Local News It Prince XXmttt alle 3i3cto Saturday, March 19, 1919 AnnoiincemenU All otiertiwnmita mia column will b charged for t ju month M 31 mdu wunl 10U: ems : . . ST. PATRICK DAY EVENTS Dimension & Finish Lumber E. Telseth and Mrs. G. R. Brett King Edward School Tea and lill!1init!i!!!!tHWIIl!llltHllj!' and the drawings resulted as 'PIWHWIWiilliWI iiiilliiuliiiilil.luiiibli! Sale, Friday, March 18. Plywood and Wallboard follows: STOP! LOOK! , READ! Get Tea and Sale in Afternoon Card Party and Social in Evening Waffle Iron,. Mrs. G. Turner, your tickets now. limited No. 1931. amount only. St. Patrick's Dance. Sponsored bv Junior Mrs. J. R. Carr sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver for a visit, she has two daughters in nursing training at St. Paul's Hospital. Gordon and Anderson are Selling Off their stock of out-of-print wallpapers at 25c a double roll. Paper a room for $2.50. (6G) Frank Skinner, local aeent Cash for old gold. Bulk's Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night 8:30. Passengers arriving Friday afternoon on the Coquitlam included T. McGillivray, R. E. Dell, C. Cumming, G. Griffin, L. Hamlan and Mr. and Mrs. A. Baareau. Harry M. Daggett returned to Chamber of Commerce. . Civic Bed Throw, Ray Rhodes, No. 1022. Half Ton of Coal, John Gur-Vich, No. 999. Case of Milk, Mrs. Leo Doiron, Centre Auditorium, Friday, March 18, 9:30 to 1:30. Music Vp Sash and Door Cement, Plaster, Briclc l& McCAFFERY LTD. Everything for the Builder" I PHONE 116 St. Patrick's Day events were featured In the Annunciation School Hall on Thursday with large crowds attending the tea and sale in the afternoon and the card party in the evening. The tea room Tvas kept very busy throughout the afternoon and there was also generous patronage for the home cooking No. 308. by the Dukes. United Church W.A. Rummage TERRACE CLUB Sport Jackets Fine Quality SLACKS Sale, March 19, at 326 Second the city Friday afternoon on the for Union Steamships Ltd., is Avenue, two doors from CFPR. Jobs Daughters Scotch Dance Electric Heating Pad, Miss Eva Cavalier, No. 1049. . Box of Candy, Eddie Cloutier. Ham, Pauline Telseth. Centrepiece, Mrs. S. Turcotte. Satin Bunny, Mrs. Janze. sailing tomorrow night on the ' Coquitlam from a trip to Klem- tu and Namu on business in Oddfellows' Hall, March 19, 8 to connection with the provincial and sewing tables. Mrs. E. Tclseth, president of voters' list. the Catholic Women's League, was general convenor. coqultlam for a brief trip to Vancouver on company busines. ATTENTION MOTORISTS Extra miles is time wasted on highway driving, pick up your needs at your Imperial Station on the highway entrance, Midland Pines. (69) Meeting Tuesday !tftiZ Mr. and Mrs. Eric Tycho sailed Thursday on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where Mr. Tycho will take up relief 12. Rebckah Fashion Show, Mar. 23, Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Tea, Church Hall March 24. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra concert in support of Prince Rupert Film Council, March 25. HQ) Looking very gay and attractive with green crepe paper shamrock decorations and with 22, 8 p.m. sharp. Initiation of Canj duty ' for Canadian National didates. Refresh- ments. (67) Terrace Club Sport Jackets for spring emphasize the trend towards fine tweeds and plain colored cloths. The fine weave, coloring and finish of these new fabrics combine in making these jackets smart and ideal for casual wear. Mrs. C. S. McCarthy and child tulips, carnations and narcissi on the lace covered serving and tea tables, the tea room was in charge of