V, V nr A i I "r Ptinte Uupctt DiflpA'ttof Saturday, February 5, A SI . . . DCAU I 7 rf i s : UTILITY . . . . ... ECONOMY LEGION LADIES PLAN SEWING BEE lll'-'illiiillliilil!!!'!!!!!1!' 1 n-""a"'1"""1 1 Wfjr- J ,i WITH Lombarfs JiYLVAPLY WEATHERBOARD lliu knrssis ot this Douglas Fir Plywo odin stuck His from i'i to 40 It-el available fur early delivery ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. L LUMIiER liUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 116 Spring Suit SAMPLES Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary plans to form four sewing groups throughout the city to provide material for the organization's spring sale whicS is being planned. The idea was suggested at the monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary Friday . afternoon. Following a report by the entertainment committee, plans were laid for the annual banquet., A card party also will be held in the near future. Three new members were approved. They were Mrs. Thomas Crowe, Mrs. W. A. Speers and Mrs. R. J. Paulis. Letters of thanks for various contributions were received from Miller Bay Hospital, Tranquille Sanitarium and the Wilkins family. TRAIN SCHEDULE CONRAD P.-T.A. ASKS LARGER PLAYGROUNDS A proposal to enlarge the inadequate playground space at Conrad Street elementary school by the addluon of four lots on Ninth Avenue was placed before the School Board last night by a delegation from Conrad Street Parent-Teachers' Association. The delegation, consisting of Robert Ferguson and Martin F. Stuart, asked the board to Place in Its estimates the amount of about' $725 to cover the cost of purchasing the land and preparing It for playground use. Assessed value of the city-owned lots, they said, Is $375 and estimated cost of putting in shape for playground use would be not more than $350. The four lots are directly across Ninth Avenue from the school site and have been used as a sandpit, by the city. Cost of claiming the land for playground use would Include construction of a retaining wall to hold back two excavated sides. Two of the lots nearest the corner of Ninth Avenue and Conrad Street have been owned by the city for many years and used as a sand pit. The other two were bought a couple of years ago and put to similar use. The maximum amount MANPOWER Topham, a profes-ong man, could lift over gates, crush a iiikard In his baiu 1 crack a coconut Fur the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. ii.s head. i it in Til'- News. AIR PASSENGERS I 1 1 SEAT OF GOVERNMENT This is the Colonial Building at St. John's. Newfoundland When I," t resPonsll3le(VPrm:"t " was the House of w,Vly. Government offices occupied the h building u- during the era of commission government and it was here the national convention was held to decide tlfb future course of events on the island. It will likely be the site of the provincial legislature after confederation. (Cp pnoto, - To Vancouver T. Grove, G. Dybhavn, Alex Mitchell, R. V. Kreitz. To Sandspit J, Karkle. From Vancouver R. Steen. G. A. Rorvik, Mr. and Mrs. E. Snidal, Miss V. Knutsen. From Sandspit A. Locdi News Items'. . . A wide variety of pure wool imported cloths to choose from Soft West of England fabrics and hard finished Worsteds Homespuns Scotch Tweeds and Twists in patterns selected by experts. Specialists in Hand Needled and Bench Made Clothing, Lom-bardi's Suits are made to your individual measurements and guaranteed to fit. Benefactor Is Convict NEW YORK -been expressed - Surprise has by the Salva- Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday 'night at 8:30. (HI Cash for old gold. Bulger's George Dybhavn left today by air on a business trip to or sand which could be got from the area has almost all tion Army here that the man who sponsored a $100 plate dinner in a campaign for funds was an admitted gambler, ex-convict and ex-bootlegger. NOTICE I will not be responsible for debts incurred by anyone other than myself. (It) TONY RICHARDS. been taken without damage to Alex Mitchell left this after- adjoining property. "s uu " a onel Dslness ATTENTION! Ruminate Sale 1 , Mr. Ferguson said that he trip to Vancouver. He expects at Moose Temple, Feb. 4, 2 p.m to return Monday. Regular Moose STARTS to work in 2 seconds Tuesday. Accounts totalling $15,460 for mi Meeting, February sharp. Explains