8 prfnre uuprrl DafTu Yue33 Wednesday, November Irt. 1949 out of the cellar position In thl league with a four point victory over Hangovers. City Transfer also won four points from Bob Parker. Handicaps won three MANSON'S AMD PIONEERS TIED The eighth round of the Mixed League schedule was played off U1 I points from Northern LlinU, TEMPERATURES GOING BE WISE AND MAKE SI RE OK VOI R WINTER SlTl'LY OF COAL f to D O VV N 16.-j - - .-a lis Sunday night with a shifting of standings ai a result of a game advantage over Wednesday's teams. Cantels won four poiuU from Conrads, Blow-outs '.von four points from CP A. by da-fault. Silver Streaks, Sport Shop. Bob Parker and Wharf Rats each won three points from Pioneers. Velvets, Noble & Wick and P. R. Plumbing. High ladles' tingle and three game score totals were by I. Hiltz of the Blow-outs wi'h 249 and 611. B. Moxley of Tlo-neers had high men's single, 275, and D. Murray of Silver Streaks high men's three game with 697. Following the footsteps of their ORDER TODAY FROM Ideal Cleaners upset Maery's to win three points, and Bo.ith School and Pushovers split two points apiece. Standings: Mansons 24 Pioneers SI Blow-outs 21 Marty's 38 Sport Shop 21 Silver Streaks 19 Headpinners 18 Pushovers IS Cantels 18 Conrads 16 Noble & Wick 16 P. R. Plumbing 16 Ideal Cleaners 15 City Transit r 15 Handicaps 13 Call 031 li PHILPOTT EUITT & Co. Ltd. counterparts In the Mixed League, Bi ll DING SI TPI.IKS HMHCK tivT rf ' Tie fi.-.ryf M.iiC Ai. ..,.. I.,. I Manson's had gained top spot temporarily In the Men's Five Pin League Friday as they won four Now Just relax completely and tell me ell about yourself." jfL SSSJ J CO-OP TAKE LEAD 'ConUivied from Page One) LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE SCHEDULE the year and never were able to overcome the early lead plied up by the Kinsmen who won the Wharf Rat 13 Bob Parker '. 11 Northern l.lght.1 10 Velvets 10 Hangovers 10 Buoth School D CP. A 8 Walts ti Nickerson , 5 Royal Blues S Basketball Time Table points by default over the Canadian Legion who were busy with Remembrance Day activities. There were three other teams that won four points each Friday night. They were Mullets from Undesirables, Home Oil from Oddfellows, CrescenU from Jay-cees No. 2. In the other games Ambassadors won three points 4 I He was high scorer in a low-scor- game by a score of 35-19. Big guns Schedule for the Ladies' ing game, making 12 of his team's for Kinsmen were Letourneau Bowling League. First Quar- total of 29 and doubling the score &nd McKay with 14 and 12 points, ler is Announced as Follows of any olher player in the game. J The Scouts were not ab,e 0 .... nl.. " ' a comparatively clean fill(i fhp hnskp, flnri thp hlphPS, This advert iKement in nor published or d; Liijuor Control Ird or by the tt of British Columbia iiu. ii-ui.t; '- - . u; '., r- il. i tn. u .i Black Cats; " iuuu uc"'8 la"cu, individual score was 4 point i. Nei-",M" i. Cove; Belmont ' vs . Evltt j&Yiit won wim three inrrc p. puuius iruni aay- v. FINE PRINTINi ung'ers vs Boosters; Rupert by Ciccone and Huso ; ther were tney able to h onl0 , Merchants Dumas 1, Currie cees No. 1. High :adio vs Variety; Scuby's vs the ball, and lost the gam, scoicr for the Youncman 3, Marshall 12, Boul evening was Jack Paul of Man- ' thronch faultv nnsslne This li TRAIN SCHEDULE for the Kant--Monday, Weineway, IHdaj 8:00 p.m. from the F.axt-. Tuesday, Thursday, 8atuxda ter 3, Anderson 2, Christoff 2, lhe ieague wilere tomorrow's North Star Hartwig 3, Si son's with 321 for high