AIR PASSENGERS i Prince tUipcrt Daili? rectus Wednesday. Sept ember 8, 1948 SALVATIONISTS ARE WELCOMED THIRD CANADIAN TOUR AND STiii Published w afternoon except SundaT bT fc J Prlnea Rupert Dally NewsXtd., 3rd Avenue. Princ Rupert. British Columbia. . An independent dniljr newavaper-derated to the upbulldlne of Prtne Ruprrt - and aUl communities comprising northern and' central Brttlah Columbia (Authorised as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department. Ottawa) U. A HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRT. Managing Director. MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NBW&PAPER ASSOCIATION JTrljfl mentioned how this can bsi b& done through the blending nf tho hiimm and rho i The concluding speaker was Colonel G. Best, field secretary, I who emphasized how one, al- i though apparently weak, and , impotent and without faith or; confidence, can nevertheless SUBSCRIPTION RATES . Clt Carrier, per week, loe; Per Month. 66e; Par Tear, 700: . , By Mail, Pr M011U1. 40c; Per Year, 14.00. BREAKING RECORDS A Basil Horsfall Production Operatic Songs That the Whole World JLwes 4." Alaska and Prince Rupert rrn je-. k-v;. ""1 CIVIC rise in his strength, once he Daly, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jef-realizes Uie power that conies '. fries' H. Fletcher, H. Sebstad, to him, Uirough Almighty God. j Misi Casey. The proceedings throughout,! Tuesday were Interspersed with devo- j From Sand-pit S. Crosby, R. tional exercises including a h. Bennett, J. O Neil, solo by John Linney. j Monday, Among the delegates in town To VancouverMrs. C. Lip-were Envoy and Mrs. Walker ,.. Mrs s. Chater. A. C. Fair. CKXTKK AlJ)iTOp,rvi WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 and S.H.- Kl SH MS.(, OKMKS M CIVIC Cf'NTKR The Novia Del Mar, a saiiim? i,, yacht owned bv John s,...,,." i ,' - H1JX I li(.r w. a hall Dll:l'() lieu -.ll.i i .i-rn, , .. ; . THE ADVANTAGEOUS USE to which the-port I of Prince Rupert could be put as the nearest transcontinental railhead to Alaska was again referred to yesterday when we published an inter-,;;yiew yjithjlkrge Suiulborpf who plays an import-. ant part In Alaskan affairs as consultant of the AJaska Development Board. He is'also executive issistjnijJfCiovernor Ernest Gruening whost1 desire fcVf MM.laska from the shackles of Seattle and its transportation monopoly has long, since been well known. ;' Water, of course, will eventually flow downhill ... and business between Alaska and thtj United States despite all artificial barriers, must gradually ' develop. We saw what occurred in. this, way during the emergency of war. With shipping along: the coasts of the United States now tiediiip by labor 1 troubles, another emergency is arising in which ; Prince Rupert will, no doubt, be once again used. Meantime, we can keep closely in touch with the Alaskan situation and do what we can to give friendly assistance to the territory in her fight for '""a better deal which. she has been so long denied. "'fcajaB from Canyon City X.' - J I - j ' ' ' -T f - A. FIT FOR A KING Just a bit Informal for a member of "royalty." is Queen Irene Ger-watoska, 5, as she publicly kisses King Raymond Sted-nick. 2. The youngsters were, crowned in a New York playground contest for Uie most handsome boy and the prettiest girl. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wat- I son. n.oving from Premier fol- fol t lowing the Closing down Of the -.(wK-Prpmier mnw arrive in the city on the Camas, un yes-tjrd;iv from the north and will spend a week here before proceeding to Vancouver. Mr. Watson has been with the niechani- cal department at Premier Senipr Major and; Mrs. C. W. Warreader- Received Monday A good-sized congregation gathered in the Salvation Army , Citadel Monday evening, the oc - 1 cation being, a public welcome to j the new Salvation Army Divis- lonal Cemmanders, Senior Ma- jor and Mrs. C. Warrender. A series of meetings, in connection with the annual Congress, had been lit nrogress since late last, weelt, being conducted by Comiuiasioner Charles Baugh and Ool, O. Best, Field Secretary. Delegates came here from different outlying points. Commissioner Baugh presided during Uie first part of last night's meeting. His duties involve considerable travel for he is territorial commander far Canada, Newfoundland and Bermuda, He spoke of the povwr of, Salvation, the profound, change it can and does