Prince Rupert aflp r3rto0 Monday, January 5, 194& I Timely Topics from Terrace Classified Advertising iBrtfiedt: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum chare. 50c. Birth Notlrw 60c; Cards of Thanks. DmUh Notice, Funeral NoUc, Murrlam and Engagement Announcements: t2. Today inn Sports I ; BIKTU NOTICE FOR KENT HOCKEY SCORES I .-.. . VINE Born to Mr. and Mrs. j FOR RENT Two warm sloe Charles Cote arrived on Tues- the singing of "Auld Lang Syne'' day from Edmonton where he is and the blowing of horns. Dane-attending a Catholic seminary, ling to the music supplied by lo- leal talent continued until 4:15 Mr. and Mrs. R. Baxter of a.m. and a very merry time was pints rooms. 801 Borden Street. i7l HAbrVtlUALL CHATTER (By BILL LONG . vanderhoof arrived last week in enjoyed by all Saturday Boston 2, Canadians 2. Rangers 5, Toronto. S. SumbT Canadiena 2, Detroit 8. Chicago 4, Rangers I. Terrace and plan to spend tho winter here. FOR RE1NT 2 room unfurnished. 336 9th Ave. West 4i FOR RENT Th ree roamed furnished suite. 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. - i4i Mrs, Seton, who has been ' Do You Have FIRE PROTECTION We handle Fire Extinguisher for any need . , . GAS OH, ELECTRICAL or GF.MTIRAL FIRES All types all sizes KIDDE LUX C02 EXTINGUISHERS . rVIJENE EO VMITK ideal for Htutie, Off'iee, Boat, ete. vry ill at her home here for : Mrs. E. Hamilton was a pas- sometime, recovered sufficiently The league standings to date: Prince Rupert's all-star hope-W D L F A Pta j fuls will have their final, pre- senger to Prince Rupert on last to be able to travel to Smithers Tuesday's train. FOH RENT -One 3-ioom apart 16 8 7 97 73 40 1 series practice tonight in pre- ' 17 5 8 100 7 3t paration for their conflict with at the week-end where she entered hospital for x-ray and fur- ; ther treatment. I. M. Irvine, in the Prince Rupert General Hosnlti! on Jm-iay Jan. 4, a sun, 8 lb.. 1 oz. Both doing well. """rtNIRVI. N OTITIC ICHAlfAN In the city Jan. , 194. Elizabeth Lindsay Buchanan, aged 89 years, he-loved mother of Mrs Robert Cameron, 1302 Overlook St. funeral services will be conducted by Rev. A M. McColl at 2:38 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 6 at Granville Court Chapel. Interment to follow in Fair-view Cemetery No flowers by request, B.C. Undertakers in harge of arrangements. Toronto Detroit New YorK Boston ment, unfurnished or partly furnished. With private bath. Red 441. df, 5 13 98 107 31 Vancouver Arrows. Then, Coach 7 13 89 87 2iA1 Bill will make his fateful 5 14 71 78 27 1 announcement as to the final Mrs. A. J. Dominato and family of Prince Rupert returned home on Tuesday after spending Christmas with her parent's, 13 11 11 8 Montreal Mrs. Spitzel was taken to Prince Rupert General Hospital 1 FOR RENT H o u e k e e p i n R ' chko Call us for information regarding your ire protection' i 17 ' selection of players. 2 21 97 133 loom. ii nun Ave. KasU (5) Next names Wednesday, at Detroi t Mr. and Mrs. H. Houlden. Mrs. C. on Tuesday's train for surgical , Houlden accompanied them to attention. Mrs. H. Doll accom-1 the coast, returning Wednesday. ' panied her, returning the fol- Just who these will be is still Bill's secret but it appears likely that the starting line-up will Include those four Old Reliables - -MacPhee, Lindsay, Dominate and Morgan with Beynon and 1 1.