or . . . BEAUTY prince- Uupm Dallp J3ctos Saturday, January 8, 1949 Loca! News Items . . . UTILITY . . . Moose whist drive and uancc I ECONOMY . . Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Miss Lillian franklin, alter a visit here over the holiday season with her parents, Mr. and j nlltO WITH every Saturday night 8:30. (6i CANADIAN CLUB Meeting, Tuesday Jan. 11, 8 p.m. in the Presbyterian Church for members and guests. Speaker: Rpv Scndall; subject: "Reminiscences of a Prisoner of War." Silver collection!. 7i iliiiiimuiiiimiiiiiiilliluiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WORK CLOTHING SYLVAPLY WEATHERBOARD thicknesses ot tin Douglas Fir Plywo odin stock LrnfiUis from 12 to 4 Icel available for early delivery j ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. f OAL LUMHI U HUILDING SUPPLIES i rHONE 116 Mrs. Lester franklin, left by this afternoon's plane on her return to Calgary. Joseph Chell, inspector of schools, is sailing tomorrow night on the Coquitlam for a trip to Victoria on official business. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Suits, Overcoats, Shoes,, miscellaneous items. All sale goods f Before Newfoundland entered Confederation, Canada's youngest provneies were Alberta and Saskatchewan, which were admitted to Confederation In 1005. z New Year Is their sincere wish TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! I ( AHI oi- thanks r'i Lutheran Church business meeting Tuesday, Jan. II at 7:30 p.m. 8) W. H. Brett M.L.A., is sailing' tomorrow night on. the Coquit-kum for a business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Cash for Old Gold, Diamonds etc. at Manson's Jewellers. Mrs. Myra Gilchrist returned on the Coquitlam Friday afternoon from Vancouver where she spent the Christinas and New Year holidays. SALE Dean's Quality Cleaners offer 20 discount on all dry cleaning orders of $2.50 and over. Time Jan. 10 to Jan. .22. Don't miss this chance to get $2.50 value for $2.00. Call 283 and our driver will call and deliver daily. Miss Helen Balagno, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P, Balagno, will sail tomorrow night on the Coquitlam for Seattle where she will take up studies In interior decoratting at the Cornish School of Art. ANNETTE MANSF.LL'S January Clearance of Dresses. 75 Dresses to clear at 2 for the Olson and son, i'aui, ae- Announcei oents All advcrtiseiuwiin i tula column will be charged fur I all month t 25 cent a wurd Waist Overalls ; and Jeans Western Glove, Caribou, G. W.G. and Headlight PAIR $3,25 to $3,95 Bib Overalls Western Glove, Headlight andG.W.G. PAIR $4.25, $4.35 and $4.50 Carpenters' . Overalls Western Glove and Headlight. PAIR $4.75 nd $5.15 Coveralls I to ex pitas sincere inanss ,11 their friends in Prince 'rrt various parti of Can- t England, United Stales. mark, and else her? for kindnesses extended us the Christmas and New i season. That untold hap-ss for them ail in the at cost. Sale commences Mn;i-day, January 10. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op. (in Harry Caklerwood is sailing by the Coquitlam tomorrow night on his return to Vancouver aucr a visit here with his parents, Capt. and Mrs. Harry Caldcrwood. Executive Meeting 8 p.m. Mon. v,i" - ft Queen Mary Chapter l.O.D.E Bridge and Ci ibbage, Civic Cen tre, January 10. , Cribbage, Whist. Bridge at "I i ' V IW..:,. ,1 KM.. Will V fouJ "i Executive Meeting, 8 A D.m Mon .Inn in Rot.n- lar Monthly Meeting IK ' " - Catholic School Hall, Jan. 13, 8 p.m. Burns Banquet, Presbyterian Cbnrr-h Hall. Thurs. Jan. 27. The Shrine Club Band will play at the Civic Centre January 31. -i rr V?t ,wlln Ihitiation of new v members) Canadian Le-mg.ion Hall, 8 p.m., Wed. Jan 12. (7) iinoiiR those who sent Rifts and greetings were B.C. Furniture. Mr. and Mrs. Fovel and children. Sine, Georie and staff of Grand Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Norman ArsenauR and children (Terrace i, Mr. and Mis. Wilkins and son, Mrs. Parker and staff, Mr. and Mrs. Beaton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lund and Elsie, Mr. and Mrs. Tage Hali- and children, Copenhagen; A. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hanson and son, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby and family. Staff of the Bapk of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Young and son. Mrs. Pul-lcn. Poss Bros.. Mr. and Mrr. N. L. Jones and son. Mr. and Mrs. P. Gamula and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Evans and children, Mr. and Mrs. Halvor-son and children. Mr. and Mrs. Kinak Vancouver i. Rev. and Mrs. Ward (Vancouver I. Mr. and Mrs. Thain. Mr. and Mrs. Strachan. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and children. Mr. and Mrs Timms and children. Mr. and Mrs. Dudoward and children, Lin? the Tailor and Staff. Rev. and Mrs. Rov Durrlord and children (England). Cam-brai Chapter I.O.D.E.. Ladies' Co-ordinating Council. Mr. and Mrs. Pavav (Vancouver Island). Mr. and Mrs. G. Mc-Whinnev, Mr. and Mrs. Morris and children. Mr. and Mrs. Boulter and family, Mr. and Mrs. N. Mussallem (Kcl-ownai, Mr. and Mrs. Trax- I I - Western Glove, Hickory I . N inpe CCCA price of 1. You buy one and get! ( w r m & m tern. I & f.t: .V - A r tk l ' -:tt Cjt. SKSnlmSS.OO f rW'"tS JlV h' "'edrJ night (?7 as Suit one tree. This season's dresses, newest styles and fabrics. Call early for a better selection at 525 3rd Ave. West. (tn Sinithers Junior Chamber of Commerce has sent to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce a letter acknowledging greetings which the local chamber tm k rm w rum n w ktb i pi wt w mr-r m k r' w ... i m iuv- s-n ALSO RANS IN PRINCE CHARLES STORK DERBY A good many new Britons came into this vale of tears on the day that Princess Elizabeth gave birth to Prince Charles Philip Arthur George, which gives them a modicum of fame early in life. At top is' Mrs. Maud Philp and her baby, Elizabeth, who was born just a few minutes before Prince Charles. Bottom: Mr. and Mrs. t. Scott with their baby daughter, whose name precedes that of Prince Charles in the official registry of births at London's Caxton Hall. Painters" Overalls and Smocks I FOR t . s j Glove. .,, 75 j conveyed to the Jaycees at the i .lerior on the occasion of their recent inauguration. j Miss Florence M. Brickson R. j N. for many years with the icia! DcLuxc $39.95 ler and children (Terrace. Work Shirts Priced from $1.75 10 $3.95 Reminiscences provincial Department of Health chest clinic and now assistant superintendent of ReJ Cross outpost hospitals in Bri- . J I - JM- V tJ "" " By.W.J. d Reflections (MrMf WkMto , llMfMll'iU , I tish Columbia, left on yesterday's plane on her return to Mr. and Mrs. Lber. Mr end Mrs. Anonymous. W. J. Line-ham. Miss ii. r a.nwrioiu (Vancouver. Miss Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thomas. Van Meer Studio. Mr. and Mrs Forbes. W. J. Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and children. Mr. and Mrs. Georce Verna and children. Mrs. St.?Ua, M Renderus, Mrs. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Mali Gee and children. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pette-nu7.zo. Mr. and Mrs. Blake, Salvation Armv. V. L. Smilev. Miss Mvrtle Miller. Mr. and Mrs. DeLenncll t Winnipeg i. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carlson and family. May Bovd, Wavne The cost of a meal in Van-, take official notice of the situ-couver and in Prince Rupert isialion. And this, the new short Vancouver after an official visit to the Red Cross hospiUl at Terrace. ! sometimes the subject of argu-jway across the Pacific, as play-. nicnt. "There might be a differ-jed up in the Grand Trunk tra- ence of five or ten cents," said j vel talks. a local old timer, back from CfltCoiiJ R v. G. W. Alien of the Full Gospel Tabernacle, Vancouver, arrived in the city Friday afternoon on the Coquitlam from the The average person in does not read move than live j I'm ahead by eating my dinner ! south on an evangelical toir of Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Nielson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoskins and Rev. and Mrs. here. There is so much more of it." le Street PHONE 311 the central part of the province. FOR YOUR " 'CHICKEN IN THOROUGH CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM public library books in a year, ! says a woni.m who has gtvpri j the matter some attention. Per-i ii.ips the libraries do not keep vTara-(Vancouver . I , . fl Ings at the Full Gospel Tabernacle here for the next two weeks before proceeding to the interior. I PAUSE and REFLECT CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT OTICE: Re-Snow Removal President Truman .even before inauguration, is said to be having a tidy little fight with those who expect to become members of his official family. Cabinet members resent his at-titue toward Uncle Stalin. Not hard-boiled enough! It may tnc novel in stock but should it be available there, it is not improbable "Forever Amber" is one of the five. Somehow, in this day and age vice; rather than virtue, is preferred as flavoring