CJrirtfe ntw rvMTn retof Friday, September 18, 1949, "lit. Our Stock of Famous McLEOD 1UVEU COAL la Complete Miss Elizabeth Shankan, of Gordon it Anderson Electric Clocks. tell (217) Brides Rent ' Wedding Dresses LODON, 0 British brides are going to the altar in hired wedding dresses. Many hire complete ensembles Toronto, left last night on the . X A - A LIMP EGG NL'T STOKER New Full samples Just arrived Including many shades or gab Prince George to return home after spending the last few-weeks visiting relatives In the ardine at Tip Top Tailors, 4th m city. aireei. ,2,8, DAKS Slacks Made in England . by S. Simpson Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Teng are leaving on tonight's train for Pontlac, Michigan, on a holiday said Miss Laurie Giles, manager not only for the wedding but fur the honeymoon, too. "The August rush Is great," of the women's section of a dress trip. While there, they will ert&McGaffery vbit a brother of Mr. Teng v.tiom he has not seen since 1907 at Kenora, Ontario. They LIMITED PHONE 116 also plan to visit friends at hire firm. "Of our total stock of 5,000 dresses more than 2.000 are always In circulation or at ths cleaners." Charges range from four to 10 guineas ($1G80 to 42.501. Hamilton, Ontario. AUSSIE COUPLE WED 69 YEARS MELHOUHE, Australia tA recipe for a long and happy married life was given recently by an Australian couple, Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes, who have been married for Bti years. , They say that their matrimonial happiness has been due to a large family, hard work, simple pleasures and interested minds. Both In their UOth year, they live at Frankston, 30 miles from Melbourne, on Port Phillip Bay. They have five daughters and three sons and elKht great-grand children. Speaking of marriage, Mr. Floral Pets Provide Message For Moderns "The Plant in the Window" Hook by Canadian Writer in New York NEW YORK f Ross Par- Here's a COLEMAN OIL HEATER i for YOU! J V lliitlsing l payaoic in buvhiicc. nettse retrain iroin Vilified. 2c per word per insertion, minimum 'Villi Notices 50c, Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, Marrlaue and Engagement AnnouncemenU: ?i. I si'BL'IAL Dl.HPLAY. DOUBLE PRICK .a in i-1, m -f.f i i i mi mi n-1 r - "1 menter, a Canadian who work for the New York Times, found a bedragled philodendron In his anartment. He became so In - BLISSFULLY UNAWARE Adrienne, four-month-old daughter of Mrs. Cecile Ralnville of Sudbury, slept in her carriage as her u the plant that 'he j mother was stabbed to death in the same bedroom Monday terested In WANTED TO KENT Small hou.se or 3 room suite. Phn Black Mo. U2iit 0 i Ol U e plate No. I Finder please l News Office. (218) morning. Edward Latour, who reported the crime to the ponce, 'is being held. Here the Infant continues her peaceful sleep. (C. P. Photo) We are pleased to announce that we now have the agency for DAKS trousers. Made with a patented waist-band, a feature which assures the wearer of perfect fit ' and comfort. DAKS trousers need no suspenders or belt. Perfectly styled Daks are tailored by skilled J craf tsment to give good fit, smartness and long wearing quality. Priced at, $25.00 1 S28.50 WANTED A piano or organ Conrad United Sunday School hall. Phone Black 830. (218i Enjoy wrote a book about -It. The book "The Plant In My Window" Is being published here by Thomas Y. Cromwell Company. It Is a more-or-less chronological report of the phll-odendron's growth and the Hughes said: "In our younger days, we hardly ever heard of divorce. We worked hard had little money and spent a lot of time at home with, our family." Mrs. Hughes added: "It's simple to be happily married. I.JIIS Molar wrui WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 the Carefree COMFORT of an iid. Plione ureen (ZIOI FOOT TROUBLE A survey showed half of male university undergraduates are affected by the fungus of athlete's foot.. room furnished apartment. Call On-tral Lunch or Ocean View Hotel. 