make In one's life and the great j things achieved through the I love of God and true fellowship, j Mrs, Warrender expressed ap-j preciation felt by Major War-lender and herself and for the warmth of the. greeting accord-1 ed them in Prince Rupert. Their services in the future. Uiey felt. could not but be abundantly 'successful, when such friendliness and goodwill was so much :in evidence. Major Warrender spoke along similar lines. He paid a tribute to Brigadier GUlingham who, i after performing long and de- voieu worn in me norin, was I now. taking well earned reUre- ! ftient. He. recalled early asso-! legations with Brigadier GUling-! I ham in other parts of the coun- j j try. In a review of' the general i ; work, of the Salvation Army Jie ; I IN THE SUPREME COURT OF j BRITISH COLUMBIA ! IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER. OF THE J ADMINISTRATION ACT ! and ! IN THK MATTER OP THE ESTATE ! OP REGINALD GILBERT UPTOii ! TAXi. NOT1CS tha.1 b Order oi Hi ! Honour Judgf W. O. Pulton made tru- ( 1 tlh daji at September. A.D 104&. 1 j 1 was aooomied AdBvi&i&Lr&Lur . if : i - j Estate, of Reginald Gilbert Lipton. dr- eeasrd I ALL PARTIES having claims against ! the said E&uie are hereby reuuvd i to furnisn- same prope.1T verified to imc oa or heture the KtU day oi Ocuioer. A-I. lMa. ailer vtuch diV clauus filed may be paid vittiout rei-i ere nee to any. claims of wtucn I uu-n nat no knowledge. I al.l, PARTIES indebted to the aaiti Estaw arr hereoy required w pa.y inc- ' i amount, of their lixta&tecnes& Iq iuc t forthwitb. i DATED at the City of Prince R i-i pert, in the Province erf British CV-i-lumliia. Uus 6ia day of Septt'in tx . 4 A.D. lsa I GORDON FRASER FOR BE-- Official Administrator. ' rmce Rupert bc 2i 1 1 WT! t ft FEW COME HERE WE NOTICE that Rt. Hon. James G. Gardiner, federal minister of agriculture, has been in Prince George and addressed a.public meeting there last night. We are sorry that. Mr.. Gardiner, long a top figure in federal government affairs and ..the piincipal contender against Mr St. Laurent l".l'or the Liberal leadership at the recent national convention, could not have seen his way fit to.come along to Prince Rupert when he was so close. We would have like to have received him. and; shown j7iini what we have here including the shipping fa-rilities. never forgetting our elevator, in. which he, -doubtless, should be interested, It is noticeable that federal cabinet ministers Dresr 1 .ovelv Plnifl nnrl 'rv.Ln J - "wini, charmingly tlesignd to r modern High Scliool KKSHtHi $!..- AT that, Umw UaMy i Uie moat ttlectiv. ntediuaa f advertising a. Friurc Kuperl? No e isseii. yar rau'K U it's ad-'WUMd. I the Net. U v Ute eally eifnitJil way at putting wJien two younts people cam-' forward to maKt Ueliillu- drci-slons. . Tiere was a record attendance for Uie opening of Sunday .School in the afleniouii when Manville brdford wxs the spe- speaker. The new building was admired by all Uie attendant ut services. It was ererted at a cost of HbdM by the Northwest Construction Co. With exterior measurement of 76 by 24 feet 11 hii a ftil hu 9a fiw.t iiiidil.n-lum wiiich is light and airy. mm3 1 m i tFVj; rl HE.THF.RPROOF VOIR ROOF FOR WINTF.K protection agaJnt winter's cold blasts is t.j sy thai yjiir nf Ls In tip-too cwidition For expert repn.. or for a whole roofing joL ea!! 3 Por estimates and material-; ronsutt ... Mitchell & Currie laroiird BiUtn and ( on trai tor Motrlnr, Pa.klni Cratinf, thtppifi( and (irneral f'arUff nntt Starar. For Complete Ki-llaln. ji Efficient h-rvio i-n't Lindsay's Cart & StorAije- liif 2nd ajid Hark. Avrn-r-KsUblUhed 1910 Pboaea U and W WINTERS between in their visits to have been few and, far Tince Rupert in spite of Winter ea.!t-r cu.i the important position we are praciicki mu have a se.ecliuii jIjuJ i Today To Vancouver Martin Salo, Nolan Shannon, Mn Nedelec, i Mi-Fadden. Mr. D. A. Wil- liamson. S. Archibald, Today To Sandspit O. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. A. Means, Tuesday From Vancouver Mrs. E. M. M. Williams. Mr. Canilrll, J. D. Livingston, C. Huig. G. Hansen, G. ScoU, Mrs. Neusoa. Monday. To Sandspit Mr. R Ruaa, Miati BeUe Hu&s, H, Keefe, J 1 Scott. TuaiMlay To Vancouver J, J. $ayne, O. MarUn, S. FieetfMun, W. W, Tulr ley. A. W. Web. G. B, Mills, E., J, Johnseii, Mr. U, L,awreiu-.e. loesda; To Saiujt irf ip Fritthard,! As NichoU. Mwday From Vaniiouver Mi.