I J .i ?r Prince Rupert Daily News iDrew Would RADIO REPAIRS Thursday, May 4, lO0 Oiiilaw Reds already were adequate to deal ' v.'Kh subversive activity and Said I he flt the best way to combat j corr.rnur.ism v.'ds to show that democracy could work for the Betterment of the people. Angu-s Mclnnis. for the C.C.F., and E. G. Hmsuld, Social Credit, also oppose J- Mr. Drew's move. WE PICK UP AND DELIVER 48 HR. SERVICE PHONE BLUE 992 Sai PORTLAND fc Wholesale! 1 salmdVi prices skidded as much i a-: 15 cents a pound this wee us the first Columbia River catches of the rew reason went ' on sale. Dealers priced chinooks ; a'. 45 to 40 cents a pound. Fish- ermen were receiving 20'i cents I a pound from canners and 25 i cents on the fresh market. By Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; rer Tear. ffiTjitrs $8.00; By Mall, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. aif-- KEN'S 718 2nd Ave. West RADIO CLINIC 90 Day Guarantee George Pearson ow 0nl 1 4 ooi. h,. "i double breast ta f-1 WOODWORKERS f OTTAWA i? In a denunciation of Communism, George Drew, Progressive Conservative Iiider, yesterday asked the Commons; to outlaw Communists in this country. Branding the red doctrine as anti-Christ and mom " terrifying and brutal reality" the world has ever known, he penned this amendment for Ci3 government's motion to go into supply: "This House Is of the opinion that appropriate legislation should be introduced so that communist and shnift.r activities in Canada may be made an offence punishable untier the Criminal Code." Liberal and C.C.F. parties promptly declared their opposition. Prime Minister. St. Laurent told Mr. Drew Canadian laws By-Elcciions Set In Eastern Seats OTTAWA P Prime Minister announced that by-elections for a Halifax Commons seat and two c'hers will be h?ld June 10. Tlie ether two are the Nova Scotia riding of Annapolis-Kinsrs and Quebec's Mont real -Cartier. By-elections for the remain-ins two of the five existing Commo'is vacancies will be held Mj.y hi in Toronto-Broadview ''HiiHon West. nwtg.1 i. . W "tan v Now : Men's Pants mixture, various Rg. $15.00 Formica free kit shows you how to make extra money. I cUjc lofisG&S) A v4 . Men's WORK P.lMvi Now '' i Men', WORK SHlETd : ""we pre shrunk ftT $3 85. S'uw Special Boys' THE SIIIBTS-, Hundreds of woodworkers, large and small ; t j some with just home workshops ; t ; are making new and handsome profits in the fabrication of products from FORMICA . ; . the laminated Now Only British Columbia cabinet lose? one of it.-towers THE of strength over many years in the retirement of health and welfare and provincial secretary. It had been obvious for some time thi Mr. Pearson, after successive breakdowns, could not carry on but it was typical of his dogged conscientiousness that he would endeavour to continue even after all his friends knew that his duties were sapping and undermining- his strength. Unostentatious, yet effective worker, Mr. Pearson was one of the most respected members of the legislature and government during a long period of service which began in 1928 when he was first elected in the two-member seat of Victoria, later transferring to his own home town of Xanainn. With seventeen years of cabinet service, he was long minister of labor and had been minister of health since 19 IS. Mr. Pearson is a man whose first thoughts and sympathies were consistently with the common people and, in the two departments which he administered, he left his mark in their benefit as a legislator and an administrator. He had much to do with bettering the lot of the worker and the ordinary person and he was instrumental in the record for which British Columbia has long been known as the most advanced province in the field of social legislation. Some of his schemes he had to fight hard for and often against heavy opposition but, in spite of his quietude, he was a determined and an ini'hiental man and usually won through. His many friends throughout British Columbia will hope that Mr. Pearson may soon recover from the illness which had kept him from his cabinet duties for nearly two months, and that he. will b? able to enjoy the fruits of the retirement which lie richly merits." . plastic of a thousand uses; You; too, may be able to do the same. ma mm Mall this covpaa NOW far Fraa Kit at Saaiaid and Ularatura. mm i ormica comes in many different colors and wood grains. It has high resistance to boiling water, alcohol; mild acids and alkalies. ' Its marble-hard; glossy surface never needs paint and is instantly clcanable with a damp cloth. This makes it an ideal surface for sink tops, table tops, bar tops and fronts and counters of all kinds . ; ; in fact for any application where resistance to rough usage is essential. We have prepared a KIT OF SAMPLES and ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE which will give you complete information about what can be made with FORMICA, how to make it and sell it and how Formica's national advertising works for you. Send the coupon TODAY! Safln-Glo PRODUCTS ARNOLD BANFIELDi CO. LTD. 0VILlf, ONTARIO Pirate tend me, without obli. atioa, your Kit "Mow to Make Money with f ormica. for 1 1 4 i si? , " - -a : ; t r . Walls, Woodwork, NAME and Furnirura ST. ADDRESS. ' Thompson HorJ Co. Ltd. Beauty Bonded fiORMlCAL CITY MOV. e t ONT. A-21 CALVERT DISTILIERS (CANADA) LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG Movinc, .Farkint, CrJ Shipping and GmJ Thi advertisemect is no published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board o by the Government of British Columbia. Cartate and Sttnf Complete Reliable t; ient Service, also irf Canadian Liquid Air Cl by T.n.r.i. VANDALISM REPORTSwere published earlier in the week of wilful vandalism by the bwakinp of the tele for Oxyireii. Acetylntj weldl."? supplies. Lindsay'i Carte? Easy! Serve a platter of). Of course! But Jane-my bridge club's coming phone cable line which connects the city with Digb v ! it 'i. tomorrow. Things must be Storage Limit t,or. 2nd and Park A Frt 1910 Phones for the purest, finest cold meats-go to your Authorized Swift where can I get cold meats lean Salami and luncheon Meat with fresh green perfect-especially the Food! salad! trust L- Dealer! J. v Hmm ! fe: Si I a j j Island and which carries important communications including the ship to shore radiophone service of Prince Rupert's fishing fleet and which is, therefore, a vital line. This is serious sabotage which would merit rigorous punishment could the perpetrators be apprehended and brought to book. "The mental attitude of people who will resort to such destruction is difficult to understand. Also we have reports of new incidents of vandalism in park resorts of the city which is equally despicable and stupid. The perpetrators may be difficult to catch up with but they can be assured that their sneaky and asinine activities are roundly disapproved. Where you ee the card or seal,"Auth. orized Dealer," you can buy Swift'i Pren, 1 ahle-Ktidv Meats thoM That's What W tempting meat loaves and Sausage made with only the finest, inspected meats and purest spices. Serve these superb meats with confidence . . . each is unconditionally guaranteed to be the finest of its kind! TABLE-READY MEATS About Our PASTRIES CAKES A PIES COOKIES nil r. BRED All baketl freshi ii i u-iuauny""- i Ii ' 7 . Rupert tit limited THE 0 in Plw Service J Wm CONVIRTIllt CL.TM,, . IIM .JWM i JS89.50 , DISHWASHER i $79.75' PHONE CD.KICE 0 V I 1134.75 Model 192 J PLUMBIC HEATING U Model 107 4 'Si 1134.75 8 " V. If, "TdtLaitt) 1164.50 ump Model EmW , JOHN H. , BULGEK 2 ' I- . :- 1 M"- --v , ---T-II i.i'irasi -: IV il H ill nPTOM John Bulg" ,..,lrd ' t- ,