PROVINCIAL LI3P.A2Y, VI 113 QtpES DRUGS Daily Delivery . PHONE 81 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vorPUvvv!d at Conodo' Mo$t Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" . X' N- 104- PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1950 . . PRICE FIVE CENTS V cabs lesid fent Truman ert Of P First Halibut On Exchange Price of 19.5c and 15c Paid ' eaee NalioiialistSi d War Plan lite Il Fishermen Divided on Fish Control, Mayhew Tells House OTTAWA ? Fisheries Minister Mayhew yesterday told the Commons there were "strong differences of opinion" within Canada's halibut fishing rndustry to widen the scope of the International Fisheries Commission to regulate the industry. In a return tabled in the House of Commons In reply to questions by Howard Greene (P.C. Vancouver-Quadra), the minister said his department yet had no recommendations to make In the matter. On Open Market This Morning Four vessels of the halibut fleet fishing In Area No. 2 sailed Into Prince Rupert harbor last night and at three fishing companies this morning landed a total of 47,500 pounds of fish. Two vessels, Mae West, Capt. O. J. Hanson of Vancouver, and F red-elia No. 3, Capt. Bill Husoy, Prince Rupert, landed at the Prince Ru . he had confidence in the prospects for , predicted that a lower defence budget j;,,!a.,l in J951. ...... Jik'iit Truman's statement came while Nt-ihiiia's top leaders told visiting American . , , ., . - vy u ' .1. i A- . T- -. - ': ' .vi .-.... i -. .... r V ,M' - i tmt.iy in lape., . iMi i.i anil K"'i .1,1 pert Fishermens Cooperative with 25,000 pounds. I The Joan F., Capt. J. jCooks, brought in 8,500 pounds and the Soup Fin, Capt. J. Quinn, Vancouver, landed 3,000 pounds. 1 At the exchange the Joan F. Men Make purine nr a w.ii in Flood Danger In j Interior is Seen Flood Crisis Is Due Today a a 1 1 l.hi io miui: nilisis, no'v slunil- Industry Later than usual, the first In- catch was bought by Bacon Fisl- i fruuc i .I'vnds with WINNIPEG O: Army officials dication of the run-off along the erles for 19.50c and 15c. The Soup Hit- "'.i Fin catch was purchased by Canadian Fish and Cold Storage for saia loaay j.uuu sanaoags nave Smithers division of the Can-been rushed to Morris, 41 miles Mn i o n . ... , . adi an National Railways was re-south, .u u ,j to buttress the dike hold- . ported thls week when waters of Ing oack flood waters from the , the same prices. iia Paper Koiiald (iordon In Toronto ' (kn Way West TORONTO The importance of iho individuals contribution to a ; meat Industry was stressed by Donald Gordon, CMG, Chairman ; town's hospital. An army officer j tne .Nechako River between En-said a call had been recived say- dako and Prince George started ' ing the dike had begun to show to rise. Superintendent C. A. signs Of weakening. Berner sneaking W f ing Here Is Found Dead In His Cabin WINS TRADITIONAL OOLD CANE RACE-The' 10 000-ton Canadian Pacific cargo liner Beaver-cove won for her master, Capt. S. W-. Keay, O.B.E.,. the traditional gold-headed cane awarded annually to -the skipper of the first ovcrsease vess.el to enter the Port of Montreal at the beginning of the navigation season. Ice conditions in the St. Lawrence River, which caused ships to docl$ temporarily at Quebec City, helped make the race one of the tightest ever, with the Beavercove making the voyage in just ten hours and ten min utes. Inset shows Capt. Keay (right) receiving the gold-headed cane froom A. Gordon Murphy, Montreal Portmaster. This marked the second time that Capt. Keay had won the award, taking it first In 1945 aboard the freighter Gatineau Park while s-till on service with the Admiralty. For the ship's pilot, Andre Gauthier, it was the fourth time that he had been aboard the winnin g ship, each time a Canadian Pacific vessel. The final crisis in the current flod situation is expected to be reached today. the possibility of flood conditions on his division expressed iv run -to has and President of the Canadian ;cpniiii.; import- National Railways, during his' c INpett as the . offi(.lal visit t0 the central' supply centre of v ari :i It is th region headquarters and district . , The body of Frank Fischer, 71, for 25 years a resident of the some apprehension. If there brr Co. of Vaiicou- offices. nwUn ' 1U -rl''1; Mr. Gordon spent a little more h"i' from Prince should be a sudden spell of warm district, was found by a