Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, October 24, 1950 NEW LICENCES ARE GRANTED j Issuance of the following trade ' 1 What-City Council ; BrazirSar the earth's lanrt half the -,url AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver (today) h White, w. Wallace, Miss m' Booth, Miss B. Gibbons, Jack Wells, E. Lewis, M1m B. Dun-ford, Charlie Perry, A. L- Gordon, W. N. Tarbuck, W. H. Taylor, 8. Hopping, A. V. Bossens E. c. F. Williams, Mrs. L, 4 A letter from the Prince r?n. RAY pert District Teachers' Assort. To Sandsplt (today) H Iso-lato, A Rivett. MILUND 3 Bus Station On Fraser Street A request on behaif of Watson Island Stages to lease some city property behind the fire hall as a bus park was referred by the finance committee to last night's meeting of the city council. There was considerable discussion as to advisability of selling before the matter was referred back to the committee for further investigation arid a final report to the council at the neit meeting. The finance committee reported the sale of lots il to 26 inclusive, block 23, section 8 to George Brown for $005. The rcfxirt was adopted. tion thanked the city council lest nigra for presenting to the Northern B. C. MunieinaliHr. "A Wfttii.. Horsemeat Is 5 It's a Wallace Sale ... 1 of DRAPERY and CURTAINING 39c - 49c - 99c - $1.49 j Yards and Yards of Wantoble Attractive Drapery and Curtaining WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE I Council Talks City Manager The question of city management came up for discussion again at last night's meeting of the city council when a letter from the city of Victoria enclosing the bylaw to bring in the system was presented to aldermen. 1 Aid. D. Fitch said he did not think Victoria was a good city to -choose as the plan was not yet in effect there. He asked that the city clerk find some other place in Canada comparing in population with Prince Rupert where the plan was operating. Council was informed by a ratepayer present at the meeting that the plan had been in effect in Lethbridge, Alberta, for nearly 20 years and the city might be able to get some valuable information from there. Mayor Rudderham thanked convention a resolution asking nt riro.. 1 Sold With Beef that teachers be given the reht. licenses, recommended by the health, social assistance, police and licensing committee, was! approved by the city council at I its regular meeting last nig!t: Otto Mostad retail " lumber sales. Dan Wick radio repairs. A. J. and S. J. Domlnaio variety store.- R. W. Collins- vacuum cleaner sales. James Perry contractor. A. W. Priest cafe. The committee reported they had received and considered reports from the health unit and police department and recommended payment of accounts totalling $523.71, of whtch the city's share was $162.31, be authorized for payment. The committee further reiwt- to run for civic office. The let ter was received and filed. ONE DAY. wed A letter from J. P. McLean in r-. and Ms formed the council that he was OTTAWA-Slxteen charges involving alleged sale of horsemeat are being laid against five retail butchers. The meat is alleged to have been sold, together with beef, sausage and other forms of butcher shop produce. OYER 60-BUT NEYER CONSTIPATED NOW being forced to remove his taxi in.L. I V? Minor f Calgary Man In Hcxclron Mining stand from its present location and asked permission to operate from his residenc? until he was able to erect his own premises. He was in process of obtaining the property and would erect a building there as soon as pes-sible. Tr. council decided th: TI0N! ed that the matter of providing waste containers for city sueeta was under consideration. The report was accepted as presented. .7C ! "Aftr lifetime of coimtipatinn 1 . bfH-ame 'regular' limply by nuking I KKIXOC.O'8 all-bran my breskfnt cereal. No more pills or medicinea such a difference!" R. K. i ii a ... Peter A. Schwerdt of Calgary is planning mining development work in the Hazelton district, where there are showings of silver, lead and zinc. A crew re-cent'y arrived on the ground to begin operations. I circumstances were such that permission should be granted. i'l'hey extended the privilege Ua a period cf three months. Well Known Naval Officer Retires Announcement was recently made of the retirement from the Royal Canadian Navy of Captain B. Hope. At the outbreak of the second Great War he was appointed executive officer of the auxiliary cruiser Prince Robert, formerly of the CNSSS passenger fleet. Subsequently he served in several Newfoundland posts. Krhultz, 6 Hedrord Kd.. Kitchener. ! 1 him for the information-I City Clerk H. D. Thain said he i wanted to correct some errone-i ous impressions that might have been caused by statements quot-j eft in the press. He said those statements made it look as if the city had to obtain permission Jrom Vi' tora to prlont th-1 ff"EWAY M.PffFUiJUi ! Ont. Junt one of miiny untolicited lettrrt. If you, too, i suffer from vonsti-t put ion due to lack , of bulk in the diet don't waste any i A letter the Civic F ),- i ' r'w' Fdml Union advised i the council of its Intention to r. j ' open their working agreement. The letter wps referred to the incoming council Bella Ccoia Anniversary managerial form of government whereas it was written in the Municipalities Act that the city council could pass the ne:essary bylaw to be presented for ple- Advertise thrauvn Classifieds. more time. Start eating an ounce of toast y all-bran for breakfast and drink plenty of water. If after ! 