2 " 12rfnrc Rupm Dailp rectos Wednesday, November 1949 tbth& Remembrance Day 1949 Canada hi 1948 exporu-d full-fashioned hosiery to 34 furei.rn markets, and due to the shortage of dollars in many countries h? not yet recaptured complete! -pre-war overseas trade. Pr'nee Rupert Daily Swt Lid. Srd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. ! MEEK CPtAi.AKAN PRlSS - AtTOT BUREAU OF 'CIRCULATIONS w 6 .vni'nLfi.in unii. i ntwrnrrjl ASSOC IATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES - -7 Carrier, Per We. 20c; Per Morun, 7c; Pvr Tew, MOO i , By Mall, Per Month. 60c; Per Tear, 5 00 Real Sav COLRTESY CORNER "STIPID" Editor, Daily Nerrs: GOIXG TO HEAVEN Editor, Daily News: I have been reading various In reply to the letter In your 'iti:H!lW! iiipii ji;';!i i',i.rm. nnn-,,, , kiii.iiii,ii,iii;H!Lii!ii;iii,,i itift,,H;,iHi'alg3 MXl'M STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE Lconomy and Life 1 items in our daily paper on j Monday issue signed by Mr. Ferg-prayer in the home, and ask you , u-son, I would like to say my little to print for me the following few ' Piec about the traffic bylaws lint s, hoping you may find room : that have been passed In the last ' - I . IllllOF in 111 IV.A the PR TWO YEARS there has been much talk about j 'J'K year town. I economic imitv in Eurone but there has hppn vpI ill your paper lor mem: BAILS FOR VANCOUVER HEAVEN HOME I have never seen or heard of a more stupid move than has Think of stepping on shore and finding it Heaven Of takine hold ! been marie at the mm.r t m,,.-,i , . " . ' !) llltKSS sIIIrtu .. of a hand and finding it is God's Avenue and McBride Street. If and Intrrmrdiav forta Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEMNEKDAY MIDNIGHT nana, ur Dreaming a new air 1 tnis is the way a new Ratepayers' and finding it celestial air. Of Association has of showing thfir feeling invigorated and finding it ( ability to support, I suggest they immortality. Of passing from 1 better forget the whole idea' i - - - - ;:tively little action. The general American view is that before 1952 Europe should be in a position where she can produce efficiently enough to sell her goods for dollars instead of getting them out of the Marshall Flan nursing bottle. One hope for such efficiency would be an intra-European market thereunder quotas, tariffs and exchange controls would be eased off and a market large enough to permit of mass production developed. Eurone is todav somewhat as thp TTnifprJ fit at 0a storm and tempest to an un rrifrd from i SW!T SIIikts-a , l'n frum t, J MKN'S SI ITS THE DEAD SOLDIER SPEAKS Beside the Cenotaph I stood to pray, Twas'cold and gloomy that Remembrance Day I saw a vision there, a glorious sight: A countless host of youth arrayed in white. They were the souls of those who came from far To give their all for victory in the war. In solemn mood they gathered were that day; In conclave great for mortal beings to pray: That man, who has his earthly life to live May come to know that war no peace can give. For war destroys the brotherhood of man. Leaves naught but ruin and tears for heaven to scan. One rose to speak, his voice was sweet and strong; Hushed was the prayer; expectant was the throng. Surcharged with feeling, he these words did say: List, brothers all, on this Remembrance Day: Remember ye the hope within your heart When all for freedom played their noble part? We may well ask. What doth delay the peace? Rumors of war, why do they never cease? No praise of peace does e'er reach heaven's gate; No songs of brother love; but hymns of hate Disturb our peace, wtio all for victory gave Now pray in anguish future lives to save " These men on earth, they are the living dead Who place a halo round warmaker's head; Lend ear to Satan's words, proclaimed wrth ease, That waging war can yield the fruits of peace. War