a Prfnr! nuprrt Daffn TltWi Wednesday, November 16, 1949 r UUHL liver IT'S HARD, HOT AND CLEAN-BURNING Kow ert & McCaffery I LIMITED I PHONE 111 . mL 1,1'MBEK BI'ILDING SUPPLIES r ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! haven't seen you In age! rtlsing is payable In advance. Please refrain jiassinras, zc per word per insern,m " ;rtii Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks. Death NoUci A Marriage and Engagement Announcement. 3 "Well, well, Mr. Willo,.?hby-i now nave n. a. i. Kenney minister of lands and forests, arrived In the city today from Terrace and left by plane to return to' Victoria following a week's vis- it t to his m. t, home constituency. i I SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE you been?'' R. Gilmour arrived back 'in the city by air Tuesday after a business trip to Vancouver . ?' May returned on the Prlnce G0rge tola morning from a trip to Vancouver OST A.U IOIND LOST-Will the "who77 party ceiveri a t-wj . ,n0. .rer to their own but with kev .dance, please return Droinntiv to Canadian i p.rrm,Ru' urgently required. (267? - WORK WAN'Trn Lutheran Church Lutefish and Fishcake Dinner, Nov. 19 (270) Still the Prettiest Store in town-Why not drop in hen you are down. The Totem Pole Gift Shop. There will be a general meeting of the Prince Rupert "cai u.r.A.W.U. Thurs, Nov. 17 7:30 p.m. All members requested to attend. 268) Don't forget v.Bn ncioytenan Presbyterian Church Fall Bazaar, Thursday, November 17, 2:30 p. m. (it) NOTIC E OF MEETING A semi-annual General Meeting of the Pacific. Coast Fishermen's Mutual Marine Insurance Company, will be heM on Saturday, November 2?ih. 1949 at iO a.m. in the Civic Centre Prince Rupert, B. C. L T. Wylle, Secretary-Manager. (27." 1 1 Quietly YVedrW Saturday Night Miss Mary Ellen McKinnon and Archie Neil McMillan, both employees of Columbia Cellulose construction work at Port Edward, were united in marriage at a quiet ceremony at 8:30 Saturday night in First United Chiirr t- Rev. Lawrence Sieber officiatlnrr. Attendants of the couple weu Miss Divlda Hayter and Jr.hn m Stromtitch. ANNOUNCEMENTS Prwbyterlan Fail Bazaar. Nov 17. W. O. T. M. Card Tournament, Nov. 17, All welcome. Women of the Moose dance Oddfellows' Hall, November 18. Prince Ruuert SvmDhonv Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. Civic Centre Bridge, November 18. I.O.D.E. Chapter s Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24 Third card party Catholic Hall Thursday, Nov. 24, 8 phi. Old time Dance, Conrad United Hall Nov. 25 Admission 50c St. Andrew's Cathearal FaJ) Bazaar, Nov. 28. Saturday. j United .Church Xmas Bazaar, Dec. 1. Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. Salvation Army Home League! Sale of fancy work and home! cooking at Sons of Norway HalL I Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. Scotch Dance Oddfellows Hall; December loth. I Moose Christmas Tree, Dec. I 17, Moose Temple 2.00. I WORK WANTED-W111 take m innaren lor working mothers Day or night. Phoife Rea 59 (271) TMES THE HUMRS OLT . OF HILLS! i LOST Will the ii.i.mo e, lv' new fawn trench W after Armistice nv Nov Jnv D ,nce-, n Nayy Drl'l Hall, li, please return it im- sta-l ,m lately to the Canadian JK'""- (267) WANltn WANTED To Ren"t" furnished K rm sult- Young Coupie r 3 6 If f ' V & U v i WANTED To rent. tmin ftment or light housekeeper. inir rooms un(nrnkhi tj: Dont forget the Whist and Bridge .Tournament, Moo.e