" "J SCA , I . Seven New Teachers At High Schoo (By 1. F, Grade 1J Miss YTvnne Lepiue was born , 6 ' ""H Pdnrt nuprrt Oafii F5twi - - - Friday. September 16, 1&49. DOPESTERS FAVOR MERCHANTS TO WIN SWAT TITLE IN SUNDAY GAMES Baseball experts are favoring Savoys for the first time In Merchants to cop the play-off their career sultered conslcler-Ilnals from Savoy In games that sble absentee-ism through the start on Sunday. Whether one cheiuie and played most of team has the power to make a their games 1th some of their clean sweep of the double- regulars mussing, header is another question and It is not likely that Miner Silt is possible that the final de- mundson or Foster will be on clsion will be delayed another hand for the play-offs but man-week, ager Alex Eill is confident that Merchants had best resulU his team will not let him down, against the Savoy squad, win- at one time Lindsay could be de-ning five games from them pended on to slop any other ; in Vermont. U. S. A. She received her education In Vermont! j and Saskatchewan. She has been teaching for nine years. Previous to her arrival here h ..;v.i -f- '', fcOw I taught a Japanese settlement, at joreenwood, B C. Miss Leplna teaches Grade 7. Miss A. McAlpine, another Am-' i t 'i x i . -- i it l erican, was born in North Dakota. Most of her education was received In Saskatchewan Mapie compared to three setbacks team in the league but this over the Commercial crew in season he has not had that sue- ! regular league play. Most of cess, however Savoy supporters Merchants victories came after are looking for him to win at' Creek, Saskatchewan, was her previous teaching post. Miss Mc- ' Alpine Instructs In mathematics. the middle of the schedule and least one play-off contest. they wiere undoubtedly the strongest club in the league toward the end of the se-a.son. Try a Classified Ad for ResulU "Ptl('w! Wnjt' thatatuff youve gutonyv physics and biology. Miss Rudgrrs was born In Manitoba, but she attended Vancouver Normal and UJl.C. Ttiis is her first year of teaching, and we hope that the pleasant surroundings of the cooking 'lab i she teaches Home Ec.) will give BANDITS LOOK i THOSE WERE THE DAYS Swapping tales of pioneering in western Canada, three former buffalo hunters are shown at the unveiling of a cairn at Elk island, Alta., to commemorate efforts to save the buffalo from extinction on the western plains. They are, left to right: Mrs. Victoria Calihoo of Ounn. Alta., who unveiled the cairn and spoke briefly in Cree, her son William, and Edward Potven of St. Albert, Alta. C. P. Photo) Lai NO FINDS FKDEKAL IU ; TERRACE-Ttr... MONTREAL BANK j MONTREAL 0 Two armed her a good start. Miss Mills hails from Saskat FINE OLD chewan and was educated there. bandits today robbed a west-nd r:ct Board of rebranch of the r.oya: liank of cdvlsed that rnAiirrr iimini and pictures from R. Bootfi, one- DEAF SOX OF I time cotnanmder of the famous .... .-, n-i i.' i i She taught last year at Clover- dale Miss Mills teaches Home C,nnadw1 f W.000 and escapes able in present . (after beating a clerk with the mates for constV diil'ibte R-100. "I have Rot in wavy mm jsSm wun, v,. a Sui.. ii r.i dc- erat Bui dln n n Ec. Mr. Oldham Kamloops Is his home town. He attended U.B C touch with famous fliers all over MAKES PROGRESS the world." Mr. Ellis says, "and1 , . . , ... . ra' frlen(is of MrS- R- J evervone has exnressert keen In-1 ond Montreal bank hold-up In quest that .the r i AVIATION STORY , mtrc iray. Yvt-unesuuy, a pair oi iederal buildin, R, j gunmen ttx)k $4,000 from anque to the growing n" terest" Garbutt, ho during the war This is his first teaching year. His wife. ELsie. does the n,,inf' rved in Prince Rupert as Sup-; Mr slaUe was ln Van. WEST VANCOUVER-B. C. (f ervisor of the YM C A. and was!couw,r and reCetved hU educa-' TZ nT. " 7 r-ct a ma by leading. active acuve " in army army work worn generally generally lion Uon there. there. Tht, This is hls his second eeM ago. Worthwhile R rd I haven informed of the pro-1 He' in the Baldwin, who died last year. year profpMton. wrote the book preface: "It is'reS8 b?"B by S xtef,n tauht l Fort Fras'r Miss Mcltougall is also making her teaching debut at Booth. She is from Kelowna, and was educated at Vancouver. ! important that the tradition and background which preceded and laid the foundations for the preat future of Canadian aviation should be appreciate and recorded in a booK such as this. year old son Peter. The family live in Winnipeg. Since Petere was a year and a half old, he has been deaf. Announcement was recently made that Peter, who has been attending the MacKay School for An authoritative history of Canadian aviation is being completed by Frank 11. Ellis, 53-year old municipal bus driver here. "Wings' of Memory," started, 14 years ago, is expected to beJ ready for publication shortly. From the first recorded Canadian flight by Frederick W. Casey i Baldwin in 108, the 225,000-word encyclopedia of Canadian Hying facts covers evehy phase of the