RRIVALS IS.O.H. Officers Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, April 14, Pillowcast Hoard Fortune in Silver I ST. HELIER, Jersey Channel i J. C. Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Parker und son, city; J. Dion, Massena, INcw York; D. J. McBeath, Wat-' . 1 1 T nd : Nora I. Johnson rot. V. O. sire CM! 'Are Installed M. 'stevcBton; T. K. MUne. Holly- I IS'andS -plber George BiS-burn. 8n' Prbir'8 pipes Mr. and Mrs. L. Korhonen. beneath Installation of officers for the V- Fultoi1- KacKcnzie, G. ier, Vancouver; I Ilor ol a house, came on a hoard jPort Essington; R. H. Ball, Craw of silver coins worth more than '6,000 ( $18,600 j and weiirhine year took place at a meeting of the Sons of Norway in their hall Wednesday night. Installation was by Past President iJels Gun-derson. Mrs. Knute Slatta and Mrs. John Fredheim installed the marshall and assistant marshall. kOGGED ? ford, New Jersey; Cpl. A. H. Taylor, Vernon; Roy Berryman, Sandspit; Mr. and Mrs. L. Gas-key, Winnipeg. Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergin will be leaving by air at the first of next week for Vancouver enroute to Fort William and Toronto for a fortnight's visit. Mrs. Kergin will leave on Monday and Dr. Kergin expects to get away on Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook, pioneer Anglican missionary of city and district, is a patient in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. He suffered a heart attack on Wednesday but is now reported to be resting comfort nearly a ton. The coins were stowed in pillowcases and leather bags in the home of Walter W. Bisson. a retired lish dealer who died last - ; , " STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT 'SAILS FOR Vancouver AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write ' or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE Prince Rupert, B. C. .many emcr-'puniping flood-ril:g violations , rusted piP jended to. Tuesday. CONST. SIMONS IS PROMOTED ably. J Co-op Fisherman's Farewell and,Dance APril 14th. Civic Centre July. The money will be divided I among his heirs. Winners of the Music It was announced that a Smor-gesbord social will be held May 17 in the organization's hall. The following officers were installed : j President John Fredheim. Vice-President Harold Hel- Const. G. L. Simons of the city detachment of the B. C. Police SPORT SHIRTS WAIKIKI LEISURE-TOGS By Milestone Pinto Model A fine gabardine in cross-over zipper style . . . washable . . . pre-shrunk and expertly tailored .... Aud. 10-2, Tickets for admission Drama festival. Cups and mcd and Jobbing als please return to Bulgers for engraving. (87) are available at Co-op stores for all members and employees. (87) acted , land. here, has been promoted to, the' "I '. rank of corporal and transferred ! Would Spring to North Vancouver, It was an- j Knives-StilettOS nounced yesterday. The con-1 TnnnNxn TORONTO Tho The ., stable has been in this district! city council for five and one half years, at- ft Uo sklnQB thc i.PhPH hw. nrt f tJ ; Minister of Justice, Hon. Stuart el08 Rupert J Hcoting HUMAN , a . ., ,Garson, to ban Prince Rupert District Scout Judge Gunner Selvig. Association is conducting a Treasurer Arnold Kaardal. Leader's Training Course in the Financial Secretary Astrld City from April 20-25 under ex- Pedersen. pert diretion of Field Commis-i Secretary Mabel Ritchie, sioner J. Watson. of Vancouver. Assistant Secretary Sophia This course Is open to yount Giske incn or women 18 years of, oyer Marshall-Mrs. John Pedersen. the Import and Native school teachers for the Salvation Army Envoy and Mrs. John Walker of Kitselas, Capt. Louise Thomas of Hazelton and Lt. E. McLean and Lt. B. Gordon of Glen Vowell are returning to their posts in the interior by tonight's train after having spent the Easter holiday season in the city. "spring knives" and stil- sale Of novt uropl? Mia uniuuin v. tifficc BIdg.) has not'yet been announced. ' T aC,Un was taken at the request of the police chief, John Chisholm. . Assistant Marshall Mrs. G. age, mwresiea in Doys' work 1 onH u: n 1 f o v Wl ( . i . ,.k iBelvig. ierinen - ,' . , 1 stay in Scouts. If interested, Women of Moose please take .ritp r,iKt.ript. rmmlBCln. AIR POWER MOST DOMINANT FACTOR MONTREAL Lieut. General O. J. Slmonds, Commandant of the Inner Guard Hans Pettersen. Outer Guard Birger Bakken. Trustee for three years Oscar Glske. Scouts, P.O. Box 187, City, before April 15. (90i novelties to Star Stylewear not laer than Tuesday, April 18. (88) REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURN'S PREPARED manufacture and stock mufflers stabilizers, expansion tanks, i YOUR SPRING PLANTING! The finest selections of gladlola j bulbs and rose bushes now at j I Balagno Florists. Green 787. (hi ' Attention all Scouts and National Defence College at Kingston .speaking here said: "The dominant factor in modern war is air power. The best Mrs. W. C. PoulLon of the Salvation Army is leaving on tonight's train to visit various Home Leagues of tbo Ai-my at green, wine, g'ey ana brown. Priced at $5.95 Beachcomber Model' Made from synthetic yarns. . . f ast color.dyed , . . washable and pre-shrunk . . . mottled green, brown and blue Priced at $6.50 Button Sport Shirt by Miss Dolores Clifford, telegraph operator at Hazelton, and Miss Gwen Langthorne arrived In the city on Tuesday night's train for an Easter week visit. They will return to Hazelton on Monday night's train. exhaust