PROVINCIAL LIS?.A?.Y, A jJ VICTORIA, 3. C. 113 KAT 31 Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NTW8PAPIH Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHOHE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 191. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS mericans amid British! Aire Leavisn 1SKERY ON NORTH COAST H; llASitAiUN FKUUKtWtt r t,,nfj m ;ison off the Oueen Charlotte 1. . - ill a 1 rlmiKtfiil" a thmirrh hnn - Big Oil Companies Are Pulling'- Out Of Capital CANTON (CP) Big United States and British oil companies are pulling out of Canton today in the face of the Communist drive for this refugee capital of Nationalist China. Other foreign firms are leaving too. All transportation facilities to Hong Kong are booked solid. . year appears ,m,.tit h:is not entirely vanished, accord- ln.r'1 ilMr"!! v'avY7! x Wr , .W.i " . sd Kitimaat, which is in port m the ifjx, - iljIjLC IS una patrol. j jrTUa-- - -1 ' iwlr-l Mr r r i great depth of f--'" : - ' ' " - 1 Tiiuchmcs ot rii surrounaea oy SEES I'NCLE JOE MOSCOW The new ambassador from the I'nilcd States to Russia, Allan G. Kirk, was received for three-quarters of an hour by Premier Joseph Stalin at the Kremlin. It was described as a "courtesy visit" ar,i Kirk said afterwards that there had been a "pleasant" discussion of general subjects. Andrei Vishinsky, Soviet foreign commissar, was, also present. C. G'inriniiiti of water. ih;it failure nf The Kitimaat will sail Wcd- par off Hie Islands ncsday on the southbound leg may mean that, of her cruise. She will continue .. ,.mmr'rri:i! ru- hr l.hrire-riallv hrnndrnntji ti New Gov't For Syria DAMASCUS, Syria ff Col. The action by the foreign companies came as Communisu closed In on Foochow, southeastern China port In Fukien Province, and the Nationalists claimed limited success bn the approaches to Canton. Official reports say that Foochow, 430 air miles northeast of Canton, has been cut off except by the sea. The Reds are less nrih, but tli'-y do lishing boats; describing her po- i .. - v ' ' ' . - v ' l- - : f- I - cp it fniin ly. J sltlon and water and weather cruisf of tho Kill- conditions. Kan at Victoria , is the second las'. LANDING GEAR JAMMED Sami Hennawi, who yesterday seized control of the government of Syria in a military coup Cupl Earn.-.liav; than twenty miles away ,on the NO INQUEST BEING HELD i) one will curry SCAN ANGRY WATERS Practically the entire population of Inverness, N.S., a small mining town on western Cape Breton turned out to search for the bodies if four people drowned in choppy seas Wednesday night. Tlie tragedy took place after a 40-man chain, attempting to save the victims, was broken by the force of the waves. Ten persons were swept out to fea and later thrown up on the bcaeli slightly injured. Here a group of Inverness residents scan the ocean for bodies of the men who were swe pt out to sea by a strong undertow. (CP. Photo) southwest and are no .mere nbT. t.. .i which was climaxed by the death of the President and Premier before a firing squad, than 25 miles elsewhere. ,y voyiiKr io n- Official dispatches said yes to locate tuna. There will oe no Inquest into tlie death of Vta Johnson, aklp- terday that the Reds had swung srlfitillic dita on TORONTO After its mreh-anical landing gear had failed, the new Canadian jet transport plane had to circle for three hours in the air over Malton airport today and finally the gear was operated manually. One of the reasons for the plane slayin; up was of fire from a passible crash. However, it was brought down safely. J said a new and democratic regime would be set up In Syria. President Husnl Zavim. who to the west of Kanhsien, 215 td condiiioi'a I" THE WbATHER ' PAKISTAN JOINS per of tun sclncbuat Uunil III, who was shot to death In his miles northwest of Canton, and f tuna anp- ar and had begun an assault on Nan had seized power March 30, and Tins data is Ivhm ' boat on the local waterfront night. Tlie prelimin Dependent On United States king, 20 mtle southwest, of Ki- J. PaiHo. a hiolo-1 Saturday Premier Muhsen Bel Berazi had been executed at