WA CABS PROVINCIAL LIS3A5L.. iO!ir.1ES DRUGS TXCTO.HA, 2, C. cat 3150 . , jDa7j Delivery NOHTBKRN AND CKNTKAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NIWSPAPKB lnMwh, ,t r-annHii'g Mwt Smtirir Purifir Port- "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII. No. 2G7. I'KINCE, KUI'KKT, B. C, WEUNIMsUAIC, NOVEMBER 16, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENT3 42) oviefc Russia nticiz eel At O ttawa "r"VsT' 1 . ? ' :".' 1-, T ' - . z Opposed to Re-zoning Opposition to a re-zonlni; proposal which wonld change a portion of First Avenue West from a residential to a commercial area met with stalwart opposition from residents of that district who Monday nleht hacker! Foreign Affairs Debate Proceeding In Commons; OTTAWA, (CP) Minister of External Affairs L. B. Pearson, opening a debate on foreign affairs in Parliament today, sharply criticized Soviet Russia, charging it with aiming to widen its political power on other nations and stamp out their independence. He declared that the Soviet was endeavouring to reduce 1 v ( kh I i :. mi Mm up a petition with a personal appearance before city council Jugoslavia Into slavish obeal- B.C. WOMAN WINS AGAIN encc. The minister of external affairs credited the United Nations with taking action In cruses which might have precipitated war. Key to the controversy is the re-zoning of a section of First Avenue, west of Ninth Street, to include the present Arrow Bus Lines garage in a commercial area: Nearby residents opposed the suggestion and added one of ineir own mar the bus com bill i '-T r : ,r - rx'--- f"3 C " " H A A Pi. I'd if $ . !'f j - tj LfcX .-nii.iOi. :-n.t 5n W.itua feiK. ..M -fc i It 'ii fill m t i t Too Many TORONTO Emblematic of the. world's championship in wheal growing, the Canadian National' Railways wheat trophy for an-j nual competition at the Royal Winter Agricultural Fair was won for the second time in its thre j ' pany move its maintenance operations to some other part of the city. Ships Now Alderman George Casey, chair years of competition by Mrs. A. man of the zoning committee, assured the delegation that nei ther he nor his colleagues had G. Kelsey of Erlckson, B. C. Mrs. Kelsey was advised by wire by the fair officials of her victory over many outstanding' Is Complicating Merchant Marine Problems, Head of Canadian Commission Says TilKY SAY -reeved at English report, these foul ! Millie a welcome to Canada as the Cana-Ev"', "f roaches Montreal. "A lie," they ...,! afoul the reporters story that the girls had ...'it.iiniiiK the names of 100 boy friends In t'mt-'vl States. They have only names of a few jts ;hf,v niet In England. And, besides, they were .1, k:i)4 for Jobs, not husbands "unless the right , ; os firt. Left to rlgnt: Nadine Taylor, 22, Bish-n-.-k-rove, 21, originally from Sydney, j;, Ciin tmas, 20, London. (CP Photo) any intention of taking action FIRST RED FREIGHTER The crewr of the Russian freighter ChelyuShinets steered clear of newspaper photographers when she docked at Montreal. A guard at the rail ducked out of camera range; the captain refused to be interviewed. The Ohelyushinets, . first Soviet ship to visit Montreal since before the war, is taking on a'cargo for Britain. (CP Photo) until they had heard all sides of the matter. wheat growers and it is hoped, Quebec The problem of una., ane wui ue piesent, hum, exchange, as well as the fact week to receive the trophy in that, thn '-,iri i, person. I shins" is rnmnlientinir wnrM Mrs. Kelsey won the C.N R shinning problems .John V .Clvne A petition, signed by 32 taxpayers who estimated that they represented $100,000 in taxable property, termed the presence of the bus company's garage and its ' noisy" buses a "nuisance." Sh lford DarUm, 1022 First Ave. wheat trophy when it was donat- chairman of the Canariinn Marl 1ALL ed In 1947; last year it was won Ume commission. nM hi, r- - Into River Lead Of s S. J. of Red Alia by Allsop, Deer, rival hcre today aboar(J UnRr By her victory this year Mrs. franconia. Krlsey's name will be engraved Returning from talks in Britain upon a second trophy plaque as winner With the winning of the i between British and Canadian .trophy Mrs. KeUsey will receive dipping authorities on mercha.u I AIAL 5QUAMI5H rIKL. West, one of three residents' of the area who addressed council, said that the roar of bus motors in the early morning was a "regular nuisance" and that he would Native Workers Lose Lives In Crocodile Stream "loon League SQUAMISH Six-year old Sharon and four-year old Patricia, daughters of Mrs. Violet Watkinson, WATEHVAL, Transvaal '? A I for permanent possession her u"m J"u kp, s sccona suver way wun Me vru ivpri. Wnr,l tn fW Vi wlmn fh-P vauA ,v pvl!nn , .led Brownwoods Lat Night ' J 1 Ion Tuesday nlunnprt fiftv feet i nhv rnprnverl iinnn It. as mull at like to have "the buses removed