I here. U s. D; $rfnce Rupert Daflp rectos Thursday, April 7, 1949 I H by m,u PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO M Church' BLAST OVER LOCAL RADIO Chamber of Commerce Wonders Why "Free Enterprise" Subject Cannot be Broadcast 3 - Twenty-Five Years Ago Prince Rupert dry dock received contracts to repair all six nix. 1 : Ml 1 5-. '. I . i of the Department of v i The Canadian Broadcasting Pnrnrtratinn i o in rmrp ve nn of Marine manded tliatT n In Rupert Pay J""! arid Fisheries' patrol boat ata. lor u.pu.uo.u.. v .,,. ,1,. IIof 0,.(,.. . the periodical blasts from the "f w oy the lnS "Co- tu& Lorne M du to the in, sale Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- of tor rerjairs. i V' WJL' 1 i S tOlr, merca in regard 10 service anu, ' policy in the operation of thel Officers of the t . . 1 A front page news storv told nf Grey's Bin.. local scauon. . . . i ti.,. ..-..(i.lk.n,.k hf'ie sentencing or one Adolf e.serve Army lust l - mi. y:t fik- ) -wis to have broadcast over the ata- Hitler to five years, in Jail, plus a fine of 200 gold marks for his Hnn Viorp a avrlpa nf trnnacrin Part ln a" nsu"ef revolt at inn, n the them, of free -n- cOSTLY The Price of r-s 1 Munich in November, 1923. terprise. The idea was ruled out by the regional director, Ken- neth Caple, on the ground that the subject was contentious. Mr. Caple's reply led the Chamber at its meeting Monday Word was received ln the city of the death at Vancouver of Martin O'Reilly, a pioneer city merchant, who came here with the opening of the townslte. He was about 60 years old. night to carry the matter to CBC policy officials to inquire as to the actual status of the local station. The Chamber ha been irked for some time over the failure of the station to carry certain of the more desirable network pro- Thirty-Five Years Ago T. M. Michaels of Seattle and William Ellis, an old timer of Northern B. C, visited the city. They planned to Interest eastern capital in construction of a sawmill and box factory here. ANOTHER FARM JOB BROUGHT CLOSER TO COMPLETE MECHANIZATION " This new time-and-labor-saving farm machine can be changed from a hay to a corn harvester in a few minutes. Here the field forage harvester automatically picks up hay from the windrow, chops and blows it into a trailing wagon for removal to mow or silo. Hay pick-up attachment can be easily removed and a row crop unit substituted for cutting and chopping corn. Production of the new machine is expected to speed mechanization of forage handling. Moving along the windrow, the machine can harvest up to 15 tons of hay an hour. In corn it will chop up to 25 tons an hour. The basic unit contains whirling knives which can be set to cut hay or corn In lengths from A" to 4". From the tractor seat, the driver can start .stop or reverse the feeding mechanism, change the angle at which chopped material Is being blown into trailing wagon, and raise or lower the harvesting unit. i grams. An Independent dally newTper oeTotc to upbuilding of PrtDi-e Rupert ud ail eornmunlTics comprising nortnern and cenrri British CdlucDii ( Autborirtj u Second Class Mali. Poet OJIice Department, Ottawa) Published eeery afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia, O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. K EWE EH OF CANADIAN PRESS - AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES f&Vi. WtT Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c; Per Year, S800. Ef -fT By Mail. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. $5.00 Tourist Accommodation RUEERT has had a highway for years PRINCE but still Prince Rupert has no tourist camp. A party of holiday-makers decides to drive away up into this new country in the north and reach the Pacific at Prince Rupert. The journey through a virgin, unspoiled, beautiful region is all very fine and possibly surpassing in interest what was pictured. ...... They arrive at Prince Rupert! And what? Where to park the local business cars is already becoming a perplexing question. This gives point to the problem of how to handle the increasing volume of tourists, practically certain to be here in increasing numbers every summer. To date there has ahyays been a certain loose-' jiess and lack of organization in dealing with tourists at Prince Rupert. What appears to be everybody's business seems to be nobody's business. There has never been a better time than now, for the fostering and development of the presence of these welcome strangers. But first of all, there should be a plan. There should be some centre, or camp to work from. Co-operation is good. So is the museum. But there must be more than this. The friendly contact, the cheerful willingness to provide ample information in print as well as verbally the numerous little attentions