:.j j i : prfnrc Rupert Thursday, EaHt tttvai LtD. June 10, 1948 in the United Kinedom A"er li-tciaii? to the appeals of the ! UNION BATTLE TTmluuj im Sports More Beer, All Happy Dr. Edith Summerskill Qualifies as Parliamentary Pin-Up Girl By JAMES MeCOOK Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, ff-Thanks to 25.- - "0, a prospp,,,,. ,: fmainin? nt., "' irii mat. as an occasional drinker of "shandy" u mixture of beer and crirnr.- 'i she was "an amateur in the presence of professional-Then came the good news. The Food Ministry proposed to al!o- icaie o.uuu additional tons of ', barley annually for beer-mak-ting. Thij would work out at an increase of 3, per cent in beer supplies in industrial areas. As for "tenpenny" beer she, ' as a doctor rtir) nni v,ib u ...Jfc liiiuR ii was as bad as members suggested Anyway, it was as strong and good as beer elsewhere in th- Baseball Scores American League St. Louis 2, Washington 5. National League New York 7-5, Chicago 8-1. Brooklyn 4, Pittsburgh 6. Philadelphia 3. Cincinnati 2. Boston 11, St. Louis 5. Pacfiie Coast League San Francisco 8, Portland 7 (10 innings). Oakland 4, Sacramento 3. San Diego 9, Seattle 0. Los Angeles 6, Hollywood 5. Western International League Salem 8, Tacoma 7. Bremerton 5, Yakima 4. Victoria 13, Wenatchee 7. Vancouver 3, Spokane 2 (11 innings). - DAD WILL WEICQ? J n;iinA AS ON'E SLUGGER TO ANOTHER Top men in their trade, Ted Williams of Boston Red Sox u'eftt and Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees, compare profiles during aseiie in Bualou. Mass. Williams is out to repeat as champion batter in the American League. ' Terrific" Ted won the title last year, his third victory as leading hitter. DiMaggio won the crown twice. t parf,,11 QonJ I Jl f", 525, r Iood j Kehef Latest contributions to the Flood Emergency Relief Fund it prince Rupert include $25 from Former Premier T. D Pattullo It was received at the office of Mayor fiTnold tod ' ' TFRR I APK 5FVniVr cleared and Christison tested CrvnAV,G OCIHULIVKJ. Morgan Wart s long drjve just EIGHT TO JUNEAU topped the bar. Ferguson stopped Chritison. A. Gomez gave TERRACE At the June meet- Brodie an anxious moment with lng of the Terrace and District a long drive and then Wart hit Board of Trade on Friday even- tne ront of the cros(rDar and ing last in the Oddfellows' Hall parkh0use headed the rebound with President Duncan Kerr in. through for the opening goal, the chair and on. E. T. Kenney Brodie m wai )ucky charing an-guest speaker, it was assured other Jong shot from D. Gomez, that at 'least eight delegates Glen Smitn and chrisUson corn-will go to the Associated Boards bined cey but Fersuson clear-ol Trade convention to be held ed Sunberg eame on for Wyatt In Juneau. Alaska in September. and his eentre had tne Legjon They will be Will Robinson, defence in a tangle. Glen Smith Charles Adam, George Mc- missed in some mysterious way Adams, Herbert Spencer, J. H. when he stPered the ball across Smith. D. G. Little. W. Osborne tne open goal mouth Frank Go. and Mrs. C. J. Norrington. mez now substituted for brother Resolutions to be sent to that Alex Wart gave Brodie hot f convention must be brought for- handful ' ward at the next meeting of the . , Karososky came on for Sun- - local Kn-j board in tw, I . July. . . , . , berg in the second half and the Draw Game In Soccer Canadian Legion and l'Oth Battery Tie One-All Last night's football game in the Gilhuly Cup competition be- tween 120th Battery and the Canadian Legion ended in a draw, 1-1. As a result High School is at the top of the league. At the start the Battery played uphill and had the bet ter of the exchanges. Brodie was the first goalie to be called upon. Morgan saved from Wyatt and then, following Veitch's good play, Parkhouse put past. James Legion pressed. Glen Smith's shot was saved by Morgan. ChrisUson was opening out the play nicely and Glen Smith hit fending well but, from Murray's good corner kick, Christison steered the ball clear of Morgan to eaualize. The eame was now DISROBE IN PROTEST LONDON Q Tw elve prisoners in suburban Wandsworth jail stripped off coats and trousers and ran about in their underclothing in a ' strip-tease" protest against being made to wear blue-patched clothing. GIILEUE TECH RAZOR 3PKG S GILLETTE BLUE BLADES 5'S 1 TUBE GILLETTE SHAVING CREAM Hake Father's Day a happier one for Dad by giving him a Gillette Shaving Kit. Hell enjoy this practical gift for months to come. - ll Aorangi Returns To Australian Run n ) & n n r n Vy U V-OI U UUfC 1111 I IMIlAnA -www IS j CORNWALL, Ont. W Two I large groups of rival seamen are j encamped within