1 PROVINCIAL I I LIBRARY I mm mm PS0VIX3IAL LI33A . c1!'onnEs DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S KIW8FAPZR Published at Canada'g Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVOL. 211. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1949. . PRICE FIVE CENTS linicipalifeies Not Linmitimi T cDKDS British Army Men Here Rupert Resolutions Are Thrown Out; Daylight Saving Vote Favored FINANCING OF OIL LINE , VANCOUVER-Plans to raise the $90,000,000 required to construct Its 1,150-mile pipe line from Edmonton to Superior, Wisconsin, were announced yesterday by Intcrprovincial Pipe CANADIAN RAIL UNIONS LAGGING Calgary O W. P. Kennedy of Cleveland, president of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, said last night that the railroad unions were lagging behind other labor unions In apply Berserk Man Threatens To Explode Powder Stores At Watson Island Two constables were dispatched from the city police office at noon today in response to a call from Port Edward that" an employee in charge of blasting powder stores had, gone violently insane and was threatening to explode the magazine. Constables Gordon Simons and Jack White joined Months in North Wilds ing Imperial war veterans two of them is and the third just out of the famous -hlanders are in Prince Rupert for a i-spending three months in the Bowser nick of Stewart, on a "combined opcra-e topographical surveys, taking photo- ing for the forty-hour week. He Dr. O. B. Hopkins, president. said that, subject to permission ' Constables Jolin Medley and being obtained from the Board raid that his Union, which ha 206.000 members In Canada and the United States will apply for a 40-liour week for yardmen among 20,000 Brotherhood members in Canada. He told 200 Doug Westover of Port Edward in an effort to induce the man i . graphs and collecting plants- rtr not as a government under of Transport Commissioners U. construct the Regina - Gretnti to leave the magazine peacefully iKlir taking but as a private enter- section of the pipe line, the com .Tvrvr-i prise and more especially a holi- VICTORIA (CP) The Union of British Columbia Municipalities contention delegates here will not ask for legislation allowing the miinicipalites to limit the number of taxis in operation. Prince Rupert delegates asked, that this course be taken on the grounds that ' fly-by-night" taxi cabs operate on their streets at the close of fishing seasons when 1948, was also defeated, there was a lot of money around. Tlie delegates, however, en- "And," said Mayor Arnold, "they dorsed a Prince Rupert resolu- seem to do a lot of bootlegging." tion calling on the provinciol Convention delegates felt, how- government to take a plebiscite eer, that limiting the number of on daylight saving time. Mrs. taxis operating In any muriicl- Arnold told the convention that pality would muzzle free enter- grave accidents had occurred pany proposes to issue in the BAUUH May- According to Uie police report delegates attending a two-day the powder magazine belongs tot convention of Canadian mem- Inspiration of the expedition 'near fulure- $72,000,000 of 3V2 Campbell and Bennett Con- bers that working conditions REPORTS ON CONVENTION Terrace Board of Trade In Monthly Session TERRACE Several matters of business were disposed of on Wednesday night at the monthly meeting of the Board of Trade which was held In the dining strurtioii Co. which is clearing of the Dominion's railroad men the right-of-way for a pipe line ! must be on a par with those in was the desire of Captain P"cenv. '"-year oonas, w,ouu, HamLsh Pelham-Burn," F.R.G6. m ot 21-VPar 4 Percent con- of Perthshire, Scotland, to re- vertlble sinking fund deben- turn and learn more about this tures of ,u00 of four mil" pHmtbi. ilNSTER (f -is flag-bedecked it swept under ,!jr at 5 4' P m I 0f 77 hours. 4'. i 1-5 .seconds. the United States. from Prudhomme Lake to the Walson Island site of Columbia Celulose Co. Dai t of British CnlumhU .fw "n authorized shares . of $30 having been here during the ttr value caPUal 8U)ck THE W LATHER war in 1943 on special services The bonds will be offered pri- prise. not during the fishing season through, Ailf 160-mllp trip Name of the man wa3 given in the Initial repf rt. U,B "vlr 'P alc wu" vately to Insurance companies ' . 