Hagwiiget and the "mating of I all Korea and the utter futility J ! the "new treatment" is literally Prince Rupert Daily Hews : as old as the hills. It is simply jf anytmng, in hujjuouis t, ruthless strife S Ray Reflects j to get bees to sting the arthri Thursday, July 27, 1950 SUMMER CJ fur I DRESS ondV ; patient preferably near ta the waters" at Mission Point (without instinctively seeteis-ihe .Herald office, and hearing the sound of the linotypes "cllcketj click" coming through the open and Kenumsces at .(V As See WlI I -It ; affected joints. ; My friend had taken 38 stinss on her final treatment. I tried ' it once myself got the bees in 1 a bottle and put them against window. GREAT Bluff U sometimes advisable In war, as well as in peace. In AS Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnc? Rupert and northern and central British Columbia x , Published every afternoon except Sunday by J Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, - British Columbia ' . 2 Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations '. ; Canadian Daily Newspaper Association GaA. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES . , It's merely a matter of a fe-weeks since Southern Korea was invaded but, suppose there ha: been no immediate call to arms! Prince Rupert does well to j support la every way possible the movunent to be of aid to the blind. Never was there a time when their lot enlisted more help .ir.d intelligent co - operation nan now. Yot, they are without vision the power that l so nuch a part of life Itself, and ving in one of the fairest lands ..l earth. my bare hide. But the stuobm 1914, Admiral von Spee evidently critters went on a sit down though; there were mines and strike. No matter what we did submarines close enough to Vic-they just wouldn't sting. itoria to be highly dangerous. He What would have been the situa. on i a. Latest j,, feet fit. Men'e RAINCOtti By ELMORE PHILPOTT ROCKIES STILL HERE R A D I U M 'HOT amywe y ""e J'"8 """ tinn bv now had there been uro- eh other: "Don't sting this miral SLui dee ent him to report J!! Can ln . tests instead of battle. any BJ Carrier, rer Week, zoc; Per Month, 73c; rer Teai, $8.00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. a Ju , 4 old cuss he's poison." ito Admiral David Jonea. It's a . . fact Victoria did make a flour- assortment to c(y one believe today Communlsir would not have been supreme In ish of defiance but it's also a tact ' that, while the Kaiser's sailors i were njt so lur away, Victoria 'and Vancouver were frankly it-itery. As for Piince Rupert, that SPRINGS, B.C.: I missed i r r, . most of my night's sleep! jCCS ClGVdlOr AS to get back to my favorite. pA;:r;, Virlim spot in the Rockies. You1 TOIIICIal V ICIEITI Ito Isolated Incident THE aggression in Korea, where the Communists continue to make advances which must be view-Si with a considerable degree of alarm, cannot be Men's T-SHIP Colors. Reg, jj Ht I Hoys JE.XS. Ext fish-catching port up north, got leave tne u.r.K. train ai uuiueu at 4:50 a.m. and you catch the! iwu: ... u.c vcm. m in a whaclc at the ratnerianci Dy southbound bus at' 8 o'clock. ' politics or port rivalry," was the moving all K;e coal from her That gives you plenty of time j intuitive comment of Russell wharves. . 1 1 1. 1 Vrt- I A 1 TM.. ' ! I I 7 Iff 1 i fiiought of in isolation. There is still hope that the ' Jancy trim, tor a long Dieasiasi- aim ; Walt outspoken retired port " ' with the C.P.R. despatcher. XJ V I L manager of Houston, Texas, as he The .Thunderbird squadron, i Wn supplies to the U.N. tor- looked at the Prince Runert ele- DRESS AND Won tr - r He tells me that the mosquitoes are worse . than they have been for thirty-one years. . All the way (60 miles) in the bus I was asking myself "will i vator while visiting the city TiVs-!day. "There s plenty of that sort of thing in the United States. It used to be that way in Houston BOYS' AND CIEUV SHOES AT w:utctt these pests be at Radium too?" fighting may be localized but still the problem which tt presents is not a local one. It is a problem set by ie fact that we now; have to recognize that the use ftf armed aggression as an instrument of policy is fiot merely a theoretical contingency but a practical possibility. As President Truman has said "we must ecognize that armed aggression may take place in Jther areas." ' 5 , Failure to recognize this was one of. the fatal Blunders of the years before World War II. Each em course, naturally. After the takeoff at Tacoma, it's the logical short cut, to steer fur the Aleutians. It's the same with shipping, or any craft out to cross the Pacific the convenient way. I Rut here the air is as clear . which for many 