Local News Items ;.' .' 3 Pruire Uuvttt Daflp jReto ' Thursday, April 7, 1949 I.O.Di. GOING jTO VANCOUVER AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver Today Mrs. J. Munthe. H. H. Thorn, T. W. Collins, H. F. Hillman, K. Gorg-enson. To Sandspit J. Chell. H. Thorn left today by air business trip to Vancouver. R. Q. Van dor Sluys returned h to the city Wednesday after-'on' a noon by air from a trip to Van- ; couver Miss M. Thornton is leaving Mrs. E. Barton read an interesting article on Canada's new province "Newfoundland." Child and family welfare convener reported that a good supply of bedding had been given a needy family in the city. Wednesday) , From Vancouver Mrs Martin, E. W. Brooks, G. R. W G. A member from each of the i five IO.D.E. chapters of the city will be leaving this week for Vancouver to attend the Annual ! Provincial meeting of the Order j which holds session in the Van Davidso van der Sluyi. o. McLellan. 1!!1!!!"!ll"llli!H!lil!!!!!t!liii;,,i!M"):siv:':'i':i''i:i,'ii lii)llli!liilllllHlililiiiiiilliiiliii,liLliiii,ii .aLuiiliiliiui'nlijiUin, FUL-KNIT CARDIGANS t4 (Wednesday) ' v nuiiut-To avoid disappointment place your Easter, order early with Balagno Flor- .... . : 1 From a fortnight' visit to Vancouver. NOTICE Hollywood Cafe is now open from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. (85) Sandspit G. Fallis, Mr. iwcuuiivray. Mr. Hale. Mr. Hal- berg, B. Timmerm eister. (Wednesday) - v-auiiuwn legion W.A. meeting Thursday night at 8 p.m. (82) Conrad School P T.A. White Mrs. J. B. Roerig of Chicago is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert enroute to her home after spending the last few weeks in the city as guest of her sister, Elephant Sale Tea and Home To Vancouver J. Sikler, Ginnis, Mrs. I Roberts and C. in- Miss Marv Pot ... .m; Cooking. Saturday. April 9, 2 couver HotPl April 11, 12 and 13. The regent, Mrs. Jens Munthe, will be Municipal representative. The regular monthly meeting of Municipal Chapter, was hex i in the Ladies' Lounge of the Civic Centre Monday evening with Mrs. Jens Munthe, regent, in the chair and sixteen members present. Two letters from women in - - w. .v.. mailing tonight on the Prince P ' ' Rupert on ,' , . Mrs. J. Lome MacLaren. She a two weeks' visit to Vancouver. Inspector of Schools Joseph rant, E. O. Vasey; To Sandspifc J. A. Barber. (Tuesday) From Vancouver F. H. Hill-man, A. O.'Raymore, M. . R. Cherry, J. A. Barber. Chell left today by air on a trip was called here by the illness and death of another sister, Miss Blanche Curtin. Winnipeg Dietitian to the Islands on official busi CN R. Carmen's Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, April 8. Dancing :30 to 1:30. Evervone ness. I So Economical" Here's nini branJ new in fruit From Sand?pit D. filader, J. England who wish to correspond welcome. Refreshments. Ad An address by Dr. W. S. Ker- i with Canadians were read. Thesa I JreinK made in mission vs. G(kx1 music. a (83) gin of the psychological aspect uigranes, J. Beal, T. Barber, C. Sytane. letters had been received by Mayor Arnold and passed aloi.a Reservations ! of nursing was a feature of the -,, WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies fast for the big excursion to monthly meeting of the Prince Sunny Salad Pressing cup Carnatiuu Milk W cup sujjar Dash of salt 2 tablespoons vinegar Mi first thre inredienn, stirring until tuiwr ii dittolv-ed. Add vinegar gradually, Mirring until dressing ii nicely thickened. Serve with fruit Jab.di of any cooiLiiUiion of orange, grapefruit, prune, peari, ptjehet, pineapple sad iMtags cheese. i:e