'"'' i - -r-- . n-.-rr-TVT- Friday, 8eplaer. ,. ldffl. . .. BASEBALL- I . ' -"N f. "Tv 5 'i'! - 'IIP- he had walked the first batter on the inning which turned out to be the tying run. Ilowdick scored on Guthrie sai bunt after lie had been advanced ci". an error and Shier1 third hii of the same. However. Lamhi? 10 a.m. ended the rally when he caueht oundayu Play-Off Game Tie Oarkness Halts Commercials vs. Merchants Cowlest Tlie first game of the senior baseball play-orfs ended In a 5 to 5 tie when the Commercials overcame Merchants four-run initial inning lead. The earn.; Valletta's bunt and douoled tlie runner off third base. Commercials used three poll aiemrt Prom Octaa f, ers wnen loews developed am tmible. McKinnon completed three Innings and then cur-Beau went on to hoM the Merchants down. 10 am For Ocean flV 4' . 1 v- -it,- - ,1 Heaviest niu were a;v1' tnursday 1:15 p m. was uauru mi account or nark- double and trliii w ness after the Commercials riht to the fence in eacn case squared the contest in the .sixth1 HOX SCORE """ Commercial All p it 1 Ki , , - - v m ivjt-iunaiiis runs wprp srm.,i rjuihi-u oi t . 1 1 t 1 when Abel unloaded the h:. Vnnetia ih a i v 1 -.. wjm a double to the loft 4J fence then crossed Hip ..i, FIN! 4... ?' -yii'-'fa - 0 0 himself on a miscue nnmr. j Cornwell cf ... S i Windle c 1 'Sinclair rt I Howdick 3b .... 2 Linney If 3 ' Shier ss 3 dais got some errors out of tlM?lr system and then wpnt r. 0 1 1 ir sjq:.' i 0 1 Oj f V.Cv 'tJ '1 k .Main ini w : to play sound baU. Thev mn,! Jinn ill Uie SeCOlHi franw n.l..,.. T,.,., Toews - . v "'- p .. T S (' wmaie aim Sinclair crossed the plate after each had stolen I McKinnon p .. 1 Letoumeau p 2 4 ua.-.t?!,. iOiiunerclalK' imart- run was Uie one scored by Corn- 26 well in the fifth inning when Merchants AB he stole home while Merchants' Kerr If 3b 3 moundsman was irf th r n0, .... delivering the ball. JDavis lb 3 Latnbie relieved Ciccone o,i Lambie 3b p .. 3 the mound in the airth ff.- ih.i 18 PO 1 1 10 1 2 1 2 e 0 2 2 ..... .- , j ' n. "uvi v- j p itoseaaie re it 3 01 1 . . Mundi-ell 2b .. 2 Ludwigsen cf .. 3 Ciccone p 3b rf 2 0 DOUBLE LIFE Pete Karruk lives a complicated life in the early autumn. Tlie versatile Toronto-born athlete spends his eelcdays playing shortstop or pitching for Ottawa Nationals of the Border Baseball League, a cJib headed for a playoff spot. On week-ends, he switches to football and scampers about the oackfield for Ottawa Rough Riders of the Interprovinclal Union. He boasts a batting average w ell over the joo mark and has won eight of his first nine decisions as a pitcher for the Nationals. For the Riders, he has contributed a touchdown In 26 6 18 10 U49 T, oftti R H E 0215 7 4 each of their first two games. Commercial C. P. Photo) ALFRED Ik FOOTBALL LONDON, will be selected from: Boulter, Lien, John Wilson, Charlie Cur-rle, M. Bi.shop, OJen Olson, Bob Currle, Oscar Merlper, W. Price, Pat Wilson, D. Owen'l?, Alvin McKay, J. Ward, R. Robinson. Soccer Schedule (Mobtey t'u) Sept. 9 Of neral Motors vs Heavy Battery. SHORTS Merchants 401 0005 6 3 Summary Errors Howdick 2, Guthrie, Shier, Davis, Ciccone 2; two-base hits Vanetta, Shier, Abet; three-base hit Abel; stolen bases Cornwell, Windle. Sinclair; sacrifice Kerr; bases on balls off Toews 2 in Inning, off Ciccone 3 in innings: 4 runs I hit off Toews in z innings, 1 run S hits off McKinnon in 2 23 innings; 2 hits off disoUyfdoyitK. fcy the Govtffl(.' Tills evening's football game brings General Motors and the Heavy Battery into contention in a continuance of the Mobley Cut) rnmnptltlnn While tlio rion uriuurueau in i mmnes: 5 runs IT PAYS TO ROU YOUR OWN VVIH joff Ciccone in 5 tnnina:s: struck ,eral Motors team has no chance m j out by Toews 1, Letoumeau 4, of winning this competition It ?J Ciccone 1. Lnmhlp I- rune hot. can have a hnnH In HppiHInor urhi vuiuwmj, nvrt wjii a w Liic vviiiiici Limy iiui 3, Maundrell; double play Lam- be determined until the last bie to Hartwig; earned runs game. That is what makes the Commercial 1, Merchants 1; left compeition so Interesting. Fur- on bases Commercial 7, Mer-jther, the General Motors think chants 6. . . that, with some of their nlavers Umpires, Letoumeau, Karasos- back who were working out of Cigarette Tobacco ky, Howe. towri, they are now in a position Scorer, Santerbane. to finish the season with a win ning streak . Tonight's General Motors team MUD, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINI Aflvertl: n. the Dahy News! Prince Rupert Florist BROADWAY CAFE.. ! JOOSrdAve. Box-516 Tel.T77J l fCJli Ikli d.iMmn h ,Ui.lJ 1 ft V 'plyJbil(ofCoiolBoird J 1 I 1 AsSSa W Cem Briliik Clmbl. ' TTrCl t A ffr---lWfJ your House is an Asset! :f tsSS A1 mils i' i S&yJl I -v MAINTAIN ITS 1 " flAfSrWif - VALUE . . . MAKE ' t . lsS----"7 NEEDED REPAIRS j S NOW! ' m Flowers foj- AM Occasions IJIvST FOOD FINEST CM FRIENDLY SERVICE Chinese Dishfi t FOR TAKE-HOME o SHiiMil IttktrM No. 53 (Ternue) 1 NOTICE TO roNTK.M'TOHH SEALED TENDERS endomed "Tender for one room school at New Mazelton" will toe received y the faeoretary-Treasurer of School District No. 6S 1 Terrace) up to -4 8:00 'dock pin. on Thursday the 22nd day of September. 