Mrs. N. R. Young whose assistants were Mrs. J. Telegraphs. . Daily News rjiassined Ads get Quick Results! Mrs. S. A. Bird sailed Thursday of Smithers, sailed Thursday on wort per Insertion, minimum charge, oe. Birth MoUm' , oI ThniikA Death Notice. Funeral Notices, Mamas 4 nd Engagement Announcement: ft. J ijl'EOIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICK iing lo payable In advance. Pleaao retrain from telephoning. Commencing .March 28 two the Prince Rupert for a trip to night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver whence she will pro weeks University Home Fur Vancouver after having spent Bruce, Mrs. S. Turcotte, Mrs nishings course.-Afternoon and TOR REM- several weeks in the city. ceed to Winnipeg to receive medical attention. She will be UNWANTED HAIR (evening sessions. . Register Civic rCth IEt,TSieepin, room, 221 James Forman, Mrs. G. P. Lyons, Mrs. J. Basso and girls from the convent. Jobs Daughters Scotch Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Satur evil uob. (66) centre. Operetta, Borden St. School t.S.UK oH, iit elow oil bur-Ik and stand. Red any crib, like new, Itil3 3rd Ave. or I 730. tf) day, March 19. Dancing 8 p.m Presiding at th eopuring tables l iiwuntrd Imlr eriid'K ati'il from ; (he human body with S;u-o-IYIo ointment, the remarkable Hh-! cover of (lie use. Kaeo-l'elo kills the root of tiny hair! IH) ; U)ll-lll;Klt illOK.TOKIKK i 079 (iranvllle St.. Vam ver, B.C. FOR RENT-To auiet couple, 3 ropm house, bath and ranee Apply 215 4th EasC uf wj nuanignt loiiowed by re- were Mrs. R. E. Moore, Mrs. J. accompanied from Vancouver by her daughter. Gordon and Anderson have just received a carload of Kroehlcr Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs. Don't miss seeing them. (66) L. Blain, Mrs. M. P. McCaffery lreshmcnts. Grand March led by Piper Bill Mackay Admission Chesterfield Suite. I OR RENT - 5 rooms partly furnished with bath, mon- VJl ran?5 and hcater. 1035 1st Ave. W. ,66, 75c. (66) and Mrs. H F Glassey Mrs. W". Pierce acted as cashier and the serviteurs were Miss Mary Zo- at Civic Centre, March 31 and April 1. - ; , Lutheran tea and sale of home cooking, April 2, at Mrs. Soiland, 130 5 th Avenue West. Women of the Moose spring tea, April 7, at Mrs. J. P. Mol-ler's, 124 Fourth Avenue East. Orange Spring Sale, April 13, 2 to 5 p.m.. Oddfellows' Hall. FUNERAL NOTICE FOR RENT-2 room furnished cottaee with h.vth nr.ia Set, almost new. V)2 or Urccn 737. i ...(to jkut "Alto." $3,000 j.r.4 class troller. ;11. 69 tx and Used Fur Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. with no children. Phone Blue 098. In city police court Friday afternoon, Jake Anton was sentenced to serve 10 days in jail and received three months' suspension . of his driver's licence gas. Miss Frances Murphy and Miss Maria Brett. The horric cooking table was conducted by Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mr. Louis Amadio, Mrs. J. Clou-tier, Mrs. M.J. Saunders and Mrs. F. St. Amour and the apron stall FOR RENT-Comiortable Bod- ore and Oflice Gabardine Trousers Still high on the demand . list of sportswear, with new shades, Improvement in quality and finish, Gabardine Pants are a MUST for wearing with a CASUAL JACKET. Our makers of Flannel Slacks have now added a new feature to this popular spring and summer trouser. It is now being made with elastic side straps on both sides of the waistband, which makes it possible to wear the trouser without a belt and assure comfort, perfect fit and smart appearance. piitly Used Arti- WERMIG In the City, Friday, March 18, 1949, Ida Pauline, age CO years, beloved wife of Mr. Frederick E. Wermig, of 537 9th Avenue West. Requiem High Mass will be sung by Rev. Father F. J. Rayner at the Church of Annunciation, at 9 a.m., Monday, March 21. Interment will follow in Fair-view Cemetery where prayers will be said by Rev. Father E. .. ..... .