210l Oil Heated Home Just keep the mind Interested M Pontiac 4-door En. Heater and de- grip tires, loois WANTED TO KENT By Dec. 15 or Jan. 1, 3 roorruapart-ment. Apply Box 583 Dally News Office or Phone' Black 608. tfi Classified Ads. Get Results. and the body busy. Also have at least three children." Mr. Hughes was a horse and rnarh pxnert In hi vmith nnri .Am mciuaea. ah car. Keason lur ship in our inner lives. We have less sense of home in the places where we live. We find less and less satisfaction in our work. The world seems to grow Increasingly ugly. Our sense of any control over our destiny steadily diminishes. Joy . has gone from us. "And in remaking the world in the likeness of a steam-heated air-conditioned metropolis of apartment buildings we have violated one of our essential attributesour kinship with ,r leaving prov- Green481, 12171 WANTED Two housekeeping , . .. v., rooms, preferably furnlsW. ofu" drove hu passenger coach RADIANT-CIRCULATOR Radiates and Circulates, Both at Same Time. Gives Warm Floors Long Warm Air Travel at Floor Level! Automatic Fuel Control, Draft Control. Low Flame Fuel Saver! Delivers 11.000 Cu. Ft. of Warm 16 nun movie wanted uy mihkji wacner. as mucn as ou nines a aay. things Parrnenter learned about and from it. "Whether he knows it or not, a man needs to be close to growing things," he writes. And he uses the lessons he learned from watching his plant develop to explain why humans act the way they do. Parrnenter, a son of the late R. H. Parrnenter, K. C, of Toronto, was graduated from the University of Toronto in 1933 and became a reporter on the Toronto Evening Telegram. Now Phone Oreen 883. (210(1 ne has smoked a pipe for 70 lens complete ?m nt travel film. As P.O. Box 1B2U. 1 (2l7t TO RENT Three years, and still enjoys a glass of WANTED apartment, or room 'everything house led ilurulshed. beer, but advocates In moderation." I (Mumnlon black Air Per Hour. ttX OUR DEMONSTRATION NOWt (21U) Phone 70 Taxi All Accounts Due to the Late Dr C. H. Hankinson are to be paid at trie office of S. fi. FUUK Room 3, Stone IJuildinR in-. 2(Hi It), anvil. HELP WANVKU . .. . - WANTED- By Sdiool District J 1941 Ford Army Hmiles since,. New 111) motor seal No. 52, full time secretary stenographer to act as secre It Pays to AOvertlsel Ataertist! m tht. Dally News! tary to the principal of Booth he is a concert reviewer and Sunday columnist for the New -fe new, new van, j too, excellent WANTED Bv Dec. 15. furnished house or suite. Youiik cou)le no children, non drinkers. Apptv Box 1308 City. 219i WANTED Couple without children, both working. Just arrived from Holland, wants sleeping and (on living room. Apply Box 582, Daily News. (210) WANTED - Reward offered for findiner of -a house to rent. ;ili St. City. (218) McBride Street Phone 311 York Times, but retains his Canadian citizenship. t Memorial High Sdiool and when not required at the school to be available for duty In the School Board offices. Apply Sdiool Board Office, 19, Besner Building. iiile kilchni ,I bALAGNO Florists 1 .aa.Hlitlimilla INDOOR GARDENERS One of the surprising things Phone Green 187 Bo Mil Used lumber call 629 Bill Ave he learned, says Parrnenter, was (218H BOYS ANIJGIRLS -Opportun in CHARLIE! CHARLIE! CHARLIE! a Three Act Laugh-a-Minute Hit! ' 'HERE COMES CHARLIE' SEPT. 28-29 CIVIC CENTRE , , THE LITTLE THEATRE Preferred 3 bedrooms furnished or unfurnished or will ly si is sed Furn the vast number of indoor gardeners. People turning from pets to plants because modern living makes It hard to keep PMLES jvare and ollire buy furniture. Room 2, commercial Hotel. After 7. 