TODAY TO SAT. R3 nr.T.3 6 prince Kuptrt Dailp Jlrtoi D D Kadio Dial EAT. 2 . Friday, September 18, 1919. 1 CC I I l 1240 Ki'xyclci (Subject to Change) OANCtS' Kf! SON'"" irsmxrrrPWfr r,r'- . V - v-' MARKETS 5 ' - - - i - - FRIDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Footlight Favorites 4:45 Sleepy Time Stories 5:00-Melodlc Moods 5:30-Don Messer and His Islanders 6:00 Musical Varieties 6:30 Prairie Schooner 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News oundup q 7:30 Elgar Junior Cholr 8:00 Vancouver Theatre 8:30 Canadian Summer Concert ! " :00 Canadian Short Stories 9:30 Beat the Champs .0 00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30HiU and Enchores 11:00 Weather and Sign Off SATUKuA t AM. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 p:c of the Hitr 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00-BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Saddle Serenade 8:30 Melodies for Junlon 9:5a T'me Signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 World Church News 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album SATURDAY P.M. 12:00 -CBC News 12:03 Saturday Magazine 1 :00 Hi-Roads of Song 1:30 T.B.A. 2:00BaiIet Ciub 2:45-This Week 3:00 Piano Classics 3: 15--CBC News 3:25-Rec. Int. 3:30 -Divertimento 3:45 Gordon Howard's Sports Review Northc ern RL In First Dispj; is believed to a dispay ovr-r WeSt TTTHt r"!,!ly St this rJ ; I4M mil -s northTa- ton The dkniav t,., F..r A.iociation, tin H i live .. t.i . " -1 1 - ' " .V 1 j:4V i SWEET AND SOOTHING i J' Sho" (uture m Susar is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers becau: it furnishes energy without Irritating the ulcer I U Fdy u' READY FOR THRESHING This aerial photo shows what the western prairie looks like at this time of vear. Here stooked Wheat Is waiting for the threshers. The dark lines are irrigation ditches. These fields are located three miles east of Picture Butte, Mill hiifntllWi "j : ' , I I Junior Miss Dresses ' . i mD TUC H fPHWn " IU1 IUL. Hi-WW Hi ; Not A Size t gy m But An Age 0i3 m a m At WALLACE'S w.v.v.v.v.v.w.w.w." Steamship Movement! For Vanrnotn Tusday -ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday rrlnce Rupert 11:15 pm Friday ss. Calala, 5 p m From Vantoi.w Sunday .. Camosun, II pj" Wednesday ss Prince Rupe 10 a.m. For Alice Arm anrt Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p rr From Alice Arm and Stewirt ""uesday ss. Canwun, a.m. From Ot-ean Fall Wednesday ss. Prince Ruper 10 a.m. For Ocean FittiT Thursday s.. Prince Rupert 11:15 pjn. For 4laka Wednesday sr. Prince Rupert midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert. (?V mm- mm rnirtiia fresh Fruit Peaches, Hales, 2 pounds 43 Crate .... ...$2.75 Prunes, Case - $2 19 Bananas, lb. .... .. ,2s) Apples, cooking, 3 lb. ...... .29 Lemons, large Cal., doz. .. 50 Liraepeirun. Cam., i toi .. Oranges ( Navel 22-, .50 Dates, lb .35 Canteloupe. 27's, 2 for ... 43 Veeetable Celery, lb. .. .13 Beeuar bunch ZZZZZ . .10 .la . la . .0 Spinach 2 lb ,.. : .21 rtaoishes. bunch . .08 Lireen Onions. 3 bunches .. .20 Mushrooms, lb. .85 Head Lettuce . .19 Cooking Onions, 3 lbs. ... .. .25 Corn op Cob. 12 for .. .69 , oaooane, io 'UJ Tomatoes, No. 1 lb .. .19 New Potatoes, 10 lb . .58i Green Peppers, lb .. .29. Cucumbers, each - -i"! Vegetable Marrow, lb. . .. .07 Squash, lb .. .10, Canned Vretal.le Dill Pickles, gal. 165 1 Cut Green Beaiio. icy. .. No. 5 Peas, fancy .. .19 Mied Vegetables .. .23 Diced Beets, per tin .. .18 Wax Beans, choice .. .23 Mixed Peas and Carrots .. .IK Pumpkin. 2 for .. .25 Baked Beans. 20-oz. tin .. .23 Baked Beans. 15-oz. tin ea. .21 Tomatoes. 