1941 and opened In puMtc at hlg office in Terrace on that date. Plans specifications and conditions of lender may b obtained from tile Secretary-Treasurer at Terrace, B. C. on deposit Of Ten Dollars ilfl.OO) watch will be' refunded on their return in good order, and will also be on view In his office. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank of Canada made payable to School District No. 53 (Terrace) for the sum of Two Thousand Dollar ($2000.00) which shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines to enter Into contract when called upon to do so. No tender will be considered having any qualifying clauses whatsoever, and the lowest or any tender FI10.N1 9 Hours 7 a m. to H mm SMITH & ELKINS PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 174 PI. Box 274 -. VAILABLE PPN(E NOW A fell ddvert!Spmint ic not nnklirl..J . J I .1 I . ui unpiayea oy tne Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Fr Estimates and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. BOWLING Builders and Contractors I NEW ROYAL ll A tr i IlllWIilili ' I. not necessarily accepted. School District No. 53 (Terrace) C. W. Alger, Bec.-Treas., Terrace, B. C. (212) CHANDLER'S nui tL OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex CaHe Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY enow MEIN 1 OPEN DAlli 1.I0F.M.T11 PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo? Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. rTr ttA sflTTVl wiutt run NEW RED AND onhirdaVS" A Home Away From Home SO Rooms Hot and Cold water "GOVERNMENT LIQTJOK ACT" (Section 25) Notice For Application For 8 Club License NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 13th day of September next the to 12 m onnVE BM 8econd Avenue onrvislf Prt nr Dt.nA. mnUII, FOR 1 white; GOLD SEAL LABEI I I undersigned, LOYAL ORDER OF ..oo a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Ontuw. rri.r. insii FREE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 1981 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED -1 VANCOUVER VICTORIA Paper ToVyels - Paper! FOR SALE ONE 1938 FORD BUS WITH OR WITHOUT ENGINE WHICH IS IN GOOD CONDITION R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Deodorants Disi MOOSE, PRINCE RUPERT LODGE NUMBER 1051. intends to apply" to the Liquor Control Board for a Club License In respect of the premises situate at Second Avenue West. City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, upon lands described as Lots 8 and 4. Block 81A, Section 1, Map 23, Prince Rupert Land Registration District. In the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said Club ta keep oa the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the Club to purchase liquor from a vendor and to sell by the glass the liquor so purchased to It members and guests for consumption on the Club premises in accordance with the provisions of the "Government Liquor Act" and the regulations promulgated thereunder DATED at the City of Prtn'r Rupert, m the Province of British Columbia, this 8th day of August. A.D 1949. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE PRINCE RUPERT LODGE ' Suitable for a Mobilestore A Home On Wheels lienuine iJUSTHAri o-r - EBY&SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p m, Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Sept. 9 and 23 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Sept. 2, 16, 30 FRANK . SKINNER Salt Lake Ferry Sunday & Thursday SCHEDULES Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Thursdays Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. SPECIAL TRIPS FOR PARTIES BY APPOINTMENT Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 Price is reasonable suitable terms can be arranged mffcifp wr Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. ' For Cleaning! and Janitor PRINCE RUPl-RT SUPPH NUMBER 1081 712 Sec"1 Phone Green 883 Boi 588 Phone G32 j H. T. Mancey, (Secretary.' . "l:e nuPe" &eni (318) Third Avenue Phone 56B