that can go so far in creating good impressions are all factors in causing the tourist to stay a while, rather than just pass through as so many do unimpressed if not badly impressed. LONDON LIGHTS VP ANYONE can understand how London felt last ' Saturday night when for the first time since "1939, the blessed lights were turned on full blast and everyone rejoiced. Great cheers ranor from In appreciation of her service j during four years of residence ! N BABY'S effected? Possibly. Certainly the idea is Invigorating. But it must at first be accepted with the same casual lift of delight provided when a blaze of crocuses blan A Spot of Comment. . ' ' by Wallace "" oy wh0i something finer, higher. In business today there are many concerns, large and small, whose phenomenal strength and virility is obviously derived from the vast goodwill created by the use of Golden Rule principles. Naive? I think not! Too many top-flight business leaders regard it as good business and a sound economic principle that cannot be, Ignored with immunity. Perhaps it is one of those simple steps forward that, In the retrospect of history, prove of such importance. Whatever it is, it has a mark- CONSTIPATION SERIOUS IF NEGLECTED! BABY'S daily morrmentt art anmethin oi j which absolutely acrurnt track mutt be kepu t bra he mmw, auatething muat he dooe at ' once. Cuntipatirm it arriou lor km by. Mrt. John T. Keid of Hetter, Orrt., hat hit to tay: 'HnTint had aven chiMrrn and having tided hay Own TuM) fur nil rvn oni 0 toy it. ! HUMANITARIAN. BUSINESS Not so many years ago the president, a former minister, humanitarian in the business with an unlimited expense ac- McRAE EROS kets a customarily bare slope and, overnight, creates a new and refreshing vista of spring. If thai is the explanation then a Goethe, Emerson, or today's Lloyd C. Douglas, must express it for it is of spiritual character. It would be under- can tay thry are the brwt and tntli'st mutilator for chtltirea. During teethinn Haby twn Tub-lett were a boon to me at they elm ml up at one any dietiv diftturbanca or frriiultieaa." j ' Equally effective U men pie fever, teething 1 troublr. upeet itomiach and other minor ali count for carrying on its af-iairs. The "profits" claimed for the department are astounding. ment t of babyhood. Oiiick in thrir Brlion. Swrt-lafttn panilv only against the ed humanitarian slant. The ugly i"i i pw!-r. a dmi No "!! The eminent economist, Rog-; standable John F. L. Hufhis,!! . . - . , . , t , . , ...... ... huh iw uiiiiiiii mm. iin Dot twiiif . an i. 21-22 BsnB world was viewed with genuine alarm by his associates. He was regarded as a crank; a danger-our freak; a keakling; or a dismaying combination of all three. P. T. Barnum commonly receives the dubious credit for saying: "Never give a sucker an even break." Barnum was heavy timber in both the financial and entertainment DacKarop oi inai unaraco, nan spois, wnere inaiviauai rignis n oi.m wnkn in aight. n crm. apprehended, inner urge that are distorted and become vlei- ' w"' cries out against things as they.ous lioense, are less evident ....... i it Phone BLl'E iC Appointmnt are and insistently aemanas every day. er Babson, in his book "Investment Fundamentals," charts a loss - proof basis for granting credit. It lists nine basic requirements. The first three are Character, Spiritual Reserve, Integrity. The last three are Panital Financial Resprve In- 1101 10:30 km. to 12: 2 to s p a T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR IUI." Monday nd frWaj. 7 thou unibic to amt ty. RECIPTI0N1ST nee ifttrnooni. spheres. It was considered good usy ' business to beat a competitor) into the muskeg by fair means Winston Churchill points t Are You Interested in Western Canada's Oil Development? or foul. i Ine manner in wnicn tne uni- But today the tough business ted States is using its position VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday HOME packed streets, and faces reflected the feeling that the long night was passing. Ten years of gloom is something: hard to take. man is not necessarily the un-1 01 world leadership as an op-scrupulous one. True, some stih portunity for world service, even subscribe to Barnum's hvrx- i to the Point 01 sacrifice, rather MJium than for profit. Yet observe fthe Property in t division arailahlf jm at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call C'huioe vie i,)ts " If so may we suggest you write for a copy of our booklet 1 Western Canadian Oils 1949 Version It contains a detailed description of the varioun oil fields and the companies developing same. Write, phone or visit our most Convenient oflice. There is no charge or obligation. James Richardson a Sons able prim. N H A. di unsought profit flowing ' to them. Business competitors are cooperating