Tomatoes, Calif 2 lbs ' . Pullets Cabbage, lb JTomatoes, No, i ib7' Vn Butter Potatoes. 10 lb ijjl First Grade lb was performed by Rev. Earl Sol-, followed at the Oddfellows1 HaU. "y f SETS prfnrc tltipcrt Daflj) rectos Wednesday, November IS, 1949 POPULAR RITE JOINS LOCAL PAIR SATURDAY limit , .65 I .. .61 . .37 0 ... .33! .7.50 1 Canadian Cheese, lb. uaii lw- - JQ "7". !25 Canced vet:aieS The mothers of the bridal pair, each gowned in formal black velvet, received the guests. Toast to the bride was proposed by Barney Roald, who acted as master of ceremonies. The land. Adding to the beauty of the occasion was the presence of the church junior choir and the Var-den Singers. The former sang "O Perfect Love" and the latter sang the Norwegian song "Fader Ti uin Pickles. Ral .60 Cut Green Beans, fey" Evaporated Milk. Ib-oz. tins. 2 for . Case ... Out. lor a a reas, lancy 1.65 .. .18 .. .23 .18 ,tli... A honeymoon trip to Ketchikan followed the wedding here Satur I Mied Vegetables - - J: Diced Betas, j per tin Wax Beans, ehnic 4 .5 Flour Pastry x Flour, 7 lbs. flour, 49 g, No 1 Wheat Flour, 24's , Vor" during Intervals in the cere .23 6fi hard 3 60 1.82 I"' '4 a ' day evening of Mary Ann, daugh- ,' groom responded. A toast to the newly married couple was proposed by William Denlock while Mrs. Soiland, wife of the mony. vo nim narrow .11, .16 mP1"- a lor. .2s ter of Mr. and Mr. Anton Dyb-' paetor, was organist for botn ;9. Tea and Coffee lb . na 10 oaneu oeans, zu-OZ. tin ... ., 23 Baked Beans, 15-02. tin, ea Ill' ?Cfee- rf ... a toast to the bride's parents was DeLuxe quanUtv.""ib.""ZZ' 1.18 havn and Charles Leonard groups. Youngman, Jr, son of Mr. and The church was beautifully 23 proposed by A. Martin usen. Toast Juices ...... .08 Tomatoes. 28-oz -2? Quart . - A1 Pint Orange Juice 29 j Mrs. C. L. Youneman. One of the decorated with bouquet of pink . I r r' .25 Blended Grapeiruit ... .22 .12 .... .28 n I largest marriage gatherings ever and wnit 'nation and nose .20 m Cream. " pin to the groom's parents was proposed by James Nicoll and a toast to the bridesmaids was proposed by Sydney Youngman. Tomatoes. 2()-oz. ea 1 5 1 ct oai. r ,.n, Bays of lily of the valley, tied with .2.1 JOS. ... .30 .40 Medium 76 Kalivn " ! church witnessed the rite which wmte satin rtbbond of lib. me pews. ine service was rec- The dinner was prepared and orded by Joseph Goscoe. served under supervision of Mr 3. A Kbinestone necklace, gift of the groom was worn by the bride Barney Roald. The bridal couple sailed on Monday on the Princess Norah on a honeymoon trip to Ketchikan. as she entered the church ac 1. r-"'- - - , For travelling .the bride wore a companied by her father. Her costume was of white moire with net over the skirt and sweeping rose colored coat wilh grey ae 4 t train adorned with rose buds. Her cessortes. cm tneir reiurn, mey will take up residence at 336 Sixth Avenue East. So what! So I'm keeping f if-... to beat today's living costs! "Tlik is no lime to feel tWk. Costs plenty these Jays to keep my folk . . . lnv self . . . it's up lo me to hurtle ... that means keep feeling 'RIGHT'." I.iy-B. don't pair off. m easy to et run-down if you're troubled bj "irn-,ulariiy" due to lurk ol bulk food's in kliat you eat. That's kliere Post's Bran Flake ran lielp yoo. Port's-the belter Braa Flakes -provide fcnille, laxative artion help food wastes move promptly - ke.p yu lit ready to go. More - Miire Post's Bran Flakes are made with other parts of wheat, you'll let wlioU-M.ine wheat oouriehrurnl as Hell. Start eating flavorful Post's Bran Flakes etery morning, Lar or refular pakge. Imiht on POST'S Bran Hakei- they're better. The bride is a well known and popular local girl and was prev SALMON CROSS Bt'NS " ... 2 large sandwich buns . salt and pepper ' 2 cups (1 lb.) canned 4 eggs SALMON 2 tbsps. milk or cream i 2 tbsps. melted butter 8 pimento strips ' Split buns in half. Flake SALMON and arrange around edge on cut side of buns. Season with salt, pc-r, nd nitlteJ butter auJ-place in hot oven 450 degrees F) for ten minutes. Mix eggs with ' milk or cream, season well and scramble in top of double boiler until creamy. On each hot bun inside circle of SALMON flake place hot scrambled eggs, and garnish with crossed strips ; ofpi-mento. Serves 4. For a tempting luncheon main course, serve with creamy potatoes and spinach, followed by hearts of lettuce with Thousand Island Dressing. , : " , lously on the, office staff of the Fishermen's Co-operative. The groom is employed at the gov ernment liquor store. ' ' r If " J. it A finger-tip veil fell from a beaded coronet head piece and her bouquet was of red roses. Maid of honor Vas Miss Jeanne Husoy, who wore a