... ... 1 8 TODAY AN D THURS. liHincc Uupcrt Daily rectos Thursday, April 7, 1910 drn. parents of Mrs. Dominate They left for the coast on Tuesday's train. IS MARRIAGE AT TERRACE Terrace Timely Topics from Mrs. C. R. De Kergonimeaux, Terrace Reporter WEDDING BELLS WERE RATIONED Mrs. Lloyd John.-.ton puid a short visit to Prince Rupert on Tuesday's train. U ! : , B, Cooper, Mrs. II. Smith, Miss Theresa Johnson, Miss Colleen Wlialen, Miss M. Paquette. Miss Violet Jackson, Miss J. Jordan and Miss E. Crego. Miss Judy Curtis was honored on Monday evening last when she wa. "showered" with a lovely selection of miscellan-ous gifts placed before her in a pretty pink and white decorated basket, at the home of Mr. Walker, electrical lnsiec-tor from Vancouver, spent the week-end in Terrace on business in connection with the infirmary. He left for the south on Tuesday's train. Miss Judy Curtis Bride of Alexander Houlden TERRACE In a lovely selling at St. Matthew's Church, decorated with spring flowers, a wedding of great interest in the district was solemnized at 7 o'clock last Saturday evening when Mary Julian (Judy), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Curtis, became the bride of Alexander Sidney, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. MALTBY, En. Wedding bells were rationeu one ciay recently, in this Yorkshire town. It was an extra busy day for Rev. Win. Surtess, who performed no fewer than eleven marriage ceremonies on that date. Mr. Surtess had to work out a schedule. He told the church bell ringers just how much time they could devote to Mrs. Robert Perry. Following the opening of the gifts dainty refreshments were served Marshall, Mrs dor. The amount collected In the local Red Cross drive for membership campaign was over $1,000. This was announced at Friday night's meeting of the Red Cross Society. The complete total will be announced later when all the collections are in. It was also stated that alK': Among those present and those ringing the chimes before after each wedding. OFFICERS OF NORWAY SONS sending gifts were Mrs. R. Perry, Mrs. Lambley, Miss Judy D. G. Stenstrom, Earl Burr, II. Lynum and H. Tremblay, were in town at the week-end on Columbia Celanese business. It has been stated that work will start sometime this month to clear the Skecna River of log jams, etc. Houston, and the her was Rev. P. Mallctt officiated Miss Lorna Mclvln played nuptial music. Given in marriage by father, the radiant bride BIRD CHANGES COLOR Curtis, Mrs. M. Curtis, Mrs. H. In the first two years of Us Houlden, Mrs. C. Houlden, Mrs. life, the blue heron is whi'e. B. Jackson, Mrs. F. Jackson, Mrs. Sons of Norway Loclce iisst ilieci 'Nirep yeals, c : lis siaie oi cmccrs at a Mrs. R. (he boundaries of the local branch extend from Cedarvale to Kwinitsa. Mrs. C. J. Norrlng-, s - year i. I nieetlng last nlpht in the So.. liUn lovely in a heavy white 5 PSSFpww '"er Guard Fr . bridal gown, short-sleeved withof Norway Hall. ih?r. tajotci a; y . "Z,l. fiUM L i' A.-- Morns Dahlqulst of Cedar-vale was a business visitor in town at the week-end. me meet in. ton, local Relegate to the Red Cross convention, gave a very fine report In which the work of the Juniors was Riven great prominence. Other routine matters of business "were brought up. Mr. J. Stevenson was chair GIRLS' COATS : .'!lfp.,... Mr. W. Taylor of Fort William, Ontario, arrived on Saturday to take over his duties as manager of the Fraborne Mills. dan no to b" hiki,,, I tho social P,'f followed, music wa.' Mike Colnssi on ti,. sweetheart neckline and white j social evening. Ncls O:ji:derson embroidered fingertip veil. I'er, acted as Instating oMce' and bouquet was of yellow daffodils, ' confirmed the fom,:ijt in of-white tulips and blue iris. ,ficc: Maid-of-honor was the bride's' President, John I re:'! eun. sister. Miss Betty Curtis, who1 vice President, Our.nar Kelvig. looked charming in a pink gown, Financial Secretary. O s e. a r blue shoulder veil and a bouquet Giske. of daffodils and white narcissi.' Treasurer. Miss Irene Poulsc:,. Three pretty Utile flower girls. secretary, Mrs. Elsie Houst j man of the meeting. For all ages from baby up- including the young "Miss." Styled Up to the Minute . . . R' f.f.