Prince Uupctt Dail? Jlcto? Wednesday, September 8, 1948 HOCKEY OPENS Local News Items . OCTOBER 13 LOOKS FOR BOOM IN BUILDING HERE In anticipation of an early MONTREAL D,TV Woti Funeral of Child , ii a iiv ivaiiiuu al Hockey League yesterday an- leld On Monday Valhalla Lodge meeting Sept. Angus Currie Jr. who spent the summer at Claxton Can IllJUIlI'Hn n IK .noma )..!.. w OllCUUlC for 1948-49 which sends the 9' Funeral service was held at nery, sailed for Vancouver yes Grenville Court Chapel of B.C. boom of building activity in Prince Rupert, Northwest Construction Co. Ltd., through its Chicago Black Hawks into De- 8oCcer Tonight. Roosevelt terday on the Camosun. Undertakers on Monday after iron October 13 for a meeting , Park. Batt.prv vs Hich School noon for four-year old Percy managing director, Neil with the Red Wings In the (Stuart Shield, 1st round) 6:30 earliest scason-oncninff ioust'nm mi Klntrstjin announces the ad Edward Stewart, son of Mr. and ANNOUNCING A NEW SERVICE Mrs. J. E. Stewart, who passed dition to the staff of Jack Mar im record, new York Rangers Another travelling rug show at Gordon & Anderson's. Sept. 16 to Sept 21. All rugs shown are offered for sale. Easy terms easily arranged. (216i Sgt. Lance Potterton, chief of away in Miller Bay Hospital on will meet Canadiens in Mont tin, formerly of Vancouver, who Prince Ruperl Liberal Association, general meeting, Com Saturdav. Ven. Archdeacon E. will assume the position of gen real tne ioiiowing night. D. Hodson officiated and Mrs. mon Lounge. Civic Centre, eral superintendent for the com Edith Guno of Aiyansh presid Thursday, September 9 at 8 p.m pany. Mr. Martin is wen Known ed at the organ to accompany tniannw a. ur aunng which report on uuawa in Vancouver as an expert on the city detachment of provincial police, left for the interior during the week-end on the the hymns which were 'Sate in conventlon m be eiven- (212) Moore family went on a trip to; apartment and store design and the Arms of Jesus" and "Abide L,S .nd I IMSII UMBER. PLVWOOD, !iSoA, MIWOLM etc. has been identified with major bouinena-on-bea, Essex, they Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Minton start of his annual leave. With Me." Interment in Fair- nroiects in that area. A man cf view Cemeterv followed the Mr. Martin's calibre is particu !,s,renow fairly complete- Stewart Donaldson Jr. to the city Friday night on service. Pallbearers were George hired a 32-seater bus, but some sailed for Vancouver yesterday of the three daughters, six sons, on the Camosun following a 18 grandchildren, four great-! visit with their son and daugh-grandchildren, and sons and! ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack larly welcome in the city since the Catala following a noiiaay prince Rupert visit to Vancouver, Vancouver will in the near n future see sev sey. II & McCAFFERY LTD. L. Stewart, James Wilson; Charles Morrison and Paul Clayton. daughters-in-law had to sit on! Minton. the floor. I Island and Seattle. " eral major construction projects Sam MacDonald, who has been Mr. Martin will shortly be joined Take notice that I, F. W. rVianHlr aill tint, hp rpsnnns- AD! TRY A CLASSIFIED by his family and will take up mill superintendent at Silbak-Premier, was a passenger aboard School Days Here Again ible for any debts contracted! residence in the city $ in the city i.