formal gown of blue nylon with blue net head piece crowned with pink carnations. Her bouquet too, was of pink carnations. Miss Nina Youngman, sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaid. Her gown of maize taffeta was enhanced by a hea(l piece of maize net and a crown of yeiiow carnations. Her bouquet was Miss Beverly Nelson returned to the city on the Prince George this morning after a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J.. Clausen returned on the Prince George HAVE YOU ANY this tnornlng from a trip to Vancouver. k- i, kttn Sui-he need$ 'OSrSSyf S -- r tSP BRAN FLAKES -Kfces 'em too? composed of yellow carnations. Groomsman was William Den-lock and ushers were Sydney iUILDING PROBLEMS? " iua y ..' . ' T! with othi paiti or whiai ,m i III The Rupreme Court nf British Columbia In Primal j Youngman and Andrew Dybhavn. A banquet dinner was served to 170 guests at the reception which -e-i A .....-. ! ; : i In the matter of the "Ailmlnlatra- RAISING BUILDINGS, MOVING, EXCAVATIONS, ADDITIONS NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL FOR I S MORITZ CONSTRUCTION Phone Red 215 tlon Ait" And j In The matter of the Estate of Matt Alfreil Anderson. Otherwise Known! A Alfred Anderson. Iei-eaeil, In-1 tentate. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of (2C8) His Honour Judge W O. Pulton, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of j !- i I WISH COGS COULP ) M 1 i S - . V CAWV THEM? OWN ! I f Stl al l- THE "7 M fEVS--FINE THINS ) I ' I . Jl limll 3 CA.v,t . VOU'LL M-VETOSIl f- V-r "T5 AFTER I JO CI I lKVll ill V IN EXCEPV ( UP AMD WAIT FOR M,f ; MIDNIGHT t VsVl i 1 I llAII III - e.LMEW . TO COME IN : ..-svv-S. dSs.'Vfl 1 LaM' 'jirtv- 1 1 I 1 II British Columbia, I was on the Btn 1 dav of November. A D. 1949, appoint Kaien Co-op HARDWARE ed Administrator of the Estate 01 Matt Alfred Anderson, otherwise I known as Alfred Anderson, deceased late of Bella Bella, British Columbia, who died on or about the 6th day of August, 1949, at Bella Bella, British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebted-1 PLAN YOUR XMAS GIFT BUYING NOW w i 'ip. I I av nl V ' . B.1 v x'i . I it 1 jr l s 1 is to me forthwith ana au persons - ' .mii 1 1 m-imm r I r i , i , i rr I having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me Drooerlv verified on or neiore tne 15th day of December. 1948. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this THERMIC General RAY Electric STAINLESS VACUUM STEEL CLEANERS PRESSURE Real Gift COOKERS for Christmas POTS, PANS, 94.50 IRONS 8th day of November, 1949. Gordon Fraser Forbes Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B. C. (273) PYREXWARE, ELECTRIC. NOW AVAILABLE 251 THIRD AVENIE BOX 1127 PHONE 179 5 w LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE 60LD SEAL LABEL Prince Rupert Florists ( " Tl 1 CALL ELMEC, ( VOU'LL JUST HAVE TO 1 il X. HMM-AUEXANOE ) ) 4 I AND THE COP 7 BE PATIENT AND WAIT-- f Jh- GOT HIS PLANfc jMfe. I KEEPS ( Af-lO FOB GOC5UNGSS' t if FINISHED WONDf R J fe A, v I ANSWERING T V. SAKES, PLEASE Be J , IF THE NEW ENGINE A V T ' ' r"1 -KJ j J V- OF ALL THE BEATS HM THE CITY If I f 1 KNEW IT WAS JUST J , V. I HAVE TO GET THIS CHAOACTEC ) ) 1 A MATTER OF TIMS -il-VCV NCJ. ON MINE k-, xT - I BEFORE SOMEBOOV T J 4lft ' f " " - trS - ? WOULD TI?V TO .Aw 0 S) J- THINK OF - uPDEg us we sty . r I Flowers for All Occasions I 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel77i EVERYTHING IN TOYS To Please the Boys and Girls : CALL IN TODAY WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE MANSON'S China Store Across From Gov't Liquor Store CALL BLUE 992 For Satisfactory Service KEN'S RADIO CLINIC 718 2nd Ave. W. MEW ROYAL THE BAKING TWINS . HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water FOR BEST RESULTS IN BAKING CAKES OR PASTRIES Be K1TCHENWISE Be PENNYWISE USE DOMESTIC TENDERFLAKE SHORTENING & PURE LARD Product of Canada Packers Limited PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O.Box 1B6 r- -T LOOK, PL AW -N I V NOW, IF YOU GET OUT ) ITS OKAV. ELMEP ) f , ' J MOI?E 5 WM IN WTH l1,!) . r OPSED ONCE S UK)bK VGHTJM GOING j J T THE POLICEMAN) V tOOK x' rn OF TASTY MEALS AT THS Rex Cafe Chinese Dishes Specialty ; CHOP SUEY enow MEIN CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hushes, D.C., PhX 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOIKS 10:30 a m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. EVbMNUS Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m. for those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST to attendance afternoons. Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 jn. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Order