1 Another Prince Rupert v resolu-, its a application 5kles fire Hpnr Hhi mnrnintr for the British Army. , us five hours ,.: hn tlon elimination of . the - .... m. Hn hh srven-year av jicMuem u. u. ijiiue in me chair and J. Stevenson as nunnrens oi pounos oi oyna-, I v poll tax as vote qualification and umbla. Extensive fo banks lie mite and blasting cans were said .,,. .... tu Nora Arnold is (if $7500 In Capt. reiham-Burn'8 compan- and olher institutional invest-lons are Capt. Robert C. Curtis ors ul Canada and the United of London, England, who Is onistats- f the lotal- $37,000,000 special leave from the R0yill I be payable in Canadian and Artillery, and Michael O Cox' $35,000,000 In United States cur- j bp announced rePeal the tax' was along the coast. MSst regions Ath?T will enjoy another fine 6?y to-,out he. conYe?n: i resolution, which had been lar day. However cloudiness is expected to develop over the ! pi'oposedbyPrlnce Rupert In to be stored in the magazine. The police report said that the man had suddenly gone out of his mind and threatened to set off the explosives If anyone rency. Is Given Office Intcrprovincial will offer $7,- southwestern corner of tlie prov- j Dr. MePhrrson was admitted to the Board's membership. There was not a large turnout of members to hear the reports of the delegates to the recent Associated Boards convention at Smithers which, s pre- 500,000 of the convertible deben nice wtai isolated thunder- tures publicity through under should approach. Shake-Up Of j storms developing by evening. of Llanbrynmalr, Montgomeryshire, Wales. They arrived here from Bowser Lake by Queen Charlotte Airlines, Pilot Bill McLeod having flown in to pick them up. From Prince Rupert the trio will proceed to Vancouver whence they FLYING 15 HEARD I an Incident at VICTORIA Solomon Mussal-lem, perennial reve of Maple Ridge in the Fraser Valley, who was In business tin Prince Ru- writers in Canada, the balance will be sold privately with Im- VAXjier ait ia bpicauiii iiitvj tne extreme norunern interior of British Co'lumbia and snow Is falling at Fort Nelson and Fort perlal Oil taking a substantial senlea Dv w- Kobinson. gave will 8ome ldra of Uie value of su:l'J portion. Interprovlncial re- Navy Vessels Ipert in the early days, was el-lected Dresident of the Union of Crash Kills in Mnv 31 last, conventlons in seeking some sol-, serve 340,000 shares for conver- ... It.'lll f ..) u.. t i ... . Ct rllh InmnAr lnroc In OTTAWA The first major I British Columbia Municipalities . . , . . . , .. ......I., i i . i , slon of debentures at the rate w P' 'u y in- of 20 shares for each $1,000 of varlous communities. , phase of a modernization pro- lyesterday in succession to Mayor the low thirties. . Forecast Tventy-0ne cram lor destroyers ui wre iji,rcicy veuige ui viciuiii. Clear toaay ana wmorrow.; . n. PmDie. lihoiisp of Vic- j wbici uj umii ij inoiurea. before Stip-lJ embark for home, late II. F. Glas- Tnpy 'ent in Bowser Lake 1 police court to- from Vanderhoof with Central J:t of acting as B c- Airways June 18, taking in aircraft while In 1000 pounds of provisions and 1 ation. The case 2500 pounds oi camping equlp- slighUy cooler tomorrow. North-1 .. a . n(,xt months Mayor T. H. Waters ot was elected first vice-president and Mayor Nora Arnold of west winds, (15mph). Lows to- &n fnUre cnangever debentures. Tlie Canadian por-j . In lhe correspondence there Hon of the bonds and debentures was a iPttcr from the D"pai 'twill be offered through a group ment, of pubUc vvorks fn Vic-of investment dealers, of which torla wlth regarci t0 the fencing Wood. Gundy and Company Llm- of lne Lukelse Hot Springs and Ued, and McLeod," Young, Weor this matter Is to be thoroughly and Company Limited, will be investigated. nigni, ana mgns wmonow-uv, MTaUnnal dPStrovers in the Prince Rupert was named second 1 5l"f,f 45 ahd Tf1 65, UleeL It -waa ..announced . today iyice.pre,deDt, nina and tak- nient and gear, all, of which had is continuing to be shipped over to' Canada and Prince Rupert by the Minister ot National De-1 I from Britain because dollars I d of Vancou- could not be exported to buy