-rday fron (Continued irom Page One) tioned teachers listed are new the Camosun yesterday gohjg south to Vancouver. HOT- visit. UuvelllnK Made-to -Measure k IV Trousers Made to your individual measurement, any style you wish. Gabardines, Covert Cloths, Worsteds and Tweeds. A beautiful range of colors and to the 6taff of Booth Memorial) myself, F. W. Chandler. (2t) Ladies' Bowline League meet- King Edward R. G. Moore Evans, physical education; Miss Murial Townsend, home economics; Albert Kwald, Grade 8 and 3riiish and Hotel. . A . I Drincioal. Grade 6, Mito Eleanur ling, Sept. 8. Men's Bowling FLASHES? Brigadier and Mrs. Joseph T who has the past Moxley, vice-principal, Orade 5. League, September, 9. Mixed social studies; Thomas Fletcher, Gillingham, Salvation Army, will Arrivals A ro uAii aninn thru tho funn trinnt 'rniHdlf- Joseph Goscoe, Grade 6; Mir.s Bowling League, September iu, Grade 9 and library; Peter Ad sail tonight on the Prince George at Rex Bowling Alleys, 8 p.m. Laurie Hart. Grade 3; Miss Ev len, industrial art; Miss Marjone for Vancouver where they will (213) vc by car e whence, s ftiroute, hpadquar- Anstey, home economics; Mis take up future residence follow ape period peculiar to women (38-62 ym.)? Does this make you suffer from hot flanhee, fuel so nervous, high-strung, tired? Then do try Lydia K. Iikhara'a Vegetable Com-poundtorelieveBuchBymptoma! Pinkham'f Compound alao hnn what Doctors call a -.stomachic tonic effect! elyn Sweeney, Grade 2; Mrs. Jessie Kullander, Grade 1; Miss Prince Rupert P. Hoffman, Terrace; R. Ken-al, Edmonton; A. E. Groves, Premier: SI iKirkaldy, Terrace; Patricia McRae, physical educa Mrs. Victor Houston, who has ing their retirement from active service in the Salvation Army. been visiting at Stewart with r.n Monday Mabel Gall, Grade 4; Miss Alice Fetherson, Grades 1 and 2. (The tion; Enid Ball, composition and English; Henry Pluym, Grade 7 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Norton, re LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S M. Gold, G. Archibald, Vancouver: F. Birg, Smithers; R. Paul- addressed t Baptist Arthur Groves, who has been last two teachers named are new turned to the city from the north with the assay office at Premier oon tnuprnpKs rannp.rv: Mrs. E. 1 lincimau cribed the on the Camosun yesterday. mine which recently closed Leeman, Miss M. Leeman, Car- and art; F. Huber, Grade 7 and music; Frank Moore, commerce; Miss Olga Jokanovich, Grade 8 and Junior science; Miss Jean Gibson, Grade 8 and senior art; Mrs. Blanche Andrews, Grade 7 ROTARY MALE CHORUS down, arrived in the city from Usle cannery; Mr. and Mrs. R to the King Edward staff). Borden Street School J. S. Wilson, principal, Orade 6; 8. A. Cheesnman, Grade 5; Miss Gladvs Foster, Grade 3; Mrs. M An invitation is extended to all the north on the Camosun yes C. Jackson, Terrace; Mr. and and some e nces dur-Jiiiboo coun-ion officiated : jus. led in men interested in chorus sing Mrs. J. Garbett, Mojave, Cali terday and plans on spending the coming week here. ing, to attend a meeting which fornia: Mr. and Mrs. F. Fletch patterns t o choose from, PRICES FROM FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE, DINING ROOM Rutherford. Grade 2; Mrs. Kath will be held at the Civic Centre, and commerce; F. R. Wright., English. (The eight last men- er, Engen; D. Maquin, New Haz- leen Stone, Grade 1; Mrs. Dois Dr. Jaron, who has been sta Friday evening, Sept. 10, at 8:00 elton; Mrs. N. Booth, Langiey Cobb, Grade 4. (Mrs. Cobb was tioned at. Premier for the past Prairie; H. Fletcher Vancouver; p.m., to discuss plans for the relieving teacher at the High few months as resident physi winter program. (213) cian and surgeon, was here Mrs: F. Brezo, Exstew; G. V. Mills, Queen Charlotte City; Mrs t rnoner. Stewart; Messrs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes aboard the Camosun yesterday $15.00- $21.50 were passengers aboard the Ca D. Josendal and D. Josendal Jr., going through to Vancouver fol School last year). Conrad Street School Thomi-s Bateman, principal, Grade b; Miss Hilda House, Grade 4; Mrs. Margaret Knutsen, Grade 3;' Mrs. lima Dunn. Grade 2; Miss Jean SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDULE . lowing the closing of the mine Long Beach, California; Dr. r. Mr. and