-.iimcnts ttn . ommlitP,: headed k Henriksen. Assistant Secretary, Vr. J. e At the monthly meeting of the Girl Guide Association In the Silver Tip Cafe on Tuesday afternoon plans were made for a tea and sale on April 30. Guide "Cookie Week" will be observed April 21-26. to Priced Down Earth! all in white, made a lovely picture as they led the bridal procession up the aisle and as they followed the bride and groom Rltcliie. Judge, Mrs. Alfred Hcnriksen. Social Director, Mrs. Caii Classified Act, Bnc; Advertise In then,: from the church. These were, strand. TO DELINQUENTS If your subscription Is in arrears and you do not receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the news boy or the post office. Just do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operation of subscribers in this regard would be appreciated. It would save a lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Subscriptions are payable in advance. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dominato - I Chruflii PRFMI1IM SflilA CRAUKFRf. J and daughter of Prince Rupert arrived on Saturday morning's Leona Dominato of Prince Rupert, Dorecn Jackson, both nieces of the groom, and Bernlcc Pinchbeck, niece of the bride. Groomsman was Robert Coo rm-rm m vava WW VI wall iVIlkllV I X train for the Houldcn-Curtis a r your grocer always asK ror inmnt rramium w nuptials on Saturday evening. v wwvi viuiKcri iui premium wvnng tn oymini. Y i While in Terrace, they were the Plumbing Troubles? per and the usher was A. J. Harrison. A recording of the Bells of St guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Houl- 11 CALL BLUE 846 Margaret's, Westminster, was played Just before the bride entered the church. Following the ceremony, tl. fe THE bride's parents were hosts at a wedding dinner ir the Silver Tip Cafe. The toast to the bride 'a '"woof. SAANICH Plumbing & Heating 11 m& nm demeFl 5 .7 vn;i .y was proposed by the groomsman R. Cooper and responded to by the groom. A lovely wedding cake made by the bride's mother was cut in the traditional manner by the bride. Later in the evening, a reception was held In the Grange Hall and dancing to the music oi Mr. Palmquist, Rawley Beecher, Eric Commodore Cafe COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" 1HRHLT0 the lomi hvort-wflrming ro-man-tht tarn smotb-hif lr which readers paid $3.00 in Hit original publithtr't ditten th tarn exciting tary you'll toon too on th tcroon, itarring ClaudH Colbert and Fred MacMurray. Turner and Lawrence Kirka'dyi was enjoyed. A lovely array of gifts was on display. The young couple, will make their home in Terrace, birthplace of the groom. COPY OF - a "mm m ,01 wA (our choice! Best Food and Service In City rtionc 17 for Send-Out Orders Commissioner John Sliinaj, provincial police, who arrived from the south yesterday, will THIS B 1ST SELLER Any one of these sellers. Free thrilling best-as a bonus! Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. proceed by train tmorrow nih. j to' the interior in Hie course of an inspection tour. $$0 A BONUS DOOEC fa"" . - '::-r Unabridged ! EVIDENCE OF THINGS SEEN BY ELIZABETH DAIV rxrtive Hnry Gamade really frnvit hit amaimg skill. A fahuloui and cl.vrr talc. LIVES OF A BENGAL LANCER IY FRANCIS YfAU-OWN Britiih officer'! Ihrratmed by Srce native! tit oofnwr Matured and V v Bottled V : in , YH England U f'j vl i , i I 1 i AND A DOX TOP FROM POST'S BRAN FLAKES To acquaint you with Post's Bran Flaki the delicious "keep-fit" cereal i BBIii ann nwMfa 1 urn arititM. ESCAPE THE NIGHT MYSTERY IY MIGNON O FVERHART TUtp and suspicion barttlH in thi utonr of murder on the nrhnffj Cnltfornin coat. GREAT STORIES FROM THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. , EDITED IY SEN HI BIS Thirtpm top-notrn romanrM chosen from the worM'i molt loved magazine. WESTERN ROUND-UP EDITED BY