12201 It Pays to AQVertlse! Advertise In the Dally News. ' i- ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertisements In thla column will I New coal and Mil niiui'tf flH4l rip ity for earning, after school hours by delivering Daily News routes. Honest, Veil-able 'boys and girls apply at Daily News office. (tfl When ten yo1 your pUM arc ai mr wor. j"m By couple and electric press REQUIRED animais. i rlv rfu with pais lu-ainf . . tn school aae bov. 3 or 4 room "People turn to plants to gain i-yltonb. you m airi. n . .... . , , . I nodHa -tef-e la tht Nw PYLloNB 0 Alston hand fc.'UiiiR larks, heavy Iji.'; paper, slinhtly I .mil b(ivs' bicycles. some imminent ior oasic piy hologlcal needs," he writes. ". . ,at machine age dom- HELP WANTED Service Station attendant, preferably with considerable exiierience. suite or house, furnished or unfurnished. Good reasonable rates for furnished place. Phone Mrs. Finney at Commercial Hotel. (2201 WANTED One 54-lneh ' steel p' writers, guitars, i battleship lino- TREATMENT. " tj. anly M taKtle vmm "1 Oth "1 aieta but alm it aaiaiinf rulta. PYLTONE. a llauld tk hy aioaUi. fo dlrw to tha lnuraal trouble. rmoviu lit rause. Reiulta ,ou ..pKt with on. bo.il. o( PYLTON K of araa Vuud. At all maim 4ru(i.ia. r 1 -1 Boo Parker Ltd. tu) ,nHlM, by maU.riai concepts and be charged for full mourn at asc per word United Church Supper, September 22. Tickets now available. Loyal Order of Moose 'Men's and Women's Annual Bazaar and Dance September 29lh and 30th. Moose Temple on the 29tr-., !.er:im:t; at the B C. Furniture the unse to make money, we PKICSONAL have less and less companion- KNOAN NAMES .Speeder Slluvels, iai;lll.es Adam Liltleford Bros. chlld s cot or cot spring, "o mattress. Box 1115 Stn H. Urgent. 12171 WANTED Room and board In home of widow or quiet couple for re.siMH-table single ludy. Oreen 900 before 8 p.m. or Blue 923. 218 WANTED Furnished 2-room suite, close In. Apply Box 584 n:iilv News Office. (2191 "CtiVatecf Shell Premium- o liuau M (inlenance IF YOU WISH to buy or sell a boat or engine: We list In DETAIL. We advertise EXTENSIVELY We furnish full INFORMATION. We arrange APPOINTMENTS We do all the ubove for a smull monthly list-inn fee to the owner. No Commissions You buy or sell Direct You save Time You .save Money.-Boat Hi Engine I.lstinir Ltd.. In the "Heart of 0cii 'JlamsheU m Kuck Qrapples; Concrete Mixers: . f."v II!. Bill Trucks: Nelson S'iers lor Stockpile 'mcval: Rice Port-rthiKul Pumps; Na- iiic Sciaoers and the Boat District." 1923 West WANTED Emnloyed respectable lady with school age i,ni i..uirnn!i of rKm a Georgia St., Vancouver, B. C. (H) Civic Centre on the 30th. Danes and drawing for prizes at Civic Centre. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. Presbyterian Tea, October 13. Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 20. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Tall Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.OD.E. Chapter's Fall B'tz-aar, Nov. 24 St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. . ;NaUoiiul All Steel :ll"i.tts; National awmills. National h,.!.rH in 5liristlan home PERSONAL DRUO SUNDRIES News (219i Annlv HX 581 Ihiily Office. w-iis and Convcvors. No yellow hue' thanks to Blue! twelve samples for bde powt-nniii In t-lain seakd wranoer. fiii.iliuii from Na- Co. Ltd ratakw.ue included. General WANTED Meat cutter. Apnlv Mfluiiery K B. C. Ufi (til Novellv Co Dept. 