p?3vi3:ial;lis3a. 1 ! CHUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER voLb ,xxeT0LCOo"ado' Mo$t StroegSc Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' Phone 81 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS irn n Al Jolson pies Ln "Mammy" Singer Heart Victim .cabs " " " t . -- Prominent Figures in V.N. General Assembly I' "1 r -i r - HOUSING MEN If COMING SOON Truman Calls For Foolproof General Disarming System wumiu Strain of Trip to Korea Believed To Be Too Much SAN FRANCISCO Death came suddenly during the night to Al Jolson, famous singer and vaud-evillain, who succcumbed here to a heart, attack. He had just returned from a trip to Korea where he had given several concerts In quick succession for the United N&Uoiib foices. It i believed that the strain of the trip was too much ftr him. He was to have joined Bing Crosby for radio broadcasts. The veteran jazz singer who was the first United States star to entertain troops overseas in both the Second World a.-.1 Korean wars, died unexpectedly with a quip on his lips: "Hell,. Truman had only one hour with MacArthur. I had two. "Then . . . "I'm going, boys," the famous "Mammy" singer told two long time friends with whom he was playing gin rummy in the St. Francis Hotel. He died quietly and quickly of A letter from Housing Commissioner T E. Brown read at last night's regular meeting of the city council thanked the council for their quick action in making a survey of housing needs here. The letter said Mr. Brown and a representative or Central Mortgage and Housing would not be able to get to Prince Rupert bsfore the first week in November There have been 140 applications to date and there are more still . RCMP CRITICIZED VANCOUVER Coroner J. D. JVhitbread agreed today with 4 coroner's jury in bringing in an open Verdict in the case of Emmanuel Joe, an Indian who was shot and killed when he went to a house in Steves - ' ' ' . . , vjta . ..) Canada's Prime Minister Lends His Voice I In "Crucial" but "Encouraging" Time i From Communist-encircled West Berlin to war- ston to buy a bottle of liquor. The rcmp was criticized for t Kore,a the United Nations celebrated its fifth anniversary today. President Truman went to New York to make a major foreign policy speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations. Church bells rang in many communities and schools planned Four Aldermen To Be Elected In Korea- special ceremonies, j In a United Nations Day mes-I sage, Prime Minister L. S. St. . Laurent of Canada said ln Ot- tawa that the day came at a "crucial period of test" for the not producing the gun and .other evidence in the case. "It is not good enough," the coroner said. Ling Lee, a Chinaman, has been arrested and charged with murder. .''SAVINGS BONDS BOUGHT , VANCOUVER Canada Savings Bonds to the extent of $2,242,000 have been subscribed by payroll deductions in British Columbia so far in the present issue which opened on October 19 and will be on sale ujriUI November 4. f , ROBBED LAW FIRM . TORONTO Two employees of a Toronto law firm a man and a woman have been charged with theft from the firm- They are alleged to have lost the money . on horse race betting. I United Nations but the Korean a coronary occulsion and with- And School Trustees at This Year's Civic Contest Labor will put up a united front ln this year's civic elections in Prince Rupert. Forces will be Joined to back their two candidates ln the race for four aldermanic seats. Nominations Prisoners Massacred United Nations Forces J Within Thirty-Five Miles i Of Manchurian Frontier . j action was an encouraging step 0Jl Pam- saKI lne nouse Pnyac-I forward in the free countries' lan- search for peace and security.! Jolson had returned only two j It was a "disappointment that weeks 1 rom Korea where he sang i certain countries have refused to Allied troops. He had had a j to associate themselves with this , two-hour luncheon chat with work of constructing a better General MacArthur in Tokyo en will