breeds but hate, sows dragon's teeth of strife, And strife, the foe of peace, destroys man's life. "Let men on earth, who want all wars to cease, Follow Christ's ways; obey the Prince of Peace; Obey His word, who said, as well we know: Put up thy sword and learn to love thy foe Follow the Christ, who walks the paths of love And gave His life to bring peace from above." W. E. SIEBER The Manse, Golden, B. C. known calm. Of waking up and finding it Home. I am interested in that land For Reservations ' Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPKR1 because I have held a clear title ,td, Double brl Does our Chief oi Police and Ratepayers consider this a dangerous corner? If 60, I would suggest to them to get around town a little. I could show them a number of more dangerous places, where parking on top of hills and on corners, is still allowed. What about every other ' . to to a a bit Dit 01 of property property there there for for over over would be if each state had a different currency, plus forty-five years. 1 did not buy it. tariffs and quotas. In addition, enterprise has been 1 11 was given to me it!lout money j barnain fur I j MEN'S SIIOWFRPR, ("OATS Braiiiifnj .Three Colon, fa K at .... and 1thout But tne don flnllpil hv naivolino. nut t.-on PrlCe' purchased it for me at tremend intersection on Third Avenue or the top of the hill at Sixth and ous sacrifice. I am not holding ii for speculation since. the title is not transferable. It is not a vacant lot. For more than forty-five years I have been sending Donald? I believe that the waole matter could be cleared up to the safety and satisfaction of everyone il ' Boy' Drpss anil Sen,, PANTS-MI vimI. , from c , Much more is involved in the project for developing a single market in Europe than merely ending the dollar famine. Increasing freedom of trade M ould improve efficiency and raise Europe's standard of living. That is a good end in itself. But a airther advantage is that it would lessen the appeal if communism, and indeed might well prove one of ihQ stoutest bulwarks against totalitarian tyranny. Third and also Second Avenues materials out of which the greatest architect and builder of the universe has been building a home for me . which will never were made through streets with stop signs at all intersections. Boys' henim fSTS ection. Special prk, i BoV hrtss anil Sm: Best Hamburgers In Town TKICES ARE HORN HERE AM) RAISED ELSEWHERE" While vv uue i I'm m at ai, it, it, i I might mignt as as wel wet need j to k j , j , be remodeled nor repaired v. . ., , . .. K ,, , "hit on the remark of Mr. Fvrg- because t win sun me perfectly . . SHIKTS (iw,d sflu ; from h- )nHiiH,n., j . m ",uson s aDoui ii Demg a saier place individually, and will never grow . , . . for sane drivers. Does Mr. Ferg- old. ih Ta Termites - . , j can never under- , . , uson know that 4U these cab drivers . . mine its i. foundations t .- for they ' res' i 'are ail pvam , neri . . hntls ,. , fnr rirtv J , . no AT , Boys' Plaid All Wool upon the Rock of Ages. Fire can- K A ..," I . . SHIRTS-Rfal savli Xmas not destroy it. Floods ' cannot " ,, .,. , they are allowed to operate; and Mh , , , wash it locks f away.No nor bolu . . .. , in k , . , that the back of their license Ls will ever be placed upon Us doors . Girls' a.r.1 Boys' SSM SNACK BAR fr,- ..ii niarnea inai mey are in ana for no vicious person can ' ever . . , , , proper persons to be operating a Cn. fi, " enter Uiat lanrl n'hpm mw ri,iroii 1 Status of one p ;ison. previously listed as an ownc r was ciianed to householder, .vhlle another who had been lls-cd as a householder was recls.h I as, an owner. The new list contain 2.84 names, of which 2649 uro -jnerv 100 householders and tM license holders koPEN a.m. U 1 a.m. DAILY Sizes up to six. All ' $9.50. For Xmas Spr, . , -." public vehicle. This is signed by C , ..w HltllUdt vviuuiritu Just off Third Avenue A SUCCESSFUL BOOK ALASTAIR MacGREGOR, the writer, has succeeded in making his fellow Scots very angry. Prom this, it can be logically reasoned and safely concluded that his latest book, a story about the western isles, will be an outstanding success. It has just been placed on the market and the folks who dwell north of the Tweed are boiling with wrath. After all, it's the sort of stuff that sells a new yarn. ;MacGregor describes the islanders as lazy, given to drink, greedy, immoral, harsh and not particularly cleanly. The editor of the Stornaway Gazette writes that ( and almost ready for me to enter f 318 Gth St. Ph. Orders Blue 92 I LADIES, printed lun REVISION COURT DROPS 5 NAMES Civic court of revision deleted a total of five names from the unrevLsed 1949 voters list Tuis-morning, leaving the revised lis' with 2.843 names, 65 more than, the 1948 list of voters. The court, consisting of Mayc: Nora Arnold and Aldermen Daggett and Whalen, deleted the names of six owners, two of whom were dead and four of 1 1 in and abide in peace eternally without fear of being ejected. with 4 napkins to n j your Chief of Police. So if he thinks the cab drivers are a menace, it is quite easy to stop them. I think Mr. Ferguson, has the same idea as the Police Force and City Council, that they are There is a valley of deep sha tif ul patterns. Rttul. Now, a set dow between the Dlace where l Mvo in Tlrin d ......... j 41 . . iiuciraw-u 111 uie o'ny revenue . , . ,h, . hich I shall ,, Journey , in a short aerlved not m lhe f wmie. 1 cannot reach mv hnm saieiy. wnen tney can allow the i .v. .. . ,, . lth lt d ".L"!: Pouc. car to ,t in the daric. along ACMES A MINES U,J "dnu iaie. i nere are Strong ana repeated !" by the c & " . B" vauey y . 01 the the Cot Court House House road, road, PAINS whom were not British subject demands that the book be withdrawn. No one g eoes 1 n, t"m t , nour- ating for someone that to the trouble of writW MmrtWni, .t?nw LTL I "i.'T -iss one of those signs. and therefore ineligible. Names of thrte owners which had been omitted In the original list were added, leaving a net !o?s of three owners, i , . I0 f " T Ive alwaVs had the idea, that MacGregor ,himself a '-hielan laddie," evidently rhrouh lat valy long, long tne police force WM for the ,-,! ,1 ...1. .... i . t !a8 drove away all Its gloom. , , , . i SORE THROAT 1 1 I ,nw(STriuCH GfNUWt SIUM me dim appiifii n nere ne Knew 11 wouia yv, 1 now He has stuck bv me ,i,rn.i, L?Z 21 m convictions they can get nres nnn thP mn.t slti nae at uiiiia. 10 OFF OIL STANDS Ordered Before Saturday Noon ALL SIZES Phone Black SSI T H OM SHEET METAL LTD. uiiu miu, since we lirst De-iQoir ,, ..Kii came acquainted forty-five vears .. ., - CALL BLUE i For Sati.sfactnr. I KEN'S RADIO I 718 2nd A; i Names of two lie n?e hnHen, which had been ctipllcated on the original list, were dropped. roar, and stern the denunciation ! But the more wide ago. and I hold His promise In space spread the fury, the more insistent the demand for a Kiiim.ru jorrn. never 10 iorsake, j cURRIF copy, and consequently the heavier the receipt of !me no" to leave me alone. He win taw bees Taxi-Operator, Ratepayer. FOR XMAS CHANDLC se Our "Lay-Away" Plan PORTRAIT ORTRA1T S t Finishin; - Film -MX be with me as I walk through the valley of shadows, and I shall not lose my way when He is with me. My ticket to Heaven has no date marked for the journey-no return coupon and no permit for baggage. Yes, I am all ready to go and I am praying each day I'm left here in Prince Rupert In 1948 Canadian consumption of petroleum products was 285 Imperial gallons per person, exceeded in the world only by the United States consumption of 560 Imperial gallons. A small deposit holds any article Flash Photo? Takf Phone Green 389 I PRINCE RLTF.:1 McClary