dawn ty a fir angsl, provincial capital, Whicn (synopsis) STERLING AREA The western section of Brlt-r LONDON Pakistan becomes if h . Columbia continues under full member of the sterling the influence of cool moi-.t atr"r uIt a ne-w- Anglo-Pakls-fmm tan anclal details th PpHtir Thorp .S no' agreement was abandoned by the govern ing squad after a brief trial be ment last week. fore senior army officers. of which were officially re- A series of communiques did ary hearing of deceased's brother, Earl Johnson, charged with murder will proceed Thurs- j day before Magistrate W. D.J Vance In city police court. j At the suggestion yesterday, of T. W. Brown, crown counsel,' Attorney General Oordon Wls-j indication this morning that not specify the charges which Canadian Arts and Science Being Financed This Way Commission Told the end of this unseasonable.'5 "ere loaav-weather Is in sight. The south- - had been laid against the two Arms Bill but called them traitors, tyrants ern interior Is expected to have ' ;,r)owcrs today. Little change ini Pacific Biological 1 mo. who Is aboard ' nl time, tuna aie k? wt-st coast of . jlid between t'ap. : Cj( Cook. About i fUiing in thu' 'jug E'lfid catches. t ran W miles ty tliPti fiaralleled t Island foast 'it) rf Tlie heaviest 0 fish was found OTTAWA 6omc Caiadlr.ri and dictators. , sunny weather today. However temperature. Lows tonight Col. Kennawl, former fellow- cultural research has bier, made possible only through Tinaneiai tby tomorrow even this region and highs tomorrow at , Port is expected to have cloudy and Hardy, 50 and 58; Massctt and IF aces Test CANNOT RETVRN HOME TOKYO General Douglas ; MacArthur repeated, today that It was impossible for hitn to return home to the United Slates to testify on the Chinese situation. lie elated the warmth of the invitation to go to Washington, he said, but a sense . of duty impelled 'him to remain in Japan at this critical time. officer of Awyim, met with aid from the United State v th considerably cooler weather mer ordered that the Inquest be dispensed with In view of the preliminary trial which will covnf tlw same evidence pertaining to the circumstances of Johnson's death. Prince Rupert, bo and flZ. at, y ; ,.- group of politicians and aslcedj Royal Commission of Artj ardl . ,t Hi:em Bey Auassi, lormer Sclenee development was una amovylu, There was a House Appives But Senate Is Freparing t Clip Truman Measure presiaeuiL- i viw repwin, w lorm a new cabinet. He accepted the request and Immed today.. . .. ., .-,, -. ., , .... -1 . timih Co6-RitHViCudy g"teral h-i of Sc to Win (Continued on Page 4) today .and Wednesday. A few prices here yesterday. WASHINGTON t. C. ffi Ad iately began consultations. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourteny 8. D Jotniton Co. ttd.) t.Wan Ioiril V fish p'jhiUi ion mtving up th" Earnshaw said, m we believe that Humming Bird and Personnel at Klemtu ministration acceptance was forecast today for some of a series of amendments offered by Senators Arthur Vanden-berg and John Foster Dulles to the $1,450,000,000 foreign arms DAVIS CUP TEAM ear oft thi Queen r." FOR U.S. NAMED nt time. Iiowevrr. i'p:, off the v est. Vancouver Baynnnc ', .05 la Bralornc 10.25 B. R. Con -03 B R. X 07 Cariboo Quartz 1 12 Congress Hedlye Mascot -23 Pioneer 3.25 RYE, New York W The Unit PASSING OF AUTHORESS COBBLER'S DEATH 'PROVES MYSTERY endeavouring to make the vesse. fast. A ikiff had been launch ed. It was In this that fhey made shore, taking nothing with them from the sunken vessel arlotUs arc "vet v ed States yesterday picked Its four-man Davis Cup team to J'iw not suitable c"?fend the International ten Boat and Her Crew Safe Troller Humming Bird Towed to Klemtu Cannery Captain Julius Bart and Reg. Frost were safe at Klemtu Cannery today after Bart's nis trophy against the Austral i H'Nipprature we They had thrown $1000 of fish ATLANTA, ' Georgia tf Mar-' ST. CATHARINE'S, Ont. overboard in the effort to light- garet Mitchell, famed author of n ar Dj mystery today sur- Premier Border MVi 'S (letter, ( Hin ian squad which showed Its inuftl. The lowest muscles by completing a 5 to nothing sweep over the Italians program. Before the combined Senate foreign relations and armed srvices committee met to begin work in writing the measure,' an administration spoksman told a reporter that he thinks soma compromises will have ; to be made In order to get the bill out speedily. . - . By a vote of 14 to 5 the Houss of Representatives foreign affairs committee last night approved the bill carrying the full total. Vandenberg and Dullejf propose that the Senate slice ;$169.