a 'f pimm i n,i nil. Ctfrtfi nnpet! Dail? J3etts Friday, September 9, 1919. Our Stock of Famous and Mrs. H. Beam, Port Essing- ton; J. C. Danielson, Vancouver; McLEOD RIVER COAL D. W. Ross, Sunnyside; A. H. HOTEL ARRIVALS' Prince Rupert R. C. Guest, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. F. Thompson, Vancou-er; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gill, Pacific; Miss M. Guide, Ketchikan; A. H. Westinghouse, iVctoria; J. E. Roulier, Nelson; P. H. Hug-han, Aiyansh; T. A. Dohm, Van CHARLIE IS COMING! ! All stock at half price. Heil- Is Complete LUMP EGG NUT STOKER Hooker, Tacoma; R. E. Noble, Tacoma; R. Davidson, Ocean Falls; Mr. and Mrs. X. Phillip-son, North Pacific; L. Adams, Ocean Falls. Cavatwill Topcoats Water Repellent broner's, 527 3rd Ave. (tf) Mrs James L. Lee sailed Thursday evening on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. couver; W. J. Slark, Seattle; Mr. George Green, district, for 'Imperial Oil Ltd., re Lutheran tea, sale and home cooking, Saturday, Sept. 10 at and Mrs. N. Parker and family, city; R. M. Howard, Vancouver; A." W. Rogers, Vancouver; J. R. Boner, Vancouver; L. D. Hol It0 turned to the city by plane yes Gordon At Anderson sell Kern Tone Paint. (211) Moose opening Whist Drive and Dance, Saturday, September 10th. - (212) Jnhn Bulger sailed Thursday evening on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver Junior Chamber Smoker, Moose Temple, Friday, 9 p.m. (211) E. Linncy left on the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to Vancouver. Prince Rupert Florists wish to announce that their store will be closed from August 24th to Sept. 13th Inclusive. 2:30. ert & McCaffcry land, Terrace; T. A. Kennedy, terday afternoon from a business trip to Queen Charlotte Islands. 4 I Miss G. Campagnola sailed on the Prince Rupert last night LIMITED Ocean Falls; J. F. Griffiths, Mer PHONE 116 on a trip to Vancouver, cer Island, Washington; T, C. Mayoh, Smlthers; R. R. Cooke, Vancouver; A. Lancashire, Ocean Falls; H. Tetlock, Ocean Falls; J. Johanson, Ocean Falls; Mr. BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 787 Bos 1193 Sheardowns have No. 1 Hale peaches and Italian prunes at prices that are reasonable. (212) i' - - 'i TELLS OF NEED FOR FOSTER HOMES COMING NEXT WEEK R. C. Vaughan, president and chairman of the board of directors, Canadian National Railways, will be a visitor in the city next week. He Is arriving here from Montreal and will sail on the Prince George Thursday night for Vancouver., RETURNS FROM HOLIDAY CRUISE inl! is payable in advance. Please refrain from sitieus 2c per word per insertion, minimum Ah Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, niarriage and Engagement Announcement: $2. IECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE A call at Stewart for a Masonic gathering, a run into Wales Is The need for a growing number of foster homes for children of broken families u described to the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Thursday by E. I. Coughlin, district supervisor of Social Wel-lare, who addressed the club's weekly luncheon meeting at the Broadway. Protection of children Who are the victims of domestic discord Is a major part of the work A Fine Dress Topcoat, 100 Two - Ply Wool Worsted, in plain colors. Expertly styled with set-in sleeve, square shoulder effect and sash pockets, the Cavatwill Topcoat is designed to combine smartness with long wearing quality. , This new hard-finish material will hold its land to offer assistance to a fel LOST AiiD FOUND low medical practitioner and It ncT Dnmrtvftri frnrn f rrn i. nf maenme , -"" .r 7,,"' yachtsman and an excursion to the head of Warke Canal for t iroiiin fc.niodc chair.' 