smooth as silk -per-I right i" flavor all be- uf Carnation's velvet f quality. lc PjvuUon is a graduate f , . V Bud Timmermeister returned to the I.O.D.E. They were taken to the city by air Wednesday over by members of the Orde-from a business trip to the who will answer them and tell Queen Charlotte Islands. I a little about Canada of which Rupert NurSes' Association hejd in the nurses' residence Tuesday evening. Miss Edna Dobble R N.. the president, was in the chair. I, tlity ic &o keen tohear. i.ji mJ tne momer or a It Pays to Advertise! For the Empire Study perior1 Cartutinn iivubo was a Slie knows that Ux fine AT THE ... PETER PAN GIFT SHOPPE 1 00 pure wool cardigans in all the new popular shades. Light Grey, Powder Blue, Light Fawn, Camel and Maroon. All sizes. $7.95 PARKH0USE PULLOVERS Smart English type pullovers in soft botany wool. Camel, Maroon, Powder Blue, Pasel Green, Light Grey and Fawn. All sizes. $6.50 Umberlost Lodge, June 25. Hurry and phone Union Steamships, 5G8, and avoid disappointment. Reports of various committees were read at the monthly meeting of the Women of the Moose, held last night In the Moose Temple.. Following the business session, refreshments were served by the entertainment committee. , National Motor Service, Prince Rupert, your International Harvester dealer, invites you to listen to a special Canadian broad suits in cooking, for economy, for all-round milk nouriihmtnt, tlie ever ready answer is "Carnation Milk on the pantry shelf." Try Mrs. Davidson's l Sunny Salad Dressing. Try your own favorite milk recipes with Carnatioa General cook 1 fk' J I ing inwruttjons on the labd. ri ' n Greeting Cards Novelties Cigarettes Candy Ice Cream and Soft Drinks V1 J' 7t,TVou " t1 rtest woman in the Easter Parade if you givo f.T.lwnd " .Outfit with All-fabric Tintex Tinfs and Dvesl Blue 1 , coUr gprm and yo1 Tintex Navy Blue . . with - Old Row - En.isn Ril Just think! A ay red blouse for taster with Jour '7 tridT. iked up lth Nvy Wue TinU?x and sweaters dyed to feprwgs loveheet shades! All worry and guesa-work is eliminated from home-dyeing l yMi follow the eay Tuitex int'truc-tions that piarantee good results! So ask for AU-fabre TINTEX Nov . . . it cofta just loc a package. A cast of "Harvest of Stars" fea "from Contented Cows 1 L I WWMMV ;a.-4 Hm TJ A "Dtfrt Hungry" Family Most families lore di-eaert and it does aeem hard sometimes to think LENDING LIBRARY ot new ones every -enmg and stall hahmce tliat bugtxar" Your Budget! So I know you'll like this economical, delicious BENSON'S CORN STARCH -A3 recijje : CTTfVAT A TT rDV kir nrra A W!se tatter Rabbit I know thought of llns wonderful " Kaster Egg" present for young folk I ... a Savings Account at the BANK OP MON'T- turing James Melton, world-famous tenor, with outstanding Canadian ta'lent, Sunday evening, April 10, over CFCN 7:30 p.m. M.S.T., CJOR 6:30 p.m. P.S.T. 84) Mrs. Jens Munthe, Regent of Municipal Chapter, IO.D.E., left this afternoon by air for Vancouver to attend a provincial convention of the organization which will be held there next week. Four other delegates from city chapters are leaving tonight on the Prince Rupert. They art? Mrs. W. Whidden, Miss Vivian Wrathall, Mrs. James Stewart and Misa Lorna Howe. 1 5,1dJJ.Mt,7 (9") 3! i 4 tbs,pns. Benson's Corn Starch 2 cups scalded milk i J tspn. salt 2 (1-oz. square! grated unsweet- :, cup cold milk chocolate a eg. eparaid i ' f eup - Crown Riand Corn. Syrup II tbspn. buttr (Optional) cup whit sugar 1 tpp. vanilU Sf?"1 "lllk n top ot douWe boiler over boiling water; add grated chocolate. When chocolt is melted add