r Radio Dial' CFPR Print Kupert Dafip ncto Saturday, February 5, lt-49 1240 KihK-yc s Between i&ubject to Change) 7:45-SinBir.g 8:15 Mornin g,, 8:3oMUSic t;;. 8;45-Little con,' 9:00- Bnn v, ... w' BASKETBALL TIME-TABLE . February 5 North Star and Rupert Hotel. Peoples and Miller Bay, Co-op and Brownwoods, Morgans and High School. February 8 Kinsmen and the BASKETS 9:15- TFokle&iiji Iff $mp$$g ; Scotland Wins In Sport Letterbox i Rusby ver Wae - i FDINBURGH. (f Scotland today defeated Waies by a scoie WANTS FMK PLAY ' ' j of 8 l0 5 in an international Sports Editor, Daily News: . hugby union fixture. Your report on the basket- j 9:30-Morni Tonight Brownwoods and Co ou tangle and, the way the Co- op has been of late, it will take High School, High School ana Doms, Stones nad Merchants, Savoy and Bo-Me-Hi. tliMlfli ill So per word pr Inaertlun, minimum ehan. Ma. Birth Novkna: 60c: Carts ot Than UK Ueatn Notls, FunonU Notice. Marrilg ! " Mid Engagement Announcrmenu: t'l J SPECIAL DISPLAY. OOUHUS PHICB I TluaUMd Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain trom telephoning. I BIRTH NOTICE j ' FOR KENT February 12 Rupert Hotel ball game between Co-op " and Bo-Me-Hl, of January 2, with and High School, Morgans and HOCKEY SCORES Paefii Coast League 3. Portland 2. Fashion, Brownwoods and Bo- ! 0:59-Tlme 10:00 -Ellen Kar .10:15-Morning ,,,. ."-Roundup' 0 -Scandinavia , n:oo-Mllsi,al Vay !l:15-Eoncs of yJr ; ll:31-MPSK!le p . tn:4r,-Fun,)U.sVoiJ 12:00-Mid-yMc, 12:15- CBC Nws " , 12:25- Program R. Brownwoods at better than their best to grab 'the honors. The Fish Men started to roll the lasttime they met the Brown-wood crew and they haven't looked back since. Last Tuesday, minus big Angus MacPnee, the league leaders simply ran all over the smart Bo-Me-Hl team with Sonny Beynon hit- Semi-furnished suite. 1235 Park (30) HAUSEB Born to Mr. and Mrs ; PnR PT r " '. .M. C. Hauser. in the Prince ; .0 room rjom Rupert General Hospital, i nvt Thursday. February 3. 1949. a SATURDAY -P.M. 4:S0 Here's to Romance 5:00 Sh?ing Strings 5:15 Am.ouncers Choice 5:30 Top Bunds 5:45 SporU College 6:00 CBC KEWS 6:05 Recordtl Interlude . 6:15 Latin American Rhythm 6:30 flood Maic by Goodman 6:45 Perry ConiO 7:00 Saturday Night Serenade 7:30 Organ Muslt 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Date With Music 8:45 Dancing Time 9:00 Chamber Music 9:30 Pacific Pianoforte 10:00 CBC NEWS 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Ballet of the Bees 10:30 Dal Richards Oreh. 11:00 Weather and Sitin Ol:. 4. San Francisco 2. Oakland daughter. Jean Elizabeth. oBth fqr RENT New fully modern Me-Hi, Miller Bay and Doms. February 15 Kinsmen an North Star, High School an Peoples, High' School an Stones, Savoy and Co-op. bold headlines "Johnny Coma-dina Shows A. Bill Who Rules Basketball Courts," Is I think unfair, particularly to Alex Bill, whose team was penalized because he took exception to the three roomed apartment, doing: well. eauioned with electric stove IX MEMRIAM STRENGTH WITH AGE Concrete is the only structur- and refrigerator. Down town location. References required. Aooiv Room 3. Stone Building, his stride and doing a lot referee"s rieeision. in which a!.i ,,tii,il th.it under proper , ting al mill, - , JVint nhone Red 593 during offcie prows 01 damage, ui i.umsc, uu of moisture, great many patrons of the game j eondiuons hours. (ti) February 19 North Star and High School, Peoples and Doms, Co-op and Bo-Me-Hi, Merchants and Morgans. February 22 Kinsmen and I stronger with age. i House. Lindsay chap had to have his twenty odd points too, which helped the Students little. FOR RENT 4 Room Phone Green 751. (301 Rupert Hotel, High School and. WANTED disagreed also, In no uncertain terms. To be ordered to leave his place with his team for such a trivial offense, if indeed offense it was, would be accepted by WANTED- Car batteries, car Not since the days of Bob Miller Bay, Fashion and High School, Savoy and Brownwoods. February 26 High School and riidintors. brass and cooper; li 0,J -. Farm B:k 12:55 -- Rwirtled L-; 1:00- Conc.