neigh-weather right now, It" would be bor yesterday in a cabin on bad, Mr. Berner admitted. Park Avenue, where he had been It is now half way through living ale-v; 1 ' the first week of May, yd, ac- j A r.ati-.i r"'-urg, Ger-cording to Mr. Berner, it is time many, Mr. ir-din a, 13 engaged for some indications of real ; for man;; ye.n? Iv re making than a dozen hours in Toronto, ouenin : a warc- Local Queen Museum Board Beats Housing Prince Rupert Museum Board is beating the housing shortage, which becomes more and more Ih'c next few day:,, arriving this morning from Del- ion for thr offic? roll, where he attended the an SulletiHA , p lias bt iui found Western Railroad, and ftX.To Smilhers spring along the Skeena and fur-( boxes for shipping halibut. He ther east. Back from a trip up was last employed by Koyal Fish iv buildiiV; at tlu; nual meeting of the Grand Trunk oncl and Park Avo- tonfght on "The Continental Dark haired 18-year-old Joyce W. iviil be Gi'cr;' Limited" for Winnipeg on an in- ! ishm. lrom Prince ialM,rsa'. cl" " Miss Prince 8pect,(jn lrlp lhat will take him . acute, by making two rooms r'v". Berner sam tne gen- company. available in the museum for the eral outlook can hardly be des- Altnough he had not been seen accomodation of Dr. and Mrs. crlbed as seasonable. The time is about here since the beginning Ellis of the University of British overdue when there should at of the year, friends thought no-Columbia who are coming here to east be some start with the melt- thing of It as he had indicated tie reorganize the museum this sum- ong 01 deeP mountain snows, w as makir.3 a trip to the prairies, mer and act ai pnrntirs : and, the longer this Is delayed. His deafh ts btlieved to have m ui.- mid Jiur. to the Pacific Coast. During the ""Pert at a Junior Chamber of Like up residence. Commerce dance last week, left day he mH morc tnan ft thousand LIVING COST UP AGAIN OTTAWA The cost, of living index for April 1 was 164, up .V10 of p point from March, the Bureau of Statistics announced today. Prin-' cipal.. reasons 'were the hitier prices of beef, Pffffs, coffee and coal. FAVORS CANADA ROUTE VANCOUVER Minister of Fisheries Robert Mayhew, here enroute to a Common Canadian National employees ,or orallne" n'Kni oy car to and gave talks to three differ- compete for the Miss Northern cut groups, one numbcr'mg 500 a c- tltle t tho Interior town's men and women. jJaycee celebrations Thursday ... ..,., , a , J and Friday. The Queen will be Contributions of furnishing'! ! more the likelihood, of a been by jiatiij-aj causes. An 1-"" sm Keeps I which Dr. and Mrs. Ellis may use . sudden warm sPe" which can quJry Is being held this after-' during their stay here are being lmean plenty of high water, !? not noon. He leaves no kaowii rela- Lookout k Hint luuiiu iioiii - jjv i : chosen on the latter night. sniwht. hv Thalrmnn .1 ir UToolr i HOOO Conditions. I UVfS. ence," Mr. Oordon said, "that Mice Tatloren! I hcinir rli'itt- Uie ""'ponslbllty of its people is on lb- railway re- emned b Mrs c McEwen. ll,e m,,st tomtit asse of any . Another bench Cnairman of tne entertalnment who 'points out that anything that can be saved In this regard will help to conserve - limited Industry. As one fresh from an funds of the board. Part of the contract is to meet the housing iiwn over the edge must of the sleep i" guard: ails, chief-e ce.itrp, have been intensive study of the railway, I realize that until I have a better knowledge of lis personalities, I committee, George Tomllnson Is accompanying the pair. They will return to the city Saturday. Miss Tattersal's pruses as Queen of Prince Rupert were the North Six Percent Increase in Enrolment In One Year ; Enrolment in city schools last month increased expenses of Dr. and Mrs. Ellis wnue here. pried lo.i.e to bt cannot know tne railway inor-fhis irivs vw.r ouehlv. But I can say to you, I ern Sports club cup, a tonl set MacArthur Urges Defence of Rights by 6.5 percent over the ApriJ figure of 1949. The from the Variety Store, a ten dollar record player from McRae Brothers, a bouquet from Bal- tokyo w General Mc- j total enrolment this April was 1261. In the same agno Florists, a ten dollar voucher from Annette Manscll, two pairs of slippers and nylon hose month last year it was 1179. This April, 446 children attended Booth while in March enrolment was 450. These figures were included : Lfrom Fashion Footwear, five dol iiuiui yeaifiuay uigeu Japanese to defend their new constitutional liberties against the "international political perfidy" of communism, For the second time in ten months he suggested the possibility of outlawing Japan's Communist party. Th3 Supreme Commander in Japan took the third anniversary of Japan's constitution as an occasion for the statement. 