NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUUBIA8 NEWBPAPXR HTffttyfTfffTyT? TAXI 4 1 61 Dluc i Phonf 3 STAR ' C.f M. Cabs 1 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." 4 BLACK AND WHITE L VOL. XXXVII, No. 3. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS in I 1 C.C.F Opposes Arms T China 4 YOUtIG WOMAN IS MURDERED Brutal Bludgeoning In Winnipeg Leads to Police Court Sequel Will Attack Oovernment Grand Forks WINNINPPEG ( M I d n 1 g h t bludgeoning of an attractive Wlnnlneir brunette will have a sequel In court today when, po lice ay. Clarence O. Richard A,. Policy, Says Archibald OTTAWA-H. G. Archibald, C.C.F. member for Skeena, said in an interview today that his party-intends to attack the government policy of sending military aid to Nationalist China. He was commenting on $15,000,000 of arms having: been sent from gon will be charged with the olavinir of 25 year-old Ann Is Alarmed After Arson Fire In Which Business Block, Housing Doukhobor More, Destroyed GRAND FORKS, 0 Assistant Provincial Fire Marshal Percy Nicholls of Vancouver arrived Varty. Body of the mother of three v y'" C;f ft Canada to China since V-J Day. Canada, by its ac tion declared Archibald, was children, including a seven-year-old boy at a Brantford, Ontario, school fo rthe blind, was found late Saturday in a snowbank. Fifteen hours later Richardson was arrested but details leading to his arrest were not disclosed. upholding a system of luedal-ism In China. here by plane Saturday night to launch a probe Into the dynamiting resulting in a $20,000 fire which destroyed the Burns business block on New Year's Eve. Police today were continuing the search for an arsonist. Meanwhile a wave of fear en- RUSSELL SPEARS IS RECAPTURED Penticton Desperado Taken Only After Being Shot Down 1 M Tragedy on DeGaulle Suggests ft I gulfed this small city and its in Rail Track C2ES32. .'X - habitants that there might be new outbreaks of Doukhobor fire raids. The people were staying away from theatres and public gatherings. Corporate State PARIS General Charles De-Gaulle has called for a corporate state In France. Under his plan management and labor .would be represented in the National assembly. Ten Children Killed When New York Central Crashes Into Bobsled ARCHBOLD, Ohio if A New Marshal Nicholls indicated that PENTICTON O) Russell Spears, who escaped from Jail here November 14 while awaiting sentence on a charge of assault, was captured by police after being brought down Sunday by a shot which went through his left knee. He ws brought to hospital here and doctors performed an operation In an attempt to save the leg. a "considerable'' charge of dy t",jJ's - -i -rum rVfrtf'fV wu i i "i namite and gasoline-soaked saw York Central passenger train knifed through a bobsled party dust had been used to cause the explosion and fire. of children on Sunday, killing STRIKERS HALT TRAFFIC ON THE ANCIENT APPIAN WAY The ancient Appian Way-artery of empire when Rome ruled the world is blocked by road-block set up by striking workers and farmhands on the outskirts pf Albano. The block completely disrupted traffic on this route. The disturbance was only one of the series of similar disorders that tore Italy. A Doukhobor store was housed COLUPSES AND DIES ON STREET In the building and authorities ten farm children from three families and scattering parts of the tractor-draWn sleigh and bodies for a mile down the right- believe the explosion and fire spears nan been living in a hide-out In the woods in relative luxury with turkey and venison In abundance and a comfortably Canadian Freight' On U.S. Roads Up furished shack. originated there. "This Is a threat to our community," said members of the city council when decision was made to offer a $$2,000 reward for arrest and conviction of tht arsonist. WITNESSES SCORE CURBSIDE TREES AT INQUEST INTO HOLMES DEATH Evergreens On Lamp Posts Branded 'Public The hide-out was found De El TE 0 1) i i I cember 14 but he escaped in a of-way. The two other children were injured but Jesse Wyse, driver of the tiactor, and his son. John, 13, escaped without injury. "I thought the track was clear," Wyse said today. "I just stiffened In my seat. The train running gunngnt in wnich a Veteran Employee of Canadian National Succumbs Thomas E. KinK. a veteran employee of the bridge and building department of Canadian National Railways, collapsed and died