mosun yesterday going south from Premier for a five weeks' visit in Vancouver. They will W . rfdiuu, i . ...... . , . . ,t T XX I Premier people going south Daily except Mort. & Tues. Mrs. D. Frau, nazc-uuu, r.raham. Vancouver; Mrs. R. V. Leave Cow Bay Floats return to Premier. urmihart Grade 1: Miss Adela aboard the Camosun yesterday fnllnnrinrr 1P rlnsinB dOWn Of Wed., Thurs., Fri. 2:30, Rnrton. Alice Arm; R. M. Clark, lUIWBUlft o Haugland, Grades 1 and 2. Mlss Jack Cummlngs, wno nas Deen' siibak-Premier mine in 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. smithers: Mrs. F. E. Atkinson, Haucland is the only teacher V. ..Mill . V.i . employed as a steward at Prem- dud(,d Mr and Mrs j smith Saturday Every hour Rnmmprland: Mrs. J. Brown, who was not on the Conrad from 10:30 a.m. ler mine, was a p.w6" """" who plan to make tneir luwre Port Essineton; Mrs. J. toi vO 0' Mel staff last, ye8rt. the Camosun yesterday bound Sunday Continuous from bourne and son John, Dawson Relieving teacher John Jen home in the south. Also going south was William Hobel who ex 10 a m. City. kins. for Vancouver. Accompanying him was Mrs. Cummings who has been residing at Alice Arm. Last boat return 9:30 p.m. pects to return north. Teachers in district schools 1 " Adults 50c. Under IS, 25c outside the city are R. W. Mc- Mrs. Ina Atkinson of Summer When You. Eyes Are Tired iniips Diabv Island; Miss Ellen land arrived in the city on last I night's train from Prince George. nivnvk and Miss Jeanne Kondra, Return All schedules weather permitting. Inquiries 123 Taxi Port Essineton; Miss e-veiya DO THIS In her capacity as urana rresi- i Announcements All sdvertiiiemenw i t;il3 column wUl be charged lot a tull month at 36 cenla tt word Maret, Port Edward; Miss Jane dent of the Rebekah Assembly MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY CommonPort Simpson. Job s Daughters Fashion Show 5 of British Columbia she will pay an official visit to Centennial Lodge here tonight. Mrs. M. Roper and daughtei Ellen, returned to Prince Ru- and Entertainment, September 17, at 8 p.m., Civic Centre. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Oood Place to Buy .ur. ,nert C(f,a rmA rnfmsh thom ill Bov Scouts and Cubs W.A nort Monday night on the Prin Beconds with two drops of sale, "jontla Bazaar, Sat., Sept. 18, Conrad Street School Basement. cess Adelaide after a five week Murine in each eye. You get Don't Worry-' YOUR kitchen WHEN faucet leaks fit to drive you mad or your oil holiday which took them as far east as Saint John, New Bruns Ciimbral Chanter I.O.D.E. Tea QUICK RELIEF. Instantly your eyes feel refreshed. Murine's skilful blend of 7 ingredients cleanses and soothes eyes that are tired from overwork or exposure to Fashion Show, September 23. pill) rats? SEE THE WONDER MOP at our store. It washes, drys and wrings without need of placing your hands in water and no need for bending. Phone 775 327 Third Ave. stove begins to act like an Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall (2331 Catholic Bazaar, October 6 and wick. While in New Brunswick they were guests of Mrs. Roper't father, J. W. Holmes, and her brother, John. On the way back they stopped for a short time in Edmonton. Indian smoke signal, don l sun, wind and dust. MURINE FOR YOUR EYES j y 2iJ i worry .. . . Call BLUE 816 An attractive Chinchilla Carriage Cover will add to his comfort when he is wheeling down the avenue in his buggy. Bunting Bags for the tiny ones. Stewart Public Utilities Ltd. NOTICE .STALLING new plumbing. Moose Bazaar; Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, October 20. Sons of Norway and Sonia Fall Bazaar Oct. 22. Ml I repairing the old, installim; Hollywood Cafe Cafe in Prince Rupert Newest and Most Up-To-Date Open from 5:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. The