0RF.1ES DRB 135 Daily Delicyer NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXV11I, No. 0. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Methods Fisheries A Fresh Life He living ase AFtyCABS ping Time tt W Tripled CWS( I a ' Shoot D Fiv British ffc tv f P own Freezing M v- 1' ? T' .'"""--" .!.iy,l, ii ' i. wmiWtoi--l CI HANG READY TO QUIT- Nationalist China Seeking Mediation Of War Iwa Conference I, Hears ot Mew e of Reefers incident On Egypt Patrol Foreign Office Admits Helo Eein? Sent to Help Protect Arabs LONDON (CP) Britain said today- that five Royal Air Force planes had been shot down yes- ' .if . A ' ''V; . -'i B NANKING, it -A usually reliable source said today that the Chinese government had asked British. United States and French governments to mediate the civil war. Ambassadors for the three powers were asked to relay the request to their governments, the source .said, The three ambassadors were all called to the Foreign Otl'ice-by Foreign Minister Wu Tc-Chen late Unlay. None of the foreign oflicials would comment on failure l,o include the Soviet member of the "Bin Four" in the .sniniimiu: This A VA, (CP) A isc of lift; appeared re today for Can-;;lst coastal fi.-shiug iv. Hopeful uut-a's indicated in a re- HEW POLICE ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP ELIMINATES "D" DIVISION HERE Administrative changes which eliminate one link iii the chain of authority within the British Columba Police force and enlarge the area served by the Prince Kuuert detachment, have been put into effect by the Attorney General's Department. Eliminated by the changes are the five divisions hviT'l before tin' annual ic nf the Fisheries Re- j raked considerable speculation here. j It is understood" the Russian ambassador has been shying Hdiiirl of Canada by Kr. -i.v ii. .mi ju.-.-,iun,- jui ucipuuon 111 ineiiiauon or discussion oi Jterday by Israeli aircraft 1 svhile on reconnaissance ' I i -.!.-.: fcq.ewmdilM jneipjuauons Sr-'-Jiii. it patrols ovef' Egyptian territory wit tun t he province and the In y-,f 1 1 Mlifa RUSSIAN PLANES SCOUT ALASKA spectois in charue of the division; no v have command over districts of nearly equal size. it;,- k C)tt time of fish Johnson are Prince Rupert. Port Edward, Terrace, Hazelton. Smi-thers. Telegraph Creek, Massett, Queen Charlotte City, Ocean Falls, Stewart and the P.M.L. 15. STATES MUST ASSUME LEAD bvm caught. J, in iii week tiie run- FAIRBANKS According to Frank Whaley, well known Nome f ; ; " - I" S- - V - , i, I" ',r.l f " I heard of new refrlg-,ir methods wliieh had near the Palestine border. The announcement of the Air Ministry came after a Jewish spokesman in Tel Aviv said that two of five aircraft shot down by the Jews over Rafa were known to be British planes and two others were presumed to be. Meanwhile Foreign Office officials announced that Britain, acting on the request of Trans-Jordan had sent troops to guard the seaport of Aquaba. BAD STORMS Truman ( alls on Country To Support World's Slriitigle For Belter Living J rfccled at ,tlie Pacific ,6;d Station to 'icvoili-t the transit of J isli l;y flier, Soviet jet planes have been patrolling the International Date Line and Bering Straits. The planes, flying exceedingly fast, Ir.'ve been sighted by observers, along tlic Arctic shore. Whaley m.ys he saw a Soviet jet plane circle Big Dioutede Island, be-Iw'een Siberia and Alaska. IN ALBERTA WASHINGTON I). C. 