be made this Friday night. Aldermen whose terms expire at the end of the year are G. D. it most prominent figures of the United Nations General Assembly, now meeting in Sesion, are the chairmen of Its six m lin committees, shown here with Assembly Frlzzell, J. N- Forman, W. A. ' lll' ' neon's fourth wife, Erie Gal- tltS ?L?1 aLPIn?.n!" President Truman called for a raith, whom he married In 1945, McLean and W. J. McLean. The : fct Nasrollah Entezam (11) of Iran. The chairmen are Dr. Roberto Urdaneta Arbelaez i2i " ' ,u u "UB "i"fonlnroof world-wide svstem of was at Encino. California. She bia. Political Committee; Dr. Oustavo Gutierrez (3 of Cuba, Economic Committee; Dr. Hfuvra Goedhart 4 of the Netherlands, Social Committee; Prince Wan Waithayakon is reported to have collapsed with been held, having been evidently' disarmament and an enlarged Marshall Plan whereby nations put speedily to death, regardless Mand, Trusteeship. Committee; the Maharaja Jam Sahed of Nawanagar (6) of India, ;rj Committee; and Doctor Vladimir Outrata (7) of Czechoslovakia, Legal Committee! Daily News was unable to obtain fast statements whether or not any or all would submit their names for re-election. However, Aid. W. A. McLean said he felt as a large taxpayer he should run as a form of public duty. Aid. W. J. McLean said he did grief. Jolson was riding the crest of a popularity wpve for the second time in his entertainment career which bepan in 1899. of means, as the North Koreans'- TZaZIiZv 1 lulrlnB He warned against fled ilea before Deiore the the advancine advancing Unit- unit-(b . . . u t l m d b Water Expert Coming Again ;ea wauons iorces. .lo , ,,-,, ks Meet United Nations advance units . na ,n,rt na in fnr Tnr a hinriin nmnmtr Tnn f00.. - nn, v. . t- . V,aH oH tnHo. t v-"-- - o. HI S.M not think he would run this year j " .. . .. " .J "r '"-"" I proof and unanimous agreement mues or me Mancnunan iron- oyerin atomic and all otner ;er Talks Al was born Asa Yoelson. Mav 26, 1886, the son of a Jewish cantor in St. Petersburg, Rusbia He came with his family to tier, meeting, pracucany no M He also called for a Chinese Anti-Aircraft Guns Fire Over Manchuria Border WONSAN AIR FIELD (CP)-A United States Marine Corps spokesman said today that Chinese resistance. full aereement on international The report of the board of works to the city council last night received close attention. Dealt with separately, four recommendations of the board dui tnai a lot aepenaea on circumstances as election date approached. Aldermen Frlzzell and Forman are out of the city-There is no mayoralty contest this year, Mayor G. W. Rudder- it Checks United Nations troops today , policing and exchange of inlor.-approached the volatile Man-1 matlon. Washington while a small boy. . churcan border on the fifth an- were accepted. They were: ;Tv; InZn, TA Secretary uenerai xrygve ue ln blackface in 1909 with Lew the nding ot That n nhi.t.inn h ffPrprt n'VerSar.y. f. , of the United Nations telt that rjockstader's Minstrels Most was the subject of ham having been elected ior two years last December. , rtlrlhs-senator trustees this mittl and Interesting 'ytAihe temporary construction by tThLut mZ there tras- op?rt lamoua of his' Broadway perfor- l.hT Northern R fT Power mm- Prted ? be abOUt 30? 39.mil.eS . OW than at any time Since 1&45, man-. . his K-nri J. knee WGrafit "Stewart.' from uommunist Mancnuria. fr .,nri on International ,,4J . year are Mrs. Earl Becker, Dr. anti-aircraft(pun3 fired across the Manchurian bor-ffer"IateM6ndayoh "American "planes,- Mesaid the planes were operating inside Korea near the border. The Marines' spokesman said the Reds fired at at the Royal Bank of w 1 I ft If I II, 14 111 til 1V1?1III III V. " " .1 ihe intersection of Park Avenue Bom.b;Un was f 'n.a" Ha Ch frc ir- peace and security. R. a. Large and A. B. Brown, His greatest movie, "The Jazz 'livercd last night be- turoIvA miloo ooiif H rf first general meeting ,ese Red.guarded border. The frim Rupert