Joint syndicate managers. f prosecutor and it here. It Is Inconvenient but fence. Three Tribal class destroyers H.M.C. Ships Huron, Cayuga and Mlcmac nd the Fleet class destroyer Sioux, which have( another Vancou- Capt. Pelham-Burn and his There Is not likely to be a game warden resident In Terrace for some time to come, as, by a letter from the Attorney-Gen-' eral's office,- the Board was ad TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtear 8. O. Joantcn Cc. Ltd i Vancouver Bralorne 9-50 Bayonne 05 Yt B. R. Con 03 i counsel for the companions are philosophical Of the 20,012 shares of capital stock to be outstanding. Imperial now 'owns 10,000,; 12 are directors' qualifying shares, and the balance will be sold privately ' by Introprovincial. ' A wholly-owned United States been undergoing rearmament barristers, as about It, admitting that such 4:-Guest, inspect things have to be done in the MONTREAL (CP) Canadian Pacific. Airlines said ioday that" one of its' DC-3 planes had crashed forty miles from Quebec City with seven teen passengers and four crew members aboard, and, so far as is known, none survived. The plane was on n regular flight. Off i cials estimated that the crash occurred about 9:15 a.m. I V C v in yards on the two coasts, are vised that the,re had been no iMon, and other fight to maintain Britain's to return to active commission. B. R. X. provision made In the estimates .O6V2 .04 f'l In the city by credit. The British Army and Congress Huron and Mlcmac will be based at Halifax and Cayuga and ajtemoon from Royal Geographical Soc I e ty subsidiary of Interprovlncial Hedley Mascot 22 for 'such a, warden. : Tlie matter of a new federal building to house the post office, the Dominion Government ... .05 Sioux ot Esquimau. Pacific Eastern.. loaned some equipment. pipe Line Company Incorporat- I The young men made their ed, will own and operate all fa- hn.vp rnmn Dt !i u-ptl. onH tt rnHne in United States and Pend Oreille 4.75 Pioneer 3.50 They will replace H.M.C. Des- trovers Nootika, naiaa, 03 Vi Premier Border N CANADA Bowscr Lake from whlh they will Issue to Interprovlncial first would move out for short trips mortgage bonds to meet the er- hern a i UFTB ALL of two, three or five days. Their ! tire cost of these facilities. 4,ifi, rat,'us of operations was 25 miles. i ci m i Privateer -17 Reeves McDonald 2.35 baskan and Crescent, which are to be paid off Into reserve. Nootka, Haida and Athabaskan, all Tribal class ships, will be taken In hand for refit and re-enuinment. as Will H.M.C.S. 04ft Reno 4 vit ii 'iri, i. Among other things they scaled D. Kerr and H. Lynum, set up Telegraphs and telephone will not. be dropped by the Board until it becomes an accomplished fact. Recommendations were made to be submitted to the traffic branch in Victoria for proper traffic signs to be placed at the east entrance of the village and the 20-mile speed limit ALBERTA CHIEF JUSTICE PASSES to investigate the condition of W l of five series i. , I ' -- Iroquois, a ship of the same class, which was brought Into two mountains of 8.000 or 9,000 feet which had never been climbed before. During the three months In the wilds, they encountered other men only once, meeting EDMONTON ff Chief Just CHECKER ELECTED Mayor Nora Arnold, named second vice-president of Union of B. C. ice Horace Harvey of the appel active commission this summer to assist with tlie Reserve sea "-tAZOUCH. Lel- late division of the Alberta t. ( - When tlie Sum-erne Court died here today.; sign at the west end be extend the Deep Creek bridge was commended by the Board and their findings, with the recommendation that a new bridge be built will be sent to the proper authorities. Matters pertaining the N.H. H.A. cannot be settled until a definite town planning scheme becomes effective. training program. She- had served previously as depot ship with Charles Knlpple ot iivi'rrl (o,l... .... UP ed to the school. Also that dan T tin- in mi He was eighty-six years oi age. Sheep Creek " 1.19 Silbak Premier .40 Taku River 24 Vananda 15 Salmon Gold 13 Oils-Anglo Canadian . 