single and 799 for high three games. The Manson's "versus Headpinners match in the Mixed League bowling on Wednesday not only placed Manson's on top of the 10:15 p.m. Lyons; Toilers vs Pin Heads. Nov. 22 Rosa' Lee vs Wrath-all's; Scuby's vs Wallace Pharmacy; G. & Anderson vs Uni-teers; Brownwoods vs Savoy's; Seal Cove vs Annettes; Noble 8i Wick vs Stars. Nov. 24 Tollers vs Lucky Strikes; Variety vs Pin Heads: 1919 - I0 SEASON Nov. 19 Stones vs. Boy Scouts Rupert Hotel vs. Spa CadeU' Fashion vs. Merchants, High Nov. 22 Kinsmen vs. High School. Dum's vs. Hieh School. North Star vs. Fashion, Brown-woods vs. High Sehooi. Nov. 26 Soa Cadets vs. Stones High School vs. Boy Scouts, Merchants vs. North Star, Co-op vs Brown woods. Nov. 29 Kinsmen vs. Rupert Hotel, Peoples vs. Dom's. Fashion vs. Merchants, Hijrh School vs Dec. 2 -HiRh School vs. Peoples Exhib Kay-hi vs. Eo-Me-Hi. Dec. 3-Rupert Hotel vs. Hisir. School. Exhib-Kay-hi vs. PHONE 2 1 222 Se. r. monson 6. Weseh 2, Smith 2, Young 7, Parnell 3. Ketcheson Hamilton 1, Sedgwick. Total 24. Walsh. Total 29. LADIES People's Store had no trouble in winning an easy victory over greaU appear and watching players like Letmirneau, Ciccone McKay and Peneff, one sees t bright future for bas-ketball hi years to come. The lars would do well to come early some Tuesaay or Saturday evening, to eive their encouragement and support to these stars of the future. Kinsmen Letourneau 14. W. league but also produced high UiHllilHilH!i!, liiJ.v'IMiiili.'iliiillM-'IIIMUil.ililiil.uilil scores for both ladies and men. ADVERTISE IN THK DAILY KEW8 FOR DEE J Modernize your kitchen IPittitirt r? irlln T.vims" Plun Manson's won three points in close battles. High ladies single in the Ladies' gers vs Belmont: Commercial .High Sc.ho?'. League. Jackie Budinich made 14 vs Black Cats; Big Sisters vs i points which was enough to Boasters . Blackaby, Peneff 2, H. Biackaby and three game total were by B. Dunbar with 303 and 749. High men's single game was 267 by H. Vuckovich and high three me Professional and Bui equal the total of the High School team. Rusty Thain and Lorna Nov. 29 Boosters vs Annet- lnii- V,,hli A- Wiplr v Ravnv'S' total by Ian Dunbar with 719. ' . . . - Howe also played good ball a:id Stars vs G. & Anderson; Ru-; , , were responsible for a total of 8 1, McAfee, A. Blackaby 4, Nicln-tosh 2, McKay 12. White. Total 35. Boy Scouts R. Webber 4, Hodg-kinson, Scherk 1. Ciccone 4. Kristmanson 4. H. Webber, Erik- The three high scorers were from n im4 Q nnlnto i,i tl-tit rr4r TTitrV, Manson's. In other games Wptts Wrathall's: , " MATT acy; Uniteers vs & Nickerson took a great leap CPHOLTl " , . ' time but played ' a clean gam? Dec. 1 Plungers vs Commer-i Dec. 6 Stones vs. Kinsmen Dom's vs. High School. North Stai vs. Fashion, BrownVixds vs Hii School. gan. 61. son. Findlay 2. Becker 4. Total 13. Phone Blue lit 350 6ecor Prince R . r NOTICE TO rONTK.M'TOR cial; Big Sisters vs Belmont;! " ' aainst them' PeoPles ere much Rosa Lee vs Black Cats; Variety more robusl ln tnelr tactlcs and v, Lvons; Toilers vs Seal Cove; Husoy and Slatta. called i Luckv Suikes vs Pin Heads j'rees ; Dec 6-Nob!e k Wick vs Scu-1' P1 against them. . hvV Rnnort Ra.1i. vs RmwnJ High School-Pavlch 2. Lj'ke- C ..nirrsti.ii nf ButlHii(i . 