from that neighborhood.' " I o: Friz!!, "who said that he marine problems, Mr. Clyne said the talks will be resumed shortly in Ottawa with Sir Gilmour Jenkins, iiermanent eTtary of the British Ministry of Transport. II WJIS tllKT. tt mm the flnnrt-fumltptt VracCim i crieYiue- ftir -SlfM) Rov-al Wmif "of an oil ntove; destrtJyed their Jtomc Merchants, Peoples Store Kinsmen Win uiiv undisputed leaders of the Senior Fair officials said that the offering of the C.N.R. Trophy greatly stimulated the number of entries : River, killing fifty natives and lone European. One hundred nat-'ives were injured but not severely year to the day since the father of the children was killed in a railway accident at Lillooet. B-29 CRASHES was building two homes in Ilia!, area, felt Xhat, while it was a deslrubic residential district, it was not suilSble for commercial' enterprises and that the presence j of the bus line garage tended to; in wheat, many coming froiii Encouraging Of , Europeans and Africans, work points outside of Canada. uiif last night when they took a decisive use of the luckless Brownwoods. The ing together, are frantically passing bodies of dead and injured Home Building OTTAWA, fl'-The House .of j At no time w ere the Co-op trailing, "'-predate property values. ,Lf the third quarter, they had piled up'l" THE WEATHER Synopsis HAVIIWOOUS made a Strong bid in the since the petition had been Commons, after a seven-hour debate, la i;t night approved in principle a bill making major changes in government legislation aimed A storm which had remained j stationary off Uie British Columbia coast for the past two day.-, ideMilk from hand to hand up ihe steep banks of a rocky gorge. Seven cars lay in the liver bcu smashed flat. Two train locomotives lay on one side of the river and three more damaged cars lay smashed on approaches to a suspension bridge on a horse-shoe curve. The bridge had been undermined in swirling waters. The Souih African Department of Justice will conduct an investi hool last, few minutes of the game to drawn up, the "nuisance had been overcome this lead and for a1 exaggerated by the parking of while it looked as though they buses over an area of four or five might do It as they came within blocks." five points of overtaking the win- -Those buses are interfering m i s. However, time ran out on wtll ollr jjVrs and we think that them and (lie final score gave,,i.rv ,,. m the wrong part of at encouraging construction of more homes In Canada. Down WASHINGTON Air Force headquarters here have been advised that a B29 plunged into the sea near Bermuda. There are no particulars yet Jts to casualties. WOMAN NOMINATED VANCOUVER For the first time the Non-Par-tizan Association has endorsed a woman for alder-manic candidature. She is Mrs. R. J. Sprott, prominent in business and club circles. Other nominees include Aldermen Alex Fisher, II. K. Garvin and Hal-ford Wilson.. STRIKE AVERTED WASHINGTON A strike of 2,000 American r, Imperial nl the Empire, i 'i supply s'itool at Port began to move eastward durir.p the night and threatens to bring Increasingly heavy clouds over the entire province for the next two days Light rain which was falling along the coast and in the Prince George area this morning will spread to the re Co-op the seen-polnt lead the city." . . J among mat The aldermen t)ok a sympathetic view of the property own It was a big night lor Co-op's )' Davis. He played a bang-up (l"f!i.sive game and picked off gation. payments under Nationa' Housing Act would be cut In r-alf. The'upproval cume aft3r Hon. R. H. Winters, minister of reconstruction, said he was anxious to get the legislation through because provinces which wish to cooperate with the federal government must pass complementary legislation in their ers problem in referring it to the zoning committee. mainder of the province tomorrow. Southerly gale warnings of winds up to 40 miles per hour -! u-celi at Hi1 ; ! ili.pie ji' H y.r G. 5. . '. m :; chair. present I1'.'!., lor lor'h- ni''.i;ir arid the hi' si'h'.!is of i.O. Hugo Kranpner returned to the city Tuesday afternoon from a brief business trip to the rebounds time after time. He was responsible for 12 of his t-nois points and shot two sensational baskets that brought the fans to their feet. Angus Mac-phee made his first appearance of Ihe season and was on the floor for a brief five minutes be the Queen Charlotte Islands. have been issued for all exposed coastal waters. GALE WARNING I'orecast North Coast Region Gale "You can't get away from the fact that those buses are parked on city streets," commented Alderman T. B. Black. "I think it would be advisable to have the bus company find a new location." Alderman Casey said that he will call a meeting of all interested parties in the near future. S STOCKS Federation of Labor deck officers on 500 vessels ply- ing the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico sea lanes was narrowly averted last night with government intervention .which resulted in a truce for at least one week but more probably for thirty days, agreed upon-an hour before A.F.L. masters, mates and pilots were to walk off. warning continued. Intermittent rain today and tomorrow Remaining mild. Southerly gales. 