-990,000 off the total, principally en the ship. "Ckne With the wind." aied to- The couple lit a fire on the day following a serious relapse, beach to attract attention and The 43-year-old Pulitzer Prize at 430 a.m. a Nelson Bros. Fish- winner became unconscious rounded the police Investigation of the death of a man whose badly decomposed body was found under the cement floor in the inter-zonal final. The American line-up in the i challenge round at Forest Hills Privateer -21 Reeves McDonald 2.28 Reno 0 Sheep Creek 1-1 Sllbak Premier -37 Vananda 15 Salmon Gold 12 Oils Anglo Canadian 3.30 I Cook on Van-1 anrl t'ape St. '""""fly lip of the water tem. ' proRre.wvely of a patent medicine store. The Auf,ust 26-28 Is to be Richard beam trawler Humming Bird had cries scout boat Senepa, Capt. earlier in the day and her been towed there from Laredo William Tocher, came along, physician described her condi-Island where It had run on a Peg. Frost was sent into Kiem- niin then as "extremely critl-reef and appeared at first to'tu to get aid and Bart, with cal , body was discovered late yesterday and neighbors said they (Pancho) Gonzales of Los An-gees, United States singles champion; Ted Schroeder, La id were certain It was that of John , wa,er l)e(i up to have been abandoned. Word of the safety of boat meagre food supplies, oeciueu Thg auUlorPSS ha(i recelv?d a to stand by. Friday afternoon frature(i skull( fractred peivl-. the J. H. Todd & Co. cannery cMv,io internal Inim-ies A. P. Con 17 Crescenta, California, Wimble 'stMt no tuiiii w,.rP it area. .66 .31 5.00 10.00 don titleholder; Bill Talbert, New York, nd Gardner Mul-loy of Coral Gables, Florida. United States doublts Atlantic ... Calmont .. C. Si E Home OH through cutting out $155,000,-000 aid to western European countries to get their owfc arms production going. and crew at Klemtu was received )ender A,beru o. arrived at the ' ft caf on Tnurs. at divisional headquarters of gccne of the stranding and, by cross the the provincial police in Prince use of cedar logs, succeeded in $ husband Rupert this morning in a mes- rf floating the Humming Bird. sage from the P.M.L. 15 which M ,230 midnight Monday -the, fc Sanborski, 50-year-old Russian-born shoe repair man, who disappeared July 18. After discovery of the body police posted guards around the building and ordered residents of the area not to dis wt made a dis-1r"i!raphie. Impnrt-ruishiR over Ilodp. "t, 120 miles we-it-1 LaiiRara Island. :lP'h finder charted Mercury 09 Pacific Pete 2.38 Trincess -19 7 S hoen disnatched there' on rearhed Klemtu. 30 miles b""s had i temporary - repairs to the Hum- Royal Canadian .uovaiBunnay aiwr wore nau oeen it- irom me scene 01 u.r aM..u...B. ,,,. H..H nrob- it 51 f...i.. . Q ..V. Tim Hnmminz Bird was in - lauinnn in a of an apparent ceived here I ably bring her into Prince Ru cuss the case. Uw cliart showed ATTACKER OF GIRL SOUGHT Police are continuing the cunken condition. .,.na hnf. nr 111 effee.ts." pert for permanent overhaul BODY IS TAKEN -FROM HARBOR . Members of the crew of the cieielict. The Humming Bird, which had it is a !KHins Seamount ' on Hie sea floor . . ; nn thp'inns Tliere is no insurance. Toronto Athona 13 Aumaque 17 Beattie 63 Bevcourt -26 Bobjo 15 search for a moron who crim (Uonunuea on t-age a sunk, was raised by the J.H. Todd, distance telpphone. He said he & Son cannery boat Alberta G. and broueht In to Klemtu. The I seiner Wortham T., from which ' Christopher Matthews, native Not Polio After All fisherman from Masset was be Alberta O was In charge of Charles and John Bunn. inally assaulted a 13-year old Indian girl at Port Edward on Saturday. The girl was commencing to regain consciousness yesterday at the Prince Rupert General Hospital where she has teen a patient since she was '""" f the l)om-11,nt's liydrom-apitic c mi-foot, wood-"t v.r, 'k1 I" .Hie roues-""t on. t- ,.0;isL lieved to have fallen overboari last week, recovered the body by means of dragging operations late yesterday afternoon. Burralo Canadian ... .W2, Coivsol. Smelters 99.00 I ' Conwest I ll Donalda 55 Eldona -66 East Sullivan 2-33 Giant Ycllowknifc .... 