Temple, Nov.. 17, All Welcome (268 Personalized match books, napkrns, towels, coasters, pen-. wedding ensembles. Peter Gift Bhoppe. . ,269) OCT OF TOWNERS-Folks at -..tee, HazelU,n, Smlthers, Burns Lake and in the Queen Charlottes are invito ..... advantage of our special Christ- ! line mas i Budget Plan. Just droo drop up a a a' f Manson' Jeweller Box ' Don 998 B98 Prmce r p DUX Rupert. Special at- l a mail orders, (to M you are Jntereoted In seeing the Womens Institute continue in Terrace come to the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Lloyd jonnstone on Thursday, November 17 at 8 p. m. . (268 AIR PAiSLiGERS To Vancouver Tf.r.itM o . n ' ivi imckett, A. Dybhavn. Miss E Jcssee, Hon. E T. Kenncy, Q Fraser, O Hcckes m v bi, wmun, V E. Habbott, R. Q. Findley, s. H Lane To Sandspit-J. Bellls A." Warren. From Vancouver S. F. H. Lane, C W. Nash, Mr. Tlckner,. & H. Wertle, R. Gilmour, R. G. Van der Sluys, Mr. Chater. From SandsniWA. c' J. Hitchcock, H Kraupncr, C. ness. To Vancouver Tuesdavi-J W Morris, A. E. Smith, D. Fair-weather, F. S. Lawson. D. Ritchie S. Yeates, Mrs. R. Mclnncs and emidren. To Sandspit (Tuesday) Mr and Mrs. B. Schellcnberg, A. Py- per. From Vancouver (Monday) I. Dick, H Gold,. A Lindseth, R. G. Findley, Mrs. J. Parker, O. R. Gilpin, C McRae, Miss D. Order-ice, J. J. Munroe. -. From Sandspit (Moriday)Mr. and Mrs. F. Richardson! C. Jones, S. Wilson, J. A. MacDonnell, H. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. Ermoth. If ' - ."1 i ' If- 11 ' , , f j , W ' . . t It; I I . ! . ' I i i mm d . II mI J t :L I PJfeS "ROYAL DITCH-DIGGER -Prince Alexander do Andy-sky, who tied Russia at the time of the Communist revolution, digs ditches for the Edmonton waterworks department. His family once ruled a Caucasian province Of 1,000-000 persons The prince came to Canada in 1948 as a displaced person. He Is a graduate In agriculture from a Bulgarian university and hopes to switch soon from ditch-digging to dairy-farming. (CP Photo i 619 Daily News. (27n WANTED Two neat " appearing Miss Evelyn Harvey Is return ing to Prince George by car todav after a visit here with her brotinr and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mia. James T. Harvey. Formerly identified with Time Magazine in New York, Miss Harvey is still inter ested in newspaper and publicity j V.'UI It. NOTICE There will be a special joint meeting of the Int. Union of Operating Engineers Locals 510 and 115 in the CIVIC CENTRE on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16 at 8 P M. Int. Rep. Wark will be present. All members are urged to attend. (267) ifljrBuuiiw' fMTVUtft J W. oa If II .Until . IMS a ft Sf'fCtfy COAL BURNER imm can v mp tm mm twl bttm Mad la Kpmm Healer m Warm Air fnrumre models to kcat k rnAftM. burns the cheapest small Lignite Coals with 93 efficiency. Cut your fuel bills in half! OVER 22.000 SATISFIED USERS IN ' WESTERN CANADA Montr Fotitr thawing Fear M4ll f Hwikn Hlttm mm Vmrim FRr.fc ON K FAIL CRT Ask ymmt mrmWs r wrticl ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES 505 McBride St. Blue 820 Something to Crow About The Repair and Building Service AT GREER & BRIDDEN Call the Men Who Know CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS RED 561 P.O. BOX 121 SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Pron. ! PHONE S7 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCK RUPERT m ;fYI S!fjWH?aSM 8 8 London, Eng. Famous