-t Hum' 1:30-Bcrnie Brarir Story 1:45 Commentary t on House k. 2:IH Srhoull 2:30- -MuMcal Pr08n. 2:45 Don M.:,,er Kl Islanders Sankey, Paul Brentzen, Dave I Musgrave etc.', has Port Simp paving good pi ices. See B.C. FURNITUHE CO.. Black 324. Merch- niany spirited men as an invl- Kinsmen, Fashion and In loving memory of Gertrude I Helgerson who passed away February 7th, 1947. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day. Remembering keeps her near. ' ' Ever remembered by her loving husband Everett. Harold and Joyce. Cora and Cecil in Brandon. Man., Leslie and grandchildren. FOR SAKE FOR SALE Kitchen Wood and Coal Stove, good condition. $50.00. Phone Blue 84. i34 FOR SALE 1941 Chrysler WnuU isor 4 door Sedan and uuui drive. With Automatic Transmission Privately owned. . Price $1800.00 for quick sale. Phone Red 154. (31) WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 room unfurnished house or apartment. Phone Green 823. (32) SUNDAY A.M. 8:30 Sunday Morning Rental 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Memo From Lake Success 9:30 Harmony Harbor 9:59 Time Signal son been considered a serious challenger in senior circles un-til they took a g'ame from Sa- 1 voys," one of our senior con-1 tenders in the city league. Justj one week previous to the Savoy 1 loss, the leaders of our inter- mediate section also took a. - ... i !:f If.,. ?jr Hi - - i tation to combat. Mr. Bill rightly declined to be publicly humiliated in such a manner and exhibited exceptional self-restraint under the circum-s lances. f Both Comadina and Bill have contributed freely to the game, but I do think Comadina was W ANTED Board and Room for single gentleman, central locution yirelerred. Phone 340. P.O. Box 1338. 31l ants, Bo-Me-Hi and Savoy, Doms and High School. March 1 Rupert Hotel and North Star, Miller Bay and Peoples, Morgans and Stoiirs, Brownwoods and Co-op. March 5 North Star and Kinsmen, Peoples and High School, Co-op and Savoy, Merchants and High School. March 8 High School and Rupert Hotel, Doms and Miller Bay, Stones and Fashion, Bo-Me-Hi and Brownwoods. HELP WANTED 0:09 BX:. Gardener whipping at the neighboring ; 10.i5jJgt Mary Tor BICl.AI FO M!GP SA.rtCATvjt)S . CP I of the sou'.h slt river n-cently by tu,,' in this cr.y t.li J; tins out the vtsni water near the p,JWt. FOR SALE Two cook raniios, going beyond, the bounds of good sportsmanship, if not beyond his authority, in ordering Mr. i village. Now all this may not 10;30 Way o tne Spirit mean a groat deal to some of , ji:ooCBC News us but it does to the people of j, ;03capitol Reports-Ott. Port Simpson. They worked on j:jo Regions Period. Tor. Don Forward until he said J2:00 N.Y. Philharmonic Orch. BOYS WANTED The waiting list for Daily News delivery bovs is open. Suitable boys wishing routes should leave their names at the office, tf YOUNG MANTaged 17 to 20, bv retail hardware store. An excellent opportunity to learn a good business if ambitious and not afraid of work. Apply in writing to Box 486, Daily News, giving references. (30) WORK WANTED one oil, other coal and wood. Green 828. 