IDrfnrf ttupttt DaHp r3ctof Wednesday, Not'ember 16, 1949 TODAY SHIPS and 7-9:10 p.m. Till.' Jfanrti, vi MD H' vniltf .11! lurDiriiu'pn.,. .. lii'Ki -uu nntniwA!, OUnHj-ANO-ftlM IfSU WATERFRONT n3 amy . mm Kw KUPERT PEOPLES STORE Fall Snowsuits or Girls Of All Ages FlTZGERMD-CROWti A Announcement H madi: that the big Canadian Ni'.ional coast from $5.95 Sizes 1 year through 15 years TIIURS to SAT. 7 p.m. - 8:05 Chinchilla, wools and gabardines. Two piece al liner Prince CJorp will be remaining on the Vancouver-West-view-Ocean Falls-Prmc! Rupert-Ketehikan run until the last week in December after wnleh thf steamer Prince .lupe-t, which has been underpins an fxtcps-ive overhaul at '-Vncouver, will return to the run The last sailing of the Prince Georje south from :i re will bs Ix-a r.btr J. C.P.R. steamer Princess Norah. with Capt. in . ; jj and three piece styles. Priced right naturally. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE BALAGNO Flori.f, Phone Green 71 Boi H9j 1 " 1 , ' f sninnin. ... command, has taken up .vrvi'e " ana rart nd J jn yaii. ?i for the winter on the Al.iska run FIRST STEP TO POWER This sketch shows the projected dam at Libbv, Mont., the first of tTsutef between British ColUInbia and the U.5- fatates ana British Columbia, . . will include , . ' '"nuae a a second vnnj j, dam on the Kootney in British Columbia. Fur Complex, r. Eificifnt Rerv of the British Columbia Coast Steamship Sei'.i". The vtsse' was here on Monday mornina 1 Lindsay', Caj northbound and will be back on otorage Li Saturday af!rnoon rcturninc CAIX HLUE J!)2 For Satisfactory Service KEN'S RADIO CLINIC 718 2nd Ave. W. south. Pas.sem.-ers sailing Irom Lor 2d ana p E-'tablishef) here for the nortn on the Pr!n CFPR Radio. Dial 1240 Ki'ocyclei cess Norah we.-: Mr and Vt.i Leonard YouiiRman for Ketchi Ray Reflects . . . . and Reminisces 'SuMei t to Changer kan and Peter Biovn for Juneau Steamship IVitovcment Jms& later, in 1S49. the uih r,,.i Why arc prospectors and old-timers always "grizzled?" Thev oiim DRVd could be bald, or clean-sha Vi'n Ftr Vancouver DRUGS stampede broke. Charley Alien runs a cafe in Castaic and l? j struck color when deepeniR a Why are accident cases always "rushed" to the hospital? They could move slowly, and with care. Sunday s. Camosun, 9 p.m Tuesday-ss. Catala, 1:30 p.m Thursday ss. Prince George Nov. 19 Princess Norah, 5 p.m Nov. 30-Prlncess Norah, 5 p.m WEDNJSSUAt CM. 4.00 -Bernie Bradcn Tells a Story 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Maggie Muggins 4:43 Young Man With a Song 4:55 -CEC News 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30 Musical Cocktails 5:45-Keyboard and Console 6:00 -Supper Serenade 6:15 English Favourites 0:53 Varieties 6:45 "Saddle Rockin' Rhythm 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup PRESCR1P1ION CHEMIST! An Englishman said not lone " eu in the rear of tiv; resU jrjm. The fever is on. M, n are panning for gold with sk'i'.ets. frjing pans, pie plates a::.tiims handy. Central B. C. is "round about midway between California and Yukon. The iogicul lrcpti n for the next yellow, metal flurry' From Vancoiirrr ago that the thin? t.iat most impressed him about North America STORE HOUPS-WEEK DAYS, 8 AM. TO 8UNDAY8 AND HOLIDAYS- -12 NOoN TO 1 7 P.M. TO 9 P M was the admu-ab'e way pa-tn.s obeyed their children. Ham'.Hon Sunday ss. Catala, p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince George Friday ss. Camosun, 2 p.m. Nov. 25 ss. Princess Norah, Spectator. Dally car delivery service from 9 am till 6 pm from 7 p a:, till i a.m. Bill Sullivan bit to mos, of us. he's just "Sully" has lived in and Sundaf 7:30 Ediiiburuh Fe.siiviil HHf Prince Rupert since earliest days 10:00-CBC News For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala. 11 p.m. From Alice Arm and Stmart TuesdayB. Catala. a.m. For IllTHU Thil dvcrtisemrnt i not puWivhed or displavol hy thr Liquor Control Bcrd , by the C.uvernmcni ot British Cnlumbn. A little plcasai.t: now and then, appears to be permissible in the House of Coin:ut.ns. Recently. Macintosh Red apples from Biit-ish Columbia were presented: on? apple for each mevnoe.-. A few appropriate ro.i.arks wt-e made by G. A. Cruickshank (rravr Val .u i.e a,s-. n.5 a l-w rr.mnj.i-1 10:10 CBC Ne , rS Z"- U'yX aia'U0:15-PaintcrS in Profile know that Joachim von P:bben- 10:30 -Edinburgh Festival BBC trop used to work in Skeenr? 1U Ul:0O-Weather and Sien off j , ' . 