Retail President Truman' challenged singer,- was made in 1927. It Russia to agree to the "fool- was generally credited with being proof" disarmament plan so that (the first real talking picture, the United Nations will be free That Mr. BonnycasUe be asked . AI led bomb-line is usually twen- to maKe a runner inp w rrn.es ty mnes ahead of the foot sol- inters' Association in Centre. Mr. Grant let least 40 rounds of heavy antiaircraft shells, apparently radar-controlled, on two Marine Rupert before suonuiuus ""Idlers in this case South Kor Hew Chief of RCMP Is Here to waee a world-wide "war rs into many interest- final 'rvort. planes. against war." ts on the servicing eans. Intelligence officers at Tokyo said today that only about 25,000 That the Dominion Depart; ment of Public Works be ap In his address prepared for the Musi Be Ready Mow-Bradley j The United States planes were i on a reconnaissance mission 5? oi cheques, Impart-m Items of informa- United Nations General Assemb Paying his first visit, to the" ly. Truman said the United might pot have been States and free countries win over Manpojin, Korean stronghold a few miles south of the border. The planes were not damaged. $ city since his appointment 01 Inspector for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in charge of the nroached with a view to tnstat- j North Korean troops remain ling a water supply system to , north of Parallel 38 and between serve the floats at Fairvlew Bay -the Manchurian border, and the renewed floats at the) Wholesale lots of North Kor-dry dock and that the committee ; ean soldiers continued to sur-undertake to provide free water 1 render today. It is estimated mown. art was thanked for us was W. J. Bryant, YANKS TO LEAVE KOREA BY 'XMAS TOKYO -W Most of the United States troops may be out of Korea by Christmas, informed sources said today. The unidentified officials said General Douglas MacArthur expects part of the Eighth Army to start moving to Japan in November. Most other Allied units presumably would be withdrawn as quickly as possible. Policing and occupation duty will be left to South Korea. district embracing, central ana northern British Columbia with oi me program com- if the department bears the in headquarters in Prince George, that 323,000 have laid down their arms or become war casualties-. io had Invited him. 3 Parker, president, of Inspector A. T. Lashmar arrived More are coming in from the hills continue to build up military forces as insurance against aggression. Mr. Truman said the basic principles for disarmament must include all kinds of weapons, be on a unanimous agreement and be fool-proof. "Paper promises are not enough. Disarmament must be policed continuously and thoroughly," he said. WASHINGTON KB Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, said today that mutual forces for the common defence must be created now "or we may be forced to improvise them in the face of an enemy attack" later. He was speaking to military leaders of the twelve North Atlantic Pact powers, here to lay the groundwork for the three-day session of defence ministers which starts Saturday. "on, was in the chair, 'a and answer period ln the city yesterday irom me Interior. He is on an Inspection to surrender. A Commonwealth brigade, iTOd Mr. Stewart's tour of various detachments In woked further lnter- composed of British and Australian troops, slashed north today the wide area coming under tils Jurisdiction. Inspector Lashmar is no stran after crossing Chingchon River near its mouth on the Yellow Sea. Ship Collision Is Being Probed' VANCOUVER Mr. Justice Sidney Smith of the Admiralty Court will conduct a full scale investigation into the collision at the entrance of Vancouver Harbor of the Union Steamship Co.'s steamer Lady Cynthia and the government forestry boat A. chairman of the 'P and Educational lw a brief rcDort The brigade Inflicted 500 casu ger in Prince ttuperx,. nui so many years ago he was stationed here as second in command of He