8 ' Prince Uupctt Dailg x3eto JLtD. - , . . 1 MA mm if 35 lh tr mvaras tntluaint A I tfiitf frr inner , Tht metl tccliimed Motion Picturt g'W it Scrten History! " V 3 HAl " DEATH BY DROWNING Adolph Cedar Suffered Heart Attack Before Falling Off Pile-Driver STEWART Dr. W. Roy Walker, resident physician at the Sil-bak-Premier Mine, conducted a post-mortem examination on the body of Adolph Cedar, who lost his life at Stewart flock last week, and pronounced death due to a heart seizure followed !? British Women Send Lecturer to Canada LONDON, 0) Dorothy Taylor, lecturer and British Broadcasting Corporation broadcaster, is to represent the Haslett Trust Committee,' a body of women electricians, at the annual conference of the Canadian Home www uim jem A riyEI PECK MfflE EARFIH B VB3 VWWw by immersion and consequent fjte Iffy M-lnm RFVFBF- lirw KAVW! X?X V1" Ji I drowning. A coroner's jury re Economists" Asociation to be held in Calgary. She will sail for Canada July 27. While in i Canada, Miss Taylor will visit factories producing electrical equipment. She will also see electrical devices used in homes, institutions and Canadian rail turned a verdict accordingly at an ensuing Inquest. There was, the doctor said, a deep cut on the back of the head but no f STARTING 0N THf sAr5 CARTOON NEWS fracture of the skull. Coroner C. O. Tran held the Inquest. The onvjwB AT 7:00 a. jwtt iiiTiUj ways. jury consisted of W. J. Crawford, 9.20 9:15 SATURDAY - 4:35 - 6:55 2:00 foreman; Ernest I wis; Henry Wilkinson; Henry Nellson; Lennox Gardiner and Walter Dick j q Gaelir F C-i ! son. Court stenographer was And P.n r SHIPS AND WATERFRONT HONEYMOONERS IN BERMUDA The James Cromwells nf Weehawken, N.J., seem well satisfied with life In this picutra made during their honeymoon in Bermuda. Cromwell, former husband of Doris Duke, and one-time U.S. minister to Canada, was married recently to Maxine MacFetridge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hope MacFetridge of Birmingham, Alabama. W1 "'n riand EDINBURGH, soldier in Germany gaged to a German tir. 'Mrs. Vanna Lupick. Witnesses were Tom Andrechuk, foreman on the job, M. U. Patrick and Isaac Soderlov, workmen, and Constable Nelson, t ! Cedar, one of the workmen re- BLOISES Priced Right And Styled Right SHEERS CREPES BROADCLOTHS AND THE FAMOUS TOOKE TAILORED BLOUSE. RUPERT Delayed bv heavy freieht for Heading south after nni nf hPr couldn't sneak re pairing the Stewart Government Ocean Falls, C.N.R. steamer regular sailings to Skaewav and couldn't r.. wnan, reu on me pne anver. Prince Rupert, Capt. William Juneau, the Canadian racmc -they managed," Rev. u. The nearest workman to nim, Eccles. arrived In nort at 1:30 vessel Prinrpwi inisn rIn CFPR Radio li;' 1240 Kilocycle Udrin Patrick, heard a cry and yesterday afternoon from Van- L. Leslie, was in nort lato wri. "ma" told tlle General STEWART WOMEN NAME OFFICERS STEWART The Women of turning saw Cedar, apparently Couver, Westview and Ocean r.esday evening. She carried a of the church of Scotia (Subject to change) torn up ana piummei a distance Fans, sailing at midnight for larce number of round-trin tour- describing the life nf p,i itis ists. jctipation ir jn Ge ! "Perhaps," he said, "they PEOPLES i STORE ui uuuuk 44 icci, Hum me um- Ketchikan whence she will re-ber he was standing on to the turn here this evening south-muddy ice cold" waters of the bound. The vessel had on board, Portland Canal. Isaac Soderlov in addition to local passengers, ,ran for the boat, which was kept quite a number of early season tied up at the float, and got to tourists. It was one of the You saw It In tl,e baily New i am told, there are 50 for 'darling.' " the scene In a few minutes. ELECTRICAL largest passenger lists of th? season there btsng 105 travellers to Ketchikan as well as 35 round-trippers. , SAVOY "Sure, a 'planned society' ought to deliver the goods," saiJ the Old Timer this morning, "but have you ever seen one that did?" "There's a little question of freedom, too, but just on the plain economic facts can you cite one instance of a planned society that lived up to its advance notices? s "There are experiments in plan FIXTURES APPLIANCES CLEANERS SERVICE the Moose here held their election of officers on Thursday last in the Moose Home. The new officers are: Graduate -Regent,. Mrs. H. Stewart. Senior Regent, Mrs. H. Wilkinson. Jnior Regent, Mrs. F. Reich. Chaplain, Mrs. W.. J. Wakefield. Recorder, Mrs. W. R. Tooth. Treasurer, Mrs. H. C. Bennett. Pianist, Miss M. Dickson. Guides, Mrs. G. Kustas and Mrs. J. Thompson. Argus, Mrs. D. Hague. - Sentinel, Mrs. J. Bouzek. The installation will take place on June 17. BLETCHLEY, Buckingham j HOW CAN I ? ? ? I By ANNE ASHLEY HOTEL Meantime Tom Andrechuck, the foreman on the jobv went down the pile and tried to get hold of the body. With the assistance of E. Lewis, wharfinger, the body was secured by a heavy fish tackle and brought up to the wharf. It took about one hour after he struck the water to recover the body. The accident took place at 8:15 a.m. Constable Nelson of the B. C. Police arrived on the scene soon t i THURSDAY PJvf. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour ' 4:13 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Wally Wickon 4:45 Lord Caresser 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Canadian Caravan 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask. 6:15 Freddy Martin's Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 C3C News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 The Mighty Fraser 8:30 The Nation's Business 8:45 Sports Review 9:00 Ernie Adams Show 9:30 Vancouver Theatre 10:0" CBC New n:in BC. New 10:15 Points of View 10:30 Nocturne )0:55 Recorded Interlude 11:00 Fish Arrivals SEE PHONE WRITE: Carl Zarelli, Prop. ned societies in various PfJ? rarts of the world. Not Q. How can I prevent cream from curdling when poured into the coffee? A. When cream is not strictly fresh It sometimes will curdle Phone 37 F.O. Boi S4 RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC FRASER STREET Prince Rapert - PHONE 644 313 THIhl) AVKM'E WKST BOX ffi one of them has ever j succeeded in bringing the standard of living up to that enjoyed by free enterprise countries. Not one of them has ever succeeded in abolishing poverty and destitution, and few if any of them take care of the poor and handicapped as well as the tree enterprise countries do. shire, England, (P1 Wire fencing has been put up In Bletch-ley churchyard because, says the vicar, cattle can't read l"Keep off the grass-' notices. We can supply all your needs in . . . -. BUILDING SUPPLIES incluiliiitf 11:05 Weather and Sign Off (after the accident and, after the slightly when poured Into the S recovery of the body tried arti- coffee, but this can be avoided jficlal respiration, but it was of by adding a pinch of baking no avail. The body was brought soda to the cream before serv-jto Stewart and placed In the lng. Mortuary of II. Stewart, under- Q. How can I prevent scratch-taker. ' lng the silver when cleaning The verdict of the jury was: with a brush? t l"We the jury find that Adolph A. To prevent scratching the j Cedar came to his death as a re-' silver do not use old tooth-suit of a heart seizure followed brushes or nail brushes to clean by Immersion and consequent It. Brushes are made for this drowning, while employed In re- purpose and the expense will (pairing the government wharf." be slight. (The Jury recommended that a Q. How can I give the custard j boat and rope be available im- pie a nice, even, brown color? mediately at all times. i A. By sprinkling a little sugar j Funeral service was held In over the top just before putting the Moose Hall and was con- the pie In the oven. "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" .' ' - ... i. 1 ' ' i 1 ,ff ; ! I . - i ,'?' 4 i" r r ir, J'" . 