'f Pics-ldent Truman yesterday submit- Formerly, detachments 'were ui!ci"dia! ")y responsible to district headquarters which, in turn,) was responsible to the Division. I Elimination of the division1 places the detachments Immediately responsible to the Inspec- j lor- in-Charge. The re-organization is the first ni a j o r administrative 'change within the force since 1924. Notable effects of the re-or-I ganii'aiion within the Prince Ru-' pert district are: 1. "D Division" no longer ex-i ists. Inspector F. B. Womls- XURY DOWN, Coal Branch Area Suffers $100,000 Damage From Hurricane and Snow J BILL UP DETROIT AND I !MK WtAiTlER i ted to Congress a report which, says the United States must "positively support" the world's struggle for better living stand-i . aids and economic progress, I Unless it gives backing, the United States "cannot maintain a world position of moral prestige and political leadership," a joint t U inpcrat ure.s of I !)!!) :. ., OUT- Genei itl George Marshall, resigned as United States Secretary of Sl.ule ov.ning to IU-health. BOSTON EVEN EDMONTON, Wet snow today added new peril to the Coal Branch mining area west of here in the wake of hurricane force winds which caused $100,-000 damage. (Synopsis) Winter has renewed its grip on all areas of British Columbia Jolinson now is officer in charge of the Prince Itupcrl iln i) on Prince unpen j l a.; u hlf'h pi essure j ii"lit clear weather in ; ' of a slonn which deux inches of snow on 1 ets Thursday. ! il minimum, according 1 Winds at 90 miles per hour u,t,lr,t,iii rlArr,llv.-l-,rrl Vtnllrl. as Arctic air blankets the entire province. Sub-zero temperatures iiave again been recorded session of the Senate and House of Representatives was told. This, the President said, was the opinion of his three-man ins t.orp nut. communications! Former Have Two Gaines This Week-End and Latter Only One MONTREAL Detroit Red Wings, presently tied with Boston Bruins for the leadership of the National Hockey League, are taking on the Canadiens at the Montreal Forum tonight and will return home to take on the Digby Island weather over many portions of the inter councilor economic, advisers District. 2. Tins Prince llupei t detach ment, which formerly cm-itran-d only tile city limits, lni lipi-ii cxp..vlrd to include certain unorganized territory in the immediate area. 3. Burns Lake and Atlin de and lashed the towns of Cado-mMi, l.uscar, Mountain Park and Leyland. ' Suow was still falling after 19 Indies had brought fears of further damage to buildings weakened by winds. I was 11.9 degrees. ' the ..-hire December 10 when ntu'eury slumped to 11 . City ihei'momcter.v )abitually seem to go to lor add at Prince George the mercury dropped to 2." below during the early morning hours. (Forecast) Queen C'harloLvs and North Coast -Clear over the northern mainland today and Sunday. Variable cloudiness and widely tachments have been placed, for administrative purposes, within other districts. , extremes (ban the gov-liistrumcnl, registered s 14 last ni"ht. Bell Telephone Is whose annual report to the President was released in conjunction with his economic message. Truman reiterated his belief that a start should be made "immediately" on the St. Lawrence Seaway and power project, a $950,000,000 Canadian-American scheme he has backed for jears. The President said that the European recovery program must be continued and its success would help return to "reasonable freedom in world trade." ild snap hi ought v illi 't ! sratleretl snow flurries over the Issuing New Shares MONTREAL P Bell Tele Toronto Maple LeaLj in Detroit tomorrow night. Meanwhile the Maple Leafs are playing host t the erratic Chicago Black Hawks tonight. Boston Is billed for only one appearance this week - end, against the Black Hawks at Chicago tomorrow night. After the game tonight, the Canadiens journey to New York to meet the Rangers tomorrow night. phone Co. of Canada will offer (I iii i Queen Charlottes, clearing this afternoon. Clear tonight and j Sunday morning, becoming i cloudy during the afternoon. Winds light. Continuing cold. Lows tonight and highs Sunday capital stock to shareholders at al calctHlar of healing . ranging from a Viist a l to froen water pipes plii'-igcd oil lines, frozen snow reduced, rily. the danger of auto-ladding and pedestrians f mi city slue!,,. $33 In