Increase In Living Index OTTAWA Explaining the increase in the cost of living in 8, 8 p.m. j January and $43 for December ,31, j were approved for payment by I the School Board at its monthly SfSPjihmMi HEX recalled that at the time the latter two lots were purchased they had been earmarked by council for eventual playground use. The four lots lie on the opposite side of Ninth Avenue to the Conrad School site but Mr. Ferguson said that at that point Ninth" Avenue is rarely used and, could in effect be considered part of the enlarged playground space although it might never be formally made part of Mrs. Morjuin left on this eve- j meeting last night, ning's train for Burns Lake to I in dex as between December 1 and i I & 1-V January 1, the Dominion Bureau mm join ner nusoand who is in business there. of Statistics said it was due to J Vernon Kreitz returned to his I home in Poruand bv today's i Highly enjoyable was a whist1 Plane after having been here 12 tuMets . . . 1 ef HUINI ASPItlN II 1 IS MARKED x- increases for medical care, fuel and laundry. Food index was compiled only annually and this January showed an Increase over last. ! party and hard times dance by Ior lne Pasl weeK io"wlns e 54 laWfAs . 2,c mmmmmmmm the Sons of Norway Lodge last 1 dealn oi his grandmother, the night. There will be no card!late Mrs- NelUe Beveridge. it. party and dance tonight by the Addition of the four lots would enlarge the playground ' Lodge Miss Margaret Sutherland, who lived In Prince Rupert as a girl and is now in training for a by an area of 85 by 100 feet Sgt. Leonard Hagg of the .3 left on last night's train for j spending a holiday here visiting Ottawa for special duty with! with Miss Frances Webber, the Army. He will be away sev-i FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM HISTORIC TuWEit - An outstanding landmark in the St. and give a 400 by 100 foot playground, In all. Both Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Stuart deplored the lack of playgrounds In the city's east end. School Board Clibirman Dr. R. G. Large Informed the dele eral weeks. Cash for Old Gold, Diamonds etc. at Manson's Jewellers. fen's are f Newfoundland is Cabot Tower on Signal Hill. It ftlcoks the ci,ii-nut' to the harbor and is closely associated uuiy with Newfoundland history but also with world hl.s- A picture of Bill, Vy.sc, recovering in the Prince Rupert Hospital from the effects rv It was here Marconi received the first frans-Atlantlc wire? I 1 gation that the natter would iiu vage. (CP Photo) be taken under advisement in : of a" accident, appears in a preparation of the budget. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" mi win mi llr HOTEL ARRIVALS Rev. M. A. Stevens, of Bed-, ford, Quebec, and his wife and four children are expected to arrive in the city by train this weckrend bound for' Ocean Falls where Mr. Bedford will assume the vicarsiiip of the' Anglican Church. Bedford is in the Diocese of Montreal. Mr. Stevens will replace Rev. Arthur Lord, who left at the end of January. If train service permits, Mr. Stevens will be guest preacher at St. Andrewis Cathedral Sunday evening. Sweet Six (con's Now Spring Slock is bound to do just that I . . . Gabardine Suits . . . Gabardine Coats . . . Shortie Coats . . . Jersey Dresses Slacks, Gabardine, Fine Wool Blouses, to go with the costumes - i. Just Arrived ! ! CHINA CABINETS in popular waterfall design with sliding plate glass doors and roomy linen drawer Price $St!.50 Phone 775 327 3rd Ave. Vancouver daily. Mr. Vyse while logging, had a log roll on his leg and it was a week before he was able to receive hospital treatment. v Bernard Allen, British Columbia manager of Canadian National Railways, and Mrs. Allen, who arrived in the city by train this afternoon from the interior, will leave at the first of the week by boat for Vancouver. Mr. Allen has been on a trip over the line on official duties, C. A. Berner; divisional superintendent, came in with him. Prinre Rupert J. Major, Vancouver; O. Morgan, Vancouver; G. A. Gros-venor, city; R. J. Kean, city; B. H. MacDonald, Vancouver; Mr. s Fancy anls that will please your true luve Funny its thai uill tickle a friend's sense uf humur. Cutout hooks for the chlidrcn who like to make 4heir n Valentines. I GET YOUR VALENTINE SUPPLIES AT j and Mrs. W. C. Hudson, Porcher Island. Valentine Sweet Sixteen's Personalized BUDGET PLAN is designed for your convenience. No Interest N6 Carrying Charges. irW Wrii W5 anay J U CAJ .vz ANNE'S Deluxe Delivery PROMPT? YES SIR! FAST? YOU BET! COURTEOUS? YES MA'AM! PHONE 383 Wc Ruy and Collect Bottles 210 FOURTH STREET i-ve. W. Phone lied 400 Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. 