WE LCOME SHELL L SHELL PLANT OPENS HERE DELIVERS THE FIRST CARGO elcome GOOD LUCK TO . . . SHELL TO SHELL PLANT The "V.M. Western Shell," the Shell Oil Company's new tanker. SHELL i -is ' docked at the .company's wharf from J near the grain elevator yesterday morning to make Uie first delivery of 250,000 gallons of oils and gasoline to the new Shell B & W TRANSFER L I MM lit: i I i nufi ,.tw.-m plant on the Morse Creek flats. 1IHERN MACHINERY LTD. The vessel's arrival marks the GREEN 186 PHONE RED 182 final step in an expansion program which has resulted in the company entering the domestic. Official Opening Mr. O. R. 8. Blackaby' the president of the Prince Rupert Chamoer of Commerce will officially open toe new Shell Oil plant at Morse Creek this after marine and industrial lubricant and fuel business In this city. Sheil Oil Opens New Agency at Prince Rupert N. Y. Knox, vice-president and general manager of Shell Oif Co. of British Columbia Ltd., this afternoon officiated at the opening of the company's quarter-million gallon bulk storage depot and sales agency here. Constructed at a cost of $130,-000. the new terminal will bJleUm prodUCts' Ju' 11 1 I noon. Following the opening the plant and the M.V. "West- if Under command of Captain R C. Lalng, the tanker will remain here until Saturday afternoon before sailing south. She will be here to take part in the, local plant's official opening this afternoon. Officials of Ihc company who arrived last night and this morn TO enr ShtH" will be open to iiv fpection and this will be follow ed by a reception in the Moose Hall. . TO hell iB the distributing centre for Shell I ing include N. Y, Knox, vice-president and general manager, who arrived by boat this morning, and G. E. McKinnon, assistant to the vice-president, and J. M. Courtright, provincial retail sales manager, who arrived by C.P.A. plane last night. will be operated by the Northern Machinery Limited which firm has been appointed Shell's selling agent in Prince Rupert. Northern Machinery is a local company which handles logging 'ANY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA The new Sies Agency is at the present time the most northerly unit in the chain of Shell Marine Stations on the B.C. coast. A new float is being built and modern pumping equipment installed to service the large fleet of commercial fishing craft products for the neightboring coastal area, the Queen Charlotte Islands and interior points enroute to Prince George. Located on the waterfront, adjacent to the Orain Commissioners' dock, the plant is equipped r choosing frince Rupert as OIL- ir new home for the North. and industrial machinery for the Prince Rupert area and is under the management of Allen Morgan, who formed the company wjth the plan of develop Aboard the "V.M. Western Shell" were H. L. Hinchcliffe, operations manager for the company, and R. N. Nicol, marin? manager. for rail and road shipments to and towboats that operate out northern Interior points. Rail- of Prince Rupert., way tank car loading facilities Supplied from the Shellburn have been Installed to handle Refinery, via the tanker "M.V large bulk shipments of petro- Western Shell." the iipw aeency FROM ing its business with Prince Rupert's expansion. from jIANT and NEWTON icTRIC AL CONTRACTORS NORTH-WEST . .' CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Major construction problems handled by North West . - Best Hishes to SHELL - ON THE OPEMIHG OF THEIR FINE, NEW PLANT Albert and McCaffery Ltd. lor special outride work on this beautiful new plant. LUMBER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES I'imxK r,r,.- P.O. BOX 1381 Frince Rupert X I I) LACK COM) AVKNt'K PHONE 116 II . - 111 Welcome to Shell TELCORffl from AND - - SAANICH PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing' Contractors for Grand New Shell Plant ;ooid LOCK BI.I E 846 FOritTIi AVEXIE AM) IWcBRIDE TO - - TO THE WELCOME TO SHELL OIL cP from HELL OIL CO. ISLAND CITY BUILDERS We were pleased to supply some of the materials for this new plant. . 505 Mi-BRIDE STREET BLUE H'M COMPANY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LTD. May your business meet with every success in Prince Rupert and the North SINCERE GOOD WISHES MITCHELL & CURRIE I LIMITED i I Contractors for New Shell Oil Building Of BRITISH COLUMBIA IMfD for their faith in the future of Prince Rupert, and the North country ... FROM ( RUPERT RADIO I ELECTRIC Wc were pleased to install the wiring and electrical equipment in this beauti- . ful modern new Shell plant. Best Wishes TO - SHELL OIL ' COMPANY OF B.C. LIMITED ON THEIR OPENING DAY fylli!l!i;:i!,!lllll!';illii! TKOM SHEET METAL LIMITED Agents for the Iron Fireman- 253 First Avenue Black 884 PHONE 664 D AVENUE EAST PHONE 363 313 THIRD AVENUE