ratio of one new share to An,' five old ones. The right, expir-, lng at the dose of business February 21, will be assignable . al. Port. Hardy 20 and 32; Mas-set I, 17 and 32; Prince Rupert 17 and 32. riii ami! '"Vinco of Prince F.dwat'd as an area or 21 4 .square in-sixlh the size of CARONIA STARTS lex, NEWFOUNDLAND GREAT IN FISH OTTAWA - Alter Newfound land becomes a province of Can POWER CRISIS CHURCH DESTROYED OTTAWA St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, (iO-year old edifice in Ottawa's east end, was completely destroyed by fire early today in a two-alarm blaze which caused damage estimated at more than $50,0(K). The actual cause of the fire is undetermined. LABOR CONGRESS CASE VICTORIA Outlawing of company unions and elimination of supervised strikes vote clause from the British Columbia labor code was asked yesterday by the Britifh Columbia executive of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada. An 11-man delegation urged that hours of work be reduced to a" weekly limit of forty and the basic minimum wage rate rise to 7fe per hour. Old age pensions of $G0 a month without means test were also advocated. It was also asked-that the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act be broadened to ejrver all workers, specifically civic, municipal and provincial government employees. WOULD BAN IRON EXPORT VICTORIA Federal ban on the export of iron ores to the United Stales was sought tocjay by the British Columbia government. Hon. Tt. C. McDonald, minister of mines, said that British Columbia wanted its ow n steel industry and exports, of raw material would endanger such a project. Mr. McDonald said that a permit to export 50,000 tons of iron ore from Quiusam Lake, Vancouver Island, to Wenatehee, Washington, had been granted without his department's knowledge. live! Purpose of the re-organization is to "streamline" the ad -1 mmiiilrative set-up by making the detachments, which do the actual police work, directly responsible to the Inspector- In-Charge. The enlarged Prince Rupert detachment is now in charge of Staff Sergeant O. A. Johnson, former district' non-commissioned officer. Under him will be Prince Rupert city policing as well as that of unorganized territory immediately surrounding the city. The city detachment ikhv will police as far cast as Kwiiiitwa . Prince Rupert detachment force will consist ol Staff Sergeant Johnson, Sergeant L. A. N. Pollerton, Corporal A. II. Taylor, Coiporal E. A. Wales and ten constables. Fort EclwartJ remains a separate detachment and will not be policed by the Prince Rupert de OCAL TIDES II ada. the Dominion will rank Lumber and Tie Production Same OTTAWA, fl' British Columbia's production of sawn lumber and ties was slightly higher in September than August but was almost unchanged from the year before, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported MAIDEN VOYAGE SOUTHAMPTON The new Cmianl-While SUr liner Car-onia, ranking among the most modern ships afloat, sailed this week on her maiden voyage to New York City. At the peak, the 1946-47 school year, 40.00(1 Canadian war veterans were registered in special among the greatest flail-producing countries of the world with an annual output worth $101).-000,000 a year. This is revealed in a Fisheries Department, .state 'lay. January 9. lat'.l V,:X, 104 feet 21:41 15 1 fee'. 2.1)1 9 0 feet l",:;s:i 7.9 Ice!. Id's Irain, due lrom the 10:1a p.m., Is reported 'ins and fifty minutes nl i would bring it in al. ment. The announcement is Ton! that, as soon as practicable after union, the Federal Fisheries services will be cxtemkle to the new province. j courses and regular classes ot I our universities. 