for reading matter. '.ion 45 of Bv-law No. 9C8 reads as follows: $1 'ill little playgrounds away fhuwi cast. Yes, we've parks to burn and perhaps in dry weather, a few do. The next time like enough, will be in Newfoundland. And how about one around Prince Rupert? i shall be unlawful for any person to permit any accu Tins coal is one of the many amazing values Sweet Mxieen is offering: during the January Clearance Sale sation of snow or Ice to remain upon any. planked or if wintpr'c I IMIItUI here.., is time lo think about SPRING REPAIRS fd sidewalk in front of or abutting any premises owned ' xTunied bv him after ten o'clock of any day eicept Sun- li in the district described as Fire Limits No. 1 as des-4-d bv bv-law from time to time in that behalf passed not be long ere Mr. Dew ey will come around to the notion that!. cmruUl clid not bmimc rk there arc worse things than in ; ccmx,ious unlil lhe middltf or being unexpectedly licked. the eihUrs when 10 mi5es v,Pre i cautiously set a.side for future Prince Rupert has been wrest- j public use at Banff. But since ling with the load line require-: then! Oh Boy! Banff stil ted ment, essential before there can something. Few Canadians will be deep sea shipping, for more ; ever see all of the parks estab-than 20 years. Now comes word ! lished from Ocean to Ocean that International donatories ; and ranging from the grandeur it Kihf ( oiincil of the City of Trince Rupert, or for a longer Mid than twenty-four hours in any wiior pari oi me ASTHMA c Police Department has been asked to enrocc mis AND HAY FEVER HKK A 1 lll.V OI ( WM.V Mil. Nlii iiiivi-r. Be. of comfortable, satin interlined, wool gabardine. It is a coat you'll wear through Spring, Summer and Fall. If you are interested in saving come in and look at the sale values we are offering on l i lt coats, n it-Ti;iM!ii:i coats If your house gutters need attention, if your boat needs new tanks, see us; we have the equipmnet and ' experi- Cncn tf tt nnvMiinre lr r I have not as yet condescended to : of Jasper to modest, decorous' II. I). T1IA1N City Clerk. l Sheet Metal line. k i;vi;mng ii:i:ssi:s and skikts 1 HOLIDAY DKLSSES V HI.ACK CKM'i: AFTLKNOON SK1KT! TS ... .. I W'H ''11 1 New Leaf THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave. Plione I'.I.AC'K 881 IJI.AZERS ISI.OI'SES Take advantage of these bargains. Buy on Sweet Sixtccn's Personalized BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges or a NEW YEAR Jl 1 1 ' ' - I v ? i IF lie rcaily fro the New Year at home and In the office with CALANDEU PADS that will ln lp you keep your appointments. We also have assistant Dally Journals and rocket Diaries. ir is Plumbing or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Plione 171 Boi 274 j I ' Carving Sets Pocket Knives i ! j ; PYREX DOUBLE BOILERS Commodore'Cafe Table Cutlery Casseroles THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Ormes Drugs DRUGS FACED WITH THE PROBLEM OF A BABY S ITTEN ?- Every mother needs some lime out of PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO V P.M. SUNDAYS AND 1IOL1DAYS12 NOON TO 2 Pii, 7 P.M. TO HOLLYWOOD cafe Most U)-to-I)ate Cafe in the City Open from 8 p.m. lo 1 a.m. COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. the home for recreation, but if there is a child that n-.-eds to be looked after she is faced with the problem of getting a baby sitter. Considerate husbands occasionally look after the baby-while mother goes out to do a bit of shopping o.' attend some meeting, One thing to remember I when you begin with a baby-sitter is to have her arrive early enough to become acquainted with j your child before you leace. If the child at lef avva'icncd to find herself in the arms of a ; stranger, she would become a:arme ana upset. Explain to your child that the baby-sitter has sole authority in your absence. If your youngster is as young as the one at right, write down for ' the baby-sitter the doctor's telephone number ana tne numoer where Kie can reacn you in j case of an emergency. Above all, remember to hire someone whom you know personally or has been recommended to you to ensure dependa- bility. If these simple rules are followed, the mot- j her will be able to get some recreation and be a better companion to her child. i Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 pan. till 9 pan. and Sunday ' ca; delivery orTlct om a.m. till 0 p.m. We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OLTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 Classified Ads Bring Results! PHONE 81