2S-oz. 23 Fresh Miix Quart .22 Pint - .12 Cream. V Dint .28 Larse, cartoned, doz. .. .79 Meuium .70 Butler First Grade, lb .('6 Margarine, lb .40 Milk Evaporated Miik. 16-oz. tins. 2 for 33 Case Cheese Canadian Cheese, to. ... DO Pastrv Flour. 7 lbs 58 ' r our. 4a s. wo. 1 ham wneat 3oo Flour, His Tea "and Coffer Coffee, lb 69 DeLuxe quantity, lb 1.18 J utter Orange Juice 29 Blended 25 Grapefruit 22 Tomatoes. 20-oz. ta io 2-oz , 34 gallon 5 Apple. 20-oz. tin. 2 for 29 48-oz 34 Tanned fruits Pineapple, crushed 38 Pieces, ZU-oz am I Annpnts ll-fi7. Cherries', ancv. 20-oz 38 Loganberries, 20-oz 29 Peaches, choice 30 Lard Pure, lb 27 Shortening 29 Soap Soap, face, bar 10 Laundrv. cake 2 for ' Soap Powders, laree J9 39 Glace - Cherries, 2 lb. pkt .45 oconm, id .50 Almond Paste In Fruit Cake Mix, lb. ...... .45 Dates, fancy, 1 lb. pkt. .34 e.Hlp;s Raisins. 2 lbs. .35 Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs. .26 -hp"prl Walnuts, 'i lb. .47 Shelled Almonds, 6 oz.. .39 REFACED Rapid Service Sales and Service (222) Hi IT WAS A TOUGH STRUGGLE, BUT THEY GOT SNOOPY OUT OF SILO Seventy-nine hours and 31 minutes and three acres of corn were used to help release Snoopy, the vivacious, 650-pound heifer of Osceola, Wis., after she dived Into a 12-foot deep silo pit. The corn, in the form of silage, was used as an "elevator'' on which Snoopy rode from what amounted to a circular dungeon. Here Snoopy is seen in silo be fore her release. Alta. iC. P. Photo) , peaches and pears. The home economists of the j department's consumer section ! -ay tiie combination is tasty In j fruit cups or winter-time salads, j With such an excellent base an i attractive salad can be pre- parea in no ume at au mereiy ! hu adinn nAma riinnri annlo a few maraschino cherries, some orange or grapefruit sections and perhaps a few cheese-stuffed prunes as garnish. In canning apples and pears as a fruit salad base it is wise not to add red or blue plums as they will discolor the other fruits. If canning the fruit for use In salad, leave In fairly large pieces, but if the mixture is to be used In fruit cup it should be diced. I In trie D,il;y I. jws! C2W CP i'ffDBlvfeii1 This fldvertiWtmt'nt i not puhlishetl or di.pkfi Liquor Control Hoard or by the governs of British Columbia - ade. I Meat, fish Cooked nient fine- ly chopped or sliced thin, fish flaked, crisp bacon with pickle syrup or salad dressing to moist- en and so on A sweet In the lunch-box al- ways adds interest. This may take the form of cookies, per haps white cookies. Ingredients: four cups flour; one cup butter; l'2 cups sugar; two eggs; five tablespoons milk; one-half teaspoon soda; one-half teaspoon baking-powder; one teaspoon vanilla. - Mix as for pie crast. Housewives bus,y canning peaches and pears will apureci- Printe Mem 10:30 Concert Favorites 10:45 CBC News and Com'ty 10:55 Weather and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date 11:30 Weather Report -n UlU I U.MLl..,i,lU.MIll II I J SLA mm APPLESAUCE MUFFINS No warninu, no rim-bMitin mnda h nrw Kellugg-quick way. t'rwp. 1 cup All-Bran 2 ttap. ufaror H cup milk fnkien syrup 111 i-upa ufwd 1 flour 3 llp. anrt 4 tsp. taking hortsntng powder i cup thick 1 Up. nit sweetened pplemucw I. Combine All-Bran and milk in misinx bowl. J. Hifl flour, taking ptiwilHT, nil, together into wt me tiowl. Add aurar or tnidfn avrup, eee. ahnrtetung, applesauce. Stir only until combined. 3. Kill rrenaed muffin Una full, bake. in moderately hot oven (400'F.j about i mm. Makea l'J wonderful mumna. CavtaoVi mett fa-meua Midm) natural laaa-llve cartel -try m kewllul tedayl Mother Knows Commodore I Cale i Brte.!r Th-n Ever" J 'Hft fond and Service In Cltj? Phone n for Send-Out Order? Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr.? WRATH ALL'S t I'HUTU MMSHINf. ilmelopine. Enlarging Prlnllnc QUICK SEHV1CE Prufcixional Supplies Amateur and rVMVwwvr, -vv"WVWV GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION ? ALTERATIONS J REPAIRS S FLOOR SANDINO a A SPECIALTY RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 ate a suggestion from the department of agriculture to do a www.- S 77?e Experts . J oay . . . OTTAWA 0 Probably neither mother nor Tommy is sorry to hear that old school-bell ringing again. For Tommy it spells the end of sleeping In of a morning. But, at the same time, it beckons him to new friends, new games, new studies. For mother It isn't quite the same. Now that her son is out of the house she will have time for some sewing and the fall cleaning. But, if she lives in a rural area, that old lunch-box problem Is right back rn her lap again. A thermos of soup or hot cocoa adds variety to the lunch-dox routine, particularly in cold weather when children need all ; the energy-buildlni; foods they i can get Sandwiches can be made more interesting with varied fillings, ings. Vegetables Sliced tomatoes and cucumbers; shredded lettuce with chopped peanuts or cheese; grated carrot with orange slices or honey; chopped onion with peanut butler. Fruit Ma3hed banana with peanut butter, jam or maim il little combined canning of 222 Second Venetian Blind Steel, Aluminum in a wide jwsrtiwl ' colors with malcM-trastin; lap" nri inandsff" and our or phone, call ami n wimloKs and m1'1 installed price. PHONE 24 r lit-tting the valve-grinding job go too long may ruin the valves ... It's sure to ruin your disposition. We'll reface your auto values quickly and at low cost. Drive' in today ! HIONE GnEEN 217 Superior Auto and Body Service Prince Rupert School District No. 52 ADULT NIGHT SCHOOL Adult nif;ht school will te offered the citizens of Prince Rupert if enrolment warrants and instructors are available. Each Course will consist of twenty weekly two-hour periods. The fee will he $1000 before the session. In some Courses applicants mi-ht have to supply their own material and In others a small charge may have "to be made to cover the cost of material. The following Courses have been suggested: 1. WOODWORK. This Class would be for the beginner or the experienced wrokman; would be open to men " Studebaker and Austin A .. i.t I IV FR I McBridr Street 2. 4. 5. '4, , and women and would be limited to 18. DRESSMAKING. This is not a formal course, those taking it may bring their own material and advice and help will be given. TYPEWRITING, class registration will be limited to the number of typewriters available. BOOKKEEPING. ANY OTHER COURSE for which there are fifteen applicants and for which an nslructor can be obtained will be offered. l:f ty: v - 's f?," -tt 1 i S'Js ' X YOUR Help is needed . . . to mend broken lives! YOUR dollars will aid The . Salvation Army in restoring to usefulness the victims of self or circumstance. Again it looks confidently to YOU. AfTLICATION FORM ADILT NIGHT SCHOOL If the Course is available I shall enrol for check one only): Woodwork Dressmaking Typewriting Bookkeeping Other Course Signature Address , Telephone .' - . . Respond generously to the Appeal of TRAVEL T,rE( THE EASY, COMFORTAB"6 RCSTo Qn tba'rte !f " Sur.W (Daily, Exco-.t To Alice Arm, Stewart (Every Thui l0Uli CHARTER IXKJHiS hI-' (i The Salvation Army Your generous support is heartily urged by it--. isM - -hi . I ii-i-I: If you wish to enrol please bring this application form to BOOTH MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL on Monday, September 19, 1949, at 8:00 p.m. when preliminary registration will take place. For Information and " -$1 QUEEN CHARLOTTE M'