1 FOR I I '''-rjcr";" was nnp nf FTiiior'o i-r., n ,,.1 Janitors' SuppI w . . IXl J rt.U j Thursday ss. Trincc George. like the rest of the crew did not BROADWAY CAFE . . . ley i. Mr. McCusker. froru VJ1 j giirviva 1Vn c--y-m.l r ii:is pm. Nov. 19-ss. Princess Norah, I p.m. eastern riding, thpnke.1 Mr Cruickshank for hir, info;niatiot nria aown a lumber crimp jcbi sumewhere in this district, and , BEST FOOD rvtV, ii . .... Nov. 30 -s. Princess Norah, 5 PRINCE RUPER SUPPLY HOUSf r""" T app:e:i mu'm n;lve also was employed -.h nrri river been mistaken for cranberries L A . .. e ." p.m. J?rom Ocean t-alln irom Newfoundland. ment. TIIURSUA1-AM. 7:00 - Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10-Heres Bill Good 8:li Morning Song 8:30 -Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC Ntws and ConVty 9:15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Morning Concert 9.59 Time Signal 10:00 -Eilen Harris 1C: 15 Morning Melndlet mWUW FINEST COOKING I -fea r0R TAKE-HOME ORDERS :i2 2nd vr. Wednesday ss. Prince George Nov. 25- ss. Princess Norah am. Agents or: j Tlie Yukon River gold bonanza j having petered out, another al-jleged strike is reported from a j village in Northern California called Castaic. It was near there ! the State-S oriljinnl pyrllmiinnt PHONE 200 Hours 7 a m. to 1 a.m. "It was there I first rr-ct him," said Mr. Sullivan tiic othe.- day. "lie was a Prussian, all rig.n. lie must have learned how to be a waiter while he lived in Germany. When he waited on tible ho ,nn I A SPECIALTY dustham: co. of nr. u r iiivi.'o' it-4 v iu From Alaiku j Thursday-ss. Trlnce George (ep.m. p.m. 10:30 Melody Time' tarted in 1842 and seven years Just '"ft. He'd take th? ord.-r,. C. II. WOOD AM) CO. I I5K0DIK IiUL'SII CO.,. etc. j j Nov u:4a Scandinavia vlonit- 19 ss. Princess Norah, ; 30 -ss. Princess Norah, 3 .piace cverytnmg just -step p.m. Nov j back and stand silently waiting. ' Ho was all waiter. As I rem 11 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday - ss. Trinee Oeorg? Nov. 25 -Princess Norah a.m. HOLLYWOOD cafe MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE 11:00 Air Kindergarten 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30--Weather Report 11:31 Message . Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude .1:43-Personal Album r.M. .2:00--Mid-Uay Meroditj .2 15 -CBC Ne wk .2:25--Program Resume 2:30 B.C. 'ann Brondcast him, he was just an online ry looking fellow who clien t taik any more than he had lo." No one remembers whn von F.ibbentrop lft the north, b'i: it is known that when First Great War began, he was in A nnouncing OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M (o 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dishei CnOP SUEY-CIIOW MEIN Ottawa and had been ihre a ronsiderable time. Hrc had Dccomc quite well known as a your.'; man our 12:55 Recorded Interlude For Outalde Orders PHONE 133 ' -JSt about, town. Between the first and sr-cowi Great Wars ho was employed for some years as u trnveii.ri" sales Easy Payment Plan 1 : 45 Commentary Women's Talk 2:00 - B.C. School Broadcast ' 2:30 -Records at Random 2:45-Behind the Scenes 3: 00 -The Music Box 3:13 Western Five 3:30--U.N. Commentary man, handline hMim ir.. :i, Fargo Tnir was also active in polim.;, onct the Naxi creed began to srrad across Germany. With KitUr in power, von Ribbentmp cliuibed !t AVAILABLE I OR IMMEDIATE DELS Idvertlse in tne Daily News! high authority. Little did any-lone imagine, back in 1910 thai ; the youth, packing dishes bad : and forth on a Skeena ii.e-- boat ;was destined to determine life o .death for feliow countryman an jlive to be hated by n;t';ois nut For the convenience of our customers w, Have several easy ways of paying. 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" v with reinforced frame & 2 ', 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 110" vf with icinforced frame & 2-speed : REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED It. K. MORTIMER . I finally executed. 1 crt Motors It 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRI Rup lit. I I i I ' 1 II I. Ill III! I II mm yy rhonea: FUG Office, 5H6 bhoP EBY & SONS . Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATION'S Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green MJ Hot MR VI f Hf.t i ' " 1 V .Lay away till Christmas with no down payment. Lay away and make part payments till all paid. Dow n payment and weekly instalments. Down payment and monthly instalment. Charge account or all cash as desired. - NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGE A good time is now when lots of things are here VANCOlVEil VICTORIA 5 flVA.TC v RUSH SHIPMENT! SAVE VAUABLE TIM): Ensure Speedy Arrival of rcri.i:''f SEATTLE Tu'iidayf ' 1:30 p.m., Catala Sunday. 9 p.m., Camofim LICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT S'MPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CflARI.OTTB ISLANDS ss. Camosun November 13 . 10 p.m. FOR NOKTH QCEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, Nov. 25, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aeent Commodore j Cafe j "Better Thn Ever" AIR FREIGHT To: Queen Charlotte Isla::i To: Alice Arm, Stewart JBcst rood and Service In Clt5; Ra'l!i For Inf :'mation On F!i;b'' S ur oena-uut Orden jThlrdAve. David Chow, Mgr. CALL 47li ! QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIKLIXES f'-MJ "The toast is burninfr, dear." Third Avenue phone 568