said that the Pipe Line, Brings Lower Gas Prices Ccnadian Mental Disease Costly Ids and was ninn ;rt tr, Berlin Hears Freedom Bell alties on tne enemy m a Driei fight south of Anju. LAST KOREAN STAND A large Communist column was reported Wednesday to be moving south from the North 'here were already members which in. WINNrpr3 A f result of the nw pine line running across the . TORONTO A Canadian phys-chiatrist says that mental dis- rrnlrlns frnm Alberta. BBS nrtce.S :iate members. It was stallation costs. "That a suitable oil stove be purchased for the drying room at the city garage. In explaining the need to have Mr. Bonnycastle up once again, Aid. George Casey said there were some points to be cleared up and the council would be well advised to have Mr. Bonycastle here so he could give definite recommendations. City Engineer Don Stewart said he had seen Mr. Bonnycastle the last time he was in Vancouver and had been told that improvements in the delivery system would be hampered by the distribution system which was bad ln places. Also a new profile received by Mr. Bonnycastle since he was here showed greater heads, which would require many more bands around wood stave pipe at an additional cost of $25,000. He had shown him some steel pipe Installations. The report also stated the engineer had been instructed to remove rock from Summit Avenue, Prince Rupert city, district, later becoming detective officer for the division. Then he was promoted to sergeant and transferred to Courtenay whence he moved to Chilllwack and then to Vancouver after becoming a sub-inspector. He took up his heart-quarters in Prince George only a few weeks ago. Wase the BERLIN ) The Freedom Bell orders are costing Canada be- Korean refugee capital of Kang are being rrnucen. In Keania h,i. oryaiu wmcn resua.ru m mc is 4c less and in Winnipeg 2c less, loss of three lives. , :,c 1 the end of the advancine South rang out for United Nations Day tween $500,000,000 and $700,000.- eye toward Difns was elected to jcond vice-president. d that. th q S : TODAY'S STOCKS : I 9 (Cmirtesr R l. JnhnRlon Co. Ltd.) PnUime time in No- j Korean troops. It was the first today in this "only spot of free- OCO per year including the tosses indication in more than 36 hours ' dom behind the iron curtain." due to crime, delinquency and that the Reds may be muster-: Despite angry Communist dem-! lowered production. T.n per-ine for a final .stand near the onstrations, nearly 500,000 East cent of the population gutter northwestern borders of Korea, and West Berliners turned out from poor mental health and 25 Kanggye is only 20 miles to see the flag installed in the per cent are on the borderline. -southeast of the Manchurian city hall tower- j , ' border General Lucious D. Clay, for-jSecttle Cheers Air Force pilots spotted the mer U.S. military governor in , Ccnadian Force column Tuesday but did not Germany, officiated at the cere-1 speculate on Its makeup or des-! mony. The 10-ton bell was ship- A spirited report of the sailing tination t Pea from the United States of the American troopship carf y- n " was iPft t .u No Trace of Lost Plane Iat( Z mmu-I'm Itlemhnrc j ' Aumaque -36 Beattte , -TO Bevcourt 42 . 11 Bobjo , natters tiBrt.i, frtw. "-..HUB w Buffalo Canadian nt 1 aereert t,i fin ...i; . ; through the -Soviet zone with-! out incident. to draw plans and estimates for ing several hundred Canadian veterans as part of the vessel's company was given over the air last night The sailing was from installation of sewers on Mc- EDMONTON () An aerial; search that has covered about1 7500 square miles of Northern Alberta's wilderness on Monday, reached the end of its ninth day with still no clues to the fate of a civilian plane with five hunt-j ers aboard. held! ,1.W1U be laraer thun; C. M. & S 122 50 Conwest - I-95 Donalda - 59 Eld on a 29 East Sullivan 8.65 Giant Yellowknife 6.85 God's Lake 35 Hnrrirock ; 31 THE WEATHER Synopsis Southeast gales were blowing In most of the waters off Van- By-Elections