-I... 1. i .1 I Apr. 14, Borden St. P.T.A. Sale and Tea. - ' , .' when he pleaded, guilty to a charge of driving while luyiii lur may with kitchen privileges if required. Close in opposite Borden St. School. Phone Black 258 or inquire at 895 Borden St. tij was in charge of Mrs. Joseph Queen Mary I.OD.E. Tea, Garon, Mrs. Leo Doiron and 1 April 18. Miss Nan eye Dawes, R.N. who Mrs. C. Schaeffer. Religious ar taeld Bed. Wood jku Oil Raiifjcs, El-jrs. Corner Enam-pas. Office Chair3. (jrs. New Articles Toasters. Cups ra. Axmin.ster Ruru dan regular price, incr Sets, Tea Sets. , 'the lowest prices. B C. Furniture Co. FOR RENT Board and Room for lady. Apply 732 6lh Avenue West. ((;6j of the Salt iwcnua uiuiij aacui-,, ls nnrsincr nursing nn on stair stuff b e for nravers at Orenvllle ticles w'ere sold by Miss Florence Cloutier and Miss Oatsy Dumas. deluxe Delivery Phone 383 Prompt and Efficient Service AFTER 6 P.M. CALL Anything . Black 419 Anytime " 285 Anywhere " 892 Lake City County Hospital, arrived in the city on this arter- . Court Chapel, Sunday evening at 8:30 p.m. B.C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. FOR RENT-Two rooms with Kitchen and bathroom privil-. eges- 229 1st Ave. East. (66) IN EVENING Rotary Club Daffodil Tea, Civic Centre, April 21. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 21. . '--: Anglican Spring Sale, Saturday April 23. - . ; Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 27. Twenty tables of cards were WANTED in play in the evening which culminated with the serving of noon's plane to pay a visit for the next six weeks with her father, George J. Dawes. On the way here she spent a couple of . days visiting at Sandspit with her cousin, Mrs. David Kirby. refreshments " and the drawing WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom house urgently required bv Navy man and family. Write rcci 9,nief P 0- Pela. H.M. C.S Chatham. , (og p'n DeLtixe Chev-po.imo miles. Body frv like new. Scli-i$ need larger car. ; frill, mornings. Ctii 4 -JVauUluI console - phonograph, gillie. Call 300 Hth acween 7 and 9. St.. Peter's Y.P.A. Musical IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III the Matter of Ihi- "AdmiutMrutltui AH" In the Matter of the VM-.tf uf Karl (Carl) Jolian OMitrrlund. OrcraMil, Introluts. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge Fulton, dated the 17th day of March, 1949, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of the late Karl (Carl) Johan Oster-lund, formerly of Terrace, British Opposite Health Unit AMNE'S Show, "Spring Fantasy" Civic for raffle prizes. Winners at cards were: ! Bridge Mrs. H. F. Glassey and Garnet Hull. . Centre, April 29v - WOilA WANTED Cash for Old Gold, Diamonds The United Church Spring etc. at Manson's Jewellers. I ID Whist Mrs. F. Miller and 'Home-Made Candy ami Fresh Roasted Nuts Mrs. Harold Muncey. PM. Power Saw. Sale, May 5. ' V , , C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. Phone Hod 483 af- Columbia, who died on or about the (661 LANDSCAPING, driveways and gardening done. Phone 544 after 6. . (68) CARPENTER wants small jobs in city. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. Jones. Box 493, Daily News. (09, HELP WANTED Cribbage Mrs. M. J. and Louis Astorl Jr. Mrs. C. P. Balagno was in 31st day of October, 1948. All per AIR' PASSENGERS To Vancouver H. A. McLean, D. Gomez. Miss H. Smith. E. