Lhroiiuh ill lmkk! shimn n "to Prince Rupert Daily New Thursday, May 4, 1950 ( a iie uiatiuiie was canea solid trip. Lamofia Will Defend Title Arrives By Motorcycle Theft Case Adjourned wun mua, Mr. Edwards said. I Tony w TIo rpmirtjiH hl0 . ....... I thin this week..: . . ..... u. . o tjyjii txs saying . he had a good trip and lots of . alr ew ti 4 NEW YORK 0 Middlpii Piirh' ' r.nv Lowe, chareed with stal- I PI 1 lun. The lad sUadiwI a i Universitv champion Jake Lamotta yesttr- ing a radio In the city on or about J the jgnway frorn Vancouver to 'ns s tu the moU,rcycle and He wi" make yk7,r' day agreed to defend his title in April 26, requested a remand In ; Prince Rupert arrived -"e, nip. , "-, nun i. nere On Monday niuht. before day &boafH Yankee Stadium June 14 against city police court yesterday so that he could get the services of riving In the city, Anthony slept spend the saW. in an old loaglnii carrm 2n mil... Parents sh.i.i. 4 Tuesday with a 19-year-old U.B.C. stidept- at the wheel. Stepson of Telephone Superin -ra east of Prince Rupert. of British Colunvu MONTREAL, May 4th A Mother's Dav gift that father will enjoy, tool . . . The famous MORPHY-RICHARDS Jully AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC TOASTER I Write lo me Barbara Brent, 1411 . . . . SI u. 1 llil -I- A L I I tendent Jack Edwards, Anthony He ft $ ft-- fj was told at Vanderhoof q Cresceni 01., luonireai, r.. for mis free oooKin oumuge iimue me inp in mi ce u.ut lie couldn t get through and one-half days and came bu;, ex.ept f jr heavy going near 4crioinf tne tvonaert of thti fully automatic ImiivI When vou read alout its amaiinr new 11 pa to ac,tnise I t. N . i J i an opponent to be named In two Weeks. His, opponent will be selected from the following contenders: Ray Robinson, welterweight champion. Rocky Grazlano, former 160-pound king from New York. . Tiberlo Mltrl, Italian holder of the European middleweight title. Dave Sands, British Empire middleweight champion. counsel. Magistrate W. D. Vance adjourned Lowe's case for e'ght days or sooner. Lowe was escorted from Ocean Falls Wednesday by Const. L. Adams. Following the alleged theft, he went to the papei town but was later arrested and locked up. Another charge of attempting to break jail awaits him at Ocean Falls. X improvements, you'll say "Just Trhat I've always A. .Jl named in a toaster!" Yes. the Morphy-Rirharcls ul lie a priled household possession for years and years of happy Y ou see, it's the work of skilled British craftsmen now avail- 1 rJ for Better Aleaf loaf lU.ltT V I'lrskfaM rblo (for ( !:;oaila. I'm sure just S22J0!) at hading department stores and dealers all arrow .So do send for thi booklet now and show it to your husband, he'll take the hint ! a ' .ook At It OuuliU! Look at it inside! Y'ou can't match a Frigidaire I" and economy too Laurent Dauthuilie of Franco, j " ' " who now fights, out of Montreal, clash between Paddy Young of Tony Janiro, Youngstowii. : Ncv, fork and Charlie Fusarl of Ohio; and the winner of the It vin6ton, N.J. GRADUATE Miss Betty Pul-len, daughter of Mrs. H. F. Pullen and the late H. F. Pullen, former publisher ol the Daily News. She graduates next week with the University course from Vancouver General Hospital training school for nurses v V m Tl'.r.t slogan forcibly caught my eye at a i rigidaire iU..lor's the other d.iy. And when I took another loo'c out ide and inside the new ERIGIDAIRE DE U E CULD-WALL REFRIC.EKATOR I realized lifTT lnf.ininn'ul that slogan-is! Outside the gold ;mJ v.lnto Raymond Loewy cabinet design is sheer beauty, laside there's the full-width Super-Freeter ('host that holds up to 49 pounds of frozen foods the rust-proof aluminum sliding shelves the twin 'slaf'k--iin'' fruit and veipetftble HvHrninrs all lus PRICED TO CLEAR trously ice-blue trimmed! ''You certainly rnn't match s Frigidaire," I said to myself. 