'PR. 71 Kaien Co-op. Mninr St. Toronto. Out. fm Ford Del. half Sues, court runnins (235) t HAVE number of jieople want HEAL ESTATi? TOHSae" - Well located house close in One block from -h.ls. store, bus. 4 rooms, Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. ing homes close to downtown district, and elsewhere. For prompt action lint your property with Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or Green 2'J7 Eves. (228) f'OU miles on a new P'e $1,400. terms. No 5711 Daily News. 1 11' Jl'Jlll Ford Deluxe M class condition. Price. A p n I y Jvice Station. (220) 1D49 Ford Rwlnn Snowy-whit sheets looking like new I Thanks lo Blue. Sheets and all white cloth no longer suffer from 'yellow tinge' not with Blue to make them white! So quick, so eacy..',uit a vwish or two of Blue in the final rinsing water does the trick! P.S. Seven colours combine to make-white, one of these is blue. Blue must be added to make true white. bath and pantry. On two lots, fenced Insiiection Invitetl alter 7 p.m. 033 8lh Ave. E or phone Blue 713. FOR SALE 7 room house, 4 bedrooms, lart;e garde n Phmw Hlue 370. 21B Glidden Paints FOR ALL PURPOSES BLUE 846 k Driven entirely in Due to free trans- !r myself, wish to accept older car j Hone Blue 155 (2181 FOR SALE Immediate possession. Centrally located lour-; roomed house on two lots. , Furniture Including oil-bui n- Inaf t aiiRe and oil heater t u piTce $14()0.-R. E. MorUmer.: H)4 1ni Ave.. Phone 88. (21T , WHY . . Go Watch'ess? powerful gasoline your car can use! FOR SALE-Bay view Hotel as SAANICH rooniiiiK hou.se, 30 ro... j ste-am heated. Phone Red 32U. P. O Box 121. Prince .Ku- ; pert. B. C. (2l!" PLUMBING AND HEATING 1 -vu. ueeii li'i. 4. (219) ' 'w colored Wilton . first class condi-lt)0.uu. Phone Jl (2191 c shlngleT, $1 00 per bun- FOR SALE-House $1500 down. 1. Activated or Icncck-lett powrl 2. Activated for lost "flt away." 3. Activated for quUkor warm-up! 4. Activated for full mileage. Yes, the most powerful ... no other brand of gasoline can do more in the engine pf your car than "Activated" Shell Premium! In these days of exactitude, it's about impossible for a' man to do without a watch. also some lurnlture. 1 130 Hays Cove Ave. ttnm """t3 siamg, - W HO per thousand; FOR SALE 4 room wartime, l-L.. Wtoo per thousand. (243) In these days of easily bought watches, who furnished, lmmeaiaie P'"""-slon, near hish school, $3,600. 633 8th Avenue East 4 rooms and bath, 1'4 lota, immediate occupancy, JS.IOO.OO. 4 room wartime, unfurnished, $2.500.00 can be boutfht with furniture-1436 8th Ave. ml. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park. Avenues Established 1910 Phones M and 68 It"1 condition. HJJaUaw fjltantmnj (220) jMJse d heating stoves GET IT TODAY FROM Your SHELL DEALER (242) . .fR RENT need go watcluess '. For $18 we sell a guaranteed watch, 15 jewels, in a gold-filled case with leather' strap. This is a special value. 6 room wartime, fully furnished, 1st Overlook, $4,200.00. Larsre 4 wartime, Plgsott Ave. $2,000 cash. Aiiply or phone H. O. HELGERSON LTD. t217) Sleeping room (tf) e l."reen r !!eplloB mi mm inn. close FOR SALE Two furnlsnea ... iu; Your Shell Dealer in Prince Rupert is . . JS WANTED HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE CHIROPRACTOR John T. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C 21-23 Besner Block Phone BLUE. 442 for Appointment HOl'BS 10:80 .m. to 12:30 p.m. and 8 to 6 p.OJ. .. . Service Cabs houses with Immediate occupancy. $4100.00 and $750000, must have caSh. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (2171 FOfTsALE Larre four wartime home on 1st Overlook. Excellent view. Close to Fishermen s floats, busliw and schools. ImmpHlHljt (WllnailCV. Rea- a" ,rHatrovd Sales ,' iUtiun R. Toronto -r 121BI PHONE PHONE -"ITOKTUNITIES srmnhlv nrifo Enaulre at PHONC 79 Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or Eves. Oreen 297. (2221 IlkMM.S j Monday and Friday, 7:30 p m. ior i those unable to come during the day. RECBPT10NI8T In attend- I ance afternoons. .1 Corner Third Avenue and Seventh Street PAT MAZZEI 24-HOUR SERVICE A DAY IS OUR MOTTO e S(,'an. four (A o,' $2,000 cah. Classified Ads. Oet Results. Advertise in th Dally News!