nypa- ----- rr f-r , , 1 1 j Prince Rupert Datlf Htai Friday, September 9, 1919. CONVICTED ON LIQUOR CHARGE Harold Beam, proprietor of the Skeena Inn at Port Essing-ton was fined $50 and costs following hlr conviction by Magistrate H. F. Glasscy here Thurs BACK-TO-SCHOOL DRESSES AND UP $2.25 FRIDAY 7-9:05' (SATURDAY 2-4 : 20-6 : 45-9 El ftp? It day afternoon for an infraction ol the Government Liquor Act. The prosecution followed an investigation on August 12 by Constables Edward Anderson and George Redhead who visited the Skeena River village on the police boat P.M.L. 15. Beam was charged with permitting persons to be in the beer parlor of the hotel after 11:30 p.m., the! I rr-r: mm V PLEASE Xotp Wallace's school girls' clothes department is now bursting forth with popular low-priced school girls' clothes, of all kinds WALLACE'S Of Course MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY MATlXrr, Commencing next week the Capitol m Monday and Wednesday with the show111' 5 p.m. and run continuously Three MATINEE PRICES TO I OO'U 1 n -i h ; ""CJ J O I ----- m A i. . tarn I II Plumbing, for the bathroom, and laundry equipment is in the same' wall. Location of the fireplace makes the same chimney available for the heating unit. Storage space is liberally allowed for in The Allen. Wardrobes are provided for In each of the three bedrooms and closets are planned for the front entrance finrl iiMltt.v rnnm A a cm cm 1 Mncr Children Unaccompanied Not Admitted Att"! regulation closing time. Constable Redhead, who was on temporary duty with the P M.L. 15, told the court that 1 H. Bl,t he had seen a group of persons I and linen cabinet are in tihe bedroom in the premises at 12:45, 15 minutes after the closing hour. The accused, he said, exchanged Tcsiona-eA. jg-tj -t I some money during that time. SWEET-TOOTH WASPS NEW DELHI Q The Indian NORWICH, England CP Plum government ha? established a trees and gooseberry bushes in directorate-general of shipping. Suffolk and Norfolk are being Arthur S. Lai, formerly Indian attacked by swarms of wasps trade commissioner in London, whlcn are ruining the fruit be- has been appointed to the post fore it is ripe. Some growers to deal with seamen's welfare, report that their trees, of early maritime conventions, shipping plums "have been stripped. (corporations and lighthouses. Constable Redhead's testimony was corroborated by Confutable Anderson. The prosecution was conducted toy Constable Anderson. A. Bruce Brown acted for the defence. hall. The exterior walls are shown to be of frame with wide siding. But, concrete blocks can be used as a substitute. The roof is covered with asphalt shingles. The kitchen of The Allen is modern with cabinets and equipment arranged in a U-shape. The sink is under the window and the refrigerator and range arc completely built into the cabinets. Dimensions of The Allen are 38 feet by 27 feet with an area of 1,110 square feet and a volume of 13.320 cubic feet. THE ALLEN is basementless, with the floor slab, easily adaptable to linoleum or other composition flooring, laid directly on a gravel fill. The heating plant and laundry equipment are in a utility room which replaces a basement. PRINCE RUPERT BOY IS DENTIST Dr. Kosta J. Killas, son of Mr! 1 MARRIAGE flowers and a blue shoulder veil. F. Bailey. Receiving the guests The two pretty bridesmaids, was Ml's- w- Crego who had Dmot.hv and Mi'.rirpri cmm ' chttsen a gown of black and rose SZAtf FLAKES AZZ AT TERRACE popular sisters of the bride', ' printed silk, black accessories !nncl Mrs- James Klllas, formerly the former wearing a long gown ancl corsage of red and cream of Prince Rupert and now of of pink sheer with long sleeves, gladioli. The groom's mother Vancouver, has opened up up for TERRACE Under a large - t i. ... i 'white wedding bell in an arch- pink ribbon sash and shoulder wore wine with grey accessories 3 r way of cedar boughs decorated veil crowned with pink velvet Rnd corsage of glads. with pansies. Elsie Mav CreEoJ flowers. Mildred wore a decD1 The toast to the bride was V. dental practice in the Medical-Dental Building, Vancouver, following his recent graduation from the Oregon Dental College with the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine. Born in Prince Rupert, Kosta Klllas received his public and High School education here and later took three years In University of British Columbia before going to Oregon Dental eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'cream gown with short sleeves fiven by hcr grandfather, A. A. W. Crego, and Donald Charles and ribbon sash. The bride's Crego of Vancouver and re-Hull, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. attendants all carried bouqueU sponded to by the groom. O. Hull, were united in marriage of pastel shaded flowers. Lraving on a motor trip by the Rev. A. C. Shindcl at the Attending the groom was his through the province, the bride Pentecostal Church on Wednes- brother, Wayne. Kenneth Alger w"re a nayy suit with pale blue day evening. .was the usher. (accessories. On their return, the Cedar boughs and late sum-1 As the bridal party proceeded newlyweds will reside