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergin. ' I charge of refreshments, assist- , H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D, eons bavins claims against the Raid estate are required to forward them to me on or before April 30th. 1949, properly verified, and all persons Indebted to the said eslate arc required to pay to me the amount of their Indebtedness forthwith. " DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. tills 18th day of March. A D. 1949. GORDON r'RASER FORBES Official Administrator tS'fl Doilw Station I 8th East. 70l Ji'lfi Hilhnan Minx Phone Green 182 k-.k. iGlil I iMAii; fully furnished 4 sood location. 912. (6ii McCannell, A. E. Branca. To Sandspit J. Cairns, E. Cairns, E. Haroldson, P, Posh-wa. Mrs. Gargette, N. Wickland. A. Anorychuk, L. McGarvey, B. Anderson, A. Bacllle, G. Kerr From Vancouver A. Slater, H, FOR QUICK, DEPENDABLE V SERVICE . . . STOP HERE for Ga-i, Oil and regular car check - up. Your servicing needs will receive immediate attention. eu oy jviis. j. Jj. oiam, mis. rsui;-yinka, Mrs. J. Basso and Mrs. Zogas, Miss Frances Murphy James Forman, with Miss Mary and Miss Maria Brett serving. Acting as cashier was Mrs. Malcolm McArthur. E. Tea, May 21. ; Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. Sam:"What caused the explosion at your house?" Neighbor: "Powder on my coat WANTED Janitor Engineer for King Edward School. Special heating certificate required. Apply at school board office, Bcsnc-r Block. (60) . SALES AGENTS WANTED Prince Rupert. B.C (77) Mallory. sleeve." Raffles were in charge of Mrs, LIVE - WIRE SALESMEN to handle new line of Hand-Painted Ties. Sensational fast-selling item. No special connections needed. Sells on sight to consumer. Good living assured. No competition Hush reply for free catologuc tirse 4 room War- : if!) 7th Ave, East. 4 Price for cash, ft ;24. (67) - 4 room Wartime fe inable. H25 PiK-I (70 FLATS FIXED, CARS WASHED and SIMONIZED Service Hours: Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION to Oriental Art Studios, 4724 Van Home W-, Montreal, Quebec, (h) I Sell Immediately, ( limalow. basement, i Won, located on 9th' f Valhalla Hall. WANTED A reliable man to in pus. bee Armstrong sell Rawlelgh Products PHONE 791 Second and Mi Bride flume 342. (69) I Prince. Rupert and surrounding district. No experience needed to start. Write today. Rawleh'hs Dept. W. G., C-106-189, Winnipeg, Man. (Ill 31 -MAN POWER SALES PHO-iKKsit.ion New Patented Tool IMPORTED TOYS Wanted nave a V't wartime and H you arc scll-t ' town let us give ol your property );tiong Agencies. (67) room house and c lights, 3 lots In On main street. Will TO DELIGHT THE KIDDIES NEW DIFFERENT NOVEL multiplies man's strength 31! times. 2 min. demonstration I sells 1 to dozens to railroads. I fx. mi" . ouu- n o transports, public works, shops, factories, electricians, i police highway dcDts. Every Spring Towered Moats, Cars, Planes, Waddling Ducks, Pecking Hens and Butterflies Reasonably Priced .these are some of the Importey Toys on display at auto, bus, truck or streetcar should carry one. Light, com-paot, low priced. Look at earnings one month Maurice $4500; McElhaney $450, Brown $556; sparewite. Grab your territory now or wish you had. PiUeosccl Co. Ltd., Cornwall 10, Ont. (lt nome. in Prince pUr It. Benson. Mas- 1001 -I EiFuliy furnished - 4 afume House with a lawn on 2nd Over-'worated inside and ''JW'ited interior. All uiture in immacu-(i"n. $3,750.00 cash iittUed 872. (70) T-iiniislied home. 5 "'A bath until Scu-' Plume Black 900 or 5 e n Avenue East (66) LOST LOST 3 keys on holder, finder please leave at Daily News. Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W. LOST Small bov's Jacket, near Hospital. Phone Blue 885. (661 VtfJitR LOST Brown plastic purse. Phone Green 78. Reward. (67 1 Wowtotuneapiano! "iJiislaliliims and SHis ET MET A!. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 1 m',U & ,t?.,,l8. , nmif oij. uil i'! W ANTE I J Hold Down That DUST . . . Use Genuine Dustbane and Dustbane Products Paper Towels Brooms Mops Soap Wax Rags and all good JANITOR SUPPLIES .tTim,l ...... . CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring Examinations. Write M.C.C. Pehooh 301 Endcrton Bldg., Winnipeg. Man. (n PERSONAL hvY,' , IR win oe re-"v hr ,,, ,si!,n0(1 if, Uuirttlay. March Ml i:,hr'ouiuler cks- 1 1 oelonmng to the Leslie Rob- Vdvn'v." .- 1 feel Sokl to Industry in Prince Ilupcrt at Vancouver Prices ay- The piano's out of tune. So we'll chop it up. Then we'll get a tin horn instead. Sure, these men are crazy. But they're using the same kind" of thinking a lot of people have Wm using on the Canadian economic system lately. Oor Canadian way isn't perfect. Ve still have our lips and downs of prices unci jobs. We'll have to change that. But even so, our system works a lot letter than the second-rate substitutes Ix-ing peddled by omc countries we could mention. It works better because of a few simple things. We arc inventive, and wc know how to use machine power to produce more goods at lower cost. We have skilled workers. We believe in collective barg.iin-mg and enjoy its lxnclits. .And we Canadians save , , . and our savings go into new tools, new plants, new and better machines. ' Because of this, we produce more every working hour . . and can buy more goods with an hour's work. We can make the system work even .better, too: by all of us working together to turn out more for every hour We work . . . through better machines and method?, more power, greater skills, and by sharing the benefits through high wages," low ' . prices, short hours.. It's a good system. It can be made bttter. And even now it bents anything that.ny other country in the world under any other - form of government has to offer. So let's tune it tip, not chop it d(wru PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone 032 P.O. Box 772 712 Second Ave. PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES (rubber Roods) .twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, catologuc included. General Novelty Co., Dept. 'PR', 71 Major St., Tor- onto, Ont. (79) PERSONAL "Kicerex" over 20 years a dependable family remedy for skin ailments, Psoriasis, , Externa, Pimples, Iitch, Boils, Poison Ivy, Ringworm, Impetigo. Two strengths, Medium, Strong. Two tii,es 59c, $1.08. All drug-gists. (It J PERSONAL The Acme Clothing Store. We announce the arrival of a new shipment of Ladles' Corydon B u r b u r y Coats. sik;cs 14 to 20. (71) t VI 1 inch. - 'mis ' rTlri? Vvcwal , .;!1,i;',HiiHntmt and H Lt,wm, Marine r;' Bella Bella 't tvictly rash. r.4)1 any tender not House, Prince - (66) "lv VT,ber more Mato e modern i Nat "ma? maWfac-' Uf) W A N TE D Al PLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED 1 OK THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS I OH 1949: CAMP MANAGERS BOAT CREWS ONE SKIPPER J. CLAUSEN & SON RUPERT MARINE REALTY Box 548 Prince Rupert, B.C. this adirrtisrwenl is sponsored by the B.C. FEDERATION OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY HAVERFORDWEST, Wales, (.(& A. Jones, 74, who retired after 46 years as a postman, walked an average of 10 miles a day and covered a total of about 138,000 miles. - Ads Result