a mile of each other along Cornwall Canal, j Police feared that a small war jwas about to be fought yesterday but they quelled a shortlived riot after a squad of Montreal taxi cars and trucks discharged about fifty Canadian Lake Seamen's Union men on Cornwall streets. The men were headed for ships which had been manned by striking C.S.U. members. Police said that Canadian Seamen's Union members, picketing the strike-bound waterfront, had prepared to storm the motorize.! convoy t hich reached Cornwall at midnight. THERMOMETER NEARS TWO-YEAR HIGH The thermometer elimbed to its highest peak since August, 1946 at noon totUy when the official reading at the Digby Island weather station pointed to a torrid 80.3 degrees. The warm spell Is expected to continue, according to the official forecast. Not since August 28, 1&46, has the mercury climbed so high at Prince Rupert. On that date it soared to 86 degrees. Highest recorded temperature here in 1947 was 78 degrees on April 27.- Hifchest reading yesterday was 785 degrees in the late ifv?rnoon. w ,r- you certificates of age should write direct to below: i .1? : Resuming service in Septem- the upright. Parkhouse, Holke-toer after being In use by the stad and Hardy combined for a i-British Ministry of Transport neat lay but Eby cleared. Kara- during the war years, the motor sosky finished weakly. Frank liner Aorangi will sail from Van- ; Gomez was playing a strong cpuver soon to operate between game. Darrow Gomez made a --that port and Australia and nice run but brother Bill spoiled L'Kew Zealand, calling at Hono- it. Dawes cleared. Morgan clear-rlulu and Suva. Since 1931 the ed from Bremner after Glen prC-P-R. and Union S. S. Co. of Smith's good corner kick. The rNew Zealand have been equal Legion was now on top and ...partners in the Canadian Aus- Morgan had lots to do, having tralian Line. The ship, whose to run out to clear, then punch-ikipper is Capt. Whitehead, well ing away a dangerous shot from ftoown on the B.C. coast, has Bremner. Murray went close. been completely reconverted. James and Ferguson were de- WE'LL SERVICE IT FROM BUMPER TO EOF QUICKLY, EXPERTLY. DRIVE IN! .'. iX J k 1 ... iw jrLZr : -'J 1 in .';, !' J'" SinJune ua SEE THE DELUXE ONE-PIECE I IN HANDSOME U Gi(lett AriiWSf Gillettt KiM Sd It Not Only Sit, ... It Spits." No need to worrr your car am re; nery! Jast awe and m atch us we car food beriawr Two sailinrs per VANCOUVER - M Tuesday. 1:30 pm.,C Saturuay. 9 a-T.., C STEWART and Al.Ifl Miliums. 12 nudnia. FOR QUEEN CH.W ISLAM" W ! ss. Coquillam. and 29-11 p FKANK J. SECWg Prince Kunen ; W e an- pleawd loarn that t have now obU' the sorviresoTaVfrt H p,.t.nt body man, Mr. Charles fleW" Who i afreet t dveyoB that body or M H Mr. Hrppnrr ,xw in uph-bl"? 000 tons of barley. Dr. Edith Summerskill, Food Ministry Parliamentary Secretary, may well be the "pin-up girl of the west Midlands." j Good-looking, red-haired Dr. Edith Summerskill, who holds the food ministry barricades against innumerable Commons questions, heard the protests of Midlands' members of parliament about beer shortages In their area. ; Capt, John Baird, Labor mem-i ber for Wolverhampton East, j said Midland breweries pro-iduced a "terrpenny" beer which now sold for Is (20 cents) a glass. Some people called it 'Strachey" ! after Food Minister Strachey and others called It "wallop." i "It Is one of the most terrible things to drink that it is possible for us to have," said Capt. Baird bitterly. F. G. Bowles (Labor - Nuneaton t said beer shortages and quality had caused "a suppressed feeling of disappointment, if not of anger and fury." "If the honorable lady can do away with 'tenpenny' and keep the pubs open she will be the pin-up girl of the West Midlands," said H. D. Hughes, Labor, Wolverhampton West. Dr. Summerskill gently chlded beer-drinkers of the Midlands the mebers for suggesting they suffered any more than others fin-- 'O -.1 hn "no u, , rI 7 Oil, 'oe, jJJItV THL WEATHER Synopsis - j-r -mm r I ' AM. WTW- WM WL - I III T ' 1 " '' ?i ' I - I""" I ' . t. 1 ' '. r " SO. I Ik7 J " "J I" II 11 II 3 UIi.w.:.l5r - .jf ' (ill ft U Zlr . - ' riBt James and Ferguson both did well. The half-back line of A. Gomez, Veitch and D. Gomez checked well and were further strengthened when the old war- horse Frank Moose Gomez was substituted. The forwards were weak with Parkhouse the pick and Holkestad and Wart the next best. ror me .Legion tsroaie was sound, his only slip being his failure to clear the long drive that led up to Parkhouse's goal. Eby was the better back. The halfbacks were not very noticeable. Forward Christison was the pick, showing good ball con.rol and feeding his wings well. Glen Smith was a hard worker and Ralph did some good things too. Wyatt and Sunberg were injured. Scorers: Battery Parkhouse. Canadian Legion ChrisUson. GILIIVLY t I P STANDINGS W D L F A P High School ...1 1 0 6 Legion 0 2 0 5 Battery 0 112 BOX SCORE TUESDAY'S SAVOY B. Simundsen, Davis, lb 5 3 2 6! Pavlikis, If Lindsay, p Morgan, c Arney, 3b ... Foster, rf .... A 1 1 n Gurvich, cf S. Scherk, 2b 46 12 16" 27' MERCHANTS wartwig, zs, p 3 0 0 5 Forman, lb 4 Dahl, 3b l Schroeder cf P 3010 Abel, c 4 0 16 Dnney, cf, 3b 4112 Dominate, If Sunberg, ss u 1 4 Jones, rf, p, 2b Letourneau, p Eluik, p, rf 21111 Savoy .... 