- lcwing day. ROOM AM) BOARD requirements. COMPI.F.TF. FACILITIES FOR REt HARGINC. ON IHNI) PH1LPQTT, EVTfT & CO. LTD. Coal J'niMinij Supplies Paint Hardware PHONES 6I - fir2 Mr. and Mrs. Hammer left on' Tuesday for the south where; Mr and Mr, Frank Clifford ARROWS LEAVE SOUTH TONIGHT CARDS OK 'HUNKS I Ted Arney the alternatives for Mr. Hammer will take a three have purchased from W. A. Kirk- j months forestry course. ( patrick a remodelled army build- ' VANCOUVER - ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $44 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 022 Fraser Street. (tfi Ten members jtne fiflh spot of the Vancouver Arrowa basket- j,r Fiaten and Rez Lavinne ing on Greig Avenue and moved . should like to take this opportunity of extending my sincere thanks and appreciation to my ball team are leaving here to- ! will if avjng with tne Bo.Me- I Miss Eva Peterson of Smithers int0 their new home on Tues night on the steamer Prince Hl team for Ketchikan on 'arrived on Tuesday for a short day. Rupert to piny a two-game series Wednesday night but it is rum- j visit and left on Friday's train, j FOR SALS with u senior Prince Rupert ,irH thv K.h m!.v I New Year's Eve parties were Miss Edna Robson returned held at the homes of Mr. and FOR SALE Four-piece bedroom team. action in Wednesday night's LITTLE, HAUGLAHD & KERR LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Rough snd Loss, Pole, Dressed Lumber Jv K . I, J", nd Piling suits, excellent condition; aUn one iloor lamp, two .natural ... wood table lamps, Book of . Vancouver Blue n. Knowledge set, twenty vo.-jBombers Champs Arrow game. ' from Smithers on Tuesday's Mrs. F. Fisher, D. G. Little and The preliminary games will train. j Charles Adam, Terrace's newly- see Kitklatla Excelsior Club i elected commissioner, where meet Sev Dominato's Fashion The New Year's Eve ball spon- j about 30 couples gathered to Footwear squad on Wednesday I sored by the Canadian Legion j see the Old Year out and the and on Thursday the starter will j and held in the Orange Hall was new ypar n 1 I VANCOUVER, Vancouver umns, nargam. Leaving town. 433 11th Are. East. 7 i Blue Bombers today were Cana many customers whose patronage I have valued during the many years I have operated Star's Stylewear. I trust that the same goodwill will be extended to my successor who Will carry on the business as m January 7, and you arc cordially Invited to shop at Star's "Star" Comer. R RENT Warm, comfortable Sleeping room, reasonable, 80G Fraser Street. 8 expressing heartfelt appre- for the many acts of indness, sympathy and asslst-nce Slation in her recent bereave-lent, Mrs. Oeorce Holmes desires to thank especially Dr. jbe a game between the inter- j a great .success. The hall was Agents Fir International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Philco Radios Millard Batteries -5 o room room huu.",e, nuu.fc, i full uii dian junior football 'lUA" champions j mediate Merchant's team and packed at midnight when tup. j 1 At At the tne turkev shoot snoot held neld bv by ju two lots. Phone' alter they outfougnt rain, hail.! ... .. .,, ,.. 1 Ka, Vo ..,, .,mH Hh turkey FOR SALE-basement, Bhie 338 the Rod and Gun Club in the old Oi I mud, eastern rules and the Ham brickyard Constable Brue and ilton Tigers to win six to three FOR QUICK SALE House, 2151 in the final ()f a two-game series 9th Ave. Four rooms and here Saturday. Hamilton waa at Herb Larsen each won two turkeys, while Dudley Little won one and Tony Cote won the $8 cash prize. bath, $900 cash. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 917. Centre Civic trounced on the series, having suffered a 13 to 5 reverse in the first encounter under the western code on New Year's Day. or the Port Simpson Athletic Club. This column still stands by its choice of the locals to take the series from the Vancouver Arrows. Word from the sporting back rooms indicates nothing better than even money and, at that, bets on Vancouver are not too plentiful. According to some -who have witnessed "A" basketball In the . C- II. Hanklnson. the staff of FOR SALE Oollchan Grease, Good Quality. Order Now. BC. Furniture Co. Pr.RSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Harry La Barr of Ansonville, Ontario, spent the week-end in Terrace before returning to their eastern home today. They spent the Yuletide season with Louis Neuheuser and FOR TI1F. P.E.ST IN' AI TOMOTIVE SERVICE , . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick Chev. Trucks I'ontiac Oldsmobile C M C. Tracks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. TUESDAY Sports A.M. 9:00 Bo-Me-Hi Gym Class. P.M. 1-nn RA-Wti.Hi nvm Clact ; fhe Prince Rupert General and the Canadian Eospital ?gion. 2;30-Annunciation Mr and Mrs' Garnet ,ackswl at School. . RECEIVE CASH DAILY in your mail box. Start home-operated part-time business sell-in? merchandise by mail. Write Denis Bonyun Novelties. 315 Ro.selawn Ave.. Toronto. 7 FOR SALE British India Rugs, New, Beautiful Colors, Limited Quantity. Reasonably Priced. Come in and look them over. B C. Furniture1 Co. Black 324. Kwinitsa. i many friends who extended their sympathy and assistance ftl the occasion of my recent bereavement. I wish to extend ny heartfelt thanks. All were tnost sincerely appreciated. ! P. J. McCormiek south .the locals will have a bit I of an edge in scoring, and a little experience to spare. Past local teams have showed up ; pretty well, it may be remem-, bered. I did a bit of investigating last j Advertise in the Daily News! Gym Class. 3:30 Rup Rec Junior Boys. 8:00 Rup Rec Uea Gym and Apparatus Class. Basketball Practices P.M. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from drinkins. It is a rnnfldetinl ght regarding the financing Mi wit n FOR SALE New and Used Furniture, Hardware and Office Fixtures, New Skillets 30c, Cups and Saucers 25c, Soup Plates 25c, Aluminum Double Boilers $195, Electric Double service rendered without pm' of this series and found that 4:00-Juvenl.e Boys Basketball! ANTED TO KENT-Sleeping frjom. Phone fi7G. Hunm 13. '7 by others who have found free-1 basketball in Prince Rupert has School. rt,,m rrm r,iv,i otb become a very popular diversion. 6:00- -Basketball League Prac- Diilv News (if i 1 gathered that this series will tices. Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST IP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:30 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY. CHOW ME IN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 cost about $750 and that some Ajtenai tvenis ANTED TO RENT-Furnished Jousf!keeping room, central. for elderly lady. Phone Blue 605. (tfi WHEN IN TERRACE STOP AT THE TERRACE HOTEL For Convenience and Comfort HOT AND COLD WATER IN ROOMS Spring-Filled Mattresses Hot-plates $7. New Camp Stoves, Scatter Rugs $175, Used Chesterfield Bed $30 j Fancy Occasional C h al r s j A SANDED FLOOH makes a' new room! Dark and stained! P.M. 7:00-Little Theatre. 8:0Q-Symphony. Teachers' Association. Electrical Workers' Union. Leathcrcraft Group. rjANTBD Kitten. Phone Red) 890. t8ii 1.500 fans will see the games, with possibly five times that number listening to its broadcast over station CFPR. All in all. we would say that Prince Rupert has begun to show a real appreciation of its athletes and the athletes, in turn, are beginning ot respect that appreciation. $12 50, Slightly Used Radios,) Electric and Battery Sets from ; $21. All kinds of other useful j articles. Come and look them I over B. C. Furniture Co. Black j 324. tf) . WOK.. WANTi'll FOR W.W -4- .. 'f 5 IT: LDDLE-ased woman will look after children evenings Phone 1 Oren 588. ftf) floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient job with modern equipment. Greer and B ridden have the latest In floor sanders and guarantee the best service. Thone Red 561. (tf) METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543 (t?) Janitors' Supplies See FOR SALE Excellent family, home at 338 5th Ave, East. Full: basement, furnace, fireplace. Immediate occupancy and a fair price. Cullart & McCaf-' fery Ltd. (3 j MACRISF.KV HR SALE lB3 SAW better lumber more economically use the modern : HEAVY SNOWS OVER TERRACE TERRACE Heavy snows blanket Terrace and district with over three feet falling between Friday and Saturday. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE IF IT'S CONSTRUCTION WORK .and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufac- i T'tured by Naticmal Machinery I Company Limited, Vancouver, I C B C. tf) Phone 632 712 2nd Ave. 1IMKIK SI.K X4(U14 Thro ic r.r einn nf env lot.iin ON account of sickness half interest in Poulsen's business is for sale. Established grocery, meat market, rafe, ice cream business and gas station. Sixth Avenue East, Prime r.upert. Thone Red 441. P.O. Box 1U01 Station "B." (309) Agents for:- TKMtEHS Ktnled tinders will be received bv "'6" " "f the Mmitoer r.f Furests at Victoria, and the public works depart- B C. not inter than 11 a m. on the ment ls doing a valiant job trv-auth day of January. 14. for the , ing to keep the village roads pUr,-haw oi L..c.-me x 43444. to cut 2 fbm. of spruce, cedar, and and highway cleared for traffic. Hemlock, on an area situated on the , . AVE 1)0 IT Your Remodelling, Addition, Repairs plus Finishing given prompt attention Our new Wasop Rock Drill and Floor Sander at Your Service CALL BLUE 610 P.O. Box 654 Prince Rupert, B.C. IT IT'S MADE OF WOOD WE MAKE IT DUSTUANE CO. OF U.C. S. C. JOHNSON WAX CO. 0. II. WOOD AND CO. BRODIE IiRUSII CO., etc. I West side uf Louise Island, t urn-shewa Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands FOR SALE Coleman Oil Heater suitable for commercial or large home use. 321 8th Ave. West. Red 894. 3i u,nd District E. S. Laird, high school teach- Two i2i vears will be 0nm allowed flir lor removal of "timber 1 at Terrace, visited Prince BALED TENDERS addressed to ;cthe undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Renovating West Wing and Kiirhen of Prince Rupert General Hospital, H Prince Rupert, BC." will be v received until 1:00 p.m. Saturday, January 31. 1948. Blueprints end specifications can 214 4th Street Further particulars of the chier RUpert on Tuesday, returning Forester. Victoria. B C, or PLstTirt ,QDt. ,,. ,r,, train p. H. LINZEY Phone Green S17 on Wednesday's Forester. Prince Hupert B C. FOR SALE Two exquisite salesman's samples new British , India hand-made rugs. Phone! RLONDIE Johnson. Blue 697. 3i m ... in Mi.ii.ny.ihilhiHry'iWlL- B -'- nsnn. I il T7t: t : i ' -1 " ' 1 ' i . !'m-!:':m!;, ! be obtained from the undersigned on deposit of a sum of $10.00 In the form of a certi Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! LOST AND rOI'ND V 1 DON'T SEE WHV - -i, f AT VOUS BC!N3 0 M -?kr OkA----N I rV I CAN'T HAVE C WHATS THE MATTER k'i iw, I imm -rTCT v ' A ). N'?xT T!ME fied checue payable to the order of the Prince Rupert poUTn)Tu.0 kfys on strlng by ;( PRIVACY VsHEN I f WITH VOUC FATHEP? I 1 -Srs bA !( ,TAtlE. iV -tau.-z V !! i.Ae ncAi k.AO 1 S'', ? .itY -J J B S V I'LL SEND OUT J Oeneral Hospital. This de ! A BATH A "0 HP S5 hi . fJ ft K i'l ( INV,TAT,ON j I Wrathall's Photo Shop. Own posit will. foe released on re-!urn of tte blue prints and r-f Wis JjyrrgJ ;l 0 k-r ! Mi i er may have same by railing at the Daily News and paying fnr this advertisement, itfi n . 1 1 rr. i m 7 v--& s,,., r-ss tr 1 r rm (deifications. Tlie lowest or iny tender not necessarily ac l Stapled. Douglas C. Stevenson, anaging Secretary. Prince "lupert Oeneral Hospital. Vince Rupert, B.C. I5 mental value. Reward. Finder Jsfev'C T .W S (ft W$jJ4?- 1 1 please return to Daily News. F9LV W NO- fwl O. S v l&U V"' I t BROADWAY CAFE BOSToif " 4 ' i (FORMERLY J .. .- .- f'f Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties C08 THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 st u-- ' ' ' l , - ri r II lh"' - lo -Ci,C 11 I now. .f i can lt just ttpM .lilJIIH IiPliiniini! Ihi. 7T , "FLsa 1 11 ' I ' ' M 11 A.M. TO 8 PM P.M d0- f.Cll. U-ilUU-ttliL I REMEMBER HAD A j (Tate) DlLt PICKLE) I AM ' iJ :l r-j i? ( this number dill, j one, ) I ate r-7 sopcv- 3 Zmmmammmm U-,.Ui-,4J.J . 1 " V until I set pickle Stoo f.w one too 1 Cthepeis . KNOX HOTEL, A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO UVK COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES ' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN (V 'v j