'ears used to seu .nH anri snarklirxr as ever and I traffic go up to New York by there isn't a skeeter in sight or i ship and come back by rail." Mr. Wait showed himself to be acquainted with the Pacific Coast sound. . lap J and the, hold the "dilapidated" Yet, with Pi ince Rupert a good j 600 miles fur'.her north than Tacoma, how much is heard of j THIS PLACE IS A BEEHIVE i It' time to replacti your older iIt of furniture and ruaUMiMea with Hratiuore mmUrn auilea nU He-o-Utor mltr-e. Vour furmlure show Realiuore. Se theiu now. tore cu you ul 0"""c "u u" They are building a SH- n;nn f. ..:..:. ; -of .activity. mi, ji aicwiuii iium me udjjanese seizure iu fjne this city as a port with priceless new cut si.one bath house,! Mr. Walt was impressed with R. W. C0Ll( and an extra swimm)ng pool, the possibilities of Prince Rupert advantages in the way of time Local ruriwr says it cost the as the port for Alaska and said and distance? This is the air government (that Is, you and his visit to Alaska had convinced ' age, which certainly Is not news, Authuried dJ me) plenty for it Is a "cost him of the justification of Alas- but until this is an aviation cen-plus" job. But in the time I have ka's clam to and readiness for tre, able to receive and send off KI-KCTROUl Contact the alt,;. been- watching the job the fel Services aiidSJ statehood. i planes of all sorts, and becomes Mr. Wait, before Houston, was : capable of telling the flying port manager of Charleston, world about it, there can be South Carolina. ' "l"e difference from what there Manchuria onwards was thought of as a local event, lading no . relevance to "other areas." Manchuria seejped far away but it led to a chain of events, which brought German armies almost to the shores of Britain and Japanese bombers to Alaska not too jfar from Prince Rupert. Fortunately, it is realized today that it is necessary to stop aggression in jKorea unless it is to extend gradually and ultimately ito our very own shores. f j It has become abundantly apparent, now 'that Russia has no intention of co-operating reasonably (a mail In Hritiih Columbia by $kille,l B.C. eitiirnt from hifbrnt quality material. S-e the new lows have been really heaving themselves into the work. " And however much it cost, it is going to be a great asset to Canada. For the old hot poo! is just not big enough to handle is today. And that, verily is not ELECTRULK 1 enough. Back in 1924 Mr. Wait spent a time at Ketchikan, having been interested in the - old Slate X?huci: . : Applies the wai.j tne hundreds or loiks that come It ,h . N puilsbe o-PHONE i Phone today furs: si ration of the A mine, once regarded as a plan- here every summer day. The HaMlton wlth Mr and Mrs c. new pool will be mixed-with Possibility and which during gawle dwelllns In New Westmln-enough Its heyday shipped ore througn natural hot water let gter fony years ..Cnuclr into the crystal clear cold waters Prince Rupert. and mg gQod wlfe were actWe Jn of the Sinclair River to keep " it Mr, and Mrs. Wait were aboard helping keep the town on the around 80 degrees. the Prince George returning map, and none were more widely The idea oi tne cool pool Is to 'south after making the trip to known and highly regarded. One give the younger fry someplace ' Alaska. They, will visit' Jasper cannot think of New Hazelton ! else to cavorf than on top of Park and Yellowstone before pro - the long sunshiny days the OUR CLASSIC OPERA PUMPS ARE HIRE AGAIN of the ELECT .to Secure the restoration of peace in Korea itself. Russia's "offer" to discuss the "broad Korean ques-itioft" in the Security Council if the Chinese People's !(C6mmunist)' government is admitted to the Coun-;cil is rather a "demand" than an "offer." It; Would PURIFIER and 12 FLOOR poq us oia crocKS. ,. .. ceeding to their home in Bellalre. swept s of ve dfint fnrpst. nnd Well, we should soon know.-Texas. naked peak of Rocher de Boule BLUE SUEDE For the new pool is'due to be.' BLACK SUEDE $14.95 In another couple of open , v.eeks. AT r , THIS POOL' AT RADIUM. 'IS said by scientists to be the third most radio-active in , all . the f uorld only Bath, England, and Baden-Baden, Germany belntj stronger in the rays." ' jonly result in increased Soviet power in the Secur-jtCoimcil through the.' exploitation of -Russia's filling tool. i The Prime Minister of Norway has said bluntly that "one word from Stalin'.', wouid $nd the in wn hour. The phrase is not to be' taken tipo literally. $3ut the facts are plain enough. The Soviet 'Government certainly has considerable influence "with th? lorth Korean Government. If that influence were Wed for. peace, the war would end. But the Soviet Government shows no willingness to use -it. " Instead, t merely repeats, somewhat irrelevantly, ' its,; demand for the admission of the Chinese Communists Jo the Security Council. And so the war goes on. And we are all compelled to recognize the possibility ihat armed-aggression may take place, in. other lreas. . '. ' 1 . , Strange that the radio-active FOR PUN HOLLYWOOD CAFE. FOR BUILD: elements should be the ones to hold, such power' for good and evil for mankind. With one kind FOR REPAH .of radio-active ' material we are MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY making bombs which can liter.