7" prince Uupctf Dailg J3fU)8 BETWEEN THE BASKETS (Continued from Page 4) There Saturday, February 5, 1919 r r day's Ludies' League. I for one am afraid she'd do a lot of damage Then we have ln the men' sec ton fellows like Sonny Stiles that used to keep smiling regardless of what opposition ho play at th... Nothins official has been let out as yet on a rumored benefit ENGLISH A6T0RS BETTER TRAINED ntre b,l(ic ,,,Rht- Ma rl C;rnet Hull. B,r ' ,nnr with a i,T hriu's. lie is the co-star of Maxwell Anderson's "Anne of the Thousand Days," a classical tragedy of the nearly thrc years that Henry the Eighth and '. the' was up against and for some u i i hoi between tne . came to be p ayed , u i-i 5-(W(S If. time aid probably until the 3Z city All-Stars and the stars of present day his record of 52 points in a single game stands. Anne Buleyn lived together s ed fniwi "U1 By GEORGE TUCKER the -"HIS I nian and wife. i,.. , nnw I UKIv (CP) In a pleas- w-,,-,!.,-, learned the business innt apartment high above Cent-!a.s a youngster travelling from ral Park, one of England's bcst'onc repertory group to another TODAY C:55 - 9:0i (known a tors leaned across In outlying dislicts, playing dif - An Island ferent leads every week for nearly four years. It was this type of schooling that produced Sir Laurence yesteryear ln both ladies ana men's classes. Sonny Stiles, Alex Mitchell, Bob Irvine, Dan Morrison and many others ate working themselves over these days trying to prove they stiTl have it in them and they're dead serious. In the ladies' section Cath Fraser, Lil Peters, Betty Lindsay and again many others, are givhi their all trying to get back into the stride they used to hit in the old City League. Many of us who. can look back a year or two would like to see Lil Peters, the formei "Bugs" Lowe, in action in to- SUNDAY MIDNITE I Olivier, Diana Wynyard, Robert Morley, Robert Donat, Sir Ced- ric Hardwicke, Michael Red liable and incidently explained jhis personal vl2wof the English I and American theatre. ! v"In England." he said, "There sre repertory theatres every-v.-here. It's like going to college. You work every day, and v.wk hard. But you L'arn to act Here in America, it's a little haphazard. You work when you can, but most of the time, you are looking for a Job." At. 40, Rex Harrison lias a rare personal acting triumph on his grave and other contemporary w. rmprs - D. BARRY JANET MARTIN in TRAIN TO ALCATRAZ VAUIi.:N ,M, 'INNER stars of the English theatre. Rex Harrison is a tall slender man with brown hair, well known to movie fans and news CIRC paper readers. After four con secutive long-run hits in Lon don and a tour of duty in the R.A.F. he went to Hollywood ROAD DISAPPEARS Land settling on Lancaster Avehue in Saint John, N.B., is creating these gaping fissures in what used to be a scenic drive bordering the city's famous reversing falls (far right). One section of the road (foreground) is 60 feet below its original level. In the left background is part of a 90-foot high cliff carved when thousands of tons of earth dropped toward the harbor basin. On the second "Island" engineers measures the sinkage. (CP Photo) three years ago. STARTS MONDAY EOIR DAYS BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES' I But the rewards of playing in Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is it the duty of the hostess to introduce each guest individually to all the others when giving a small luncheon, or allow them to fend for them i pictures are not enough for ' anyone who is lost away from ANNIVERSARY i the theatre, he says. He was not happy there, and he volun Waterfront Whiffs IS HONORED i tarily dissolved his studio affili-I ation to gamble in an unknown selves? play on Broadway. At i he dose of the weekly i " ,! 1,11 "" tu 'nil thi intriidiictloiis. i i i. i It paid off. "Leland Hayvvard came to my house one night and asked me practice rniusuay niii, uu-m-i - bers of the choir of First Pres- Q- " divorced woman does byterian Church choir honored resume her maiden name, ft GREETING to read Anderson's new play," Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Teng on the l,al"c - A. If her maiden name was HEAVY HARVEST OF FINE OILY HERRING-FLATFISH TOO AIR FORCE VESSEL HERE CORDS occasion of their thirtieth wedding anniversary. Jane Doe, and fhe married Charles Smith, she should sign said Harrison. Iti:iIK.ItS.I.S KKUAN WIXI. Rehearsals began well enough, Harrison recalled, 'but Feature event of the evening, her name "Mrs. Jane Doe which included i Jtying of games Smith." as with every play there were from the lar selection in t rint here am: Comic, senti: cupid - like c. large, me? small-sized (,-. times when everybody wanted and serving of delicious refreshments, was the presentation by Rev. George E. Sendall of a Q. If a salad fork or a dessert spoon u. tne only silver