Manufacturers of Ladies and Men's RAINCOATS Men's Pure Wool Navy Blue Trench Coats $42.50 Men's Pure Wool Fawn Gabardine Raincoats with closed Balmacan Collar $42.50 t Men' s Pure Wool Fawn Gabardine Raincoats with full belt, Double Breasted, Military Styl ing $49.50 Men's Fine Egyptian Cotton Raincoats, Rag lan Sleeves with closed Balmacan Collar $26.50 GET YOUR INTERIOR PAINTING DONE NOW SPENCE & MATIL'K Painters & Decorators Phone Blue 215 P.O. Box 1111 PERSONAL XMAS CARDS From your own Snapshots Come in and See our Samples 10c EA. 25 FOR $2.40 WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING It Pays to Advertise! Saddle Oxfords -T - 30 Pair only Reg. Price $6.95 FOR for $4.95 AT THE . FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED llrd Ave. Box 638 Ph. 35' runic tm ac i nir i t i iti ii i thfp m it IKtt Mm NOW ON DISPLAY Lt. Strings $1.40 to $2.00 Lt. Fairy Tales $2.35 You're up and o.rr the Streprat Grd with n'rr fuller, when you um CbcTron Supreme Gasoline. For Carefree power, under all condition! UNSURPASSED .ram jui national con cern. Must be free to travel Jox 614. Daily News (268) WANTK.nFi ri" .!. . J".rr".. lor Mens clothing store Must arc icicrences. mone 359 between 9 and 6. (270) WANTEDTo" rent furnished apt. or small house for young married couple. , Apply Box 020 Daily News. (272) TENDERS TENDERS For dismantling, loaduiR and transportation to Terrace by truck and rcas-.semblinR in spring of 1950 in school buildings at Terrace two No. 40-9 Gurney Bright Idea boilers with vulcan draw coal stokers will be received until Monday, November 21, 1949. These boilers are located at Beal Cove and work is to be commenced im- meriintplv rontrart U ou crrl. cd. Lowest or anv tender not necessarily accepted. Apply to School District No. 53. C. W. Algf r. Secretary - Treasurer, Terrace, B. C. (267) FOR RI7NT I FOR RENT-Black Board and Room. GG0. (tfi FOR RENT Larue housekeep- Ina rnnm fill TlilrH Avnnnp (tf) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE House 5 rooms and bath. 529 7th W. (272) FOR SALE 6 roomed ned house on 1 lot, could be duplex, good v plumbing, 9th Avenue West-$2400 u24()0 Cash Cash or terms. H. O. HELGERSON LTD. (267) At NOTIC E la the city Sat- 12, i4 jean- ived mie oi jonn ( held at 2 p.m. i; imm Gren- ,pel and proceed Latnearai. were , hM hv Canon neat following in jtty. B C. Un- k SALE Clary oil ran. coup lur calm 258 (272), .. - ?ain Ford ftjne Black 810 (270) i enamel Enter- h3 elbaiW C!ary Electric VrojlKIa'Ki No. 2 Rid- 272) j .wm suite and -1 (272) tjinut finish, table-brown m heater. C. white enamel "h Ave. Rust. (270) Ford 4-door int. snap for -s Motor Ser ine St. (268) specially 'mid Mark ! snjt Sporting sen only $41.00 munition $3.00 'verv. Limited Money rciuuded "m. Sm;ie Hales w St, Ottawa (280 KN0N NAMEf swaer Shovels !es; Adam' Uttlrfnrri Un.i Maintenance "en Clamjihcl ; Rock Grapples; Concrete Mixers; iruoks; Nelson TS fur Kt.niknili Hl'Val1 Ri,e P,.rl. 1 Pumps; Na- bcratiers and 'Mai All Steel "is, National ,m"ls; National and Convi'vnr. Itlon frnm lal Mr? Co. Ltd. L (tf) 4 Used Furni- ' Ottice Fix-wasters, Cups .sinnoi c...i Ulna Cahlnen f'bs, Disston 3m v Tel. Waunns !s Ji n17.i"iV,'FOR ""P ,l .' "sea Ka- w lowest prices. "e Co.. Black 324! it im. win-one 5, Call -"' (tf) fal u.scd Cum- -nirh Sh lm ustrlal have been ffi'hauled and Bitown Muchlne (tf) Wio T Vh in r eic. MMfLa,reV rare.e (Jr. two fionhi. 