea pattern $10.95 Full Zipper Sweaters .... in the "Thunderbird" . , pattern $12.95 speak of recent municipal ventions which he attended. Miss Jeanne Faure chalk, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. t i H. Grey, Masset; Inspector A. T. 'Hospitality and Good Food" returned to the city after a visit to the central interior to paint Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders i f ird Ave. David Chow. Mgr. m a u a rm n 55 I Lashmar and Sgt. Fossum, ! Prince George; Mrs. C. V. Symes, i Smithers. United Church Bake Sale Is Success 1 In spite of the. Inclement weather the United Church Women's Auxiliary bake sale Saturday afternoon proved very successful. Convened by Mrs. SHOE MvHywHa. C.lifT7 w-v sCt outdoor scenes in fall colors, will exhibit her work at the Ladies' Lodge of the Civic Centre Thursday and Friday, October 26 and 27. from 2 to 10 p.m. All interested cordially invited to attend and enjoy the glorious colors of B.C. woods and fields. Also a small collection of Dutch and Italian articles. Admission absolutely free. (248) Exotic Pool Ur Write tar Htt II0CHUM Andrew Thompson, committee members were Mrs- F. Beckett, Mrs. D. Santerbane, Mrs. A. Logan, Mrs. Lloyd George, Mrs. T. Bussanich and Mrs. Ken Harding. AUTUMN FINE PRINTING AT REGAL PRINTERS "WEAK" DACK? Many My they get "cold" in the back-i-or the kidneyi to easilyl That'e why thousands keep Dr. Chase Kidney-Liver Pills always on hand. Far thi reliable remedy ia like two treatments in one worka fatter to relieve painful backache due to faulty kidney. Dr. Chase Announcement Salvation Army Fall Bazaar Oct. 24. Legion Auxiliary card party Oct. 25. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 26 FUR SALE same yon caa 1a depend on. 51 Phone 24 222 Second Ave. SraBninb. mufti fnternational (Sttrtiny International Sterling's Sonja Bazaar, October 27. Conrad School P.T.A. Hallowe'en Hoedown, Friday, October 27th, 8 p.m. Games, prizes, dancing, refreshments. Everybody welcome. BROADWAY CAFE lovely, romantic pattern. Novt on display at our store. I Moose Bazaar, Nov. 2 and 3. Legion A'ixiuaiy Fall Bazaar November 8. Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. ta St. Andrew's Cathedral W.A Fall Sale, Nov. 18. GEORGE COOK JEWELLER a J Finest Cooking Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Rom Ralish Srvr XO.D.t. tail uazaar November 23. L.OB.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. United Church . Fall Bazaar December 7. - For take, home orders Phone 200 IF you are looking for a Genuine VALUE in a FUR COAT . ..we invite you to see our beautiful selection before you buy! Carefully compare their skins, their shading, their lovely fashion and THEIR PRICE TAG . . . You can't help but agree . . . VALUES AT THESE PRICES ARE TREMENDOUS! Itat Prk $3.00 $149 f Far sfcart llmt mnlf Ni w www w wm www wm w mr LAMP SHADES ond LIGHTING FIXTURES for Every Room in the House I Prince Rupert Fishermens Co-operative Association Stocktaking Arrangements MQRPs j $395 $295 MUSKRAT (Northern Backs, All Shades) ... MUSKRAT (Northern Flanks, All Shades) :.. fND CLASSICAL TOO! sethem from the largest xk and variety of records in the North. COW BAY STORE WILL BE CLOSED TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, Oct. 31, Nov. 1 & 2 Table Lamps Bed Lamps and Shades VICTOR PAYMENT OF OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS IS REQUESTED ON OR BEFORE MONDAY, OCTOBER 30th CANADIAN SQUIRREL GEY Kid PERSIAN LAMBS HUDSON SEAL- LAWROLAMB (Mouton) BILL SCUBY FURS 303 - 3rd Ave. . Prince uupcrt Box 1362 DECCA BLUEBIRD O CAPITOL O COLUMBIA LONDON Phone Orders accepted for delivery Friday and Saturday Rupert Radio and Electric !l :RAE BROS. I I 1 1 lL ...,.... rvww..w- liJ J J rl MTAAWJl BE) OSES best -Vmmi A 1941 Dodge 900 . j u J Extra comfort and less work for Coleman Oil Heater 1 w a 6tNuw oil?aint j fi 0yf"T':y ' ' Low in Cost Efficient in ;1 (). f 1 McBrlde Street. , Phone 31 0ne 1937 Ford $225 Mechanics' Specials PHONE 566 I MOTORS LTD. Monml olvta your pointinj probltia wkr yon itquirt t mootk, btiuUful, dubl finish. MoMmtl ii KisKly tiit.nt to acidt, (Ikilli, tlcoholt, 9'Mit, U!m itd icratcKM. Ey to kp cln . . . tt Krubbbll Hlsh quality nd txhtiii UiUnj powtr Mikti Mol yoi moti conemletl finish (or all inferior Monamel HIGH GLOSS 'WviwC0lld Avenue and First Street . V.V.v.V A WAW. wuv -. .:.-v- nixina with watar tutt iUi u t. TIIRlUS mm- " R.S I oil your brush smoothly avaaly. Covm t Ursa araa in just on coat ovar practically aoy wH or ceiling surface. Dries quickly to a ccatinj of baauiy, scaled In oil rijht on ye wall. WASHABLE too to easy to keep dun. Saa the wonderful selection of shades today at SKids-Gome and Get 'Em Sc tht Wide Choice of Colon tody - BOMBS ' FIRECRACKERS MASKS HORNS NOISEMAKERS CAKlnl CC i rirr-n i citnf 0nd 'oads of other Fireworks! MOHAMEL . .... Qt. $2.40 Gal. $8.25 MONASEAL . . .. . Qt. $1 .50 Gal. $4.95 Cordon and Anderson Phone 46 SL SPORT SHOP hi "ii