on Fulton Street, near Fifth Avenue, while n his way to work shortly before 8 o'clock this morning. He was 54 years old. poHce officer was wounded. Early Sunday an Indian noti fied the police that lie had seen a "suspicious character" on t DARING SAFE CRACKING JOB hit the sled, tore it loose from LEADS RED GUERRILAS A lornier tobacco worker, grocer, clerk and church candle-lighter, M a r k o s Vafiades, above, whose title in the "Greek Democratic Army" is Generalissimo Markos," Is the one man responsible more than any other for the troubles of the present Greek government. One of the oldest members of the Greek Communist party, he has been imprisoned and exiled more than half a dozen times. He was political commissor of the EL.A.S. 'left wing . resistance forces i during the occupation and was made commander-in-chief of the guerrila movement when the EL.A.S. was dissolved. He is a member of the central committee of the reserve south of here. The po Nuisance' By Taxi Driver No Blame Attached to Anyone for Christmas Eve Mishap Christmas trees lashed to lamp posts on Third Avenue, were branded as a traffic hazard before a coroner's jury Saturday afternoon by Lionel (Bill) Lamb, driver of the taxi cab which struck down 70-year-old George Holmes in front-of. the post off ic; lice found another home-made the tractor and hurled It down the track."' The train was travelling' at eighty miles oer hour. VANCOUVER if Safecrackers escaped with $1500 today after MONCTON. N.B. CP Effective today, Canadian freight on United States railroads will be subject to a twenty percent increase, replacing the ten percent boost effective last October. This sudden announcement came last night from Rand H. Matheson. manager of the Maritime Transportation Commission. There -rratfflrrteiriate "-explana was- tion of why. No previous announcement had been made from Ottawa. CANADA OPENS WAR COLLEGE KINGSTON (P Defence Min blowing a strong box In the Barn; shack under nestling trees. When Spears appeared, he re-fuwrd to drort rujs rlfl. and th police opened fire, dropping him in the snow. Cpl. Jack Watts of the British Columbia Police led the capture party. on Lhrisamas Lve. Born at Shelton, Washington. Mr. King served in England with the Second Battalion, B.C. Regiment, during the First World - Wif. Since returning from overseas, he had been with the bridge and building department Of the railway. He was a member of the Canadian Legion. ABORIGINES GET The Jury found that Holmes died on December 30 "as a result of injuries received In i a Granville Street cafe. They also took $400 in checks. Police said they had enough nitroglycerine to blow up the whole building which Is also occupied by a hotel. They left a quantity of the "soup" behind. collision with a moving auto FIVE-POINT QUIZ SYDNEY, Australia A test questionnaire that might (well cause many white men and women to baulk, or at least com He collapsed on his way to Communist party . work at the C N R. dock, and was dead on arrival at Prince w50WM;MW0iw?Ho French Strong Man Sustained PARIS 9 By a count of 308 to 272, the French National Assembly today voted down another attempt to amend Premier Schuman's anti-inflation bill upon the passage of -which he has staked the life of his coalition government. mit perjury has been drawn up for West Australian aborigines. The West Australian government Is granting full citizenship TOD ATS STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnr.ton Co. Ltd. ister Brooke Claxton today Rupert General Hospital, lie was taken to hospital in the city ambulance. He Is survived by his wife who resides at 343 Seventh Avenue West. mobile on December 24, about 11 p.m., on Third Avenue between Third and Fourth Streets." "From the evidence, we are of the opinion that deceased walked into the side of the moving vehicle and that the driver. Lionel Lamb, did everything possible to avoid the accident," the verdict stated. Both Lamb and Cherrell Mc-Intyre, driver of another taxi opened Canada's new national rights to the aborigines provid defence college, declaring its establishment "is another stage Toronto in serious acceptance by Can FINED FOR SUPPLYING In city police court Saturday, Gen Kow, a Chinese, was convicted on two charges of supplying liquor to an Indian, by Magistrate W. D. Vance, and fined $50 plus $3.50 costs on each count. LOCAL TIDES Tuesday, January 6, 1948 High 9:40 19.6 