4th West. (211) flshlg were comprised in a four A Sixteen Dollar Watch BARGAIN f Bugi!y. Oreen day cruise up the coast for Dr. "You didn't forget i W. S. Kergln and son. Bill, who nf fhp Hpnnrt.mpnt. nnrl t.hp riif- Model A. A-l W0 WANTED TO RENT Three or more bedroom liou.se or apartment, unlurnished. Phone 263. 215) :.Mvty. Phone i excellent con- WANTED A piano or organ Conrad United Sunday tscnooi the RECKITT'S Blue, Mummy!" Today'! smart homemakers never forget that last, quick swish of Reckitt's Blue in the final rinsing water. This is the only sure way of getting rid of the yellow look that : tinges white things when BLUE is not used . . . the easy way to make certain that all white linen, towels, sheets and clothes stay fnter, new con- 'hall. Phone Black 830. (Zlttt i216i I -A 918. 1 WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 press and give lasting good appearance to the wearer. returned to port last evening flculty of finding foster homes with the Full Moon. where they can develop within Departure was made here at! an atmosphere of normalcy is noon Sunday for Stewart. The ! becoming more difficult, he said call at Wales Island was made In the course of an autoblo-when Dr. Kergln heard that Dr. graphical address. R G. Urge had suffered mech- He outIlned tne p:0vince-wlde amcai trouble with his new boat Bystem of agency centres whose Yaloa. However, no assistance tunctions lnclude every type fit as required. socla, wUw Coming cut of Warke Canal j Guesls at the mceting were yesterday morning. Dr. Kergln , Frank Shanahan, and H. H. encountered fog at the mouth of Cnurch, both of Vancouver. A. the Naas River and in Chatham ' Bril.e Rrn. ., ,,,. , room furnished apartment. Call Central Lunch or Ocean J: point electric it mdition. Eng-ivcle like new, h t 4 tube bat- View Hotel. (218) We can today show you a very special watch value. These watches are for those who demand good timekeeping at moderate cost. They are built to run along for twenty years. Nickel case, 16 size with hinged double back. 15 Jeweled, open face, white dial, fully guaranteed. WANTED Janitor - Engineer Annlv In Denton to O. P $45.00 Priced at t all at bargain '2 1216) white throughout their lifetime! 7 colours combine to Tinker Co. Ltd., Besner Block. I I.T I ctte sei anu mate V bite, une of these is Blue. Blue mmt WANTED TO RENT Furnished I 4; leaving town (Kh East. Sound of density such as he had the absence of President R. G. dded to make true A t-tarrnl be 2 or 3-roomPd suite or noue Aunlv Box 573. Daily News. VTbile. (212) colored Wilton wanted TO RENT Furnished ..r.ci cAp-rnncea colore, it was Van der Sluys so thick that even the fishing I ' fleet tied It laAed almost ' up. all n . i j i day but cleared up perfectly iuUy LombardO Is late afternoon for the run back Boat Race Winner SHg 1 1 ffest class colldl- two room suite, quiet coupie. Aimlv Box 576 Daily News Olftce. (211) 5B33!ijff8 (MB (ren 958. Ulbi i'.ete home lur-j.ug. live piece ,inu port. HELP WANYr.D lectric heater, w"j4XED BUSINESS OPPORTliNITIfcS TORONTO 0 Guy Lombarao won the Canadian National Exhibition unlimited Canadian Dispatcher. Apply wattle iron 537 Taxi. FOR SALE Coffee Shon nn 3rd ANNOUNCEMENTS ator. toaster. Ave. Apply tkjx No. 5ti8, Daily class power Daat race alter arop- MPU'I fltlW'O .111, I , , , t 1 craftsman set, BOYS