to an amazing extent. The old "money-bags" type of capitalist is almost extinct. Where he does exist he is treated only with cold suspicion by his associates. Place your reserva now with . . . thesis; 'but the tough one often disdains such a course as being unworthy of his mettle." He sets himself a higher standard of values and his toughness lies in his strict adherence to them. Even an adversary must meet him at that level or fail to reach him. The group composing this type is becoming more prevalent every day. For so-called tough men of business they ar; doing strange things and mailing them pay. It may be that they are simply applying some of the basic percepts of theol CITY OR Dfcl'OT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ARMSTRO Is it possible that the actual j process of a change has been I ESTABLISHED 17 AGENCIE! 307 3rd W. N"1 Real Estate - l Pacific Coast Offices: active but so gradual as to be indiscernible to the participants? Will it suddenly be realized that a change has been VICTORIA VANCOUVER 0.30 ogy. But whatever it is; con-J scious or not on their part, a new spirit is evident in the af if the medio Ten years of blackness, total blackout or partial lighting comes as a strain on the system after a while. The war ended yet it did not end the lack of satisfactory illumination. There were many reasons, some having nothing to do in particular with war, or its results. Providing power becomes a matter of cost and cost involves the general economic state of the country. ' But whatever the reason, the situation is improving and that goes for Canada as well as London. No one has patience with dim, -shadowy streets, where crime becomes easier, accidents more frequent and enthusiasm dampened. NEW ZEALAND 'PARADISE' Cf r speakers have delighted to tell of how -.i New Zealand has become the working man's paradise because of Socialist planning. P. V. McLane, Commercial Secretary for Canada in Wellington, New Zealand, recently reported , a few interesting facts. Said Mr. McLane : "-; "Butter is rationed and subsidized. Fish is relatively expensive and scarce. Fruit is generally scarce, and, with the possible exception of apples, too expensive for the ordinary purse. Eggs would be - consumed in greater volume were it not for the fact that production is far from adequate, due to price control and feedstuff shortage. Housing is far from adequate. The demand will not be met for years to Come. Toronto Telegram. fairs of men in this western world. I use the word "western" in the geo-political sense. We discover labor leaders, Walter Reuther is an example, cabinet look w1 VCsW--v2.l bare . . advocating co-operation for the common "good rather than a knock-down fight for special rights for a group of faithful Cal . . come in or heelers and payers of dues. refii Let. us help you medicine cabinet with important emergency stf' compact kit form or by the bottle and box. We find industrialists voluntarily making plans to provide security ,for employees without also sacrificing their individual freedoms. At the extreme end of the scale, and admittedly an isolated example, is the firm of shoe manufactures in Rhode Island, the Bristol Manufac turing Corporation, who have actually set up a Department of Christian Relations. It is complete with its own vice- m allao? pifanitanj IMIONi'. i " I Third Ave. at Sixth St. IF IF WOODBUILT PRODUCTS WE DESIGN, BUILD, REMODEL AND Through EHf Sl eJollara, lent of thousands of B.C. citizens r playinj viul rol in expanding our children's hospital facilities and are removing the pain and the burden from many tick and crippled child's life. Easter Seals do net help the crippled child alone, but the sick child, the spastic child, the IS Dennison Headquarters Complete Assortment of CREr& GIFT WRAPIMNfi SUri'U DIAPKIi LINKRS , GUMMED UT5FXS LOVELY SHELF PAPER . POKER CHIPS Plumbing or Ileating Call SMITn & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 274 FINISH ALL TYPES OF FURNITURE, STORE FIXTURES, AND BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS, ETC. mentally-retarded child. No other Fund covers the field of handicapped children so thoroughly. These hospitals arc doing an amazingly fine work on pitifully inadequate budgets. Ailing children from every part of B.C. enter them on an equal footing. They need your help badly. Sd In your Easter Seal dollars NOW . . . NOW. . . NOWj Lions CrippUd Children's Fund of B.C. 407 W. Htins St., Vancouver, B.C. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT DUPLEX PAPER for maKins A TO YOUR- SPECIFICATIONS SUGGESTIONS SATISFACTION PHONE BLl'E 951 OR 535 341 Second Avenue or First and McBride Bmcltciarici: Children's Hospiul, Preventorium, Queen Alexndr SoUrium, St. Christopher's School, Spstic Paralysis Society of B.C.