3.55 A. P. Con 18 Atlantic 68 Calmont 30 C. & E. 5.70 Central Leduc 72 Home Oil 10.75 Pacific Pete 250 Princess 24 Royal Canadian 07 Toronto Juneau- hls son- Schubert Knlp- old workhouse, pie and Tony Retvedt of Stew His death ended forty-five years of rervlce as Judge of courts In "d for 2.400 for the Reserve Fleet at Halifax. Pursuant with the naval policy of constantly seeking to Im ger signs be placed both east and west of the rock-cut near the Skerna Bridge. The report of the committee, I F'liia hni 1 1, "', coining oui, irom ireaij the Northwest Territories and k olaclrr country, northwest of as an offer to the Supreme Courts of Alberta. prove living conditions on board S8(i for the priv- BOWSPr LaKe- wncrc lnpy naQ i ui-rii wurMiig iniiierai gruuiiu. The trio are hoping to come back to the district again next year for another similar ex ship, while Btlll maintaining wis highest standard ot fighting efficiency, extensive and radical alterations have been made to the crew's living quarters In H. ' M.C.S. Sioux. . pedition in the Tide Lake area, Athona Aumaque r7 this side of Bowscr Lake. Indeed they left a cache of some left over provisions there for such Pnibvr 10, 1919 j. A cafeteria messing system and dining quarters separate , from the sleeping accommoda-ition hae been Introduced, while ! in the sleeping spaces ham a purpose. 2-M 13 3 feet. Beattle 62 Bevcourt 26 Bofojo 14 Va Buffalo Canadian H Cdnsol. Smelters . 97.65 Conwes't -' M7 Donalda v .58 Eldona ; 70 East Sullivan 2.62 C:-' 4!) fori 21:13 4.7 fei,i mocks have been replaced by bunks which will fold when not In use. COAST LOGGING STRIKE IS OFF VANCOUVER The coast 1 ib S J Although the cafeteria and bunk systems are not uncommon In larzer ships, this will 6.75 .28 Giant Yellowknlfe Hardrock Harrlcana Heva Hosco Jacknlfe Wrinin I1. Detroit 10-4 U Chicago 3 06 Vi be the first time they have been 13 employed in toto in a destroyer 14 ' of either the Canadian or Brit-.12V2 ish Navies and the experiment PRHiIDENT Reeve Solomon Mussallem of Maple Ridge, new president of Union of B. C. Municipalities. Former Prince Rupert resident. 12-4. rhilaclcl- (Continued on Page 61 logging strike has been headed off, It was announced last night. Representatives of the International Woodworkers ot America and the operators have worked out a settlement of their dispute. Wages w ill be maintained at the present levels. Key Issues In dispute were the loggers' demands for a 15c increase and tlie operators' counterproposal for a 13c slash. Joliet Quebec 52 Lake Rowan .06 Lapaska 06 Little Long Lac .73 Lynx 13 Madsen Red Lake 2.95 McKentle Red Lake 50 McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.53 ' Moneta .41 Negus 2.25 Noranda 58.25 Ntiona ' f' Pittsburgh 7 Louis 8 ' '"'"national ? Vancouver 6 Viknr.a 13 ic Coast ! 7' Portland 6 3- Seattle 4 4 ,V' Oakland 5 f- Motors I Vs. battery Important Announcement NORTHLAND DAIRY are confident that, with toe addition of one more truck and 'the following change of schedule, they will he able to give a more satisfactory delivery service than in the past. Starting Saturday morning at 6 o'clock Sept. lObh. truck No. 1 will start at Hays Cove Bridge working all tlie district east to Seal Oov and back along Eleventh Avenue. Truck No. 2 will work the district between Hays Cove Bridge west to Fulton Street. Truck No 3 will start along 9th Avenue West from McBrlde Street continuing through to the district west of Fulton Street then Section 2 and the business district. Please help Northland to give you better service by leaving your bottle out at nurtit until they have established your regular delivery time. MENTAL HOSPITAL IN SOUTH BURNED VANCOUVER Seventy mental Louvicourt 15 Pickle Crow M.. 2.18 Regcourt 06 San Antonio 4.25 Senator Rouyn 41 Sherrit Gordon 3.20 Steep Rock 1.80 Sturgeon River 21'2 Silver Miller 38 BATTING 1000 Eddie OPonnall, left, Iroquois Falls, Ont taxi operator, went hunting recently near his suimm-r camp. When ho return, d to his camp, he had four potential bearskin strolling along Raising his rifle he cubs three rues for Ills hearth. He saw a mamma Ueu and patients were safely evacuated last evening when Hollywood Sanitarium here was gutted by fire which rr,ed through the Institution. None were injured. :1:00 (C. P. Photo) fired four ots. Result? Four dead beaif, shown heie. J