AND GIRLS Opportun-tiesterlield set, ity (or earning, after school 213) ping a second heat to Sid Street Jj .a cabinet and ,,, hv rlPUvrrin Dailv PERSONAL News routes. Honest, reli Aaverusemenis in ims coiuiiui wm be charged for a full mouth at 25c per word Lutheran tea. sale and home cooking, Saturday, Sept. 10 at 2:30. United Church Supper, Sep- , tember 22. Tickets now avail able boys and girls apply, at PERSONAL DRUG . SUNDRIES twelve samples for 50c post-; paid in plain sealed wrapper, catalogue included. General Daily News office. UH 4 P fin J r Apply seat, Kirscn : 75c dozen, . kitchen ware, i ladw. work-r.mu saw, ham-k ;s too numeral Heilbroner's (tsfi -4 .l chesterfield H Clary heater. 1 St. 1 212 1 What a Difference WANTED Meat cutter. Kaien Co-op. ill) HELP WANTED Man for lubri able. Loyal Order of Moose Men's and Women's Annual Bazaar and Dance September 29th and 30th. Moose Temple on the 29th, cation work, prererably single. . Bob Parker Ltd. (tf) KUUM AStr HOARD Novelty Co., Dept. 'PR. 71 Major St., loronto, Ont. (235) PERSONAL Hygienic Products Best Service, high quality, low prices. Send fot our free catalogue. I. X. L. Specialties, G.P.O. Box 57, Toronto, Ont. (213) IF YOU WISH to buy or sell a boat or engine: We list In DETAIL. We advertise EXTENS- 1 IV ELY We furni.h full IN Right Breakfasts Make Pfc:io 1 Dominion ,,ririNf . hoard for two men 'nia. excellent ,rfl Avp Uf) vVA 8 nne Keel 168 or, i E. alter 5 p.m. FOR RENT (212) FOR RENT Sloping room Close In. Phone Green 917. 21l Want to da yourself some good? Then take these first steps to better health. They're easy. They're pleasant. You'll benefit. The whole family can benefit. Kiicce bedrosjm 'k1 condition.1 FORMATION. We arrange APPOINTMENTS. We do all the RENT Housekeeping ; ill or call 704 FOR room 221 aih East. Olii 4 (213) Civic Centre on the 30th. Dance and drawing lor prizes at Civic Centre. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. Presoyterian Tea, October 13. Sonja Ladles Bazaar, Oct. 28. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 28. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fail Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapters Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24 St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. Orange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. s St mk SnlanetT fOR ZTnll for ciuiet utnaeman 4(1 nim t( share urie :,:n i a ;? , 2 dose in. Pnone Green 44 be- above for a small monthly list-! Inn fee to the owner. No Commissions You buy or sell Direct. You save Time You save Money. Boat & Engine Listins Ltd., In the "Heart of the Boat District." 1923 West Georgia St., Vancouver, B. C. (H) . ........... j ,.,, in , nnrt "J 11 m. 1Z1) t:c, Smithers. FOR RENT 3 room suite. Apply 212 bin West. X t213' - fctfd lumber r tall 629 6th Ave. 1 Itf it Used Furn- HEAL tfSTATii Why Grape-Nuts Is Specially Made for Breakfast It tako only two tablepoon of delicious Grape-Nuts to furnish the cereal share of a good" lireakfast. You'll enjoy these golden, crunchy kernels of whole wheat and mailed barley. You'll benefit, too, from useful quantities of carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals. Tlenty of flavor-lift with milk or cream. Recipes for other uses on the package. Today order economical Grape-Nuts from your grocer. foii sale OR SWAP ltil acres Why Breakfast Is an Important Meal A oati-faclory first meal of the day flioulil Mart you off rifiht. Make Mire nnr day is not upoiloil llirouli a hasty