302 102 112-12R 16 2 .M'chants 000 011 000 2 5 6 IRON FiStEfclAN STOKERS GET 30 MORE HEAT SMJTH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 271 ( PHONE 654 25t Per Dozen Paid For Empties This advertisement Is not published or displayed by theLlquorControl Board or by the Government of British Columbia I w t I I J I 1 me -,, .t. i4or - v a urn"' W f in n a ri Fl II II m ... '. i sl-VThe clear warm weather that faster and Morgan did well to has been general throughout ciear Glen smith's dangerous ..southern British Columbia the centre and then a beautifully last 10 days is at an end. Rain placed free kick by Eby. The was falling in the southern in- Battery defence held out and a terior this morning with a few draw was the result, scattered showers along the Teams: . southern coast Orly sTow im-' 120th Battery Morgan: I provement can be seen In these James, Ferguson; A. Gomez, : sections during" today or tomor-i Veitch, D. Gomez; Holkestad, T row. The northern sections of ; Parkhouse, Hardy, Wart and W. the province, 'however, are still Gomez. Spare, Frank Gomez, "enjoying fine weather and Willi Canadian Legion Brodie; not be effected by the disturb- Dawes- Ebv; McCrimmon, Yel-1 . ance which has brought the land- Bremner; G. Smith, wyatt,' change to the southerrT sections. iD' Christison, Ralph Smith, D. Forecast ; Murray. Spares, Sunberg, Kara- ' " ! Prince Rupert, Queen Char-,so53ky; ef"ee, S. P. Woodside. lottes and North Coast-Clear! f and Bapue- h'-? Winds northeast (Id m.p.n.) over MARS or.IIXY TVT Bamtw" not a. good a A?pJTg 1&Z ?"! Fnday- one to watch as either of the Z ao ! 65' MaSS6U two Pceding ones but the heat 48 and 68, Prince Rupert 46 and ;wave may have had something ' i to do with that. - ) Morgan was the more severely TREE SURGERY j tested goalie and did well, the Tree surgery dates back to the equalizing goal being the result ... loth century. ot weak rhenklnff bv his rWpnr 4r ) : F T Si J ! t".- fl-J t f 1 i 7 ffcSLf You Don't Have To Be An Artist to make minor housrhold repairs. Get your lumber anj building Supplies at Mitchell & Currie Limited PUONE 3C3 Builders and Contractors Keep your car running Sweet" You'll be sure of a sweet-running motor if you bring your car to our experts. Whether you need minor adjustments or major repairs, you'll find our rates are reasonable. We abide by cost estimates and have your car ready when promised. Tht tit- i " UVH potuti o i'm rrnm i.i . . . uilh lludiut tfUlT " " Proltclivt 4ml. WZ.J- There's a place for you on this team. Take your choice! Do you like to organize and direct . . . would you like to learn a useful trade ... or, perhaps you like outdoor activities with action aplenty? There's opportunity unlimited in the Canadian Army Active Force-including advancement to commissioned rank if you have what it takes. The Canadian Army Active Force offers more opportunities now than evet before, and to complete the picture you are assured of lifetime pension when your service is completed. f Step right in ! Ask the nearest Recruiting Depot or Armoury for enlistment Kaicn Co-op SPORT FISHING SUPPLIES nVlon LINE SPOONS REELS . SPINNERS RODS - LANDING NETS HOOKS FLYS - GUIDES TIPS SINKERS Phone 179 Box 1127 251 3rd West particulars. Bring with and education. Veterans the nearest depot listed Ko. 11 Personnel Depot, 4th Avenue & Highbury Street, Jericho, VANCOUVER, B.C. Relax at the Wheel O Do you steer your car or "HERD" it? O Steering Wander? Shimmy? Tire Wear? O Restore new car steering control! , Inspection and correction can be carried out accurately I only by use of specialized equipment. In accordance with the LINDSAY policy of having the right tools for the job, WHEEL ALIGNMENT and BALANCING equipment has been Installed and is now in operation. Drive in and let us check and report on your front end condition. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. O PHONE 866 O ' j ) GET' G iHfe C(t (IDCTilllfedxfn) (33i) Qiinprinr Aiitfl & BodySeiH