1 5th East (269) Cpitlon Dod .),D7W Rupert (?"!1 l 'Z rt'0l,lpv Sedan .""w mileage. (28'') ;it . of 7. r-iec ?L Amb nose (2081 NOT SINCE I TOOK MY LOW COST Fidelity Health Plan Covering Member and Family For: 0 DOCTOR'S VV.KH (urgerv mid Oprrullmis) 0 HKC1STKRK1I MKS. KS (for spwlul dutlrs) 0 X-RAV IIAKI.KS (Ontpallruts) m IMKOI-K VCTOHS OSTKOP.VrilS 0 N,Tl KOf ATHS ANAESTHETIST FEES 'WWW. 1 WW J TOR SALE-House. 1136 Hays Cove Ave. (270) - - - -. . SALE 5 room house close Pl.lS d Additional Cash Hospital Benefits up to 6.00 per day over and above Government Hospital Services. a) Weekly Wage Benefits. . . NOTE The Benefits Indicated above are not covered by the Government Hospital Services. I am Interested In Beeomlnc a Member of Your Sort- I Fidelity Health Association Licensed untler the Insurance Act of British Columbia, pursuant to Sub-Section 2, of Section 3. of the Societies Act. subject to thg powers contained in the by-laws of the Society eij. ricus siena me lull NAME ADDRESS CITY or TOWN Box No. 621 DAILY NEWS 0 .MEDICAL FEES (llor-lur' l ulls, home, orilce) t DENTAL (Extractions and X-Kuys) 0 OPTICAL (Eje Examinations) t MEDICAL M AT! KM- . TV BENEFITS 0 AMBl'LANCE IDENTIFICATION (EK VICES purtlr ulilrs. It is later than you think . A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY ARTICLE TILL XMAS your Xmas Shopping NOW WITH CONFIDENCE AT M. Hellbroner Phone 264 AGE OCCUPATION CCUPATION BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS" xo acnouis on un n.c. iwu tx-drooms large kitchen and hardwood floor in living room dining rooms. Good garden and additional storage space. 7 room house with perfect view on Ambrose. Basement, three lots, with furniture. Only $4000 on terms. 5 room house close in on fifth East. Complete with oil heater and range. 6 room house on Haw; Cove Circle. Large porches, cement foundation, ideal family home For information or inspection see Robert E. Monlarior Limited. 271j FOR SALE Wartime house. Four rooms Cloue in on Seventh Ave. East. FOR SALE 5 rooms and bath near Booth School Hardwood floors. Splendid condition. PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. (2711 FOR SAiE FOR SALE Dinette suite, natural finish, red leatherette chairs. Phone Blue 272. (268' FOR SALE Pea gravel worked and screened to size required. Phone Blue 939 - (2o3) FOR same T.n.1 47 Plymouth Deluxe Coune. Radio. Heater i For Your Personal Signature 16 Assorted Xmas Cards 75c, 89c & 95c per box 15 Brilliant Polntse-ttia Asst. Cards l.oo per box 15 "The Xmas Birds of Happiness" 1.00 per box 18 Ass't "Jolly Old "Santa" 1.00 per box 25 Beautiful Assorted Cards 1.00 per box 12 Bronzed and Embossed ass't cards 1.00 per box 16 colorful Snow Scenes 1.00 per box 12 Cards "Coaching Days" 1.50 per box lti Ass't Canadian Snow Scenes 2.00 per box AMAZING VALl'E PRINCE RI PERT. B. C. PHONE 231 8 Lt Miro-Star $2.30 7 Lt. Indoor Set $2.45 Extra Lamps , Lt Outdoor SH $3 45 ' St-ries .08 ea. 9 Lt. Bubble-Lites $3.60 110'volt .15 ea. Noma Wreaths from ... $1.05 Bird .25 ea. Qne and TwQ Ughls $2 .33 Bubble .25 ea. . . . , Angel-Glo, ea $2.10 NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. 11 D BESNER BLOCK PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. STEWART, B.C. So do BUY GEORGE COOK, Jeweller and air conditioner and othrr extras in beautiful tion. Ennui re at M'dwav Gro- eerv or Fvps W 6th E. (271) 527 3rd Ave. Successor to BESNER BLOCK, 3RD AVE.