Dominion's aviation history up to the Second World War1.' Mr. Elli estimates he has re t A bus driver for 4 years. Mr.L:., . J .,j;FPDrTADV TC J item iti ivtuiiwriii iuut wuu wie ril m 1 S Hlta has been interested in avla- Dr. Robert Fletcher Scholarship RFPORT ON TAI KS tion Hon since since he he came came to to Cmi:iil:i Canada . - .. , .. . Ull 1 L.I.0 V 949 lor uenerai rronciency. itiis will help cover his expenses! WASHINGTON (f--State Sec- from Nottingham, England, 37 years ago. v.hlle he attends the Kendall retary Dean Acheron was expect- He make was the first Canadian to Scllool for the raf ln Wash-1 ed today to report to Prescient a parachu e Jump from a ,nBUllli Ulls wtater thV successful m- w Calvert Canadian aircraft. That was In BctiUJ rnrnd Skipped by ALFRED UMBCSON JR London.Enqiand . This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor , Control Board or by the Government oi British Columbia. "Peter is certainly no child ordination of United States-prodl"y," Mrs. Garbutt said.! n.-m.k.crn..i. t.. .u. ceived 5,000 letters related to hi.s j book. Mote than 500 picture wilt Ulltrate the history. Recently he received a letter 1914 when he and Tom Blakely of Winnipeg built and flew u -He is just a normal, teen-age ' eoldwar 1th Russia. Curtis Pusher bi-plane in Cai- and his handicap does not make: JtowtfRotd CanaoianWhish Eary- . him any better or worse than j j The author also flew as mech- the usual young person of today. anic on the first flieht north of He is very interested in linotype latitude 53, in 1920. Piloted by work and he plans to take, a I Hector Dougall, one-time presi- lino type course along with his A dtitingidthedfiw Am' dent of Canadian Flying Clubs, academic subjects." the plane took three days for the trip from Winnipeg to The Pai- Mr. W. H. fBuster) Hill, as-His aim in writing "Wings of ,.ut oft a UUtinuwm. j 1 Imam Iff - - -miiiv nit- itttri ttrtt', it" 1 1, oil Memory" is not to make money, the Prince Georpe last nlht to "If it is included in school li- j SDnri his two week vacation in braties or other Institutions Vancouver and the south. where the information will be available to young Canadians, I .'.hall be content." You saw It in the New.! Thi jJvcrtistriK-nt it n.x published of dispUtd b ttK LmuwUH bjr die Government at Brituh Culmr I Vour House is an Asset Phone 654 Soccer Schedule Sept. 16 Heavy Battery vs Canadian Legion. BROADWAY CAFE... HEST FOOD FINEST fOOKl FRIENDLY SERVICE Advertise in tie Lraiiy News! tJc p doitu pt,4 lot tmfUm Chinese Dishrj A 8pi! FOR TAKE-HOME OK: ft rllONZ W 4ipUrt4t.r tK Liquo. Conkol Bod kr Go.tt..nt of Btmik Columbia Hours 7 am. toll MAINTAIN ITS VALUE . . . MAKK NFKDKD K I PAIRS NOW! NOW AVAlLABLh Prineo lfno LM : ... PRINCE BE BOWLM : PjuOSrdAve jox i i , - I Flowers foe All Ocraloi ( 0ovrsTcx TO HOiM UfS ... i. or For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Huilders and Contractors f 1 fl'rtm NEW ROYAL Adve.-tl.-r the Ualiy News! f foTl Minor B-,t w 9 for economy. doubie- l; 1 narybuoe- OF TASTY ME ALB AT THE Rex Cate TOll warn iliiii.nwi; l,il!lili!iuH' "MiiJiutiwtjmuii 4 ... til nvvs DAILi n Chinese bisbes HOTEL a A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water " " I Specialty ! rrf; TT1 TH 0 . CHOI SUEY Kutiirciays - SMITH & ELKINS PLUMBING AND HEATING LOOK FOK Tlifc NEW RED AND WHITE to 'J CHOW ME IN nnviX Fun .-Oil GOLD SEAL LABEl Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. - Phone 17S tor Outside Order Phone 174 - PI, Box 274 FREE PRINCE RUPERT, B C. fnoje 281 - p.o. Box Paper Towels - Paper FOR SALE ONE 1938 FORD BUS WITH OR WITHOUT ENGINE WHICH IS IN GOOD CONDITION CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishins Enlarging Flash Photo; Taken at Home j OTP Deodorants - Disi VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala 8unday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SNVIPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Phone Green 389 218 4th S", PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Ill ?SSi!!55-3 ! Genuine DUST1JANE Sleeping 1 Suitable for a Mobilestore A Home On Wheels Salt Lake Ferry Sunday & Thursday SCHEDULES Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Thursdays Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Last h.oat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. SPECIAL TRIPS FOR PARTIES BY APPOINTMENT Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 928 "L This might happen to us . . MOre-BRUSIIKS-BB but the customer never loses Frice Is reasonable suitable terms can be arranged when he deals at Coqultlam, Sept. 9 and 23 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED For riunnino- 5infl Janitor SU. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS DAN'S SERVICE STATION "Where the Workinijman Gets a Break." PnillCE RUPERT SUPPL? g.s. Coqultlam, Sept. 2, 10, 30 I FRANK J. SKINNER IJIU ' R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) 712 Sec"1 V Prince Rupert Agent Phone 632 McBRIDE STREET Third Avenue Phone B6B 'i 0