corn syru and sugar; blend Willi rotary beater. Blend Benson Corn Starch and salt with cold milk; add to hot mixture and cook, stirring constantly, until smooth and Uuck. Cover and continue cookin 10 minutes. Add well-beaten egg yolks and cook i minutes longer. Eemov from heat add butter and vanilla. Beat until creamy. Pour into S" baked shell and top with, meringue prepared from the two egg whites imainin. AcHertotng te payable In advance. Please refrain from wSeptootUng itLAij will be a real "tiaeter nest egg ' for them. And they'll t proud as punch to think they have money of their very own in ihe B of M. Add K)K SALfc" run RENT JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue lALE 30 ft. Gillnet boat to Uieir account every faster . . anil Chi it ragtime, tool It's the nio erst way I know to teach them the N One's trer Tried To Take An "Opinion M" on how much babies FOR RENT Comfortable Bedroom for lady with kitchen privileges if required. Close in opposite Borden St. School. Phone Black 258 or inquire at 895 Borden St. (tl) lack II. 8 6 beam. See at If lioats. (87) flLE-1947 Fargo 3-ton I stipeibase truck com-I with Gallon Hoist and '.ration Wood Steel savmga Uahitl And tlien you might fake them visiting to "My Bank". They'll really enjoy it. Just aa yoa lilllttiiillilhlb like HEINZ BABY 1'UUDS, for babiea aren't very talkative. But I'm sure you'll be able to tell from the ex-pression on your baby's face 'that he thinka they're scrumptious"! Mothers and doctors, too, recommend Heinz Baby Foods. Easy to prepare they're " just right " for tiny tummies. Meat products, vegetables and desserts cooked to babv-readv dieostihilitv in Hi Tlx firtrtilnae FOR RENT Housekeeping room, 613 Third Ave. (tf) enjoy your visits to the B of M. The friendly, helpful people on the counter will be glad to help you open Savings Accounts for your children Dump Body. 5-speed nissiun, 8.25 - 20 tires dual rear and spare, in condition. Driven 1.0(10 miles. Price $3,200. Wx-send Bros. Flume Announcements ail adiwru nm.aR tms count' U1 be -Jiw:ed for lull mmu as 36 oeota a wurd FOR RENT 2 room suite. 334 irth West. (83) . . . ao why not open that " Eaeter kitchena. Buy them at your dealer's in the convenient 5 ounce tin that's vacuum-sealed to assure flavour freshness! They're, every one of them, backed by the famous Heinz reputation for -ouality 1 Account" nowT . sk I MO. . (87) FOR RENT Nice sleeping rooms. 330 7th Ave. West. (85) Beginning T Think About Sprint Mufclemninu? I know a " must " for 7 Women of the Moose spring I juur annual cprmc more or maKing your Bouse loot pic A Soring Song is , . what your ban Js will "sing" when n pan. itg i.rvt-it(jl.i., tiiat famous cleaning fluid that death to grease pota. lon't worry about those tea and sale of home cookin April 7, at Moose Temple. WANTED ' - you Keep mem sou etains on uphotetery. llityJl disappear like magic when you ase Energine Cleaninj f luid. Wonderful for re Card Party, Catholic School moving rubber heel marks on linoleum, makes porcelain am kpht f inifra WANTED Furnished house or apaijtrnent by quiet couple. No children. Apply Box 505 Daily News. 83t surfaees euch as refrigerators, bathtubs, wash basins parkle. No wonder so manr homemakem nirrpe thnt. ll - Marconi Automatic m Piuvcr radio combina-I mantel style, like new. f reasonable Drice. Phone s.a. t84, SiI.E-15 H P. Vivian Mar-slncine. New condition, Inspection Invited. May J'li at Harry Loves' Ma-I bliop or auplv to A. H. In. 2063 Seal Cove. (80) IALE Iflt") rinHo c.un Energine i "priceless" come housecleaning tune! And it will keep your PARKING