40 miles per hour. Low 3 tonight and highs tomorrow-at Port Hardy, 42 and 52; Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 40 and 48. fore retiring to the coach s bench. Doug Shier, for Brown woods, gave a demonstration ot foul-shoot lug that will be hard to equal, lie made 9 of 11 tries, and was top scorer for both teams "lth a .sparkling 17 poinLs. The aine was ragged compared with li ort tl-ii cnnuim NATIONALISTS HOLD U.S. SHIP iii Aim pin $10,000 Fire In New n,.,; (i The United .,.rt nai ,. save MONO KONG - BOND BYLAW FOR SEWER PROPOSED A money bylaw which would permit, the city to sell $144,000 in Mix crowd the excitement they Slates vessel Flying Cloud was . craved and the fans went home reported held by CMines'j NaUon-wc-11 satisfied. alisU Tuesday at the mouth of .... lb Ynnelyo River . A ...,,.. 11 b' M I'll 11 If. " , Holkistad 7, Davis 12, D. Scheie The Norwegia ship Inn i was a'.so said to hi.e been he,d up along with British vessels cauglit some time ago. An unconfirmed report said the Flying Cloud was caught when leaving Shanghai. School At Houston Extensive Damage Done to New Educational Structure in Interior Town Estimated ten thousand dollars damage was done to the new $46,000 school building erected and occupied du ring the past few months at the Bulkjey Valley community of Houston. A bucket brigade, in which women and children helped the men of the town, is credited with having saved the fine new structure from com bonds to repay tho treasury for construc';o:i cf sewer curat! in the downtown aita will be re-t'tiied to city ra epavers Hi r referendum in December. Purpose of the bylaw will be to 8, Morgan 1, Macphee. Total a.'. Brownwoods- Gurvlch 4. Shivr 17, Lavigne 2. Pierce 4 Bussey, Thompson 3. Sunberg 7. Bill , Owens, Davidson. Total 43. IM l ltiMFDIATK ....!, ,,io niillrrl the U line (Hit 1 ' Vt retrieve money spent out of gen- ' eral funds on sewer out falls by selling bonds. The matter was I- ' s. . i : . HUGE TOLL OF FflPKT FIRK or the lire in me ia.M v if. . , i. CI . h Imi 1 4 win 2 Bio 24 over inoivii o.... plete destruction. I u" 1 I According to report received at ihad held the lead all the way. worthy of a win, North Star was but Harold Marshall of Mmh- anU went, to toWll'lll the last fl'W v.-,'v.- ; t 1 r m'--' f i linn niiiiiiiiiiiriiwiiw ntii r 111 1 1 " " HOCKEY SCORES Pacific ('0.1st Victoria 6, Vancouver 1 ( New Westminster 3. Fresno 3.. Oakland 4, San Diego 1 ,l t.x ,lr nil 9 doIuUs and: brought before council last night by finance chairman T. B. Black. Bulk of the sewer cost arises from the construction of 1980 feet of sewer in the Cow Bay area east of McBride Street which, because It is classified as an outfall, cannot be charged as local Improvements. Aldermatn Black has told council that the money which was being used to build the sewers was coming from general revenue MONTREAL (P Fires this year division headquarters of provin-wiped out 1,500,000 acres of Can- rial police here Trom Sgt. T. D adian forests, creating a paten- Brunton, district chief of British Hal wood and labor loss of $30,- Columbia police at Smithers, the 600 000, an unofficial survey to fire started from a hot air duct in the end, of September showed "the furnace room. There was Tnr-srKv Figures on the tally . Ume to sound the alarm and all assure his team of the final lead (Continued on Page Four) from ihe ,ia.r bv Norton Anoer-iuie pupus.' emergen were district SARI TROUBLES Mrs. S. K. Kirpalani, wife of India's High Commissioner to Canada, finds the sari-ankle-length garment worn by women of India-unsuitable for ycar-'round wear In the North American climate. She often dons western dress, although at most social functions ,she usually chooses one of the delicate eastern garments similar to the sari she Is wearing In the picture. , ' (CP Photo) ion richer. Constable Ross Gibson of Uie city police department sailed Tuesday for Victoria, whera he , n R McKerr: vice-president and general building uninjured. There were son. 21.5 f?et representative' for Shell Oil Co Forestry mree leacners ana 01 pupns. th mnnaeer 01 oanaum.. returner! .'to the citV Oil I " ... . . ; J ociation which carrieo out. u.c The building consists of three classrooms and a teachers' room. will attend pc!i"e tr. nlng school and should be recovered for work for the next moiH'o jlng capital for the city. Prince George this morning af-.Assi 10.9 feet 6.0 et 4.1 urvey. ter a business trip to Vancouver.