in an ap-mer flowers decorated the front down the aisle after the cere- artmcnt above the grom's men's "I beat the stufflns out ol him." F.ARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRL J of the church piano and win- mony, pictures were taken "by furnishings store on Lakelse Av- dows and made an Ideal setting Jim Brickley. Cnue. rne bride was a popular for the beautiful bridal party, i . Mrs. F. Gibbs was soloist dir-' member of the locul telephone Given in marriage by her lng the signing of the register 8tafJ-father, the lovely bride was and Miss Grace Little played pmppflll in- a flnnr-lnnirtW irmrn U , . , ... UBW! sun-new! wm. AAl? TASVtfZ IWAtJ BV&Z! WO -WONDER o many people are changing to Kellogg'a Bran Flakes! - Toat v-criap in milk. (let a box today! VruaUr mnuimniniBo W.llnn.lu.l.l WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Enlarcinr QUICK SERVICE ul noun which a recepuon was neia in the featured a small bustle, portrait Credit Union Hall where the (Continued from Page 1) neckline and long sleeves. Her guests gathered to felicitate the bridal veil, entrain, was crown- haorjv counle Flowers m rn.!v'm be watched with a great , Professional Supplies Amateur iind ed with an Elizabethan coronet, fusion, wedding beUs and stream- deal of lnterest TRY THEM AT NO RISK. If Kellogg't . arnn't fresher than any other bran ftkfMend emuty carton to KelJugg'a, 4-A, London, Ontario. Get double youg money back ! MUDff lAXATIve. Contain enough bran to help regularity, many foike THE fiONTEiM coi: Whether these systems or mod 7 bhe carried an arm bouquet of ers decorated the hall and , , . . . ... frr r. r A nHnM ln I I - m. 1 ana: 1 ry tnera. ! FIR icu anu umiii Kiauiun, uaujs laoies. ine Dimes table was breath and fern. . . covered wit.lv a lace Icloth, hunc Maid of honor was Miss Ann crocheted by the bride's mother. Molitor, charming in a floor- Centering it was a three -tlei Iv'' Momez wonts GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS ANU BUILDERS It houses the motor Hie steer.J length, long-sleeved gown of blue wedding cake made by the bride sheer, .coronet of blue velvet and artislcally decorated bv Mrs. para t us the headlliihU If ft 1 of your car. We'll put It in tlp-ti extend our service to the rear : Drive In Today! PHONE GREKN 217 ft STRAIGHT CUT for ifications of them will be adopted in the other destroyers of the R.C.N, will depend on the success of the tests to be carried jut in H.M.C.S. Sioux under practical sea-going conditions. . Concurrent with announcement of the destroyer program, 't was announced that H.M.C.S. Magnificent was expected to return to service in mid-October. The Magnificent will work up and engage in a period of flying training In East Coast waters, ntler which she will proceed on an autumn cruise. During this period, the carrier will embark for sea training ordinary seamen who have :ompleted their new entry train-ng at H.M.C.S. Cornwallis. In his capacity she will replace temporarily the cruiser H.M.C.S. Ontario, which will commence a wo-month refit at Esqulmalt November 1. a Superior Auto and Body M CONSTRUCTION $ j ALTERATIONS REPAIRS i Studebaker and Austin :: Sale MM FLOOR SANDINO A SPECIALTY Venetian Steel, Aluminum or "'j In a wide assortmml (I RED 561 F.O. BOX 111 J - ' colors with matchint 1 sic for Millbonk. Experience trasting tapiw I Drop In and wfM or phonr, and our t,! will rail and W Gegal Printers window and dri f installed price. the smoking enjoyment thai can be yours in cigarette after cigarette all day I It's the Straight Cut Virginia the top tobacco from fip to tip that makes Millbank "Truly Mild". PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Eaptone The Wonder Wall Pa.'nl WE DELIVER McBrlde Street Made to be used over Kalsomine, Wall Paper, Plaster, Woodwork and Wall Board Paint today, move in tomorrow $1.40 qt. $4.50 gal. ffieyte firmer - 7fay'ie milder 7fy'M better THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. WARM WOOLS for WINTER 7T A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Faro Trucks AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 4-P1ECES BEDROOM SUITE-Oriental Walnut JUST ARRIVED . PURE BOTANY ENGLISH WOOL 3 and 4 ply in a large assortment of colors, as well as many other National Brands. Needles, guages, books, etc. Get Complete Supplies for Knitting at veneer wun Matching Facings $155,011 4-PIECES BEDROOM SI!ITFtn TMv, ai,.. Jill 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. - tumuli WUUU t mottled Grain and fittings to harmonize $199.50' 4-PIECES BEDROOM Sl'ITE-Rich Almon Wood' Hiddenf Handled drawers, Peacock Mirrors $169:5(1 4-PIECES BEDROOM SUITE-Beautifui light Avodire Equatorial wood. Large Mirror $210.00 TRAVEL THE EASY, COMFORTABLE pW Regular Trips ... , p ;j To Queen Charlotte Island 1. I v ' (Daily, Except Sunday) To Alice Arm, Stewart (Every Thursday) , r CHARTER FLIGHTS TIIIIOUGHOU " For Information and Reservations, QJJEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINER Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop 327 Third Avenue Phone 773 Prince Rupert 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400