I J ! ... INCIAL . AL. li: ,0, c. onr.iES DiicGs Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Ke to the Great Northwest." PII011E81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 82. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS rxcABS lm jssian fairs gc Ud IIS: Armtr LyllMi wavH uuiuvu Eledidn.Talk In Air As Gol . GWgn)fcfil - - Ofp(2illS u loi SMb ... ,, v s" . boaiiiion io. ) Berlin? Party X ((T) - To liinjv Russian of- i i .. T In It 1 DENIES SUBVERSION OTTAWA Sam Carr, calm and collected in the witness box, categorically denied today that he had ever engaged in subversive activities for Russia in Canada. He said that he had remained in the United States because his health was poor but always intended to return to Canada eventually. YOUNG TLOrLE KI 1.1,1 1 . BRANDON Seven person,, four men and three teen-age girls, were killed near here last night when their automobile crashed into the rear of a parked snow plow. Known Be BeCiued in M y c - Party Meeting : - : .. ' rj of new furnishings. Here Paul Brunette and seven of his nine children pose happily in section of their brand new home. Youngsters reading from left are: Pauline, 16; Lucille, 12; Roger, 9; Helen, 7; Lise, 6; Robert, 4; and Jacqueline, 2. The other two youngsters not shown are John, 14, Denise, 11. Children had great time lending hand while home was being built. SMALL-TOWN SPIRIT PROVIDES NEW HOME FOR FAMILY OF ELEVEN On March 17, St. Patrick s Day, Paul Brunette, his wife and nine children were made homeless when a fire burned their frame house to Its foundations. But today the family, who arrived in Belleville, Ont., from Montreal only 18 months ago, have a new house, thanks to the work of neighbors who in 12 hours erected the building and contributed to the cost TODAY'S KILLED III DEMOLITION tt'BClt'il a uiui'- Urmy Day m-en- he American zoncj . 1 I..., It UMIU ic Russians nau n a function since If commenced. He.w-irticiilar significance I to It us tar as a le- the Russian a' tuuue j. General George P. iUSt. FOR NATION irew Claims Minister Lf Misled House 0 .- George Drew, fc-CojiservaUvc leacle". I m the House of Com-l-rday that Defence )ke Claxton resign had given I lie House rnution aouul the !" .: Ruval Canadian Air h: chained that Mr. ;d solicit to "mislead" i nd demanded that Me portfolio if there was i f xplanalion and if he le parliamentary sys- un conceded to the today that he had In error In denying Vi bv Mr? Picw.tha.! 1 Canadian Air For;:e I planes had been "hi-l"rcd and dismantled '' t. -ligation, lie told (lie he found he had been I telling Mr. Drew dur-icon defence Tuesday : thuse words wi re Me in anv sonse r Id Use Bomb dml Truman Tells ''at it Should Not wiry D. C. IIk- "tic alliance is a .step 'totcnancc of wo,kl the need for drcp-atomic bomb. Pres-,a"said last night. He "w,'vf'. that, if the ' llfi-' the atomic bomb n,le for Uw k..-n!f:.i-f. :'"1 Slates or If ihn 5 oi the world arc at ,W0"W not hesllata to f' (leisi,m u,.lm OF LOCAL ELEVATOR UCF-Skppni imp I.f 1 " commons ie- "NIOWlllg t,..y ,o I" I'ltc in aiii, ., u irade and ls'l the illlpnli, rl 10 "s the iz h i01 his c,('l"rt- ncc Riiiici-t. ,i .. 8 cr,,P year? C fCUlipri " "'le u, a I. n.: U com- T ""s lime. 1'lie use ""ee R, I" aval... "?. we the of b'nip-that Ul"''r fan tletoi milieu tors now. F"mi-Vs" vui;vv ELI, iJPert. in..,. f . --""en s Co- " 11 llln. f VANCOUVER 0) Donald 11. McLaren of Victoria was instantly killed yesterday when he fell 225 feet from the fifteenth ctorey of the old Vancouver , Hotel which is now being torn down The structural steel worker's death was the first s.r.ce the : " " " demdnUinrVcfcan. "..'.""' r Reports said that McLaren, who was 27 years of age, slipped and fell when coppr sheeting on which he was standing broke beneath him. Car Sustains $300 Damage Damage estimated at about $300 was done to a car belonging to Henry Jackson when it slipped from the Port Edward road near the Galloway Rapids bridge while the road surface was cov ered with sleet. Mr. Jackson escaped without injury. ' THE WEATHER Synopsis An nnHi;o Dntifil nlm.ni mUink brought strong southerly winds and ram i nnHt,. BHHcH Columbia coast during the past 24 hours is expected to move slowly inland over the province today and tomorrow. Relatively Qlear skies in the southern regions give promise of pleasant weather today but increasing cloudiness will spread to the southern coastal regions