Is' in "l ri nr'iiww jp"y)MwMi.X UtU. 1 I fciaflw t fclMiUfaiiT ijfliBMM MMUM-im-J Prince ttnucrt D.u fMu$ S ituru;y. Pi bi nary 5, VM-i i LETTERBOX CITY SCHOOL ENROLMENT UP Ao In jnpiulru( Jhn ivs'pi e"Ma to Hie upbuiianit o tTtnr mip ud all cmmunitlr conifmn northern and central British Columbia 1 MEAT PRICES ( AutburUrd as RH-ond Class Mall. Post Office Depsrtmcnt. Ottawa) I .. r,ilt. - r.. .,..., . .... . .. o,.h. k. i senior, UJll) News: j I have been in Prince Rupert Enrolment at the city's four public schools was slightly high- ' ' Prince Rnpw Dll Nr l td., 3rd Avpnuf. Hrtnce Rupert. Hrltlah Columbia, j for four years now and have noticed the difference in the O. A HUNTER. Munnflnp Editor. H. G. PERRY. MHnaglns Director. urtHlKR OF CANADIAN PKKSS - At'DIT Bl'RKAO OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION . SUBSCRIPTION RATF51 sWB; Cltt Carrier Pit Week. AK: Per Month. 7c: Per Yenr. 8 no. WVvm& t Hv Mail Per Month. 50c: Per Year. 5 (K) ei in January than in December, reports or pi'.nripals received at last night's School Board meeting showed. Total enrolment last month was 1,168 as compared with 1,159 in December. Enrolments, with attendance percentages, follow: ' Booth Memorial High , School 445. 92 per cent. Borden Street, 230, Si per -cent. Conrad Street, 215. S3 per cent. King Edward, 278, 94 per cent. Enrolment at Port Simpson (EMPLOYEES' BENEFIT) price of meat here and in Vancouver. Even taking freight rates into account, the prices here seem terrible pork legs, Vancouver, 37c, Prince Rupert, 65c and 7dc; veal steak. Vancouver, 50, Prince Rupert, 60c and 70c; pork loin, Vancouver, 45c, Prince Rupert, 65c and 70c, and so on with all the meat. Granted that there may be different grades, why could-we not , have them here too? There are three of us to feed I in this house and it costs us over $1 per day for meat alone, j How the man with a family of seven exists is hard to see. I j have seen some such families here in Prince Rupert and their limit is hamburger at 45c pt pound. i It's time somebody took this' up. After all we are not so very j far from Vancouver. Wages are j ' no better here than in ' was 14. at uigoy isiann zs ana at Port Edward eight. There was no report from Port Essington. In order that our valuable employees have as near as possible full-time employ,, during the month of February, we Kavt ckled to offer our friends and patrong Prince Rupert citizens as a whole 4 DoqI PhanPQ nf i D Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS Unchanging Soviet Policy CREATION of the new "council for economic THE mutual assistance" between the Soviet Vnion and its European .satellite stated is celarly of g:eat importance in itself but it is also of importance as an indication that the hopes which had been aroused in some quarters that a change in Russian policy was imminent, that there was to be a new effort to reach an understanding with the West, have ..been false hopes. - The whole character of the announcement of the formation of a new council for mutual economic assistance makes it clear that the Soviet Govern- Tiiont has no thoughts of rapproachment with the West but is still seeking to deepen and intensify the, division. And simultaneously, in Berlin, Commun- ;ist vituperation has attained new levels. It is plain that while Moscow may, for local and tactical reasons, speak with two voices, it has a single policy. And that policy has not as some had bei-un to hope changed with the new year despite the waving of olive branches and seeming- cordiality to nations which the Soviet would infiltrate if it cannot subjugate by other means. 1. What is wrong wlihvtliis U HOUI UIIUIIUU Ul u UQU sentence? "He is a small man. but he is a good fighter at that.'' 2. What is the correct pro-j nunciation of -hysteria?" FED UP on ail Dry Cleaning! COMMENCING . . I 3. Winch one oi these words SOOTY CHURCH I is mjpelled? Acetylene, neh- YORKTON. Sask. iCP When ievment, accumulator. kfp- -.rrf 1 Gi the furnace stoker exploded in 4. What does the word iHoly Trinity Anglican church mauve mean.' Monday, f eh rum here, scot covered the newly-, answers cit'couued building inches deep l. Say, "but he is a ' inside ! fi'ihter nevertheless."' 2. ft ood Pro- and continuing throughout the monll JuibriKiry 26 j nounce his-ter-i-a. both i's. as in SCOTTISH UNIVERSITIES ; m, e as in here, a as in ask un-The first Scottish university, stressed, accent second syllable.' St. Andrew's was founded In 3. Achievement. 4. Giving 1411. the other three, at Gins- or having the power of giving gow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh form: plastic. "These experi-followed within the next cen- ences date back to the forma- REASON FOR OPTIMISM THE TORT of Prince Rupert is complaining-, and WE OFFER YOU . . . ; tive period of my life." I justifiably so, at the recent 40 per cent increase j tury Free Cleamimig aeidl Piressin; up to the amount of 75 Cents on the following garments: Reminiscences By W.J. and Reflections SLACKS TROUSERS SPORT SHIRTS TIES RLOUSES SKIRTS SLIPS SWEATERS I On the front page of a Van- would - appear Friday but with Icouver daily there recently ap- the dour suggestion that one j peared the portrait of a citizen needn't bank on the glad news, of prominence and below it. the Came Friday! and also official ! caption "Sam Can" involved in notification that the C.O.L. had i the Soviet spy prosecutions bounced back to the all-time which made such a sensation high of 159.6. That more like in Canada a few years ago. Carr it, by gum! has turned up in New York and ! is wantid in this country. Near a copy of The Empire? way ; 2.000 copies were on the streets, back in 1912, says the board of ; before someone shouted "stop WOrks will inquire into the con- the press." The innocent victim structio:i of the fire