10 dnva you are not on the road to romplete regularity, send emptv boi to Kellogg'a, London, Ont. Get DOUBLE TOUR MONKY BACK! A letter from Capt. Poultin of the Salvation Army thanked the council for their grant and epvn a brief resume cf some of the wcrk the "Army" was dolnu, particularly as regards the hos-t.l. The letter was teceived and filed. biscite. On petition from five per cent of the ratepayers the council was obliged to present the bylaw to plebiscite. I The matter was laid on the table until the next meeting, i when further information could Don't Gamble on What You EAT!! CALL RED 656 and you know you ore getting THE BEST D s S GROCERY ! Dellp. Cnola. midway between Prince Ruport and Vancouver, will be the rere of an Interesting pageant on October 30. It will be an anniversary celebration of the founding or Bella Cooia in ' 1894 wren a sidewheeler steamer i carrying a party of Norweglar-j Americans sailed to the- site of i what was to become Bella Coola ;.from Victoria. There are still seven survivors of the original ' party. ASO-4 be obtained. ' -i i : ,! Thil Advertisement if not published isplyed by the Liquor Control Bord Of W Government of British Columbia. I Try a L-tiny News Classlticd. A report of the utilities committee recommended purchase of a new typewriter for the telephone company at a cost of $225. The report was adopted. i Luiga Silya . . . . . . WO WORLD FAMOUS CELLISI REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printeu PROMPT SERVICE f IIANDLEIt'S STl'DIO A request of H. Mork, 108 , Olassev what nrceress had been Maxim Schapiro j Seventh Avenue east to run a made in obtaining the street ) hand rail from his fence to the signs ordered some time ago, he ! . EMINENT RUSSIAN PIAMS 216 - 4th Street Box 64 S curb was referred to the public was informed more letters had! R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ('hone Green 38'J Prince RuDert I works board in conjunction with been written and that the posts. j the city engineer with power to : for the signs had arrived. - WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Bee our Kodak Camera Line-up. Flash attachments for all Cameras. Kodacolor and Kodachrome Film. Developing, Printing and " Enlarging. 320 - 3rd Ave. W. CIVIC CENTRE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER , 8:30 P.M I act. Included in that was a re- i quest from Mr. Mork to remove a ome dirt he had previously put on city property. TICKETS AT ORMES AND CIVIC CENTRE Reserved $2.00 and $1.50 General Admission Student 50c. (Tax lncludedi Give. -lour Battery A Break! City Clerk H. D. Thain reported a petition regarding improvements in'Rushbrook Heiehts wa In hahd. He said a petition had been circulated but that the signatures were not In order. -Mr 31. KEEP WARM ! ! Stonfield's Underwear Infants to Teen-age Snow Suits Parkas Ski Pants OIL HEATING Diamond Price Boost C3 Long was now taking around' the petition and he assured the '"-uncll It would be properly completed before the next meeting.' All Diamond wholesalers were notified of a 15 ii Is your battery tired? Sluggish? Don't ask it to take on the added load of your heater, and give extra power for those cold winter starts, unless you treat it properly. Well check and recharge it as needed. Drive up. , , intrease in prices as of October 15, 1950. Manson'g Jewellers were very fortunate In purch a real large selection two days before this increase iJ Mavor George Rudderham. A!d. H. F. Glassey and Aid. W. A. McLean were appointed to sit on a court of revision of. the rings now in stock .will be sold at the old pricei. at its Best MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS Convenient, Economical High mechanical efficiency. VORTEX Automatic Burners 30 saving In heating costs. TERMS ARRANGED Mitts Wool, Leather and the ever-popular White Fur Mitts Doms Department Store We have now on hand over 200 rings, giving you M voters' list at 10 a.m. November 10. , the largest selection in styling and prices offered In Come in today. Easy Credit Terms Available On question by Aid. H. F MANSON'S JEWELLERY MANSON'6 JEWELLS W1 8 "tt'lm'mmm" ... s ilh & Elkins MAP LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ' , $ VMS - . -r-.' .i, II III L A j! I l f? .-5 FT? h I I " jJ 11 ' . TOKEN OF LOVE w t w co i diamonds s it - Heat Your Home ' The Modern ... Way! CHOOSE HER RING ... Aitit 7T Wewiniay-ton Stt UUK DCauimv- SELECTION TODAY 1 ''". Token or Love DIAMONDS !tnn nn 'Ml iinrv, ii ) .be ate qm'I' 1 All are Guaranteed Perfect-Free Insurant .Afnt n I. I 1 M I CTs v w -Mtpw-"- pnd are registered ror your p,. MANSON'S Ynnr Friendly Jeweller, - YUKON'S JEWEU4 ftfl A NSfiN H .IH'.WKI.l.H.HY W ; lD -7.- y 1 USE ! See the New "...aud this is AICAN'S iMRTHDAY PICTURE" ; HOT WATER ' HEATING " ' -We Stop Your "Cold War" V-lave our heating . man call and give ou estimates on hot water or steam heat- Ing. fSc Washe With Pump Control omy $1 59-50 This picture of the first aluminum plant in the British Empire wat taken in 1900. That was only 14 years after Charles Martin Hall had discovered how to make aluminum cheaply by using electricity. The plant was erected in semi-wilderness at Shawinigan Falls because the river was being harnessed to provide electricity. Aluminum was the first to use thia power. Today Shawinigan Falls has many other industries and is a hustling, thriving city. Alcan, too, has been growing during these fifty years. Today the company has 12 plants providing jobs for 11,000 Canadians' and supplying aluminum to more than 1000 independent Canadian manufacturers from coast to coast. 1 On iU 50lh Birthday, Al an looks back over half a century of progress and forward to continued growth with Canada. f No- Job Too Big No Job Too Small f - - Y NORTHERN B. C. POWER C f "" Call BLUE 84 6 J ;;. SAANICH HR1NCE RUPERT PJ JNE 2H ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. Prodoc.n and Proctuori of Aluminum for Canadian Indutlry and World Markttt Hani, in Shawiniaan folU, Arvldo, Ul Malian, Shipihaw, fort Alfred,, Kingiton, Toronto, ttobicoko, PLUMBING & HEATING Cor4th Ave. and McBride X & A ' L