this afternoon and to the southern interior tonight and Friday. Afternoon temperatures will be a dead are Alvin Grieve, Elmer Grieve, Bernice Jackson, Jean Karnes and Pearl Stevens, all of Brandon, and Jack Hodg-kins or Killarney, Manitoba. One of the male victims, body badly mutilated, has not yet been identified. SURRENDER OR ELSE SHANGHAI In a surprise move today, the Chinese Communists gave the nationalist government until Saturday to start and until Tuesday to complete their surrender or "face the consequence." Failure to surrender would leave only one course, the Comnuin-isls, said crossing of the Yanjr-tse River and wiping out of the last vestiges of the Kuomin-tang. MARGUERITE ARRIVES VICTORIA The Princess .Marguerite ,new ami largest passenger ship on the British Columbia coast, arrived yesterday from her builders on the Clyde. She will Inter go on the Vancouver-Vieioria-Seatlle triangle run. SAM McCLURE PASSES AWAY NEW YORK A man who started some of the nineteenth century's most widely known literary figures died here , late last month, In his .92nd .year1,; He was Samuel S. McClure, first to syndicate fiction to newspapers. He had the idea first, und it paid. McClurc discovered Kipliiis.'. He was a friend of Robert Louis Stevenson. Sherlock Holmes entertained the world through the McClurc syndicate. Others who won renown and money, one? McClurc took them in hand in cluded Ida Tarbell, biographer of Lincoln, Booth Tarkington, An thony Hope, O. Henry and Jack London. WILLIAM HILLS IS OTTAWA SPEAKER OTTAWA Rev. William Hill-, of Victoria spoke at the closing banquet of the Fisheries Council convention here. He paid hi'j respects to socialism and communism. "We will," said Mr. Hills, "doj away with soldiers, sailors and airmen us soon ns we can do away with policemen. At tht time I will be out of a job. Heaven will be here on earth." FIFTY MILLION NEWFOUNDLAND OTTAWA The Federal Government probably will spend mure than $50,000,000 in Ncw- j foundland durmg lhe first yea of union. Special estimates will be introduced later to provide for exuenditures. The amount will cover family allowances, old age pensions, veteran Deneius, Constable Alex J. Davidsni. unUl m.pntly ()n.dl,y dPta(;iv mpiiL of urovincial nohce here Premier's Appeal Expected to be Heeded : 40 Resolutions VANCOUVER (CD-Election talk, was in the air today as five hundred delegates sat down at the opening of the two-day British Columbia Liberal Association convention. At the convention the fate of the coalition is expected to be decided and announcement of the election date is expected to follow within a few days. Much will depend upon the decision of the federal government and its election ' ' plans. - Julie 27 or 28 has been mentioned as a probable election date for British Columbia but this is based on the belief that the federal election will not be called until fall, possibly October. The delegates Wei's welcomed this morning at the opening by Mayor Charles Thompson of Vancouver. -rsrzJt Tins afternoon Premier Byron Johnson Is delivering his keynote address which. i& expected to contain 'a strong appeal for ' the continuation of the coalition. Observers do iibt believe the Premier will meet with much resistance in his desire tec such continuance. Meantime the resolutions committee of the convention," under chairmanship of H. G. T. Perry of Prince George, approved resolutions to be placed befcre'the convention. These are resolutions dealing with the completion of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway to Prince Geaige. the Quesnel hydro-electric project, federal . aid toward immediate completion of the railway.to ths Peace River, breaking of land for farmers and completion and improvement of the Trans Prov incial Highway from Prince Ru pert to the Alberta boundary. 0ver rty resolutions am being presented to the convention : 'by the resolutions committee.-" ROTARY CLUB NOMINATES Roy Van der Sluys Named for Presidency A nominating committees composed of past presidents brought Mrs. Barney Turbitt is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where she will undtrr go surgical treatment. " BASKETBALL PLAY-OFFS SATURDAY 7:00 Girls' League Finals. 7:45 Table Tennis Finals. 