1 lars In taxi trips from 555 Taxi, an evening gown from the Jay-cees, and a cuticle set from Ormes Drugs. n a distin: t dan ! have seen something of the Unity to i liil ireii or ! t'd States lines and I believe that w . Tline are nov our CNR system is one of the fin-iir;; Ult, which est on the continent. Wc have iutficic nt f,.r Uk 1 i),e best kind of sliill and team-'wris'.s anti others wo,k which tops anything 1 'to tb" asctnt i'or'know it js very important tiiat t!ic boau.ifd vie-.v. wp be consclous 0f this." TJZZ' nr"K the day Mr. Gordon in-nrf WcM thc headquarters facili-l the lop i. under present s of the Canadian National Un.s may bo Teleprnphs, visited various Tidy occupied. buildings Including thc city tic-JUii' ii' ..Uibni JukxI krt office and traffic depart-'l is nicirclcd by a nicnts, made an inspectional if nii,b:.;ii The to- tour of the freight sheds, com-! su !.. a-'D hand -; missary, stores and coach yardj, 'I nr. I c iim ed t y ' machine shops and roundhouse, snsdvi-!s, has also : meeting individually various allen'.Uni, this be- workers and chatting with them ;ll' r knirr marisR, about their jobs and shop mclh-""tiak. and where 0l)s b,,,e h.i.-kins and . , wealth conference in the Antipodes, told newspapermen that he personally favored an all-Canadian route for t.he Alberta gas line and there was no reason to believe that there finally would he one. In spite of differences in debate in Parliament, he believed that all British Columbia members wanted thc same thing the best possible deal for British Columbia. STAMPS EVEN IT UP CALGARY Calgary Stampeders last night gave every indication that thc Toronto Marl-boros will not find them too easy pickings in the best of seven series for the Canadian senior hockey championship. The Cow Boys earned a 5 to 4 victory, bouncing back from "a 6 t 5 loss Monday to tie thc scries for the Allan Cup at a game apiece. CANADIANS FAVORED MONTUKAJj Montreal Junior Canadicns today arc hot favorites to give thc Regina Pats the coup .de grace and win .the Canadian junior hockey title in four straight games. Going into thc fourth encounter of thc best of seven series for thc Memorial Cup with three games to nothing lead, thc Canadicns are now 2 to 1 favorites to sew up thc series. They play tonight. children. 1 Trustee A. B. Brown brought a few minor changes to the attention of the board and it was decided to make a few 'adjustments and forward the agreement to the Department of Education at Victoria . for in teachers' reports read at a .School Board meeting last night. As ill March, the Port Essing-ton school came out on top in percentage attendance. The figure In April was , 92.9. City srhools last month dropped from the 90 percent brackets to the approval. Pedestrian Hurt In Auto Smash As a result of a collision between two automobiles near Postal Station B on Sixth Avenue east at 1 n.m. Tuesday, a Auto Strike Is Finally Ended DETROIT CP -The billion dol 8()'s. It was announced that attendance at the Port Edward school was very poor during last month due to outbreaks of chicken pox, mumps and influenza. The problem of transporting High School students from Dig-by Island to Prince Rupert for classes will be investigated by the board, it was decided. Representing H. Hatland, board member mt'i't!)y disflBurin?: I i'.d great Gunman Gives Self pedestrian, Walter Dalzcll of. 211 Seal Cove Circle, sustained i bruises to the leg. He was given ! first aid treatment at the scene by employees of a grocery store j ' nearby. The drivers involved In the' Conrad Playground 1 ' The problem of the Conrad Street playground, recently acquired from .the city, was brought up again. Chairman Dr. R. W. Large told members that, at a council meeting over two weeks ago, he toid aldermen that the board is not prepared to spend money if no definits arrangement was made. He was told, he said, that the lots coukl not be "given" away but woirtd need to be purchased. : The board decided to write a letter to City Clerk H. D. Thaln requesting the cost