14 1 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a m. to 5 p m. Teiepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment Dec. IOtt Boy Scouts vs. Sea Cadet.s, High Schiio! vs. Stone Merchants vs. Nonh S;ar, Co-op r B. & W. vs. Brownwoods. ':.wu- v-iriofv v waling gard 1, Greenwood, Webster i JOHN H. BULGER 3PTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue DRY FIR K3l Make your kitchen Modern at. Very Reasonable Cost For Estimates and Soppile PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builder and Ctntrtetor Matson 7. Keays. Paul. Leavitt Dec 13 -Boy Scon's vs Kin- ! Pharmacy : Stars vs Wrathall's; . D....,.,.- .,... r-., .,.!.. Bi Sisters vs Commercial: An-1 Marshall, Pierce Total 14. 50c Per j i utirii, i lufjica 3. uv.ui , r aiiiuii ; " i Peoples Store Budinich 14 TO KU.MKNTARV m(HMU TT. U r.-r SEALED TENDERS in. duplicate lor Otneral Contract lnciudum hot water heating system. complete electrical work and other trades, endorsed "Tender for Conversion at Buildings Nos. 14 & 19 to Elementary Schools", situated at tormer Army camp site at Terrace. B. C will be received by Secretary. School District No 53. Terrace. B. C. on or before S:00 P. U. Wednesday. November 30, 1949 Working drawings and Specifications will be available on and after nettes vs Belmonts. High S'hool vs PHOKE c vs. Merchants Co-op. Bussey. Thain 8. Howe 9, Bill I, Dpmas, Ardern. Total 33. Jl'NIOR LEAGl'E Dec 8 Lucky Strikes vs Seal Cove; Boosters vs Toilers; Black Cats vs Uniteers; G. Si Anderson vs Savoy's; Plungers vs Rosa Lee; Pin Heads vs In the Junior League. Boy Dec. 17 Kinsmen vs. Sea Cadets. Boy Scouts vs. Rupert Hotel North Star vs. Fashion, Brown-woods vs. Co-op. Scouts lost their third game of FOR 1 ROCK b COSt CAaBi M. J. SA Kew, Moderr All WorkCf noon of Friday. November Uth. 1949. Brltlh l tne office of the Board of School CATHERINE LAURIE rUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West Prince Rupert Realty Co ) Phones: Green 667 Dayi Oreen 412 Evgi. Eaptone The Supreme Court of Coin nihta In Prohatc Trustees. Terrace. B. c. and at me Office of the Architects. Sharp A Thompson, Berwick. Pratt. 1563 Robson St . Vancauver, B. C. In The Matter of the ".Idmlnl'tr tlon Act" A certified cheque for five IS) per i.. .1,. .,t .1.. r... nM cent of the tender submitted must Dries Quickly with a beautiful1 flat finish. Paint today move in tomorrow. SI. 40 qt. S4.S0 t?aL GARtl A. P. VVIIwm. necenM-d. Intestate (accompany " 'd shall be forfeited If the party TAKE NOTICE that by Order of is Honour Judge W. O. Pulton. -u-naeriiiB aecm.e, -r A -CHARTERED Local Judee of the Supreme Court " """7 7'" " " award and of th. Con- On signing of British Columbia. 1 was on the 1118 Melt 7th day of November. A D. 1949 ap- tne succe.ui a""B furnish to the Board of School rwi,ii i rtmi.,icr. t ,h. Mt THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. VANCOCV1 !T r..., - ... Trustees, a suretv bond equal to ti un i iu Tv i isuu , ucvmwu, iu vw vi m ch. n-i.H cnin,hi. hn am IlItT M) I percent oi tne v."""-' on the Mh day of September. 1949. Pr. On receipt of " BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agenta for SIMPLEX OAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES 8alea Service and ParU Boat owners and users of Industrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and UIV over equipment problems. at Shames. British Ooiumbia. AH "irMe """""" persons indebted to the said esUte tender will be returned . MARGARE"! are required to pay the amount of 1 " ' ' - the Department of Education, re-and thetr indebtedness to me lorthwitn. tne 'ht to " all persons having clairaa OPTOM't I Roor.,J against the said estate are require tenders witnout evpianaiion. to file them with me properly verl- tender havlne any qualifying clauses tied on or before the 15th day of 'lu considered A "'Po ten do.lars (I0 ,..