'I - ' . I ; , - ! WALLHOAKDS. FINISH LUMBER. PLY nans ; WHAT ARE ' BULGER'S TRYING TO DO? We try to be dependable,. We try to be earliest with . y' the latest. We try to keep a good variety. -' We try to sell reliable goods at prices advertised all- over Canada. such as Bluebird Diamonds, Ro&ers and Community Silver, Gruen, Waltham and Bulova Watches, Westclox Products, Ronson's, Pens, etc. ... In fact most of our goods are standard. ASK FOR PACIFIC MILK WOODS, SASH AM) DOOR, NAILS, PLUMHIMJ SMTL1KS PAINTS PH1LP0TT EVITT&CO.ITD. i ducted by Captain Walker of FKUJAI A.M. 7:30 Musical ClocK ' 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 1:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 11 : 15 Reminiscences 11:30 Weather Forecast 11.31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude VPORATtO HitS the Salvation Army who was in town. Miss Mary Dickson officiated at the piano. Pall bearers were E. Peterson, Aron Aronson, Tom Andrechuck, Isaac Soderlov, Otto Horncll and J. Smithson. Going Steady ir r 1 v-. V.ik "There is power and resilience in a free enterprise system, It can cope with the needs of the moment. It can deliver the goods. It can reward hard work and brain power as no other system can, and bard work and brain power arc what are required to save the world right now. "It is easy to paint a pretty picture of what the modem world hould be. Easy for the planners to say that is what the world would be if they had their way. But it doesn't work out. "If we work, little by little, for the improvement of our present system, we will he further ahead economically and we will have our freedom, too." (The twmi of tht Old Timer arc presentti weely m thu newt&per tinder the tpontor' ht? of the British Columb Federation o) Trait tnd Industry). F-45 "Serving the North Since 1920" Phone 631 632 rJTMRER PAINTS More and more people are finding out the added goodness that Pacific Milk packs Into every vacuum tin. Pacific's smooth, creamy-rich texture means satisfying nourishment. You'll like it. The hall was filled to capacity and many of the mourners fol COAL lowed the cortege to the Stewart cemetery where interment PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed 11:45 Famous Voices P.M. -12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast GOOD GARDENERS l-se Vitamin B-l for Better Gardens. It makes fur IU Growths and Works Like Magic on Vour PlalUs One Bottle Makes ZOO Gallons Solution 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE mmooD took place. So far as can be ascertained at present, Mrs. Marie Cedar, widow of the deceased, Is the only surviving relative In this country. Cedar came to Canada- and British Columbia 35 years ago. He was born in Sweden on September 13, 1890, and since coming to this country, had followed the mining and logging. He " ' f ' ' 'V-V I SUPREME THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. i 1 1 J TV tefeurz The Need for Funds Increases was at one time a partner in the Hyder Lumber Company, Hydcr, Alaska, being associated with Bill Gray, Dan McLeman, Bob Andrews, Pete Wilson and Ole Olson. YOUR BEST EATING PLACE MEAW FULL-COURSE Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 645 216 4th St. Give BJdDW! 11 a.m. to 8 P Steamship Movements For Vancouvei Monday ss. Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Tuesday ss. Car den a, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Saturday ss. Catala, 9 a.m. June 9 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. ... June 12 ss. Princess Louise OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE 71 ttmrHEONS. DINNER AND PARTI13 Fo, .... nnivF.SE DlSHf The Popular SS. BROADWA CAFE PRINCE RUPERT Sails For p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Cardena. p.m. .Monday ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. DUO Oiu Saturday ss. Catala, a.m. June 7 ss. Princess- Louise, a.m. . For Alice Arm, fetewart, GREER i BR1DDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR Port Simpson Sunday ss. Cardena, mid light. From Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 TM. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Information call or writ City or Depot Ticket Offlm FRINGE RUPERT, B.C. I Alter1 Construction fw Sanding a Specialty Tuesday ss. Cardena, a.m. From Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, 19 a m. Nelson Bros. Fisheries Limited A W v. r- .. -..-.- 1 kI$aoneRED561 (J. 4. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. , 'V... :"