- Coll 3d ally ,blow us . all. to hell. With other radio-active elements we MITCHC are -learning . bow to cure humans, ahd other creatures, uf various, deadly diseases. OPEN FROM S:30 PAL TO 3:50 A.M. We Specialize in Chinese Du.nes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 S LUKL I HAVE NOT MET A DOCTOR, it right here In this .hot pool, who 1.IMITM argued with me that the same Hiiilder H XVE SOOX FORGET ; V ' THE pi'tifblly small congregation which assembled -'L y.estei'day afternoon at Prince Rupert's rnern-lojjja service for, the late' Prime - Minister "Vyilliam ILyon Mackenzie King was a poor commentary on 1"l'l!,!ilWI"r,"'!"!r"",l'"! STEAMt "amount of hot water taken in j our . own bath-tub, or home "town, would do any arthritic. as much good as does this pool, which pours out of the bosom cl, Mother Earth,' winter and summer,, about 114 degrees. That may be so, for all I know though I sii&peet the doc was away off the beam.' But where else can an old crock get an open , air hot pool in which to PRINCE .1, BUSI NESS GIRLS We have all your requirements for , Beauty Aid ihe interest bf the people of this city. " ) ' ; ' i While other cities' of .Canada were turning: out lie around, or swim about. their citizenry in large numbers to similar services, Rarely a score took the trouble to do so. in Prince jRupeit. : ',' , '' j There seemed something ; shameful . that, we should have been so indifferent-about paying our irespects to one of Canada's greatest sons. We say ROL'GE O NAIL POLISH IIA1K NETS POWDEB LIPSTICK HAIR PINS 9 BOBBY PIN the open air?--. : JUST A LITTLE WHILE BE-fore I left on this trip a reader jladyi called me up and told Vanc - Th FOR KITC Wi:i)NERD. pot t me of a "new cure for arthritis." this out of no deference to Mr. King as such or from 11 sesms that two big shot doc- .- fu J, ti, cW",,. ;lors are lnS this "eW treat- CLooV for the reel and yellow golden window pack. lt$ gold foil wrap meant the NEW "MARGENE" V it alwayt FRESH! Remember "MARGENE" It Canada' finest and most economical margarine. xr.tnt with excellent results. But I had to laugh .when my lady friend told me the details. For rf n iaiiy jjuiincai uitis in liic inautri. aiic muiv.huuiu ihave been said had a personage of Mr. King's emin-ence and attainments been Conservative,- C.p.F.'er ;or what noLAnd, of course, if it had beena Com-jmunist we would have had no choice but to demonstrate our respect and grief. -; ; ' To! CANADA PACKERS LIMITED. IdmeMea till PUiie tend ma your new 42 paga, M BABY'S HOT LITTLE HEAD WHfcN TOOT Bbr'i bawl ftelj hot to ronr hnd It mr be bcrauM nf (irnplc Jtver common to mm Tninnr WKjr ailment. If o. Babr't Own Tableta Vill help reduce thU imi)l ferer by cleertnc harmful .waates out of the sratem. Mra. Francis Carroll, bf Midland, haa thia to aari "Mr Httle kabr waa fen-riah ar.d hot. I rare her Baby'a Own Tableta and ht nltnt-tlme eh waa up and around again. . If batir'a fever ia not prompt! relfeeel aonault rour penieian. - Babr'a Own Tablet are aweet-taatinc, eaay to uke and have been uaed with remndenee by mothers for over 60 yeara. No "leepy" aturT-no dulllnf effect Equal, ly ood for ennatipatton, teethln( troublea, upetvatomaeh and other minor allmcnta. 3H u druif lata. Get a box today. . color Recipe Book (or which I endow f&Jt "MARGENE" packaje window panel. ENGINES Name....-.-"- SHOE SALE WHITES ARE RIGHT ! Our Entire Stock nak llUt Addrcu. I 2 i i r.imml" " la S Flexlhlr ft, Trolllnr lrn Hi"' " Mln 00 lMna an "'i'i mm V Jliw cntrM ' Br.-.? High the Cztt cin JMSv, i UiTripltDlitlllai U f I'tiTropicilloUnle!!! lV1lr''T Na j i . liightful bouquet VtojV ill 9 J i j Strength, far In m frsSr A J . ocla11-: " , l&TJ KfCl VOU CAN wy NO Kntns JS Jk ) j GOOD THINGS TO EAT! Come in today and make your choice from our and WHITE DRESS STRAPS AND PUMPS. i 0 i lliiltn. N" nain...e 11 qna uoan Heels. All to go ot .... $4.95 Delicious CAKES, PIES Plumbing & Heating Fashion Footwear and PASTRIES. Rupert Bakery Ltd. Prompt and Efficient Service Ihil lvrtilnicnt it not publijhcd or displayed by the Liquor Control Bp) f by the Government or British (.olumoie.