In Manitoba Bride Street and to serve Water Street and Beach Place and to prepare plans and estimates for improving the water supply to aa. Seattle and there was plenty of band music and cheering. The trooper is going straight through to Korea. . , WINNIPEG Two provincial Biggar Place. Harrieana - slowly byelections are bein held lR an an Mttw active storm storm moved moved siowiy , ltob todav one in St. And- Heva ; I9 jackknife -Vi across the southern coast, warn , . ; rews seat and the other St.Clem- f Relief J Planned from this storm is slowly spread 'fjnt. The seats were both for Joliet Quebec -lu ing ms um over all of , ,,u..c the southern The aircraft, a war surplus1 Cessna Crane, left Grande Prairie in Northern Alberta a weak ago last Saturday for a direct-line flight of 250 miles to Edmonton. About one-third of the route is over settled farming country. The remainder Is a wilderness of muskeg and scrub timber punctured with lakes and ramhlins' rivers lake Rowan 09 Vi Eight Seamen Are Picked Up merly held by coalitionists. In coast and will reach the Interior ijMm,. fV, t iK.,ai. VANCOUVER Bayonne 02 Bralorne 6.70 B. R. Con 0234 B. R. X 04 Cariboo Quartz 1-30 Congress - -10 Hedley Mascot " .39 Pend Oreille 8.30 Pioneer 2.30 Premier Border 06 V Privateer 0834 Reeves McDonald 3.85 Reno 03 Sheep Creek 1.21 Sllbak Premier -32 Taku River 08 Y2 Vananda .'. -09 Salmon Gold - 03 Silver Standard .'. 2.22 Western Uranium 80 Oils-Anglo Canadian 4-80 A. P. Con Atlantic 2.60 Calmont 99 Central Leduc 2.85 Home Oil 15.00 Mercury 1 Okalta - I-82 Pacific Pete 7.70 Princess . 58 Royal Canadian HV2 " JRoyallte 1350 TORONTO Athona 08 Lapaska - 05 PER A ,. valleys this evening. Another storm centre Is, ap- Little Long Lac Conservatives have split with a C.C.F. candidate also in the .15 'couver .L..CJ:y. Lynx Eieht seamen.1 J """"v ' "7" field. In St. C'.ment tne Lioe'-ni HALIFAX m- "f aanst any re- by a Old Shoughnessy ' Being Torn Down VANCOUVER One of the first veterans' hospitals in Canada, the original Shaughnessy In Vancouver is being torn down. It's demolition is taking place fast, and It is expected it will be completed by the end of October. C. A. Perry, who has been assistant manager at the local Overwaitea Store, left on Monday night's train for Armstrong, survivors of the Ill-fated freight- tri""l ",11 coalitionist is opposed L Queen Charlotte Islands and will or mv,. to, c c P .pr Madsen Red Lake 2.40 McKenzie Red Lake 46 McLeod Cockshutt 2.50 Moneta .: -3. Nine Roval Canadian Air Unier,tunflmDloyment e lohLW1?ter 36.000 Force planes are continuing the search today. , 1.U3 r'easM u.B,ants are P Bm,tC y total nf , Noranda - 73.50 Louvicourt -25 B raln l ttle entlre coasl snatched from a bobbing raft in the North Atlantic by the United ; Wednesday. States Coastguard cutter Sorrel' Forecast late Monday- North coast region Cloudy The Royal Canadian Air Force ; with occasional showers today, here said there is no immediate Rain Wednesday. Winds west-indication of the fate of the erly, light, increasing Wednesday other 12 members of the crew! to southeast, 35 miles per hour. Nai Nvember if ; 188 Pickle Crow Fraser Volley Oil Test Encouraging VANCOUVER Showings from wrfr,ca rvtnhpr 25 1950 1 where he will be in cnarge 01 4.1 Fiu ::"..say Regicourt -OJjMi San Antonio - 2.65 Sherritt Gordon 2.57 Steep Rock 5.00 Silver Miller - 96 Upper Canada 2.00 Hih ' 0 55 19.7 feet the store. He is replaced by 12 56 21.5 feet Charles Dickson, Nanalmo, -who Low .,....... 6:49 6.1 feet arrived in the city by plane 19:20' 3.2 feet Monday. an oil well near Newton in the Fraser Valley are said to be "highly encouraging." Crude oil showings from 1530 feet have come up through the mud. of the Voyageur. The 1100-ton Little change in temperature. ' vessel disappeared early Sunday ' Lows tonight and highs Wednes- of f Cape Race, Newfoundland, day at Port Hardy, Sandspit latter sending a terse SOS call. j and Prince Rupert, 40 and 45. (Wai 1 . m excess of allowances. 1