'So wonder the Frigidaire people keep reminding everybody that there is only one Frigidaire that it is made only by General Motors. That Frigidaire name is something really important to look fort" lAF I XThV (ta. or cooked), W,. I ' , W. . jeSx.. " MARKETS Women! . . . tht Just For I't makers of that good DURHAM CORN STARCH know that a handy to handle package helps ' make cooking a pleasure! That's why they've spent months de- I (There may be variations in unces in various stores deoend-ine on whetner SDecial or standard auauue are listed.) r resti trull Bananas, lb 2t Men's Shoes broken lines ADDles. cookine 31b 35 Fancv Macs. 3 lbs 3d' Lemons, larse Cal. doz 40 Graoeiruit i tor :zo uluiuvd VilCll .. What Makes Carnation So fxfra Good? It is good, whole, cows' milk, made double-rich by evaporation. When y our recipe says milk use half Carnation and half wattt VC'hcn you need cream use Carnation undiluted. It's so smoothly heavy and rich, that it uhipi. I'st it coffee, cereals, fruits. Use Carnation. It saves so much on your milk and cream bilL Your grocer has it. -''3I .25 j Dates Veeetaoies EirowmiwoodlG ;'rsi' Ml LIC It' ALWAYS In Demand in our house at mealtimes . , . that's why I make a particular point of having a good supply of HEINZ TOMATO KETCJIUP always on handl There's scarcely a dish that doesn't taste twice as tempting when it's flavoured with zesty, exciting Heins Ketchup! Just try it! Y'ou '11 find so manv taste-wise uses for this Heinz "Flavour Magic"! . . . it's perfect with egg dishes, stews and hashes and wonderful in gravies 1 Of course the Heinz Chef uses plenty of rich, rosy pedigreed "Aristocrat" tomatoes as a base in Heini Ketchup so no wonder it's good! When eating out or at at home be sure to look for the famous i-ed bottle. ID IMW'" p'sning this brand new Durham t'or-iPlarch package that's a pleasure to open I Just pinch the top and roll back no fumbling, with a knits or other sharp in-strumryt to open it! Inside you'll find 'Durham'' carefullv protected in a paper bag. Then, when you've finished using it, replace tl.e lid and your eorn starch will be protected completely, from dust 'til the next time you use it. And you'll be thrilled by the lnscious recipes on every package of Durham Corn Starch I Ons of my favourites is Maple Walnut Cream good when it's made with Durham! . Celerv. lb 13 .kiiuuiuu. 2 ms 27 oeeus. OUiich .111 farslev. uuncn : lo ,u..us .Oi. oDinach. 2 !bs. cello 9a Rauisiies. buncn ...... .ut , vlusnrooma. lo. B , dead Lettuce 13-.lt , (Jook.nir Otiuns. i06 !. Oauuilower. lb 23c i lomatoes. Colif. lb. .25 Cabbaee lb 12 louia.oeS. rio. 1 lo ' Potatoes. 10 lb. - 47 I J're Ditcorered The Ideal Gift May Dayt Are Outdoor Play Dots lor your young- 1 CucuniDers. lb. 2'i v'egeuble Marrow, lb. 01 Sauasn. ID ... lo1 Cancea VcteiaMe Dill Pickles, eai J AS Cut Green Eeans. fev 11 sters so guard their health by, protecting their r or Mother s itar! It's the ari:m;ne RADIANT 3 MINUTE KETTLE -iV.v boils any-;'-; hr re's a vxll-rlue handy -m-ii-Vriie you feet from wet pavements and damp play- No. S Peas, fancv 2 for .25! .noted veKe.uoiee 2o ! iceo beets, oer liu .16 j Vax 3eans. cmuce 2i Mixed Deas and carrots 2for.3D ; fumDkin 2 for .25 L.ar.ea Beaua, 20-ui. tin Z ' oKsd Beans. 