coolers MEET METAL WORKS It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) means to prevent a shooting ) Prince George, HazeJum, Glen Cubs, Prince Rupert District. Final film programme Friday. Vowell, Cedarvale and Kitselas. i She expects to be away for eight I war Is to prove to any possible aggressor that an open conflict 'would not pay off." days. 7:30 p.m. at the Anglican Cathedral Hall. Come and enjoy yourselves. , (87) Announcement George Green, district man- ager of Imperial Oil Co., sailed' Club stau nights arranged SII1GER We repair all makes Sewing Machines WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates Phone 864 I last night on the Prince Rupert ! Northern Sports Boxing Club. for a business trip to Ocean Falls. (103P) Baronet . . . full weight gabardine . . . washable . . ; exclusively styled for comfort, fit and smart appearance . . Priced at $6.95 Dance S.O.N. Hall Saturday) Card Tournamtnt, Catholic I 0 to 12 p.m. Music by Mike Co- Hal1' Thursday, April 27. I lussi. Everybody welcome. (88) United Church Bake Sale j Meeting of ' Int. Union, of 'April 15th at Gordon and An- Sewing Centre Singer Wl Mm Operating Engineers Local 115. dersons 11 to 4. " Carpenters Hall Sunday, April 1C, 2:30 p.m. (88) bSPfifylUTY Women of the Moose Novelty Spring Tea, April 19, in the new Moose Temple. St. Peters Spriuu Sale April 20. rn Pr3sbyterlan Spring 8a'i Committed for Trial j On Charges of Arson LEYBURN, Yorkshire, Eng. Hi Thomas Jackson, 28-year-old. painter who "longed to be a fireman" was committed for trial by I April 27. Hobby Show Apl. 27, 28 and 29. ( C. C. F. Tea and Sale, Ladies', Qood Food For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese Dishes Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Leyburn magistrate's court on j Lounge Civic Centre, April 29. 383 TAXI &nd Tea, I Orange Spring Sale cnarges of arson. . The prosecution charged Jack- c.ti Unrt cn rit. tn n nnl.. .I.kl.. May 3. , ( ! In one! United Church Mothers' Day land a neighbor's house. J case he had giver, thc a!ann and ' Sale- Mav 4tn- Now at Your Service ETTER THAN ANY in both he had helped firemen j student Recital, combine vi- fight the flames. i 0lin and niano. may 5, 7:30. an 383 cabs I Gvro Klondykc Night May 5 OTHER MARGARINE.. A statement read, to the court said Jackson had ' lcnged to bo a WLeiL Cat e 2nd Ave. Opp. Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders fireman." He hi'.d applied to the brigade but had been turned down on an -:ye test and this had been "a jreat Presbytcriar Missionary Tea i Church Hall, May 11th. ' Sonja Tea May 13. ' Eastern Star Tea May 18. . DAY or NIGHT Stand 733 2nd Ave.. At the Washington Block S.O.N. Badminton Dance every! Saturday night.. 1 i Bj Jl'LIUS DINTENFASS HARMONY in ue Give your children the NEW MARGKNK and blindfolded or not they'll tell you it's GOOD! New texture and flavor, better than ever, make it extra delicious on bread, toast, pancakes and vegetables. Use the NEW MARGENE in all your baking serve it at dinner tonight! D.C B.sc IJ.U.U We often unconsciously compare, our own bodf mechanism to that, of a watch. Vou'll hear people say:i "I'm run. down." Why'! for not carry the-analogy one' step further? When a watch :0) PRODUCT OF CANADA PACKERS LIMITED it 502 is run down and doesn't work right, we have it adjusted. We can do the same for the body- We're Going to the Dogs! through chiropractic adjustment. The result in both cases is the same. The watch and the WATCH REPAIRS IF IT CAN'T BE FIXED With a New Stock of Dog navy blue kid tango pump By Perth $ I I r AT I Julius Dlntcnfus Uoctoi of body are both I Collars, leather and chain leashes and, harness, rub DNT THROW IT AWAY 1 1 ysJ I made up of hundreds of tiny parts, -all of which trust be meshed to- , j gqther in perfect co-ordination and J allowance will be allowed as a trade ber bones and balls CALL IN TODAY vis balance, and with notning to 'm-! pede the flow of vital energy. The ! mainspring of all our actions I conscious and unconscious. Our ! system of interlocking gears, to transmit vital impulses from the ' .brain, is our .spinal cord. Shock, fatigue, a fall any one of in on a new 1950 Model ANSON'S hundred causes can throw trie spine off balance inlcrfare with ' S18 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 1118 if Phone Red 400 navy blue Y0UU '"H!NDLY JEWELLER ''rincc Rupert proper channeling of nerve impulses from the brain to the other organs of the body. When we're' Tun down," it's a symptom that,! like our watches, we need "adjust-: ing." The ch'ropractor corrects thel ca 3rd. Ave. distortion that has altered or'. w By Julia Arthur 1 1.95 obstructed the proper channeling of nervous impulses, restores the! body to the desired equilibrium. ; So the net time you feel run' down, viteit your chiropractor! ; BOULTER & WELTER (Formerly B & V Transfer) We wish our patrons to know of thc change of Name, Phone and Office Phone Black 774 (Office) T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED Thii artitU (nstrttd by CHIROPRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA T Prmtt Thvrvugh Undwitonding I This Ironch ! HaoMnf Art Box 638 Charlie Roberts Phone 357 NEW SPRING ARRIVALS SUITS Drcsjiinukcrs in .Chf-cks iinti Gabardines from $22.95 i-'liimirl SLACKS from $3.95 p0R APRIL SHOWERS Umbrellas as low as $3.25 Cotton Prints in latest spring styles from $2.95 to $7.95 DOM'S DEPARTMENT STORE McBride Street - CALL "99" WE AIN'T MAD A T NOBODY