LIGHTS AUTO MIRRORS AUTO ROBES FENDER 'FLAPS ''r r .tJ and lovelv the fam- ous Jcrgens way I After every watery chore . . . dishwashing scrubbing or bathing baby . . . simply smoo-oth JERGENiS LOTION on your hands to keep them petal-soft . . . snowy-white. And now that the season for short-sleeved dresses is just around the corner . . . I'd like to suggest that you try this: Smooth and soothe chapped GRILL GUARDS SEAT COVERS FOG LIGHTS of inter wanirone ana your new .spring clotues lrenn ana spot-lree, tool You eau get Energine for as little as 25c at your drug or department ft ore. Hall, 8 p.m., April 7. Pre-Easter Concert, Lutheran Church, Friday. April , 8, 8 p.m. Orange Spring Sale. April 13, 2 to 5 pjn, OddfeUows' Hall. Apr. 14, Borden St. P.T.A. Sale and Tea. Hetigited ... to the fact that somehow your biscuits :uius never ui'wr finite " turn out" rtpntT Have you given up biscuit mt-buking hj so tiis- J4 iitperfec-Li because its so mucn Dottier ana tne results are re I condition, newly over-heater, terms. Phone r Green 2'J7. (83) oppointinc? Then here's good news for you I Biscuit BOB PARKER'S elbows with Jergens Lotion just as often as you think of it. It's the little beauty tricks like these that turn is so easy to achieve when you make your biscuits Tea, wiih Xi,A-tiifcJv. vionciertul iea-liislc makes trie numest J&L.ett!- Queen Mary IO.D.E, April 18. UPTOVJH SERVICE STATION :ALE Half-ton Ford 1000 miles. Phone is 1)08. (84) WANTED Someone to Identify tiie Whispering Mystery Voice. Sunday night. Capitol Theatre at the Red Cross Concert. Here's the jingle spot the clues. Not 7 come, 11, but 11 came a 7. and a Bakers Has of Buns. Join them all and the clue there runs. Changing coins was not for fun. But diamond court and field were won. 2 times 4 suits diamonds black. Combine them all. you're on the track. Up thev go or down they come. This should equal the final sum. (82) biscuits you've ever tasted . . . and here's all yon do: 'i'i.V Just odd milk or water, then pop them in the oven! Try other Tea-Bisk taste-treats, too! . . . Dumplings pancakea puddings ... all so easy to make and delicious when you follow the simple recipes on every Tea-Bisk package 1 keep you looking your loveliest! So keep a bottle of Jergens handy in both kitchen and bathroom. You'll use it often! j Second and McBride PHONE 791 or tALEBoat Melisle, 40'x uomi-sh boat with tan be seen at Dodge inquire Co-op Credit '. Oeorge Viereck. (84) The Small fry and the grown-ups in as Wise, Wise Mother is she who encourages small daughter's interest in the kitchen . . . and what a help she can bel JELL-0 jelly powders offer a wonderjvl opportunity for such occasions, for it's so easy to make Jell-O desserts and salads. And what a grand assortment of flavours there are tALE-C. r. M rii,..i Presbyterian Spring Sale. April 21. Anglican Spring Sale, Saturday April 23. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale. April 27. Rotary Club Daffodil Tea, Civic Centre; April 28. St. Peter's ' Y.P.A Musical Show, "Spring Fantasy" Civtc. Centre, April 29. The United Church Spring your family win agree that this is a scrumptious d i sh 1 So smo-o-oth and tasty and so very easy to prepare . . . delicious 8 Minute for her to choose from . . . Jell-O's set'en, delicious " lock-ed-in" flavours Strawberry, Raspberry, Cherry, Orange, Lfimoa. Lime and Pineapple. Every member of the family EASTER CARDS MAKE YOUR CHOICE FROM OUR LARGE SELECTION EASTER NOVELTIES CUDDLY PLUSH BUNNIES EASTER CANDIES EGG DYES WAXED ARTIFICIAL LILLIES and DAFFODILS HELP WANTED . pod condition. 