15-uJ. tin l- I Tomatoes. 20-oz. ea 17 ' 28 - oz 2 for .39! :.iK 1 grounds! Buy shoes with N.E0LITE soles! Neolite soles are absolutely waterproof . . . they're truly healthy! For Keohte does not cause foot burning perspiration foot odours nor itchy feet. It's more flexible than leather truly fcind to active, young feet! (And truly kind to your floors, too!) for it doesn't mark them at all!) And, last but not least, Xeolite outwears leather ofcr to 1! So take my tip and look for that Neolite trademark on the soles of the children's shoes you buy! J- -i i.te a cheery f-irt of tea! lis heating unit is v !-!t.e I'atod, and its "legs' pro-f.c". '.he surface of your furniture . . . it's absolutely safe! It shuts o:'i au'omaticslly by thermostatic c r. ro; so it never boils dry AXL it shuts oif jii onc if it's I .r-riid in without . water. It s tmlv economic!, for it lasts a l.rtirce and saves power berause V hear? iater? With a wonderful .it 3 i'inute Kettle ', you tin boil eaujgij water for four en i vi tea in just tire minutci! Quart .2D .13, .42 f I .(.-in. Dint axs Grade A ;. 58-60 i -.i.-uium cartons .53 1 f-uliets. cartons 48-50 lii.LCi First grade, lb. 61 ! Marglne lb 38 Thrre't Cood Keeton why this Silver Moon Cake is so popular. It's fliers- . Janadian Cheese lb. 53 I ...iia -1 ! . uu.aled Milk.. ' ' ; ! tender, light, and tnelt-in-your-mouth. There's a , reason for that too, and the supcr-hneness, the superb evenness of SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR is the answer! Try this and see if you don't agree it's on of the bett cakes you've ever made, SILVER MOOV CAKE (J egg whites; lO-Ui. 111IO. t lOl .... . ,. A Case ...... rioui i . Pastry Flour, 7 ibs. .:.....i.L... .6e . iour, 4 s. No. 1 Hard Wheat ..., . 5.60 Flour, 24's l.Bl .ea and C oflei 3 cups s!ftd Swan Down 23 cu? 'butter or other shortening Cake Flour 134 cups sugar 3 teaspoons Calumet Baking I cup milk Powder , 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 '2 teaspoon t!t S egg whites Sift Hour once, measure, add baking powder and salt; sift together three times Cream butter, add sugar gradually: cream together until iluffv. Atd flour, alternately with milk, a small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla. Beat egg whites until they will ho d up in moist peaks. Stir quickly but thoroughly into batter. Bake i a three greased -inch layer pans in moderate oven (375 r.) about 20 minutes. Spread lemon icng between layers and over cake. Coffee lb 7487 u iyejLuxe ouantftv ID ....1.0s Juicet isienufd .v. I j;aOKlruit 19 1 lomatoes. 20-oz. ea io 28-oz ..24 xallon .ot iiuie. 2U-oz. tin. i ioi 48-oz. 3i May't Longer Dart mean jaunts I . I HE HAS TO L V.VtV IS IT VISITING VI " . ENTtP.'TAilsl -T .-( CUSTOMERS ALWAYS) . TPCE OUT- 7 VVANT TO STAVuPy' S-LE-TS Tl? V JJ LLry ( SLEEP UNTIL J t L, J CsoveOTHEi?) rn AV' V-I PEEL r br' MTHM ' ' I I s S i- WHO CAN THAT BE v f f m-mr ( AT OUR FRONT DOOR ) - ( ) AT THIS HOURj-' Ijilif WE CLOSED UP I TOLD THE ' HI I I TUDrA TK S UC cf h THE TOWN, r'C BOY9 ABOUT f YEW J C J H HNVi -' CHE CERTAINLY J V v f MOCE I R I 1 t t ,a & rA 1 I feF1 , M GOING TO STAV HOME i i , I 1 KiO llSF VOU GETTING ) -f AND SLEEP ALL DAY, DAG WOOD : ', ', C iW rto DEAR-'-lTS TiMj GOU.XSN-HEJ?E'S THE KEV-YCXJ OPEN J ' V mlUT06ET ( TS ) THE OFFICE FOR ME AMO WORK K -H GOTO AMD iu1 AND W I DAY- b J ' ftsTj r BE SU(?E YOU GET ''.' N iu tue country and evenings out of