8:30 Co-op vs. Bo-Me-HL Regular Prices Tickets Now on Sale - WHWIIrlfSn 9 BERLIN HOST Ocn. George P. Hays host at party attended by Russians. Gen. Hays dedicated Roosevelt Park In Prince Rupert following World War II. THIRTY-ONE SHIPS TIED . .. Seafarers' Inlcrnalion it Union Replaces Canadian SeariemV at Victoria HALIFAX o-Eric Atkins, a national officer of the Canadian Seamen's Union (TLC) said here today that thlrty-onc ships arc tied up now by the week, old strike against Canadian deip-sca shippers. Eleven of the vis-sols are in Halifax, throe n St. Jo1n7"tw6'"" lri ' LouLsburg, Nova Scotia, and the remaining fifteen in British, French, Australian and Cuban ports and Van couver. At Victoria the Seaboard Queen was preparing to sail tins, afternoon for the United Kingdom with cargo of lumber and a crew of Seamen's International Un ion members taken aboard after sltdown-striking Canadian Seamen's Union crew had been ordered off yesterday. Halifax Fishing Vessels Missing HALIFAX, fi -Two sniuil fishing craft, with three men aboard, were, reported missing today after gales had swept (he Maritime Provinces, disrupting communications. A search by the Roynl Canadian Air Force and rescue unit was planned for the two craft' In the Bay of Fundy area. BREAD AMPLE DESPITE STRIKE WINNIPEO A strike at Winnipeg's four major uukorlo-3 moved into Its twenty-sixth day today and the Strang' part of the whole affair Is !hiu there Is no bread shortage in this city of a quarter of a million people. Chain stores still nave plenty of bread on their shelves ai'd rrstuuranUs have mouth to !! around. Although the strikinc bakers normally produce about sixty percent of the bread used in tne city, smaller bakeries and shopi plus housewives who make their own nrcati arc Keeping me cuy supplied. However, no bukcry has time to make cakes or pastry sa sucli supplies are non-existent. ALASKA DEPT rvc riCUCDtrc Vl JUNKAtl- fi(ivirnor flrnenlnE STOCKS Johnston Co. Ltd.) Aumaque 13 12 Beattie ' .50 Bevcourt .22 'i Bobjo .n Buffalo Canadian .14 Consol. Sme Iters .. 95.00 Conwest 1.20 . Donalda. Eldona .58 East Sullivan' ........ .2.75 V Giant Yellowknile 0.05 : God's Lake .. .33 Hardrock 1V2 Ilarricana 07 Heva ; y .09' 4 Hosco 22 Jacknife .04 V2 Joliet Quebec :i8'2 Lake Rowan 08' '2 Lapaska .10' Litle Long Lac 85 Lynx 12 Madsen Red Lake 2.90 McKenzie Red Lake 50 McLeod Cockshutt 1.08 Moncta 4G Negus 2 50 Noranda 54.5o Louvicourt 14 Pickle Crow 2.10 Regcourt 04s4 San Antonio 4.10 Senator Rouyn 41',4 Sherrit Gordon 2.06 Steep Rock ... 1 51 Sturgeon River 13 Silver Miller 43 ACQUITTED OF MURDER Nanaimo Jury Clears ounj Vancouver Island Man NANAIMO ifi Even Buck, aged 23, was acquitted last nilit on a charge of murder in connection with the ambush shotgun sb.ying on November 12 of Irvine; Piper. also 23. The jury relurne.l ii verdict two hours after retiring. The crown had alleged that Buck, a former Halifax man and hunting companion of Piper, fired a shotgun which felled Piper as he returned fiom a movie with his 11-year-tld siste. The shooting occurred oa Gab riola Island, just off tnis city, on the east central coast of Vancouver Island. Alex Wilson, regional representative of the Natiunal Film Board, arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train from headquarters at Prince George and will return to the interior tomorrow night. Wlille here he has arranged for the showing of the National B'ilm Board's narcotic film-"Pay Off in Pain" at the Capitol Theatre at the first EIREMEN AGREE TO ABIDE BY CONCILIATION Prince Rupert local of the International Association of Fire Fighters agreed last night that they would abide by the recom mendations of a conciliation board which recently boup.Iu settlement of a" tvagcllsp.ule be-P tween tho firemen and city coun cil. The board recommended that a 12 percent wage increase be given for all classes of firemen with the exception of probationers, whose wage scale remains at the $170 a month icvel set by the 1948 agreement. " , .City council's' Traction to the board's decision will be learned Monday night when the alder-j men formally consider it. The recommendation cf the board would increase tin. salary of a first class fireman from $200 to -224 a month with corresponding boosts for all oilier classes with the exception of probationers. Last night, the firemen confirmed an earlier statement that they were willing to abide by the recommendations of tlu board which heard their case and that of the city a"t a two-day hearing last month. They will so advise the provincial Labor Relations Board. Members of the conciliation board