'Box New.s. , (84) r'ron .enamel bed-1 ' ,h Keal Ka.se" mat- ?,dsPnnK- 1,1 Perfect n. $:;U.ou. Hot air fur-eood as new. with ac- t.!r,1r"ln)U'lp instal-, 5-MO.OO Black 511. 714 will enjoy the fresh-taeting flavour and sparkling perfection of economical Jell-O. Serve it ojtcn, Here's An taster Menu "Must"! To make your Easter dinner specially WANTED Voting Man to learn dry-cleaning trade. Union wages. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundry.- (8i) gay ana navour-wise you 11 want to " stork up on Sale, May 5. nil PALE SHIRRIFF'S FLAVOURING EXTRACTS AND FOOD COLOURS now! Here are just a few Easter suggestions for that gala meal : Add a few drops of Shirritl's Fruit Flavouring for any fruit missing from your fruit cup and tint the juice with one of Shirrilf's Food Colours. Make little Easter cakes with eavlv coloured icines flavoured f "CREAM OF WHEAT"; will be a family favourite in your home. So if you haven't already had the pleasure try it! soon! It's so good so good for children and grown-ups alike. For S Minute Cream of Wheat " contains blood-enriching Iron and it provides extra Calcium and Phosphorus for diets deficient in these elements! That's why so many mothers put "Cream of Wheat" at the top of their shopping lists regularlyl !'M si , mS ana Office M ed Arti-. with Peppermint, Orange, Lime and other tantalizing and delicious Shirrifl's flavours. And for the most decorative touch of all colour Easter Eggs with Shirritl's Food Colours and put them in a little basket in the center of your dinner-table. It will look like the Easter Bunny has paid a very special visit to your house . . . and colouring Easter Eggs is such fun for everyone 1 n.r vu,"er enam- flns,.Pmce Cnirs-t R a N(w Pnu Artk'les- less i' Axminsr Rug :'V,lan rpeular price. ls-Trt Set. W a at 'sl the o.C. r Furni n rv 518 3rd Ave. V. Phone Red 400 Good News For A'f You " Budgeteers "I Willi no Catholic Girl Guides tea-home cooking sale, 2:30 to 5. Card Party, 8 p.m., Catholic School Hall, May 5. Gyro Klondyke Night, Civic. Centre, May 0. C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. Presbyterian Missionary Tea Chufch Hall, May 12. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergin. . H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 21. Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 26, Mrs. W. S. Kergin. Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. WANTED Experienced or inexperienced Waitress. Apply Broadway Cafe. (80) LOCAL ROAD FOREMAN" for Provincial Public Works Department. Prince Rupert, B.C. Age not to exceed 45. Must have general knowledge of highway1 construction and maintenance; ability to drive truck; a good working know-ledxe of machinery used for maintenance and minor construction work, and ability to . keep costs and prowr time sheets. Initial wane rate $8.90 per dav. Apply in writing In first instance to District Engineer. Court House, Prince Rupert. BC. before April i5, 1949. . U59 PERSONAL Here's A TREAT Of A Beauty Treat, ment! Yes, a " Woodbury Facial - 9 yisTi41iisyiigs',y I taV4l.?hort Se- Cocktail is a treat for your skin, it s so refreshing so smoothing to your tkin! Here's how: . . . work up a creamy-rich lather with WOODBURY FACIAL SOAP. Massage thoroughly over face to cleanse and soften. Follow " budget trouble " at all, you can buy that beautiful Spring bonnet and give your family most elegunt meals as well! For KRAFT DINNER is ?ioie available at a-new foift price! Delicious Kraft Dinner . . i it's a wonderful macuroni-and-cheese combination that makes a main dish for four! Costs only a few pennies but it's KHf MPr-nt... wn's