Refrigerators McClary Electric Ranges Westlnghou.se Radios Westinghouse Washers Torrid-Oil Ranges Coleman Oil Heaters C.C.M. Bicycles C.C.M. Tricycles & Wagons Dishes and Fine China Trilite and Table Lamps Power and Hand Tools Electric Appliances Ski and Skating Equipment Thermic Ray Stainless Steel Utensils Doll Buggies and Kiddle Cars 1AND DESERVES SUPPORT WE ALL LIKE to watch a parade. Few are indifferent to one, large or little. Color, music, smartness all have a pulling power. A parade a day would not be a dull idea for any town. There is something about the old marching airs or any good lively tune and pacing figures moving steadily by that stays with one for a time. Band concerts are ever welcome. Prince Rupert has a band that looks and sounds well and it is entitled to full support and encouragement. - EARLY ADVEKTISINO COPY IS APPRECIATED Prescription For Psoriasis that others too, from Prlr.ee Rupert, will meet me in my eternal Home. Thanking you sir, for giving me this space in your paper. Yours for a safe journey to Heaven for all who will trust in my Saviour. LILIAN E. WEATHERLY. PHONE 79 Hlallarr WE DELIVER piianna Found Effective This prescription j has shown good results where there Is a chronic skin eruption characterized ' by circumscribed red, scaly adhesions. In many cases the skin has cleared for approximately six months to a year.The prescription is a clear, colourless and odourless liquid and wUl not stain. Application is simple. Affected parts are washed with a pure soap and US TERRACE QUEEN TO BE CROWNED The Oddfellows and Kinsmen are planning a joint social lo b held in the Oddfellows Hail at Terrace on the evening of November 17 when Marjorie Thomas will be crowned May Queen anc' given her scroll of office. Marjorie was severely injured bv a McBride Street Phone 311 11n01111ccme11t For Weddines Birthdays or truck on her way to school a few HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to !) p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVI days before the May celebration Pearl Haugland stood in her place Special Parti warm water, the prescription I Exoff Concentrated is then patted on with a small swab of cottonrepeat night and morning. You can get this prescription at , your druggist's, simply ask for 3 ozs. of Exoff Concentrated ana was crowned temporary Queen, while, at the sane hnnf CAKES and COOKIES MADE TO ORDER at in St. Paul's hospiia: in Vancou ver, Marjorie received a eift and and if your skin is a love bouquet of f,ower, from ZJaSSL" The Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B.C., take pleasure in announcing that Lindsay's Cartage and Storage Ltd. are now representing them as a supply depot for Oxygen and Acetyline and as an authorized dealer of C.L.A. Wdding and Cutting equipment, Electric Welding equipment and supplies for both Gas and Electric Welding. A complete stock of goods and supplies will be maintained at Lindsay's warehouses for the convenience of those requiring same. All enquiries cordially received. (270) RUPERT BAKERY LTD. Z covered in , v2 oz. of Exoff ointment Why h health, she returnee, home before rtmZ J not cut this out nowto school I re-opened in September. you 619 3rd Ave. MAKE THIS 0 Phone S43 "rrrfffftn , - TOP V alues at LUW P rices 1 AS Widest Selection in Town OF FIGURINES Wall Plaques, Statuets Book-Ends All Colors All Sizes FOR THE CHILDREN New Assortment or SALE CONTINUES with SWEATERS CRUISERS - TIES - SHIRTS V i Kertuced to Sell HAVE JUST AKiJ R V XMAS CAROLS CHILDREN STOKIKS-M f 44 PERFECT GIFT SUGGESTION Priced from 25c to $9.50 SPORTS JACKETS IP TO SIZE AT CLEARANCE PRICES MARCHAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations SMITH & ELKINS LTD. SONGS MOTHER GOOSE RH Priced from 35c to 45c each CME CLOTHINQ PHONE 174 BOX 274 Third Avenue 91 Phone 339 618 3rd Ave. W. Bo 1118 Phone lted 400 I