doors. I find I spend more time awav from Pineapple, crusheu eieces, 20-oz Auricots. !U-oz cnemes, amy, 20-oi.. i-oRanoernes, 20-oz. Peacnes. choice Lara Pure, lb Shortenlnn Soap, face, bar .4! .30 .38 .29 .24 .24 Jl .lb .2b .38 laMnein the Spring and Summer mrwiiS . . . that'i why mv Sajety Ikporil Box at the BANK OF MONTREAL is not only a con-vSnitnee it's a neeetnly. I'm sure iqy valuables are properly pro-tevied when they're in the vault cf-my Bof M branch. And one of t!sp nicest things about this tittanement is that it's so inei-le.sivel Y'ou can rent a Sajct litTtot.'d Box for less than two tn a day! So ask about ,this J ice at your nearest BofM 1 $nch tomorrow. Y'ou'U find a BstfM Safety Deposit Box will gijfe you a wonderful sense of cewity 1 No TTonder so many Canadian families have that good "Cream of Wheat" breakfast habit! Delicious 5 Minute "CREAM OK WHEAT" is so pmooth so tempting so good! What's more, it's good jor you, ... for 5 Minute "Cream of Wheat" provides1 Iron, Calcium and Phosphorus for diets deficient in these elements. Y'et all this goodness costs less than a cent a bowl! So, no wonder "Cream of Wheat" is a family "flavourite" ... a favourite way to wake up early morning sleepyheads 1 And so easy to pre-pare, too . . . for just 5 minutes of boiling cooks it to smooth .45 .45 Laundry, cake 2 tor Soao fowaers. laree . im.e s-i , Cherries, y2 in, pkt Coconut, lo Aimono Paste il. Frun Cane Mix. lo utiles, lancv. 1 id. i.kI oeeuless kaisins. 2 lbs . deeded kaisms, 2 ioo Shelled Walnuts. lb anelled Almonds. B oz. .... .3a .43 .34 .38 .20 .4a .3D .3d .42 oiienea urazns. t$ oz nellea Brazils. A lb "". Wam To Do Something Nice For Your H air T Then let me recommend LZ nn-aanu riUU.MJl HUME f ERMANENTI You sec, Richard Hudnut know that it's the Waving Lotion that makes all the difference in a home permanent. So they've had their Home Permanent Waving Lotion tested by independent research experts. And guess whatt This grand Waving Lotion is actually 22o more effective. That means, smoother, prettier, longer-lastine curls! Thnt'n mrhv t , .i.- yiy next home permanent a Richard Hudnut and, as a perfect If. j npi4( ivnuaru nuunut tgg (jreme Shampoo! Ao ilatter Row Coy The Oeeation, be you can never your happiest if you Tinow you're not at your best. That's why wise uoiiren dcvit risk offending with perspiration odour. 12 ft. 1 jx'm, way i Know io De sure ot personal daintinrs is to rely on NONSPII It's the truly effective liquid miti-jicrspirant. It's to safe won t harm your gala-oreafion clothes ... and it's gentle to your'fkin, tool Just a few seconds with Nonspi stops perspiration lietore it begins . . . snd it's so very simple to apply with its convenient,- completely sanitary applicator Ask your druggist for Nonspi tomorrow it's your social a-iuranccl Planning A June Wedding? You've rjrobaMy already nrqtiircd a list of ' - . CL. brldes "do's and don't s", so here's one more im- poriani, weuuing-oay resolution. (Juard vour feminine .liir.l In. I Xl.n.......l. . I i Jk1 "-'J ll.o efr,.i;,- mr.A. ,l...l f feminine hygiene I Zonitors are grcascless, stainless, snow-xvliite vaginal suppositories powerfully germicidal, vet absolutely safe to Ir Urate tissues. Ask for Zonitors at your favourite drug- and, for frank facts on feminine hygiene?, 'miAr write to mm Barbara Brent. 1411 Crescent St.. Montreal, P.Q. I'M tend you a free booklet iu a plain wrapper. - .. . r- immdi Jtol 4vtimfil li nl publiihcd w iiipUv,J by' B LiauiM Contiol iavi iy ij - , - n . P?t