-ss H, House, Mu K. Noel, Mis. fc, Suule. Mk D. Ashworth, P. Pttsuita, U, Oullou, M M, Gall, Mvwdajr From Saiiiiiptt p Siader Mr. Rvans. CHURCH IN. NEW HOME l Special services, in charge of G. R. S. Blackaby, marked! the opening of. the new church j home on Sixth Avenue Ease of I Regular Baptist Church on, Sunday. j C. J. Carter of. the. Shanty- j men's Christian Aaociatipn wa the speaker in the evening on Uie subject of "Thf Robber! King." The discourse was of aj fine spiritual character and was, mark.ed by definite reaulu-, NOTICE! We are taking orders for TUXFJOOS again. Made -to-Measure or tailored in our shop. LING TAILOR 0 H It H P '1950 coats cut in the par, tult-back sweeping lai PRICE KrllifflilX- r.i ) INTtKfcST - LIlAKUfc.-) ik:i VjSJ tet-n 1'Ui.SOS think this place holds in the national picture. HUDSON BAY , THIS IS NOT the first time naval vessels have been seen in Hudson Bay, although never before have Canadian ships entered there, on naval duties. The last time a warship was seen was H.M.S. Scarborough. The cruiser was on a hydro-graphic survey and the year was 1937. Although remote,, and comparatively little known, this inland smvol the north can. be-rightly called historic waters. Not only fighting craft have been seen there long ago. The sound of hostile guns has disturbed the stillness. A century and- a half ago British and. French sloop fought an action, in the rivalry that existed . for-control of the valuable fur trade. So Hudson Bay, named, after the explorer and navigator, has not bfcen entirely out of the picture. ' " The presence of Canadian ships, and expansion. and activity at Port Churchill is h clear indication that the day of isolation is becoming- a thing of the past. International relationship, new wavs and mirror . . . " ShinY as a when you coo. - School Days Supplies at the ari l More UH Prns and Pent is Irasers Sfy .irrrie imhjKS kuiitx J" means oi defence on landt sea. and in the air, Cana,-. Louse l.rif Uiiulirs - Kt'filN Paints and Ira win Oravting Purlfulius ari a wide ... it t imn ( f 'T ik hol SuppltfS. W7 -w.c... .u-ri?, lur guariuneawr own coasts-are but some of the reasons why Hudson Bay, slowly but steadily, is enverging to form. an. active part of the life of the Dominion, THE EDITOR'S POLICY THE CANADIAN Weekly Editor observes that I some of the old timers are complaining that newspapwring isn't, what it useti, to be. "Gone are the days wiwn th local editor really speaks, his. B ItiiTiirfimim i? 51o 1 3rd 3rd Av Ave. U. Miiiiiiilll . !l . - - mind. Gone are the caustic pens, the stinging edir. Sme Way IF YOU REALLY 'WANT TO Electric Cooking saves time and labour Aoy oL your friends and neighbours who own an electric range- will tell you that there is nothing like it for convenience and all-round cooking satisfaction that th minutes saved soon add np to hours, that it easy to kep pots and pans and cooking range sparkling ferightl A days baking leaves them fresh as a daisy, with time and energy to spare. Look oyer the electric ranges and choose the en that suits you. THE BUYERS iuna, me oix scale expose. Few will deny that tha colorful, rip-snorting newspaper days of, yesteryear have indeed disapr jUvaivd but some of tho changes have been, for th i letter. Nevertheless, it may wdi be that the trends anion? many editors, ux lose their old-fighung spirit-in their stanch for a happy medium. btweik the idealistic and the practical is developing into an unhealthy trend. However, as Capadiaj) Weekly Editor concludes, "it's impossible to rsraaiu. ill, everybody's good-books. And sniail. town, newspaper readers, are. all. ..; too quick to heap.abus. on, their alitor for hisW of commission and. omission. "On the Ion? hauL. howsver. it is perhaps the letter part of business, wisdom to make decisions on the good oldi-f ash ioned premise that truth and: fairness pa3" off." It's sooetimes difcuk, however, when the editor's friends seek, favors forgetting or prhaps'not caring thai the granting of a favor to-ene is as much a disfavor to someone else, esncuily those who are considerate enoujrff not to. ask ' special favors. The one who aks the favor would proh-. ably be the one to. protest most loudly if a similar favor were grafted to someone else. . . . 1 BalT LiLHll W r ' HIT O if MISS WHERE YOU CANNOT M. MARKET IN . . . Electric Ranges -prictt from sum I. Lliiiiianu iniDiMil i 1 (jLiiuiiiiiV titt'tST TIIE tit NO HERE -- -"y a---raa-5r.