Annual General Meeting of t he above will be held in the Ki.i.ii..' Ski Suits for the Registered Office of the Com new oil burners or the old, are specialties with us. f .V.V", pany 5th St. Stewart at 3 p.m. Canadian Le(;ion W.A. Bazaar, November 10. Wednesday Sept. 15th, A. Kuss- wurm, Secretary. (213) .older ones. Sizes 2 to 6 Gabardine Slacks. Moore's 206 6th Street Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov 18. Knlviition Army Home League We specialize in Chinese Dishes FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN Advertise in tne uauy News! mm Everybody knows - there's I I cereal with delicious, crisp, natural. I whole wheat flavor! Golden, sun- 3 Shredded Wheat! It contains nourishing 4 family needs to start the day. And you can fcunce NABISCO Shredded W heat biscuits tkage or HOT (dip in hot water and drain). rv, whok-some NABISCO Shredded Wheat Sale, Nov. 23. 2:3C p.m., Sons of CHOP SUEY Norway Hall. Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E.. Sale Saanich Plumbing AND Heating IlEPARTMKNT OF LANDS A Nil FORKSTt TIMBER SALE X-32986 Tot. nniii-i seated tenders will be I November 25th. ntstxict Forester at nmnee Ladies' Bazaar, De Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 51C Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasion! T,,r.,.t fit nnon on the 15th Inadian shreddid whjt COMPANY, ITO. McBride and Fourth Blue 840 1648, for sale of dav of September nn'v unmarked drift timber below mean high-water level which is not "'AOAA FAUS, CANADA SW-1II cember 1st. St, Peter's Fall Bazaar, De ccmber 9. " in the lawful possession w i secured by or claimed lawfully bj( KEEP THE PIECES YOU LOVE Don't discard your favorite pieces of. furniture! Let us bring them back ,to new life and new beauty at little cost. : " r i WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Knlareine QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies N VENETIAN BLINDS Strongly made with steel or other parties adrut in me the Skeena River 8t mouth 01 Exchamslks River. All contracts Issued in accord witn these provisions are to terminate not later than May 31st, 1849. Further particulars available from the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C., and the District Forester. Prince Rupert. ' (lt) B.C. nn i h ffi Ormes Drugs L alumhium slate, in a variety f L in new springs and cushions. We'll reupholster them, put BesLs Upholstering and Woodwork repair we make up about our Ask seats. Drapes to order and recover car and sponge rubber cushions. Plastahlde seat covers NeittoCFPR LOVING Ph0ne818 (Now operated by Mr. and Mrs. A. Mattson) of smart colors with harmonizing tapes. Ask to have our estimator call. We measure your windows and instal the blinds. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home -CRIPTION CHEMISTS 1IKU WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. 3 ANO HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M., 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. IRON FIREMAN r STOKIRS IT 30 ! MAT 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone Ml PO. Box 1 1 TITon Hooo 1 Hry service 11 01 p.m. Emergency bicycle deliver Irom 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday SMTTI? KLKINS SI a Phnnn 114 BOX 27 Phone 311 1 McBride Street J w - . , PHONE 81 .1 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST Co-op 1! SAVOY HOTEL --WST ARRIVED GREER & BRIDDEN. GUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty 1EHSPAPEB .aiVEBTISIHG j j . Pn Y0U? Hl'MENT OF GOLD SEAL RUGS AND I Carl Zarelli, Prop. John Bulger Lt'd. " Third Avenu i ? CHECK OUR STOCK OF MOIRE !LAID LINOLEUM, BY THE YARD. 3 Nuw Patterns in Table Oilcloth! ) , . i P.C. Bo M i I x it: fee 1 1 HUH" V" I FRASEH STREET P.O. Box 721 WRITE DROP IN C Phone RED 561 Prince Rupert Box 1127 251 Sfd West I