6.90 God's Lake 44 Hardrock -22 Harricana 06 Vi Heva .10' i found unconscious after the attack. Police say that, evidently, Grappling hooks brought the body out of the water from below where the vessel was moored at the Cow Bay floats; Con an attempt had been made to I NEW HAVEN, Connecticult D Yale scientists today expressed the belief that a large number of cases which had been diog-nosed as poliomyelitis may actually be attributed to a new and apparently non - crippling choke the girl. Constable H. E. 'VtvAU Ik 1 'I t I1 fARNIVAL Medly is In charge of the in vestigation. stables CT. Redhead and F. R. Gibson of the city police took charge of the remains and de Julius Bart, ownei and skipper of the Humming Bird, told the Daily News by long distance from Klemtu this afternoon that the Humming Bird, Inbound from the "Horseshoe'" in Hecate Straits with 14,00(1 pounds of fish, consisting mostly of ling cod, piled up on a Laredo Island reef while running up Laredo ChaiMvl at 10:30 last Wednesday morning. "We were overtired and misralculztcd our position," he said. P'"i Jnylar 1 Train. Hosco 18 Jacknfie 00 Joiiet Quebec -4714 Lake Rowan 08 Lapa.ska 0(5 Little Long Lac 57 virus. 1 The existence of the virus was first reported by the New York State Department of Health and confirmed by Yale research workers after a year's study. It was isolated during last summer's outbreak of polio in south- 7 -Pet Show. 'V '-. x . 13U Lynx livered them to the B. O. Undertakers An inquest will be held ' Alarm for the 32-year-old Matthews' safety was felt at the week-end by his fellow crer; members and dragging operations were begun Monday morning. The body was recovered about 3 p.m. . . Wednesday, August 17, 1949 High 7:06 14.4 feet . j i m mm. 19:03 17.9 feet The tide was high and, ns It Low 1:09 7.9 feet 12:34 9.9 feet 1,11 U.m. fell the Humming Bird dropped . ' 'em New. England, North Caro- HEADS CANADIAN DELEGATION Dr. H. L. Keenleyslde, left, hlna and Texas. deDiitv minister of mines and resources, and Dr. G. S. H. Barton, .1 The origin of the virus Is still .. -f .init.rp. are chairman and vice-chairman on to a lower Mitu o- 'j Deceased was a crew member of the Francis Millerd seineboat only the bow remaining m signi., , unknown and the means of Madsen Red Lake 3.00 McKeniie Red Lake 50',; MceLod Cockshutt .... 107 Moncta 43 Negus 2.38 Noranda 57.25 Louvlcourt 14 Pickle Crow 2.13 Regcourt 05 V4- San Antonio 4.30 Senator Rouyn, 39 Sherrit Gordon 2.45 Steep Rock 169 Sturgeon River .20 Silver Miller 38 which was moored at the Cow "y Door Priz ze .transmission obscure. However, Yale scientists report that all TODAY'S BASEBALL ROOSEVELT PARK 6:30 PJVI. SAVOY HOTEL vs. COMMERCIAL HOTEL I Bay floats during the week-end closed period. i He was the son of Mr. and respectively of Canada's delegation to a United Nations discussion o.i prcblcs developing the world's natural resources, Nations' Scientific Conference on The meeting, wlled Ub Unittd the Coiiseivation and Utilization, of Resources, will be a three-week session at Lake Success, commencing tomorrow. Dr. Keenleyslde, nu stranger in Prince Rupert, will preside over one of the plenary sessions.. . infected persons who have come to their attention have recov even the pilot house suDn.erc-ing. The vessel slipped suddenly into deeper water and Ban was thrown into the sea but scrambled ashore. His companion, Reg. Frost of Sanspit, was by this time on the reef, 1 P Iran n aiiy Mrs. William Matthews of . - 7 ... . ered with no harmful after effects. u.nw a.