Mill with two rinses a warm and a cold. It's like magic! Your completion is wonderfully fresh and glowing and almost before you can say Woodbury Facial Soap "1 You see, Woodbury contains a smoothing beauty-cream ingredient, used in fine face creams. The lather is extra-mild extra-rich. Leaves no dry taut feeling no " skin-burri " I So why not treat yourself to your first beauty treatment with Woodbury Facial Soapi today? You'll wish you'd tried it even sooner! a real compliment-getter a real meal! And it's so very easy to prepare. In every package of Kraft Dinner is a special fast-cooking macaroni that cooks to fluffy lightness in only 7 minutes. And in the same package, there's cheddar cheese, already grated, to sprinkle in for good cheese flavour! All this and plenty of " appetite appeal "... for you and your family at a new low price 1 PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES i oerfec5t fntel ra- (rubber goods) twelve samples 1P.M. WEDB The Lightweight ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW LIGHT STURDY COMPACT For All Types of Operation in the Woods Experience proves the dependability and fine performance of the P. M. , CARRIED IN STOCK AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 1Z Second Ave P.O. Box 772 sit uulorv radio, ran si ft' ns' 718 2nd Ave W. ror 50c postpaid in plain sealed wrapper,: catalogue included. General Novelty Co., Dept. 'PR,' 71 Major St., Toronto. Ont. 107) (85) t Wfcetner You're A Spring Bride or are celebrating your 'Willow (Ninth) Wedding Anniversary i you'll want to know about this popular method of feminine hygiene. Thousands of women VrrJ.M hnvp fniind y.OXITORS ftnintv ivitiuAnionf oii.t offrwtivA Tlieo own ,ilca cf-iinloca cnrtwritrl; Deluxe Delivery Phone 383 Prompt and Efficient Service AFTER 6 P.M. CALL Anything Black 419 Anytime 285 Anywhere " 892 IF YOU HAVE an Alcoholic problem contact Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 506 Daily News, (88) lost anITfound ' vaginal suppositories are poweiiully germicidal yet absolutely sale to delicate tissues, rou U find them at drugstores across Canada ... and to help answer any questions you may havo about feminine hygiene simply write to me Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. for your fres copy of a booklet giving frank facts on this so-important-to-murried-women subject! I'll send it to you in a.plain wrapper. b Sevenl'spacious LOST Black Prayer Book. Will under please Phone ureen 800. (80) i , KaraKe . uaraen, f '. See A,n?,(mauV other Hj!)7 u"s' Wione 342 or ROOM ANO BOARD If II 'Ull hifs": -. ,85' BOARD AND ROOM bv month. Call Black 330, or 1032 6th East (831 MACHINERY Porch Paint for All Types of Printing GREETING CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES PENS AND PENCILS HOME STATIONERY '' ' SEE t1 hm, double at WANTED ; AI PLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS FOR 1949: CAMP MANAGERS BOAT CREWS ONE SKIPPER J. CLAUSEN & SON ,-""waor r.t,i Too tSLW - h "'KHi . - NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES We offer complete line of equipment for Sawmills, Re-manufacturing, Contractors, Link-Belt Speeder, Adams, Littleford. Owen. T. I. Smith, Clark. National, etc. Full information from National Machinery Co. Ltd., Vanrtwi-ver, B.C. (It) Ilihh Printing Co. It Is a simple matter to keep your steps and veranda always looking cheerful, using BAPCO PORCH PAINT Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. RUPERT MARINE REALTY mini Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 234 Box 548 t. fi29 Besner Block l'Tiim T" -Sons. Rons. (tf)