3ox 510 Tel. 777 Flowers ior All Occasions PILES We like to get this tvpc of letter. Mr. O. A. Hackctt of Wey-burn, writes: "I had lost faith in anv medicine lor pdes and tried vour Pyltone as a last chance. Again manv thanks. This time I know I'm O.K. again, etc." Hundreds of unsolicited letters .should be convincing as all were from people discouraged until they found the new Pyltone Treatment. Gets results, or a monev back guarantee. Get Pyltone and get results. $1.75 at all modern druggists. Announcements All dYerti!ieni " tnn column will be churned for t ill mouth t SS Mnla word W ANTED I I U hons Will. ACCEPTED ()U TnB FOLLOW-" HiMTKiNs 1011 1010: City Merchants City merchants are askeu In future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m, of the day previous to their publication. Tills co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the t camp managers )0 AT CREWS ONE SKIPPER J. n.AFSF.N & SON CHILDREN'S PHOTO SPECIAL!! ONE DOZEN PORTRAITS FOR $10.00 "For Appointment Call at Chandler & Cowgill 216 4lh Street Green 38') T.S.5. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at .11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN . WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING. regular hour tor publication. RUPERT MARINE REALTY GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS J Prinec Kuperl, B.C. OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME STATIONERY SEE 50PRACTOR! Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E. Valentine Tea at Mrs. O. G. Withers, 715 5tlV Ave. We., Feb, 10. Cribbage. Whist, Bridge at Catholic. School Hall. Feb. 10, 8 p.m. Lutheran Church Valentine Tea and Home Cooking, Feb. 12. SPORTSMAN'S NEWS Annual Game Dinner, Feb. 1G, 1949. The United Church Valentine T..u nt. ihc home of Mrs. A. J. IHIih Printing Co. Commodore Cafe ""V Uuclies, DC, Pli.t Fur Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Moving, Piickinfr, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call , Lindsay's Cartasrc lSesner Block Phone 231 I!cmht lilock P!l" 1H.FK 413 fur I'VpoinliiiHit i:)0 nn its "', Vi:m p.m. una For , r,-,'. & Storage Limited - r p.m. ' M MN;s ''I 1-! Iihiv 1 -in ... &r. 2nd and Park Avenues M (W00DB0SS) life',1',',.'" ' " "'mi' ''ii'tnv: (iiiiinv: -Established 1910 tin "''oNiii-r In Htir.ul- OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE in the WOODS You Can't Beat the I'lioncs GO and 68 VANCOUVFR VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.in.t Caniosuu Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlain ALICE ARM, STEWART AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QI'F.EN . , CHARLOTTE ISLANDS n.s. Coquitlain, Jan. 28, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Fvcr" Best Food and Service tn City Vhone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. BAPTCNE 'Donilnato, Feb. 17. Canadian Club Public Meeting, February 23. Minstrel Show, Prince Rupert Rotary Club, Feb. 17 and 18. Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, I.O.D.E., Tea und Home Cooking, March 10. March 17, Tea, Catholic Hall. Presbyterian Tea, Church Hail March 24. ' Orange Spring Sale, April 13. 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian "Spring S a 1 e, April 21. . The United Church Spring Sale, May 5. St. Peter's Bazaar, May 12. I JHE Wnivnr P. M. WOODBOSS IPower Chain Saw with 2(J-iiuh blade, $295 32-iiuh blade $313 plus Sales Tax if applicable PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 14 : rui m a number of attrailve colors, it j " s quickly with a soft flat finish. I lllll . I COTTAGE CHEESE j New Creamed Fresh Made! i VALENTIN DAIRY I v Your Daily ., j ! ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ! r, s s. Coquitlain, February 4 and 18, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 508 numbing or Healing Call SMITH & ELKIN rhone 174 Box 274 iOMPSOM HARDWAIf CO. LTD. 716 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 J