33 , FOR SALE '37 Pontiac. good running condition. Owner "' must sacrifice, leaving town.; Blue 113 evenings. i3iit FOR BALE Violin and case at . reasonable price. Black 718. 1 uncle and granted them next Bill to vacate his seat. " The offense, if any, was surely not deserving of stich treatment as was the conduct of Co-op's Dom-inato in throwing one of the BOAT 0W Tuesday night at his emporium. The nii;ht might easily be call-. ed Port Simpson night as there! will be no less than three teams All --FO RSALE New radio cabinet combination, reasonable. 39-40 Dodge Panel, very good. ' Black 686. write Box 1553. 1 32 LADIES 'B' BOWLS LEAGUE SCHEDULE Feb. 8 Rosa Lees vj. Belmont: Miller "Bay vs. Busy Bees; Noble & Wick vs. Boosters; Big Si.sten, vs. Stars; Toilers vs. Brown school boys to the floor. Dominate was not ordered from the floor but played throughout the game. If this is fair play it is hard to understand. Alex Bill and his boys ate gentlemen. Mr. Bill's protest along and all out to prove they can still dee.j players up Port Simpson w.y. According to Herb Morgan Savov captain, the team that WORK WANTED Young man requires full or part time position. Some bookkeeping experience and knowledge of stores and payroll work. Box 482. Daily News. (30) PERSONAL FOR SALE Canner and pressure cooker with 3 pots. Complete, $J0.O0. 817 9th Ave. W. evenings. 3 1 4 "" - lihpit. his club w ill beat every t -j tf. . t-' V " , 1 team around here save Co-op i 'J f.nrt the Pish Men would have 1:30 -Church of the Air 2:00 Musical Program 1:30 Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra 3:25 CBC News 1:27 Weather Forecast 8:38-Bungs & Singers 4:00 Week-End Review 4:15 John Fisher 4:30-Strings for Sunday 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Stings, Tor. 6:30 Familiar Music 7:00 8tage 49 8:00 Musical Program 8:30 Critically Bpeaking 9:00 Classics lor Today 9:30 Vesper" Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Canadian Status J0:30 Prelude to Midnight 11:00 Weather and Sign Oft 1 I CHAItT YOllr for :a Vj t to travel to win. Ail tnis sounas PERSONA LDRUG SUNDRIES (rubber goods 1 twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, catalogue included. General Novelty Co., . Dept. PR', 71 Major St., Toronto. Out. (50) woods. Feb. 15 Rosa Lees vs. Brownwoods; Miller Bay vs. Boosters; Toilers vs. Stars; Busy Sees vs Belmont; Noble & Wick vs. Big Sisters. Feb. 22 Toilers vs. Noble & Wick; Busy Bees vs. Rosa Lees; Big Sisters Vs. Belmont; Boosters vs. Brownwoods: Miller Bay vs. FOR SALE Model A Coupe in good condition. Phone Black 8i0. (32 FOR SALE Furniture. Hardware and Office Fixtures, ysed Typewriters. Underwoods in best condition. Office 1 ' Chairs, 3-piece Chesterfield, Stoves for wood and coal, Electric Ranges, Slightly Used Radios. Electric and Battery IjiMI' iriS j 1 , i- lui-iiituiu mi. ! however and, if Simpson viiu THOM M was, I believe, the first protest against the referees' decision by him or any member of his tear and his treatment for it leads one to wonder what his penalty would have been had he protested against Dominato's behaviour. Without patrons, basketball will fail. The patrons want clean sport and fair play. I Bo-Me-Hi can afford to lose METALSSK the senior game Tuesday, therf will be many surprised fans at the game. DRESSMAKING DONE Phone Black 990. 