-. 001 December. 1949. falling which dls- Uibutlon will be made havine. re- 18 required for each set of plana and gard only to such claims of which' specifications and will be returned I shall have been notified. upon receipt of same In good con- STONE Bl Mellow . . . oflly fraprant . . . and rohuM of body', OKI Inspector is first choice in B.C. with men who really know fine Rum! PHCt Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C. this option. SHARP & THOMPSON. 8th day nf November. 1949. BERWICK. PRATT BLUK. P.O B0 Gordon Frawr PorbPs Official Administrator. Prince Rupm. B. C. DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suit 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1216 4- For the Board of School Trustee School District No. S3, TERRACE. B. C. Dated at Vancouver. B C. thla Ninth (9th day of November. 1949 (2701 TAVMM lifpartmnt f Aiririiltnre GEORGE k ROM Public AccouT income Tax K'f Prairie I arm Rrhahllltatinn Art I TENDKR Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 2 00 o'clock p m. Regma Time. December 5, 1949. for the construction of pipelines, pumphouse. and other works on an Irrigation project located OVER FOUR YEARS OLD PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East . IF Besner Bloc -f " "'etiJer-cnt is not cublished or A.r,Uv,4 V, A- I Centre! Board or by the Government of Br.t.ih Co!urb.a T about three miles east and two mile aouth of Keremeos, B. C. ' The following are the main Item of work and the approximate quan titles of each: 1. Steel Pipe. 4 Inch up to M mm DR. P. J- V School for Tomorrow SUITE 5, SM HELEN'S ' BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 955 1 nrnnrrn Phone 765 : Inch SSjSSS ft. ' 2 4 Inch lot outlets (elbow and i riser) 57 ! 3. 10 inch Gate Valves W 4 Pumphouse 1 j S. Timber 28 5 UFBM 1 6. Rock Bank Protection 4.200 cu. vd. We Have " Phone 1 Pans, specifications and tender forms for bidding may be obtained ! from the undersigned at his office ln Reglna. Saskatchewan, or from ! the PFRA Office. Victoria Avenue WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 615 ine newspaper boy the bjy who delivers your papers . . is a typical Canadian boy. He is the business "v.",, ,?morrow- And as a carrier, ne learns those lessons which will prepare him for a successful future. Carrier Competition Starting on October 3 bhe Dally News is sponsoring a carrier competition with a bicycle as first prize and many otfiervaluable cash prizes. The boys will be awarded point! for obtaining new subscribers for dependability and for efficiency -to collections. So any help that you can glv. your larrier will be appreciated by him and he In turr. will try awST" 70U ' h'S customer .... to the utmost of his Kamloops. B. C . upon, the deposit of Several VV 011 .PitltES GOOD USED CARS IN STOCK PRICED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALE Drop in to See These'Bargains at ... . ; ien imiiar (JHliKi) rah iw a rertl II II HOME Sj OENEBALC0J Building and W k!r.4 hoofs - f OIL BCf Black 334 f P.O. Bel fled cheque for the amount, payable i to the Receiver General of Canada. : which deposit wiU be redeemable ' upon the return of the plans and j specifications ln good order within ; one month after tenders have closed The lowest or any tender not ne T , ... QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave cessarily accepted. By Order L. B. Thomson, Director of Rehabilitation UyW , , U Cai low, 910 McCallum Hill Building KtuiisA, eataU'hwan. AdvrUsTm'0!1