0. C. Football j5 Mia. tomorrow. tachment., j While the Prince Rupert de Looks Like "Gray-out" for Southern City Praying For Lain VANCOUVER, There may be a 'gray" tinge here next week unless it rains. British Columbia Electric of-, ficials here have repeated the warning that non - essential uses of electricity will have to be curbed, unless weather conditions Improve "by the end of the week." Company hydro-electric plans Company hydro - electric plants are using up valuable supplies of stored ttater. Low temperatures and snow-in the watersheds throughout the Lower Mainland and the Eraser Valley are delaying replenishment of needed water-supplies. "We require a week of nor tachment will have a larger area j to cover, it will gain three mure i men the staff sergeant, a cor poral and one constable, formerly, Corporals Taylor and Walts alternated duty between zrr" rtT7rn 't t ,v ' v , f 1 jrJ :,: TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. ltd. (F.n;lish Cup, Third Round) Arsenal 3, Tottenham Hotspur 0. Barnsley 0, Blackpool 1 Bristol City 1, Chelsea 3 Crewe Alexandrer 0, Sunderland 2. Derby County 4, Southworth 1 Evcrlon 1, Manchester City 0 Gateshead 3, Aldershot 1 Orimsby Town 2, Exeter City 1 Leeds 1, Newport County 3 Lincoln City 0, West Broniwlch Albion 1 Luton Town 3, West Ham United 1 Manchester United 6, Bourne the cUy and the launch P. M. L.' la and Constable Edward And- ci son was attached to the dist-j rid office. All now come under, five Piince Rupert detachment... In future, the P. M. L. 15, which is classified as a detachment will draw u man from the Prince Rupert dctaeliuienl if one is needed. The Burns Lake detachment, Bevcourt ri Bobio 12?4 Buffalo Canadian .20 Consol. Smelters 122.00 Conwest 1.44 Donuldu 56 Vancouver Bayoune ' . . Bralorne B. R. Con B. R. X Catilnio yuan, Congress Heciley f.t i -r .1. mal Vancouver ram to restore water supply," says Thomas Ingledew, company vice-president and chief engineer. It is believed signboards and window displays will be the firs to face the "gray-out." mouth and Boscombe Athletic 0 Klriona 73 EastCuIlivan 3.10 Giant Yellowknlfe 5.35 Newcastle Ullted 0, Bradford 2 Portsmouth 7, Stockport Coun Pend Oreiuc . Pioneer Premier Border - 'iv, .'!! 'ii ' z 1 ?i .0V .1.5 :;, .03 ' , .LV'i 3.00 .07! 4 1.55 .37 .26 .36 12 .05 Canada's textile industry is largely decentralized having 653 plants distributed among 200 communities, many of them small towns and villages. ty 0- Preston North End 2, Mase-field Town 1. Rofllerham United 4, Darlington 2 Sheffield United 5, New Brighton 2 ' .43 .21 '.i .08! i .12 .28 .04' i .45 .CO God's Lake .. Ifardtock flarricana Ileva Hosco Jacknife Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan . which formerly was the easterly limit of "D" division, is now part of the Prince George district. Smilliers is the easterly limit of the Prince Rupert district under the new arrangement. The northern settlement of Atlin, which also was in "D" division, is now In the Tcace River district. Both were transferred because they were so far from Irince Rupert as to be more easily accessible from other points. Detachments within the Prince Rupert district and directly responsible to Inspector Woods- Privateer Reeves McDonald ... Reno Sheep Creek Sllbak Premier Taku River Vananda Salmon Cold Spud Valley Torvnio Athona askeibai Sheffield Wednesday 2, Southampton 1. Swindon Town 1, Stoke City 3 Torquay United 1, Coventry City 0. Wolverhampton Wanderers 6, Chesterfield 0. Yeovil Town 3, Bury 1. W CITIZENS-To acquaint new Canadians with their adopted country, federal immigra- W. R. Turnbull, called the "father of aeronautical research In Canada," set up the first wind .12!i 0IclalR prepared a booklet to be published In several languages ana presented w iu urunt ni.j ..... v,.in i,n. nt whnt, Canada is like, the volume is TONIGHT 8:15 Savoy vi Brown woods tunnel in Canada at Rothesay, Aumaque ' .18 ask- ' discussed bv a t.rnn of nniit.ieal refucfies from Estonia, who, for political reasons N.B., in 1902. .61 Beattie tCP Photo , heir names be withheld.