on the table, where should it be Despite tribulations caused by strong northerly winds and freezing' temperatures, the north coast herring harvest continued strongly this week with more than half the area's 30,000-ton quota having been caught off Stephens and Porcher islands. Since the week's first sets were made last Sunday to jump into the river. "I had never played a classical lead before," he went on handsome vase to Mr. and Mrs. placed? Teng. Suitable sentiments were a. To the right of the plate "When I put on all those things , the tremendous padding, the 5 Fashioned 3 : For Ral a- built-up torso, the leg casts evening, more than 16,000 tons The Royal Canadian Air Force to make me look big boned it have been seined and both com- I was awkward. He said the opening in Phila panies and fishermen are honing i , . . . ? r"" of cr in r esign, wu. to complete the quota during the next week, in order to ron-"301:1 hcre Fnilay PlcklnS UP m's" delphia was a nightmare. The expressed in the making of the presentation and by the recipients in response. Refreshments were served from a table cenlred with a large bowl of pink and white carnations and pink and whifj tapers.. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Teng, Miss Barbara Teng, Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Sendall, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, Mr. and action dragged. They called in a new' director, rearranged some centrate on the southern part' cMC0 7' property, of the fisheries district, south "loslly ai:',C,'aU moming buoys of the scenes, and everything1 of WhaiP rhannoi h. o an. Irom northern coastal points. Combination full flare 5j and belted styles with or B without hood. Sizes from 12 through 44. . Selection of prices and ! attractive winter colors. J : RUPERT PEOPLES STORE S Bot bettcr- - 000-ton quota has'been allotted. f"e ,is, b'dt "But in Philly nobodv came." isr uu ,.f ur.-. to vislt ln '""re than two I Pi n 4 m r miUI Harrison. "We played to hawo hr. wn, u (ais- fehe was nioorcd at trie i . Mvv-i iwjvuj n.u in tiic auum- , , n.Tn , Iwi r 1, n CN R. docks. J r y r "r you' er" P;irt of o district but it is do that awhile reach you a i,,i n,. :i HOLLYWOOD: V y lurn Up B('lwc herrini; and flatfish,' William Sparks. Mr. and point punn, when wm.il vou yuu can't cani en go in an- Komn tini u,ui-,m t),n ,,nv, ,n ,, , . .... - . ,.... , t .... - other step without an audi-' mere is a consiueraDie amount ,v.- uuwes, rar, anu ivus. ".days to crown the season. 'of ar.Uvit.v nt. th nLrfmn) ru-K Josruh D:-lArmn. Miss Bctlv Miss Margaret Murray, When they got to Baltimore , .7? T'Klay and PlU now. A dozen draggeis "ood Most Up-to-Dale Cat the City Open from 8 p.m. lo I . approximately wcre operating in the'straits this Miss Mdl"y Addison, John Currie, rat i We Specialize in Chinese l)ihes CHOP SUEY - CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 01 the reviewers raved But they 13 i."ns aaye rass week and their cargoes mean Jr., Clifford Knut.sen, Fred Con-reached BuUcr Cove rouZht P work for both rad.' opening night in New men and women York without the faintest idea' m from a large bociv h.sh workers hcre. This comes at' Mr- acl Mrs. Teng were mar-what to expect. Harrison said0f flsh' Thul'sday night and Fri- a time when employment Is most rletl February 3, 1919. at Sea-he played the first performance clay moinin8. the boats took appreciated, the pla'-.ts having forcl' Essex, England and came without a sensation in his body. 3,833 tons in 30 sets- n Friday, been relatively idle for most of llcrc six months later to reside "Leland Hay ward and I walk-! the boals' 82 seiners and packers, the winter. since. j . .... Icti'iimorl ii,. U.... r 11... I .'J ASTHMA ) AND HAY FEVER ( ItKliAIIIHASV OJ CANADA I l.til. VililroiiviT. IM'. I eu up uroaciway ana got the f" uric iiiei j Union steamer Coquitlani THE early papers. I imagine every- plL lwna- body but the actors stayed up' Despite clear skies, the week and celebrated. But we had to was far floln ideal for fishing. clocked here at 1 o'clock Friday j FESTIVE OCCASION afternoon with a light list ofi PENHOLD. Alta. iOP)Kverv' HEADS BOY SCOUTS-Newly elected President of t.ir Provincial Council, administrative body of The Boy Scouts Association ot British Columbia, is Ralph D. Baker of Vancouver. He succeeds Prentice Bocdel, President of Bloedel, Stewart & Welch Ltd.. who has served ln this volunteer office for two years. Skeena Construction & (alii Strong northerly winds persisted Pscngcrs and sailed at 10 one took a holiday recently in una uie eoiu weamer, oiien well msi nigni lor Masse It this town, eight miles south of below freezing, had the effect of'ad Port Clements on her bi- Red Deer. The occasion a new driving the herring deep as well weekly service to the north' water and sewer system was I!l II.DUtS