140 9lh East. (31 "schools and" colleges Sets, New Cups and Saucers, " Congoleum Squares, Hot when your cra!. Ta.T 4i, Muffler, U or any oilier ! Stars. MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMP George "Rockabye" Ross. 24-year old farm boy from West Bay Road, N.S., who is Canadian middleweight title holder, is undefeated in 34 professional bouts in Canada and the New England states. He turned pro after winning the CIVIL SERVICE Plates, Pressing Irons and March 1 Big Sisters vs. Miller the game, They have retained Tonsters Also other house-1 t,t-.t, ,.,,, j hold useful articles See B.C Soring Examinations. Write M.i " ""'.,uitu aigimy ana enjoy me re- PHONED FURNITURE CO. Black 324. (tf) c.u. scnooi. sui Enaerton oiownwoous vs. cusy tsees; kosu spect of basketball s patrons. Can Co-op afford to accept oiuK.. viuniireR, nees vs. loners; stars vs. Noble METAL WORK I & Wick. 253 EAST FIRST MONDAI A.M. I Ted Milton sends along a very ! complete report on Lis Vancou-! ver Arrows team thut will play ! here next Wednesday and ; Thursday, and, if anything, it j looks as though he is bringing along a better cl.ib than last year. The vital statistics of the entire ciub wii. appear In a later issue of this newspaper. (Coni'.iuec on Page Six) -Musical Clock 7:00 March 8 Busy Bees vs. Stars; PLUMBINO Installations and credit for their game by default, Cape Breton Golden Gloves in should it be the deciding factor December 1945. In his most rein placing them in first place in cent bout he flattened fellow-the league? i -Cape Bretoner Joe Pyle of Yours for fair play, j New Waterford in three M. M. STEPHENS. 1 rounds. (CP Photo Repairs. SHEET M E T A J. Toilers vs. Miller Bay; Belmont WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-!vs Noble & Wick- ontpr! s' ,e WicK' K00slels v: vs-Sixth inn. Letounau & Sons. t29 1 , West. Phone 543 (tf) Rosa Lees; Big Sisters vs. Brown- SALES HELP WANTED I woods-.4.rt,,rra P,r r,r March 15-Miller Bay vs. Noble. II ''( we I rTTNKFRviCEL T FOB SALE Vacuum Cleaner, good o.onditfon. Also 2 lots on Ambrose Ave. facing Dry Dock. Phone Red 716. 1301 FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received ov the undersigned at the Court House. Prince Ruoert. no to noon of Tuesday. February 22. for the purchase of a building known as Fraser Hotel, situated on Lot 40. Block 6. Subd. DL. 4044. Plan 1251, Cassiar District. All bids should be accompanied by a certified chcciue or money order for the full amount of the tender. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Strictly Cash. Upset price $200. Sale of the building is subiect to its removal from t.hp sit POfalTION - New Patented I & Wlck; Brownwoods vs. Stars; Tool multiplies man's strength Boosters vs. Busy Bees; Big Sis-31 times. 2-minute demonstra- , ters vs. Rosa Lees; Toilers vs. Belmont, to it i w- the lusr.'' ments ol ve a mamiain ir'? thi.s pur.: c advie i: what are reo-'-r- ' your car n. tion. roads, transports, public works, shops, lactones, police, March 22 Busy Bees vs. Big highway departments, far Sisters; Boosters vs. Toilers; Rosa Lees vs. Stars; Noble & Wick vs. Brownwoods; Belmont Gob h mers. Every auto, bus, truck or streetcar should carry one. Lieht, compact, low priced. Look at earnings one month Maurice, $4500; Ruffo. $1880; McElhaney, $450: Brown, $556, spare" time. Grab your territory now or wish you had. Pafcoseal Co. Ltd., Cornwall, 7, Ontario. (Hi vs. Miller Bay. March 29 Tollers vs. Busy Bees; Big Sister's vs. Boosters; Miller Bay vs. Brownwoods; Belmont vs. Stars; Rosa Lees vs. Noble & Wick. . UPTOWN SERVICE STf " within six months from the date of sale. The said site is to be left in clean, sale and s;iui-tary conditions. G. F. FORBES. Government, A'.ont, Court House, Prince Rupert, BO (30) m MACHINERY I'Olv SALE 2nd and McRride OR fO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National The ht$M2htL Tactile Hospital is perfectly brewed Purion ; 'Ale m i i :"'v NEW USE FOR TELEVISION CAMBRIDG7, Eng., ,0i Television is being used in Britain to help prevent road accidents. Traffic at a busy intersection was televised to audiences Portable Sawmills manulac lured bv National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver, BC (tf) HEW ROYAL HOTEL TARTANS AGAIN POPULAR uhi!e a poHw orficer comment. CALl YvB HOMES VUR SALE 7 with 4 rooms (priced from $1900-$2700). 