were Judge W. O. Fulton, chairman, William Vatt.s. representing the city and Thomas Elliott, reprcsnting the firen.en. LOCATIONS.FOR MOORING BUOYS Proposed to Department of Transport liy Chamber of Commerce Following ui a proposal which it made several months ago that cement blocks formerly used as anchors for the wartime submarine net at the en trance of Prince Rupert harbor and buoys and chains left behind by the Royal Canadian Air Force be combined and used as mooring facilities for cruising and fishing vessels in adjacent waters, the port and marine committee of the Prince ; Rupert Chamber of Commerce has submitted a list of 12 points at which such facilities should be installed. Here are the places: Squadarcc, three -buoys; MCt-lakatla Passage, west side of Tugwell Bar, one; east of Met-lakatla village, one; Port Simpson' harbor, two; Lowe Inlet, one; Klcw Nugget Inlet, one; Salmon River, on.-; Red Bluff, ont; Indira- Kiver, south of But.' te U, one. (Courtesy S. D. , Vancouver Bayonne 00 Bralorne 8 50 b. r. con ....:..:..: .03 B. R. X. .00 Cariboo Quartz 1.20 Congress .C3'-' Medley Mascot .r&-. Pacific-Eastern .05 Pend Oreille 4.65 Pioneer 3.35 Premier Border o4 Privateer If Reeves McDonald 2.45 Reno .05 Sheep Creek 121 Sllbak Premier 35 Taku River 2'i Vananda 25 Salmon Gold .14 Spud Valley 0C Oils-Anglo Canadian J.75 A. P. Con 21 Atlantic .70 Calmout 39 C. Si E :.- 4.90 Central Leduc 106 Home Oil 10. DO Mercury . IS'i Okalta 2.30 Pacific Pete 2.35 Princess 30 Royal Canadian .08 South Brazeau 18 Toronto Athona 10 - Seventy-Five Fire Toll Now EFFINGHAM, Illinois The list of known dead and reported missing rose to 75 today as grief- stricken Effingham buried more bodies from St. Anthony's Hospital fire. Seventy bodies have been recovered and ull but seven have been Identified. PUB PROSPECT AROUSES TOWN BRAUNSTONE, Eng. Prospects of "a pub "befng built here Ii causing the greatest excitement in centuries. . And, above all, the site is ncaF a-church. "It's sacrilege, that's what it is," said . Councillor Harris. "There's never been a pub here and we don't want one now." Ninety-eight per cent of the villagers have signed a protest. Said Mrs. G. Strowlgcr: "I think it's terrible they want to build a pub In the field where we kept our best cow." LOCAL TIDES Friday, April 8, 1949 High . 9:07 17.9 feet 22:24 17.4 feet' Low ana 10 2 feet 15:58 5.3 feet little lower tomorrow and scat-! down a suggested slate of 1949 tered showers are likely to occur officers for the Prince Rupert over the mountains of the inter- Rotary Club at its weekly htneh-ior. " eon meeting Thursday The Forecast club will vote on new officers, at Queen Charlottes and North its next meeting.. "J Coast Overcast' with intermit- The suggested slate: ' tent rain, becoming cloudy with President, R. G. Van der sluys. showers during the forenoon. Directors A. D. Ritchie, A-Cloudy this arternoon, tonight Bruce Brown, T. Norton Youngs, and Friday. Winds southerly, 30 Secretary, H. T. Lock. mph, shifting to westerly and Treasurer, Alex McRae.-decrcasing to (15) during the, Sergeant-at-Arms, Fred Scad-morning. Little change in tern- den. .,1 perature. Lows tonight and The 1949 slate will take office highs Friday at Port Hardy, 36 on July 1 and will serve for one and 47; Massett, 36 and 45; year. - . Prince Rupert, 3 8and 45. DRAMATIC SIGHT AS LIGHTS GO ON LONDON The lights of Lon don made a gay c'tty Saturday night. It had a wonderful effect on the population. . It is doubtful if ever before In her history there was lighting on! such a vast and powerful scale.' This did not come on all at once.' It extended gradually, and as 'the illumination grew, so did the volume of cheerinz ascend from the crowds that filled the streets. j has signed a bill, creating a new has succeeded In a traffic, offi-tcrrikrtial Department of Fish-(ccr's course at Victoria and has cries to co-operate with federal been transferred to Fort Nelson agencies and to take over Alas- for highway patrol duty on Al-ka's fisheries In the event of aska Highway. Mis. Davidson statehood. He also signed the and child are leaving tonight, on bill to increase fishermen's li-1 the Prince Rupert for Vancou-cense fees $5 for resident and'ver to join him and prorrcu $50 for non-resident. . 'north. 'of next week. He also found that the local film council now has its new Droiector which, e' C,vic lonight in , , furthermore, has been paid ion J