of the lot and also If the city Is prepared in lar plus Chrysler strike waj stttled today an hour and one half before It became 100 days eld. C.I.O. United Auto Workers and Chrysler Corporation signed a contract carrying $100 a Up lo City Editor T ; '"niirWy pilot on r-'-'-rort nm of from Digby Island, A. Enockson Hies, has told the .board that a dally accident were Herbert Gale and Sidney Hamlan. Gale was driv-lnff a linht delivery truck to- MONTREAL CP Young Nick Cooper, wanted for questioning i. v.iH-i,n unit cun Qi-:?n Char- ferry service to Digby for the surrendered to i wards the . centre of the city battle, lart ni-ht i. 4 - i POLICE OFFICER IS TRANSFERRED transportation of students here would be greatly appreciated. Mr. Enockson stated he had no Hamlan was driving his ih ..riitnr nt tho Montreal , wnue Scorcs automobile to Seal Cove. The month pensions, Including social security benefits, for workers 60 years old with 25 years service. The contract runs for three years and also boosts wases In scme plants. It also hikes worker' medical and hospital benefits. The 89.000 unionists will begin returning to work Monday. Most of the 50.000 idle In supplier plants will follow them. Const. John Medley of the B.C. idea as to the cost of such a collided on the narrow two cars dt,tachmcnt hcrc has lease the property for a nom- venture but c.npiiasized that by maj was was rent during a 21 year road, txuzei wniu.B - . f.Qnurorrpri tn pHnee I Herald all for the love 01 a ' lady. Police admitted that at ; that time they had been rush- iiu heavily armed, to a summr j cot '.age north of here where ' Cooper was suspected of hiding. wards Seal Cove. next term, at least six children will, be high school entrants. period. J. S. Wilson, principal of Bor- ) 'l)l)v r'"'; i.":iee !' '',il"lpiUa 5 ' 4 3. rioK'M,) 4 I:!;nr u' c"'iai) 2 1Rtr! "''nt oil f Baseball Scores Z National League Philadelphia 5, Chicago 2 New York 5, Cincinnati 2 Boston 15. Pittsburgh 4 Brooklyn 5, St. Louis 6 American League Chicago 3, New York 4 Cleveland 2, Boston 7 St. Louis 3, Washington 4 Western International Yakima 3, Vancouver 2 Taeoma 9, Spokane 4 Wenn tehee 9, Trl-City 3 mis year, ne saia, mere arelrtpn ctreet sr.honl u-is crantel . . - j George and his successor is : Const. F. L. Caldwell from Court- J enay. Const, and Mrs. Medley ! left for the interior point on last j night's train. . ONE MONTH five. At present the five are not! ieave Df absence from May 15 n t.tpiirtinrr sfhnnl mirf a fori"' irinim. MnsUrs. .winsome, i the FOR THEFT I vrnr-old brunette, called x to 19. Mr Wilson, tone com-I Tur ALTLjrp ; V , lit WtAI MLK from the cit.v onlv visits Di-bv "Nick1 Herald last night and said, . Theft of a $75 wrlslwatc'i I - " j - maim i it. uu u 'm I !bout on,"e week- there." v.ili r. .... l ,iou cou- ' wants to turn himself in.' 3' N" York f 1 North Coast Region Cloudy.; A draft agreement for the vention i : '.' ii.r.., , , on these and cooler with showers today 1 joint operation of the Port Es- dates. Wind westerly (20 sing ton school between the In-. Following vvrre April school Victoria at Salem, wet grounds and Friday. last week from a woman In a downtown rooming house, resulted in a sentence of om month In city police jail for Clarence Green. The sentence HlgH was handed out in city police . court Wednesday by Magistrate Low W. D. Vance. 1 LOAI. TIDES i Friday, May 5, 10:0 ! 3:00 22.4 feet I 10:13 18.8 feet : 9:46 1.5 feet j 21:47 7 9 feet. (Han Department ana the De- enrolments t figures in brackets partment of Education was, April 19491 : Pacific Coast mpht. Lows tonight and highs Seattle 4, Sacramento 1 ' tomorrow at Port Hardy, 40 and Portland 3, San Diego 0 48; Sandspit and Prince Rupert. Oakland 5, Hollywood 4 36 and 46. WANTED QH!ruc t ion Labourers. Apply in pcr- 446 (440 250 227) : 255 (2211,. ' .d 307 (2311 are r , entage allures for April; ' 86 89.C1 88 examined toy members. The Booth agreement, among other things, j Borden stipulates that Indian children ; Conrad now attending the Port Essing-I Kliu; ?. ' ton Indian school, be admitted i Followin to the school under the juris- tendance diction of the Department of Booth Education and that they re- Borden ceive all educational benefits Conrad 1 r- 1 personnel Columbia Cellulose ice.V7o!son bland. KLONDYKE MITE civiccentre, friday mays f, i (106) i that are given to the white ! King Edward 89.44 I J