hall. For is blessed with good nature and one thing, the horse stalls were took tlit joshing with smiling not suficiently long. Well, well! , grace. And as for the paper? is that so? So there was once BUS in rates on railway express heading east from the coast. The biggest damage it will do to Rupert's economy is in reducing- the movement of fresh fish ,-by fast train to eastern markets. The Rupert Daily News points out that Alaska's halibut fishermen also will be penalized by the cut, because much Alaska-originated fish also moves by " express into the eastern U.S. markets such as Chi-Yago and New York. .This means that the added cost of transportation comes from the check paid to the fisherman or is passed along to the consumer. Since high prices and costs all along the way al- ready have caused some consumer resistance to . fresh fish, the new rate boost is not welcome at this time. . The fisherman is paid a better price for the fresh .fish that goes into the fresh market by express than . le receiver for that portion which is put into cold storage and shipped out frozen by freight. If the I public refuses to pay a premium for the fresh prod-j net, however, and more of it is frozen, the price of j frozen fish may be effected eventually, too. Rupert 's prospects, otherwise, seem very good. ; She probably will be the receiving port for much of I the pulp manufactured in Alaska. She will be a 1 shipper of pulp in her own right in two years or so, ! ..from the big- rayon mill going in near the eastern ' city limits of Rupert. And with statehood coming ; to Alaska, the Jones act's discrimination against . Alaskan use of Canadian ships for freight will end automatically. That should be reason enough for her to be optimistic. Ketchikan Chronicle i Bill Baker With every order of $2.50 worth of Dry Cleaning you may include one of the above mentioned articles or up to six ties which we will clean and press Only those . familiar with the a time when horses a hand-production end of the industry some, Smart-looking animal used will know what was said and for driving- or riding actually thought and how it was possible were in Prince Rupert, for such a blunder to occur. -- - - 4VV CAFE How much of the water in the North Sea comes from where and when does it come? This is one of several questions fishing fleets overseas would like answered. Here's another question What's it all got to do with the fishing industry? o Absolutely Free of Charge PATRONIZE PRINCE RUPERT'S Expert -Quality Dry Cleaners Always the Best Place to Fat HIGH QUALITY FOODS TRY OUR SPECIAL BUSINESS LUNCHES j The etiquette column, yester-i day, inquired how should one place the knife and fork after finishing a course at the dinner who have served you for more than 13 years under the same consisted nu table. Sometimes we have observed a diner use the fork for a toothpick. fist. ment with the assistance of only experienced, steadily employed nelp ARE ALL-OUT TO GIVE YOU ONLY THE BEST. Increased Volume means Increased Pay Checks to our Employees! TRY OUR CHINESE DISHES Extra Special to Take Home! Chow Mein Sweet and Sour 608 3rd Ave Ty. . Phone 200 BRITISH COLUMBIA TOO K IEW MEMBERS of the Historic Sites and I N Monument Board of Canada are Hon. T. A. ! Campbell, K.C., of Charlottetown and YV. K. Lamb, Ph. D., of Ottawa. The Board, originally appointed ici 1919, has examined more than a thousand sites of which ahout 400 have been considered of suf- ficient national importance to justify being suitably - marked and maintained. These include Indian earthworks, forts and villages, trading posts and "mission enterprises, explorations and scenes of mili Local folks, Friday morning, were given a close-up of a gasoline fire that damaged a car 01: Th.Vd Amiue. They observed the speed and fierceness wish which it works. Next time you see in a newspaper something about gas having been mistaken for oil or a passenger plane catching fire when it crashes the chances are you will understand it better. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED VI! I ii mm em it ma IDEAL spells 'QUALITY' IDEAL spells 'SERVICE' IDEAL means 'IT'S TOfS' tary operations in the long struggle for possession ' Tnmes are not always what Canada, Hudson Bay Co. postsand birthplaces of the" .seT tu ?s al" sfd ua .... . , , ;. t""-151 in this chaste column Thursday r, distinguished Canadians. Of the two recently ap- (that the cost of living was pointed members of the Board, Mr. Campbell is ;comins clown and official data . . Chief Justice of Prince Edward Island and Dr. S R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRi I I .llLamb a former librarian of the' University of Brit " ish Columbia and now Dominion Archivist. There is a DIFFERENCE in LUBRICANTS British Columbia and the prairie recions offer PHONE 858 - for Our Chassis Lubricant is not just a grease, it is aji F-naineered B-A Product, compounded to assure maximum lubrication ur.iler extreme mater and road abrasive conditions. Yes, we uo pay more for this type of chassis lubricant, but you pay no more for your lubrication job, and you cKi not buy a ASH OlT type grease. Our Motor Oils too are only first line .canned or bulk, PKNNZOIL ldOTr Pure Pennsylvania or B-A PEKRLESS "It s AUoved." LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. PHONE 866 the same historic background Eastern Canada does yet the record would indeed be incomplete were the west, because of this, to be at all neglected. Lasting recognition of the old explorers, the early navigators, the builders of great enterprises should remain as permanent reminders to succeeding generations of what has gone before. To allow -the memory of achievements to fade, to let scene? -and site which are intertwined with the story of the last frontier sing into oblivion would be a sad Mission. mm 1