cmenU 3 Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, April 2i, Johnson Rush of Greenville, Edward Bolton of this city and Godfrey Kelly or Massett, all re-1 gional vice-presidents, and Charle Dudoward and Thomas Gosnell of Port Simpson, who I Boxing (103P) A Webster, engineer from the were delegates, arrived in the It: SaM office of the federal Department city 011 tne Camosun yesterday Spring krun uum; worKs at New West- alrnon irom Bella Bella where minster, was a passenger aboard tney attended the convention the Princess Louisp during the Dast week of the Na- ,w Apt. 27. 28 and 29. General meeting Prince Rupert Football Ass'n with the election of officers. Canadian Legion Hall' Sunday 2:30 p.m. , (94) Mrs. Edna Lattery and two children of Smithers sailed Irom here on the Princess Louise for Juneau where they will pay a visit with Mrs. Lattery's mother. ing through to the Yukon terri-1 tive Brotherhood of British Col l.r tory on official duties. Jit, 'umbia. William Scow of Alert Centre, . in1 Sale una ieu, H.,u- . . Ray was re-elected president of, naiuia inurch of the War Vet- the Rmih Spring erqn.' It ... - m.v.wuu. Branch anrl Sam Yates of the casualtv sp-, Muiiicrs' Day if: 4iil. Cash for old gold. Bulger's. McKMGHT (Continued from page 1) Regular Moose meeting Tuesday, April 25th 8 p.m. In Sale, Home tlon, Department of Veterans Af-I fairs, will be arriving In the city i on May 1 from Vancouver and will be here for a couple of davs "1 i U SK4 School, kiiiunciutiaii stallation of officers, followed by social May , 2 P '"- V;:'Q VI- Recital, combine evening, attend. W.O.T.M. Invited to (9) :,o, May 4 , 7:30. 4 Constaoie and Mr. Gordon L. to assist veterans with the dis- sidcration the fact that Mc-cussion of their' problems. Knight was defending himself and' althouh some Questions to Mrs. G. A. Hunter Is sailing to- wltnesses were rouh. n0 morrow evening on the Camosun Twn ob'ectlon was made-attend for Vancouver , where she will the forthcoming gradua-! Mr' Brown strongly pointed tlon exercises of the Vancouver out 10 tlle iu;"' tnat' if tncy be" General Hospital nurses' train- heved Violet Sanipere's story. 1 Tea Simons and family were passen rit Ml.lOHillJf Lli, May nth. gers sailing aboard the Prince kupert Thursday night sailing for North Vancouver to which L May 13. fc.-jr lea May 18. ing school. Her daughter Miss tnen tlle Crown's ca;e was out. Audrey Hunter, will be one of He referred to Const. White's the graduates. evidence. The constable stated LEAVE CANADA TO WORK FOR NIPPONESE Four hundred pure-bred angora rabbits from Kitchener, Ont., are flying to Tnkvn .Tnnnn tn Klart. a now InHncfrv thora Uoa a ..n.iurt Vrr city Constable Simons has been transferred in the provincial police service after being stationed for a few years at Port Edward and later here. Auxiliary of th! rt General Hospital. that normally; Indians have no of" couveriU! makes an Easter food to ,ai,ed. Dink A Whippel "V""" IIICCUI1K OI lOini Plnnlr llm. unco "Cho ...r, . - I rwt m .... . ..w W1IIV .) V. 11 -IL . 1. 1 v MO 11 1 1 1 I eyed rodents, before they took to the sky to Nippon. r.i-n. s win oe held In Booth pletely wrong of the time," Mr.' . Brown declared, "although the' episode is probably right." that the safe in Ranee and Hardy Coady said Jabour would be pro Hcnooi, Monday April 24 at 8 o'clock to hear convention report. All members please attend. ' (95) nstrom, timber con-he Columbia Cejlu- d by the Prince Ru-ay night on his re-.couver after one of j A visits here. There was very little evidence ' "' nu 'trument used to aiwlh,er was against Thomson, the prosecu- or said. Only things linking ?ry 0?; ?jnst' Ocorse Red" I The sleek, trim lines of the Stetson Whippet. ..and the bold sweep of its bound brim. to give you that confident, up-and-coming look that says you're "going places." And the Whippet is going places, too-it's America's favorite hat I tected by the Canada Evidence Act. , "Do you still bootleg?" asked McKnight. . ! "In a. smail Way," replied Ja- Thompson with the crime was wniic "ad turned over evidence for ex- the crow bar. Jabour testified The court ronm fntajpri he was carrying, and an over- . . bour heard conversation by Miss Sam-1 McKnight, cross-examining Ja- ; la muffled laughter, pare. The native girl testified bour' asked tre taxi-driver if he'; AH witnesses were dealt with that she saw McKnight holding is still bootlegging. Jabour shortly after 12 noon and at 1:45, a niece of metal and savine to ,lc8ded with Mr. Justice Ccady T. w. Brown. R. M. MacLeod and STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR Vancouver AM) INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. . For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE Prince Rupert, B. C. ' Alk PASSENGERS To Vancouver (today) W. In-Kvar, L. Murdoch, T. Jones, W. Ferguson, G. R. S. Blackaby S. L. Santameire, Miss Arlene Pope, I. Hopkins, Mrs. G. Levert, Lt. D. Nixon, N. Bert, F. Warne, J. M. Wick. ' To Sandspit (today) H. King, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Kirby, 1. Jeffrey, E Foster. , From. Vatr.ouver (Friday) Thompson: "If we had this last!111 he should not be forced to McKnight commenced addressing f neurtic night, everything would have J,uwer lne question, justice the jury. icpl been alright".; Defense counsel for Thompson, R. M. MacLeod, delivered a very fhoit address to the jury. He pointed out that it was never established by the Crown that Thompson was in the store, on H Will year bowse be clear and free of debt, r will yoa leavo your widow an unpaid mortgogo? Low cost Mutual insurance caa solve this problem for you. Consult representative of MOE PfOPtE WEAR STETSON HATS THAN ANr OTHER BRAND Mrs. S Harris and infant, W. m li ntim is it THIt W- Thompson. , From Sandspit (Friday) W. Tarbuck. Christinas Eve. Mr. MacLeod de- ) f1 I clared that Jabour's and Miss Sampere's evidence was question--! j able. i r ' "If you find Sampere's and Ja- , bour's evidence not truthful, then j ; there Is no case against Thornp- i , son." ! Mr. Justice Coaciy explained to V g IIP lATER TO THE Noiice Re Housing Survey The City is endeavouring to ascertain the peed for housing, and forms are now available at the City Hall for this purpose. The co-operation of prospective home owners is requested. H. D. THAIN, ... , 4 . ,. City Clerk. G INDUSTRY 383 . TAXI Now at Your Service CALL 383 CABS DAY or NIGHT Stand 733 2nd Ave. At the Washington Block TOO the jury that a person is liable ' to be arretted on a similar charge although he does not actually commit a crime, I i "If Thompson were assisting J McKnight, then he would be as ; guilty although he may never I have put foo; in the building. But, the Judge later stated, if, after the crime was committed , Ecst Quality Meats and gcfablcs Kicftard Sephton, District .A-rcnt, 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. R. E. Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rupert, B. C. , Will Robinson (E. T. Keuney Ltd.) Representative. Terrace, B.C. H.C. Webber, C.L.U., Branch Manager, 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. the bar was cai ;ied by Thompson, i then he is not guilty. He would not be a principal offender, Mr. Reliable Service fbsmftrurr QoodFood For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese Dishes a Specially CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Rex Cafle 2nd Ave. Opp. Rupert Hotel 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders WATCH REPAIRS IF IT CANT BE'FIXED DON'T THROW IT AWAY A liberal allowance will be allowed as a trade in on a new 1 950 Model M ANSON '9 HONE 21 PERT j Justice Coady said. j Mr. Cortdy declared that cir-custanlial evidence was important in the case as that there was no direct evidence of commission of the crime. j'. He warned the jury panel that, I'lthough MiKr.ight and Tliomp-jii were alwivs together;; lived in the same room, and ate to-gelhcr; it did not mean a relationship exists as far as the charges are concerned. ! ' ' Accused on Stand j Taking the Stand, McKnight recalled Ernest Jabour, Violet Sampare. W. J. Ranee and defence witness V. G. Dow. He ask- cd if they cm;'d identify cloth (HERS NOTICE PRINCE RUPERT REALTY COMPANY MOVED to 603 3rd Ave. West . Over Broadway Cafe Phone 667 INSURANCE REAL ESTATE , RENTALS YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER Prince Rupert 3rd. Ave. Box 998 Free Delivery Scarry" GnaoTs fiiost distinctive liose IflEa die exclusivej tlarkcr, Slenderizing . Were Going to the Dogs! Mermen - Jrtff With a Ncw Stock of Dg ing wnicn ne was saia to nave worn Christmas Eve. They could not recall his M tire at that time Const. Jack White was first crown witness and he testified rC monufnrt.ip- J it Collars, leather and chain leashes and harness, rub- febiliicrs. rv,: , ber bones and balls ' CALL IN TODAY coolers, halibut shures OM SHEET METAL WORKS SINGER We repair all makes Sewing Machines WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates ' Phone 864 Singer Sewing Centre 518 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 1118 Phone Red 100 BOULTER & WELTER 'iwinvrly B & W Transfer) h our patrons to know of the change of Name, Phone and Office Phone Black 774' VtVCH MA IK BEGISURID PLANNING YOUR HOLIDAYS ! CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishinu Fnlarntiiip Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. lite) f Norton Youngs; 3rd Avenue hantom ' 9 Include a certified used car from Bob Parker's in your holiday schemes. Come in or phone for free demonstration. P mg , VANCOl'Vr.ll VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chilcotin ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEKN ' CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, April 23, 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, April 21 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER . Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Fhone 568 fUll-FASHIONED 'eproof Hosiery JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue 1 FASHI0NF00TWEAR Aword Winner" V lot, 1 est Spring styles Phone Red 324 Box 71 3rd Ave. I'Olll $1.35 u Li ngcrie by Super Lecker-f it BE CHOOSEY - "ASK FOR S Department Store .