ARNOLD HANO Ninf'tt muring Vwim ly nineteen famutit Wentern BUthoti. Artion purkeH ! THE SIGN OF THE RAM BY MARGARET FERGUSON Tll about Lph who top;wt at nothing b-cauw thr was horn ndpr the liRii of the Kam. ONE MORE SPRING BY ROBERT NATHAN The twirler rnminrf of watm-heartrfl Eltnahrfh and tombre Jared. A Kentle nd paisionata tal., NURSE INTO WOMAN BY MARGARET MARSHALL She knw whs) sh wanted, bt rould he .lwy hr hart? Could lovely Kristine turn love down? A TREASURY OF FOLK SONGS EDITED BY SYLVIA AND JOHN KOLB Kal word nH all the elorkmi music of tongs thst mttltons rhxne to sinn. MRS. ME BY NANCY t BENEDICT EdEEMAN Youns Khy O'Fallon travelled (our thousand Tliis advertisement is not publish. '1 of JtrfJycrlJ.l-Board or by the Government ol British Lo' A PICKET FENCE TO MEND OR A BOARD WALK TO FIX? . . . For Repair or Building Supplies PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors rilONE 3G3 Act quickly. Get FAMILY HONEYMOON, a rollicking, enchanting romance plus your choice of one of ten bonus Bantam Books for just 25c. Get to know Post's Bran Flakes how good they are how good they are for you. Just get a' package of Post's Bran Flakes from your grocer. Tiien, send the box top with 25(f in coin (or a postal note) and the coupon lelow for your rwo enjoyable Bantam Books. Life can be very drab if you're troubled with constipation dus; to lack of bulk foods in your diet. Let Post's Bran Flakes 'gentle laxative' action help to keep ST NEW! BRAN MUFFINS WITH TANGY PINEAPPLE Croud Mm ftr ivndmy Night Upptr Aah! Crunchy touted Kpllocs's All-Bran dotted with flavorful pineapple! Different and dee-lictous! U cup shortening i teaspoon salt U rup nugar 1 cup Kellogg 1 All-Bran 1 cup sifted flour 1 cup umirained 2 teaspoons crushed baking powder pineapple 1. Blend shortening and sugar: add ess and beat well. 2' '""bakinf? powder and salt, add All-BrHn. Stir into first mixture alternately with pineapple. Mix only until combined 3. Kill greased muffin pans ?J full Bake in moderately hot oven " (4)0 K) 25 to 30 minute. Seter? U lnches ta I 'fib WASHEE you teeling fit and on your toes. Other parts of wheat provide wholesome wheat nourishment. Lusciously flavored, crisply tempting in texture, serve Post's U VANESlirKK Mm A Prnlutt Bran Flakes regularly. . Prince Rupert Florist "300 3rd Ave. Sox 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasion WITH milel iiMiti to 10 hnd nnu her npr man man! i HlfJ 9LK T1JIS LIFE TIME m w dAVVTY WltlNtlf'R (v rzim. TOST'S BRAN FLAKES Ittmoiri natural j loaativa cfl try a aawKvl ! tamafraw. COBOURG, ONTARIO 1 enclose one box top from Post's Bran Flakes and 25i in coin, or roMal note, for which please tend me "Family Honeymoon" and the bonus book. I l M, A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. THOR GIVES YOU MORE Point for Point -Dollar for j'"1'!' Here's the IJKKIEST Washer Value i Onlv $150.1 (Print name oi your bonus bonk rlrarly) NAME REAL ESTATE i (PRINT) ADDRESS . OUR STOCK OF BKDKOOM SUITES IS COMPLETE. , Oriental Walnut Butt Walnut Avodire Bleached Colonial Maple Birdscye Maple Trices from $150 to $298 ; Phone 775 Wc Deliver 327 3rd Ave. JZe1fA INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Northern B.C. Power W (PRINT) CITY . J 1. pkoV. (PRINT) Offer enpircs July 31, 1919 Your money Mlf be refunded il (he mjpply ol books m ethured. nr."' - R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd .Ave. (Near CFPR) (HONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. STEWAR'; 0 At last - we casi give our Customers a break ! SAVE ui NOW THE 25 LUXURY TAX HAS BEEN REMOVED, WE ARE OFFERING SPECIAL DISCOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 ON NEARLY ALL MERCHANDISE. v . I XXI aW T 1 0 LV. OFF ALL DIAMONDS i;m;lish honk china Cups and Saucers 95c and $1 25 each lilt III l I'.AKIX YOUR FRIENDLY JEWKLlrf REMEMBER AH new stocks arriving will have the new 10, tax applied which will mean increased prices later. " ' -4 ill IXV J. imw am) SAVE Expert Watch and Jewellery "11 ntrf li iTtinr-tlirrr,,