feet 22:54 16.5 feet Low 3:20 9.1 feet 16:35 5.8 feet Vancouver Bralome 10.50 B. R. Con 04 B. R. X 08 Cariboo Quartz 2 ;0 The amend was only one of ada of its defence responsibili-five to be voted upon during the j ties in the post-war world." day and on all of which the gov- Courses at the college, located ernment was later sustained. at historic Fort Frontenac, will Athona 09 Aumaque 24 Beattie - -84 Bcvcourt 54 Bobjo 17 Buffalo Canadian 13 Consol. Smelters 99.00 Conwest 90 Donalda " 85 Eldona 86 Elder 65 Giant Ycllowknife 5.90 Gods Lake 1 01 Schuman had threatened tc resign if any changes were made in his program during its passage through the Assembly. be similar to those of Britain's Imperial Defence College and the United States War College with emphasis on co-ordination of defence. WILL SERVE YELLOWKNIFE EDMONTON (Pl A $4,000,000 highway, starti d in the summer of 1946 and expected to be completed next rummer, will u.sher In a new era fir Canada's north -land. Only 75 miles of road remaiu Drntonia 15 1 2 Hedley Mascot 90 MMinto 02' j Fend Oreille 2.85 Pioneer 3.35 Premier Border 0434 Privateer 30 Reeves McDonald 1.25 Reno 10 Salmon Gold r 22 Sheep Creek 1.02 Vananda 20 Congress 031 2 "Pacific Eastern 04 Hedley Afnalg 03 which followed closely behind Lamb's cab as it drove west-l ward on Third Avenue, asserted that Christmas trees, tied to downtown lamp posts were a threat to public safety. Lamb, who gave testimony on invitation of Coroner M. M. Stephens, said that he had been driving westward between "15 and 20 miles an hour" through the driving rain. He drove a normal distance from the curb, lie said. "I passed a parked cur and a Christmas tree in front of the Post Office," he testified. "As I .34 1 1 "J 1.1 ing they can answer under oath before a magistrate that they live a life strictly conforming to the following standards: 1. Are you of Industrious habits and of good behaviour and reputation? 2. Have you for the past two years adopted the manner and habits of civilized life? 3. Are you reasonably capable of managing your own affairs? 4. Are full rights of citizenship desirable for you and are they likely to be conducive to your welfare? 5. Are you able to speak and understand the English language? Sixty-three natives have answered to the satisfaction of the magistrates and have been granted full citizenship rights under an act Introduced In 1944. News of the act is spreading among the area's 25.000 aborigines, and more apply to take advantage of it every day. Harclrock . Harrlcana Heva Hosco Jacknife . ance. We were bothered with them all through the holidays." George D. Haigh, driver for 80 Taxi, said he saw the man come out from the curb, then fall down, but he did not actually see him struck by the car. Dr. C. H. Hankinson, who attended Holmes, said that the "force of the blow was centred .08 .23 .40 .06 ! Joliet Quebec 2 Lake Rowan 13 Lapaska H Little Long Luc 150 I.vnx 07 'j Christmas tree on- trle left breast" causing f rac- passed the to be completed in tne unm-shaw-H-iy River highway. This all-year, all-weather road extends for 38") miles along the bank of the Hay River, through a wilderness of forest and boulders between Grtmshaw in the Peace River country and Hay River post o.i the south shore of Oreat Slave Lake. When the hUhway is officially opened next August Yellowknlfe Holmes stepped out onto the ea rios wnicn punctured me street. I swerved to miss him, lung." .19 .0114 .40 .18 .65 4.50 3.40 6.10 Spud Valley Central Zeballos Silbak Premier . Oils A. P. Con Calmont C. & E Foothills Home 7 but struck him with the right WOMEN SAW front door. I pulled over to the ACCIDENT curb, then ran back to him.1 Mrs. Emily A. Sargent of Haz- Cherrell Mclntyre had him In' elton and Mrs. A. St. Amour Madsen Red Lake 3.00 McKciwlc Red Lake 60 McLeod Cockshutt .... 145 Moneta 36 Negus 2.25 Noranda 49.25 Louvlcourt 1-42 Pickle Crow 2.30 Shcrrit Gordon 3.00 Steep Rock 2.22 Sturgeon River 20 Regcourt 08j Sun Antonio 4.20 Senator Rouyn 63 his arms, so I ran back to 80 told of seeing the car swerve Taxi and telephoned the ambu-'as they crossed Third Avenue lance." j on their way to Midnight Mass and adjacent mining areas will be-served for the first time In history with a first-class gravelled highway ever which heavy freight and supplies may - be shipped the year round from Ed 1,'...., f NEWSPAPER MAN PASSES Thomas Graham, Kditor of Canadian Weekly Kditor, Succumbs Suddenly VANCOUVER (P Ihomas H. R. Graham. 