AND G t:KRAL ( 'ON I ItAllub FLOOR SNDIN(i AND CABINET Wiitfc ESTIMATES FREE ON REQUEST I. O. Box 1G76 rtmi get some sleep. We had a matinee." Harrison was born at Huy-ton, a litlte Lancashire town. He is married to actress Lilli Palmer, and they hayc a son, Casey. Is Your Radio Sick?: . BRING YOUR RADIO i RADIOPHONE SET TO Ken's Radio Clinic for SATISFACTORY SERVICE Dealers for GENERAL DRY BATTERY AND WESTINGIIOUSE 718 Second Ave. Phone 53 u iiueung uie weos, maKmg '.mumus. one win leave at 10 completed Classified advertising always brings results. mm anticuit to handle. ociock bunday evening to ro- Rcduction tests show the her- turn to Vancouver. She is under ring to be of high oil content, command of Capt. Harry Mc-Preliminaiy reduction, without Lean. use of the centrifuge, which will extract an even greater quan-1 DO NOT BE COMPLACENT tity, have shown a yield of 11 ' ,,.,, , , ,Colltlnu,;d frol ? gallons of oil to the ton. The' rish are averaging about eight "rvaUve party had failed to inches in length. The whole nl(-'llUon the North Atlantic se-cateh is not being reduced in ,:"rity pact 1,10 Tl'c Spee h the Prince Rupert district. Pack- tk'bule- IIe Suitl "t . lie had ers are taking it south to Van- h1('cl Ulal a" Parties in the couver, Alert Hay, Cee Pee Cee Hou'sc c""11 llavc llnil'd on, a and other southern plants. foreign policy for this country. Seiners of eight companies Mr' pcar'son 'd Commons are active on the north ,d Ulat Canadians should support NOIV is Ihe Time... Mr. Merchant . . . are yuu couuliug shaf or are you .count in hum ARE YOU 1 1AVING SLEEPLESS NIGH WORRYING ABOU T IHE I and the fishermen have created ' 1,0 North AUanllc security pact, 1 10 pools. Returns nr. mn.,,11. not Primarily because it would dated In the pools and the total' !!''lp,'0 wagc war bul "o'-'ac The.11'1" hcIp successfully to divided amoiiK the crews. wage peace." to make changes in your refrigeration system. We will he j;lad to assist you in any improvements contemplated. Have your machine checked to see if it is in condition for the heavy work season which is ahead. SEE US FOR. YOUR REFRIGERATION REQUIREMENTS Walk-in or Hcach-in Coolers Frozen Food Cabinets Ice Cream Cabinets and Domestic Refrigerators Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. PHONE 210 or 20!) 9 two largest companies, B.C. Packers and Canadian Fishing Co., each have two pools while crews of the other companies "Fear grips the world again," said Mr. Pearson, 'the fear rising primarily out of the extension of brutal domination of rcvolu- NEED OF CASH? Why not let the Daily News help you get ! lionary Communism based on ine n.siieries protection vessel the massive and expanding mill- ir. i t , laiism of Russia." iK'vvii- mi oeen in me urea lor the last week, scouting the her- Applau.su rose when the min- THERE IS PLENTY OF CASH IN PRINCE RUPERT. ADVERTISING YOUR . VALUES IN THE DAILY NEWS iVILL BRING riiiu body for the fleet. and con-ister said that Canada was not ducting its own Investigation forja "satclite nation" but, hencc-the Department of Fisheries. I forth, would share the burdens Having- allotted a 30.000-ton ! that war creates and in efforts quota, the department's interest: l prevent wars. SILENCE IS NOT .GOLDEN. WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SB Ks not on how much has been taken from the school, but on how much is left. On this, will be advanced estimates of future herring runs. The Howie is equipped Willi a depth sounder lo measure the quantity of herring left in ,1110 sea. He suggested ' that the only reason the Conservatives refrained from comment on the North Atlantic pact was because they were playing politics wjtli international peace. This drew retorts from Progressive-Conservative members. . George Drew, Progressive-Conservative loader u;i rw.i ... n... EVERYBODY READS THE DAILY NEWS-ARE YOUR GIVING THEM STORE NEWS? LET US HELP YOU WITH OUR ADVERTISING SER'ICES! incidentally, this year has ANNOUNCING . . . Re-OPENING rsi 5! s i; ssmis COFFEE SHOP 351 West Third COMPLETELY RENOVATED AND REFURNISHED BETTER THAN EVER Downy-FIakc Do-Nuts Our Specialty been a good one for the herring House when Mr. Pearson spoke industry. The fleet had the best but last night he said that the PHCNE 98 prc-Christnias season of any Progressive - Conservative stand The EDanlly News AnviirnsiNC DKI'AKTJ" year in history, catching more than llG.OOO tons, mainly oH the west coast of Vancouver Island. If the northern quotas are filled, the season will exceed the record set in 1947-48 when more than 160,000 tons were produced. on the Atlantic pad would be made known when legislation came before the House. Quebec members of the Progressive-Conservative party are said to be lukewarm about the Atlantic pact. Bllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli nm' rTCami, i , , ....Wy- "