111 6iiLMu h IPtinre Rupcn Daflp ricvo Lto. Thursday, June 10, 1948 i 1 r"i at '1 c I V? J 1 prg5 1 f jumji w b. with mx n w l ji " w&mxeg'' - w a rvn i v i ' 'hi f - s ! , Jf. . , ? i 1 11 b:-i 11 J , , - " jtn .- y, I ' ,:- i ?- 's ' ff . 1 if-1 ROYAI. fiTRI. RmtTTRPri nxo Ciu..u. . . . .,lla ,,na jrom .. present when her three dauht.er th d,i .. ROYAL NEWLYWEDS STEP OUT FOR CHARITY BALL Among the notables who attended the charity ball in aid of the King George V Sailors' Fund in Dorchester House were Princess Elizabeth and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh (Philip Mountbatten). They are shown at their table with other members of the royal party, including Princess Margaret Rose (right) during the supper period llpftl rWlr. (9nH (rnm r,: War8W,l - "6""' aim Dirgma fright) na( I pated in the patrol competitions of the girl scouts of Et, " "" - W Wja u PRINCESSES GO TO SEE PREMIERE Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose are shown as they arrived at the Odeon theatre. m London to attend the premiere of the film version of Hamlet." King George and Queen Elizabeth also attended the show. -7 i v v saw ! A. . , ti i "VJ : i , : , i ' - - f I - -r..-f f J 4 4i s PANAMA GOES TO THE POLLS -Panamanian men and women voted this month for a president, Ho vice-presidents and 42 members of the nauonai a&sembl'y in the first presidential .election since 1940. Voting was orderly throughout the country. Special precautions were taken against "repeaters." In this photo Senor Domingo Diaz, 73, head of the Liberal party and also a presidential candidate, puts his finger in ink before putting his fingerprint: on the ballot. . SOMETHING NEW FOR FATHERS-IN-WAITING A p..lerr.i:y room, hiph over the city of Newark, N.J., has been built lor fathers-ln-waiting, at the Beth Israel hospital. Here the hopefuls, besides "relaxing," can listen to the intercommunication system whicn connects directly to the delivery room of the hospital. Four prospective fathers are seen lending an ear to the audio machine for direct word from the birth room. What will they think of next, for the usually "forgotten men." K2W INDIAN CHIEF OF GENERAL STAFF Major-General Kulwant Singh, who until recerltly has been commanding the Kammii and Kashmir forces station in Kashmir, has been appointed chief of the general staff, Indian army headquarters. Major-Gineral Kulwant Singh led the Kammu and Kashmir forces during difficult times, and won high praise for his amazing successes. This is a recent picture taken of Major-General Kulwant Singh when he was commander of the Kammu and Kashmir forces stationed in Kashmir. He is seen here talking to one of the men fighting under him on the Kashmir front, ihortly before being appointed chief of the general staff, Indian army headquarters. Is x tl fKNj, Vl m . f ... ... w . f j irC : ...,r-: v-r. CANADIAN DELEGATION VISITS PRESIDENT TRUMAN A group of Canadian delegates in Washington on a goodwill tour as guests of the Washington board of trade are shown as they paid a courtesy call on President Truman. Left to right. Mayor Stanley Lewis, of Ottawa; E. Keith Davidson, president of Ottawa board of trade; Ambassador Hume Wrong, of Canada; Russell Boucher, member of Canadian parliament, and Senator Norman McLeod Paterson. r .... . -hp JM..oat- a. x.a v ' - .1-1 i, B.--. , 1 U L 1 4 T " - If .W-J!r-; u I '-'Ja.T ' ' ' '" '' "y' " : lfe-i ...I' -r(,r " J ' DIOCESAN CENTENARY CELEBRATION IN AUSTRALIA Car-, dinal Spellman.of New York and Cardinal Gilroy, archbishop of : Australia, descend the steps from the high altar during service ; held in St. Mary's cathedral in Sydney, Australia. The service - was in the form of a liturgical reception for Cardinal Spellman's ; visit to the city for the Roman Catholic diocesan centenary cele-"bration.- - . ..... . ;. ..,.,...;,;.,;; WORKERS BATTLE TO CONTROL LEDUC WELL- huge spout of oil spurting from the ground at . i0 well, Atlantic No. 3, near Edmonton, Alta. An s to 10,000 barrels of oil a day were escapin? frm c (Q lt.ave the well. ine province closed all wehs In the ar, ke at tlie fl1 pipeline free to carry away oil pumped from the i mvi t Lakf pf oil accumulated as result of breakaa v jBO.oto barrels at $3.45 per barrel. FIRST AIRCRAFT TO BE EQUIPPED WITH TR ACK-TREADINO GEAR An air material command C-82, the first aircraft of any type to be equipped and flown with tricycle track-tread landing gear, settles on the runway following an early lesi, flight at Hagerstown Md The track-type gear performs the same action as tank treads and permits landing on soft sand, mud ' or OCu