40-year-old newspaperman, died suddenly on Sunday. He was a member of a HUMAN DEBRIS FOUND IN ITALY ROME, (APi War has left in Italy human debris of races, nationalities and political beliefs amounting to perhaps 500,000 persons who have settled to stay, if they can. Police, who give the 500,000 estimate, say many of these Lamb said Unit, when Holmes but did not realize that an ac-emerged from behind the tree, cident had occurred until they he was so close that "I felt sure 'saw a man lying on the U'eet. I couldn't miss him. I swerved j Mrs. Sargent estimated" the to avoid hitting him with the speed of the car as "not ex-front of the car." 1 ccssive." while Mrs. St. Armour Mclntyre, who had been driv-' declared that she thought it ing behind Lamb from McBride'was going "very fast." Street, estimated the speed of, Thomas White, who identified the two cars at about 25 miles Holmes' body, said that to his monton and ether north-country supply depots. One of the wdtest summers in northern history held back liehfduled progress of the work during 1947. It had originally been planned to complete' the highway before freeze-up. The permanent frost problem. onvthat plagued United States Army engineers while building the Alaska Highway and the Canol pipeline road, entered the picture in this highway too. Vancouver publishing firm and Canadian Amateur , Hockey Chief Dies MONTREAL, CP- Norman Dawes, vice-president 1 of the Canadian Amteur Hockey Association for the past 25 years, died suddenly on Sunday of a heart attack at his home hi suburban ' Verdun. an hour. Visibility at the time, knowledge Holmes was "not a he said, was "practically nil." 1 drinking man." I people are centres of political in-', trigue webs reaching into eastern Europe and Russia. editor of the magazine, the Canadian Weekly Editor. A former president of the Corutenay - Comox Board of Trade, Mr. Graham was editor of the Comox District Free Press in 1944-45. He w survived by a widow and two sons in Courten- Constable John R. White and Keith De Witt gave evidence as to the location of the accident. Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton identified a Rosary found on the street as one which Holmes had claimed as his while in hospital. Jurors on the Inquest were George Dybhavn, foreman, H. D. 'Near the post office, the car in front suddenly swerved. Then I noticed a man lying on the road. The driver of the other car pulled over to the curb and stopped. I didn't see the man at all before he was lying on the road." Mclntyre said. "Do you think that the Christmas trees there obscured the The 1948 city, council will hold AGITATOR DOWNED BY ITALIAN POLICE Seated on the street with his hands to his head is an alleged Communist agitator, after he was downed by Italian police who broke up an impending riot outside the Italian chamber of deputies, during the general strike called by Communist labor boss Giuseppi Di Vittorlo. The riot started outside the chamber of deputies building in Rome when police tried to disperse mobs of yelling strikers. Red deputies from the chamber ran out to try and halt the police beating their fellow Reds, and they too fared very badly because police mauled and beat some of them also. The strike was called off when thousands of workers returned to work after two days. ' The most important group or -newly - seeded' foreigners is made up of Slavs all shades of them, from White Russian and Ukrainians to Poles, Serbs, Croats and Bulgars. Poles number many thousands. They came with the Germans and later with Gen. Anders armies, and they are amng those who least desire to return to their own country. Making her earliest arrival in weeks, C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Fred McGraw, is due in port at 3:15 this afternoon from Vancouver and way-points and will be sailing at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Its first meeting tonight. The ! ay. new council consists of Mayor ' Arnold, and Aldermen Black, LONGEST TUSK Brooksbank, Rudderham, J. R. The longest elephant tusk of Morln, W. F. - one, McKay, which there is authentic record Casey and Nickerson. is 11 feet 5'i Inches long. Thain. Stewart Donaldson, Don- view?" Coroner Stephens asked Blanchard "I certainly do," Mclntyre re-J aid Nelson, Samuel plied. "They are a public nuis- and George McLean