breakfast. The reason : that pkimp-nl lireakfast encourage fatigue, irritability and lowered efficiency. A better breakfast brlps von to Hart rigbl nnil flay ri-ilit all day. 1 ,in,.i'tri iihi ii. cltareo, u at loom house, coutnry anore, and office f' coal and lor Kiiwanaa. U. V. ideal Midlines, electric ,1 electric press' ' i s 1 0 n hand j 5!lK jacks, heavy I snuui nidi or mum "" Price $1600, terms. Apply Vernon KxWti, Aiuine Apu. Prince WlllH'.L. ii (J. Ul) fc bovs' bicvcles ! POR SALE Duplex house good filers, Ru'ilars'i location. One 5 room apari-I'ttlcsliip lino- mem reaay lor occupancy ythuiK at the1 Oct. 1st. Apply 531 6th W. al-P. c. Furniture i ter 6:1)0 p.m. U14' A Product of Gnral Foods Glidden Paints FOR ALL PURPOSES BLUE 846 SIX ROOM Wartime, newly painted and decorated on bus route. Utility room addd at rear. Lot cleared and fenced. Can be handled lor $15UU.OO down. Posfs -WN NAMES :"lPr Shovels, ,f'''-es; Adam- Littlcforci Bros. Time for a Check-up Let us check your commercial 'fn Clamshell Ji ick Graimlox- SAANICH PLUMBING AND HEATING wwrete Mixers: FOUR ROOM fully plastered house on 8th Ave. Eat. In very good condition with two !,;. in oarnpn. Full price nil burner now. to prevent a 1 G-IW 1 ""a!sL serious breakdown during the Tucks; Nelson s lor Stockpile 'val; Ri,-e Port- cold winter months. Call us $;1000 00 For Information or inspection see Robert E. Mon-tador Limited. Jll , gTpT TINKER" & CO. LTD. offer the following: .., . ; 5 room, house 7th ve W1" cash or terms. Immediate oc- Pumps; Na- Scrapers and "'nal All steel National ?""ls. National ma Conveyors. lll,n from Na- itirv Cr. r ,j today! Thorn Sheet Metal LIMITED Agents for the Iron Fireman 4 vu, ijbu cupancy. . . lltVl 5 rcMm house on two lots v.itn (tf) SAVE 253 First Ave.' Black 8B4 WORK! , TIME!!. MONEY!!! r I sarcten, greenhouse, naiuoi. Hallarr k'len sink. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Sterage For Complete,' Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 f chw't. Red Dupiex n 5th Ave. West . con-1 i2u, talnlnR two 5-room self con- P'J-burner oW tained suites. Can arranS U' oven. New occupancy for owner Good T"- iff 0. mil "V1'11? AT"" Vi olrt several lots on 6th Ave., close shingles' to McBride. lM: Y'UTO per bun jr u nn o ,1;.. six-room Wartime; E this n .ana i" x .4, near C j U..IKV1I rnrnei nF 11... it nir-Bi riwnraLea. HOURS Weekdays 9 lo 9 nm- Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE . . . with the THORAutomagic Gladiron My $129.50 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. wiou ana. wo four room 7,rr- types at $2,500.00 each. Terms jMtt ' bufict in' available. See Armstrong T phone Blue Agencies. 307 3rd Ave. West (tf) or phone 342 FARM AND ORCHARD 5.74 Acres HOUSE FULLY MODERN WATER FROM MUNICIPAL MAIN FOR QUICK SALE $3,000.00 Cash E. T. KENNEY LIMITED TERRACE, B.C. (223) CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOIK!) 10:30 a.m. to U P m. and i to S p in. KVKNlNGf Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. for those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. ,b '.Jwtl Deluxe FOR SALE On Fraser- Street, . , condition, j two storey building, furnished, with rental Income and four roomed apartment for immediate occupancy Full price $2,200. R E. Mortimer, 324 t..-4 A.. f919.l PHONE 79 9nnn" T-wnrli AUUlv 555 , BESNER BLOCK STEWART, phone 210 prince rupert (214)iOK SALE Bayvlew HOiei v roomins house, 36 rooms e73adio and steam heated. Phone km i 320, P.O. Box 121 Prince Ru- . Phone (214i pu t, B. C. 1212) I