2 with 5 roms (Priced from $2800-84500 1. 3 with 6 rooms (Priced from $3300-810.000). All these homes are modern and occupancy can be had immediately in most cases. Before you build or buy check our pin point map of the city showing property for sale. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 Eves. Green ;)7 LODOM rnrtans never, etl 0 vvhat s4K)llld or shou(1 not "o completely out of fashion; be done t0 prevent accidents, but this year they promise to the finest ot ffaeafes r.msu tkow SKRVIO . aw b.l Si! A Rome Away From Horn SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 291 P.O. Box 11W dented since Queen Victoria dressed her children in the Balmoral tartan. The MacBeth, Royal Stewart, Hunting Stewart and Buchanan tartans are SAAN1C1 Plnri 7 "IIAVF. A C tSr. IIASDY AT ill TlMl V 'J TOT1 A CLAh,ii"IED AD! It's the TRex Caie ... for Tasty leal" Chop Suey Chowih'in FOR SALE Cnenllit Bedspreads $4.99 ea. At wholesale price, first quality beautiful Chen-illes, well tufted, in all colors, for double or single beds $4.99 ... each. Full 90x100 spreads with basket of flowers design, completely covered with Chenille for $8.98. Also Habitant hand-hooked rugs 18"x36," well , made, 3 for $4.00. These articles retail at double the price. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. - Money Immediately refunded If not satisfied. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke p Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public. Saturday and Sunday afternoons andevenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday evenings after 9 o'clock. Chinese Dish a Specialty Second Avemie oppos Prince R"pPrt Hj" 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for 0u'' NOTICE The Daily News wishes to draw attention to the ru: that' classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the office at, time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in thf Daily News are asked to assist the effice and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified t. west, Montreal, Que. S V FR SALE 5 room and bath ofTun Ave WPSt Hnl n.gli V,Mi. LIMITED iiui I r -j - - - mm w W ed. Apply Prince Rupert Realty Co. Evenings Green 291. (31) FOR SALE Small 4 Wartime . House, excellent condition, . view lot. Priced for quick sale. . Apply 1381 Overlook St. (Hi FOR SALE Electric Raneette, like new, also small bullet, 1381 Overlook Street. tfi . PRESCRWTION CHEMISTS ' f TO ct. nprir.nvs 9 A.M. WE PPPE OF THE PACFW WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 . nnl rQi' SUNDAYS AND t)UWio-ii P.M. TO 9 PM. joun h. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Lid. Third Avenue Emergency till" FOR SALE 28 ft. Troller 'Doxy' $1200. At Co-op Cold Storage Floats. (35) . FOR SALE New roll-away bed, $15. Apply Suite 1, Wallace Block. (it) Approximately 70 per cent of Canada's fishery products go j lor export. I from 7 pm Dally car delivery"1" from 9 .m. till P-"- and SunW VANCOUVER . NEW WESTMINSTER . VICTORIA Thii jdvertitrment it not published or displayed by trie Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia PHONE 81