Steamship Movement! Saturday, February 5, lS-9 Philpott, Evitt and Co. Ltd. For Vanrnutet Sunday rs. Coquitlam, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1M p.m. Thursday-,. Prince Rupert. 11:15 p.m. Feb. 3, 14 anri 24 ss. Princess 30 MILLION A DAY Thirty mi3ion postage stamf have to be printed every day t, keep up with sales and provid stocks for Britain's Pol, Qflic Can Supply You With LADIES' BOWLS "A" SCHEDULE February 7 DeJong's vs Orange, Savoy's vs. Westview. Matron's vs. G. & A.; Variety vs. Taft & Oduwes Annettes vs. Scuby's. February 14 Savoy's vs. Taft & Odowes, G. & A. vs. Variety JV1BER Including Fir, Cedar, etc FLOORING In Fir or Hemlock ---..-.- ' - I ' t , . W'-W- " '--mm4 I - ? " - - " - , " Norah, a.m. j I rum Vancouver, Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.m Wednesday ss Prince George 10 a.m. , Friday-rfs. Coquitlam, l p.m F:b. D and 19 ss. Princes Norah, a.m. lor Alice hrm and Stewart Sunday-ss. Camosun, 11 p.m From Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday .ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls it . z Scuby's vs. Malison's; Annette? vs. Orange, DcJono,'s vs. West-view. February 21 -Variety vs. Man-son's, Orange vs. Scuby's, Dc-Jong's vs. Taft & Odowes; West-view vs. Annettes, Savoy's v? G. & A. SIDING All Types SASH and DOOR ' and Famous FOOTHILLS ALBERTA COAL in all sizes PHONE C51 Wednesday ss. Prince Ruper. io a.m. Feb. 9 and 19 -ss. Princess OLD SETTLEMENT Trinity, 1G5 miles by railway from St. John's on Trinity Bay, Is one of the, oldest settlements in Newfoundland. First settled toward the end of the 16th century, its population today is only 800. It is considered one of the most beautiful places in Newfoundland. Norah, a.m. For Ocean FsEr Thursday ss. Prince Ttupcrt, 11:15 p.m. MEN'S TWEED TOPCOATS Reg. to $25 NOW $15 iMEN'S ALL WOOL YARN WED WORSTED SUITS Sizes. 42 to 46, Reg. to $G0NOW ... $45.50 Men's GABARDINE COATS English make, Fully lined sizes 36 to 44 Reg. $27.50 NOW' .... $29 MEN'S ALL WOOL PIXL-VRR SWEATERS, WafHc Stitch, Special $3.5 MEN'S DRESS PANTS, Worsteds, Tweeds & Gabardines from $4.75 MEN'S WORK PANTS; Cotton Cotton Worsted; perfect fit, a large assortment Price from : . $2.98 RELIEF February 23 Orange v?. Malison's, Taft & Odowes vs Annettes, DeJong's vs. G. & A.; Varkfly vs. Savoy's, Westview VS. RiMihv's March 7 G. & A. vs Anrwtte Variety vs. DeJung's, Savoy's Vf Scuby's; Taft & Odowes vs. Manson's, Orange vs. Westview March 14 DeJong's vs. Savoy's, Scuby's vs. G. & A.; Annettes vs. Variety; Manson's vs. reDruary 3, 11 ana 24 ss. Prinoess Noruh, p.m. HOW CAN 1 ? By ANNE ASHLEY makes an entrance, jvist what j particular door will be her exit of fstaqe. ernl secretary, at a meeting last night. The situation has resulted In a decision by the B.C. Teachers' Federation executive to establish an emergency welfare fund. B.C. teachers will br tusked to contribute $.150 a month for thive monNis. FAMOUS ACTRESS IS VERSATILE Fr Alaska Wednesday ss. Jrincc Rupert mitiniRiit. Her audiences, such as those j fACHERS t of superannuated i, 3fl per cent of whom receiving led thait $40 ,it:i. was made known lu Q. How can I test the heat of an iron? Westview, Orun;;e vs. Taft ; Odowes. wnich have been delighted by i her pert antics in "Inside U.S. A.," have not' beca paiUcuIar!' curious about her exits. They have demonstrated for months that they want her to stay tio.i tiMS been tsken pending further representations at Tic-toria. Part of lte fund will be l.sed to help pi actisins teachers By MARK BARRON NEW YORK, (AP) Beatrice Lillie is a skilled artist of the Broadway and London theatres who seldom knows, when she f the rnnce j.niperi Representations on behalf ol j these pensioners were made by j the Federation to .provincial j authorities last May fit no ac- v A. One good way is to fold b newspaper and sprinkle a little salt on it. In this way an iron can be tested and cleaned at the same time. Don't use the ironing board cover to test the heat, or it will soon be scorched BOYS' SHIRTS for School Teachers' Association o-,..:',:, British Colum- who are In neea as a Tesult of March 21 Variety vs. Scuby's, G. & A. vs. Orange, Westview vs Taft & Odowes; Annettes vs. Savoy's, DeJong's vs. Manson's. March 28 Westview vs. G. & A., Taft & Odowes i. Scuby's. Variety vs. Orange'; Savoy's vs Manson's, DeJong's vs. Federation yeiv-:, tion 'us taken. Immediate ac- lengthy Illness. Aside from the theatre, Miss Lillie said the other I day, he made one enl ranee that led her to a door to another and dress. .. $1.25 to $1.75 BOYS' SWEATERS, assorted styles and low in price From '$1.25 BOYS' RUBBER LACE BOOTS. NOW $l!95 BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS & DRESS OXFORDS, Best Quality at Reduced. Prices Cliurchl reer, entirely apart from her vices m Set and ruined.' Q. How can I prevent the canary from spattering seed all over the floor when feeding? A. Make a cheesecloth bar with an elastic and pull this lover the bottom of .the cage just covering the feed cups. Q How can I prevent the shells of eggs . from cracking jWhen boiling them? years of theatrical triumphs. 1 She's a portrait painter, "ahii I ! a very, very good one, too," she admits without urging. "In my house in London," she i '.id, "I had some trouble wilii ihe door knobs on the doors of j several rooms. So I went to a hardware store. IRECTORY j SATURDAY SERMON 4 t NOW AVAILABLE NOTABLE GESTURE KARACHI. Pakistan, . N. Gopala.swamy, leader of the Indian delegation to the inter-Dominion conference here to settle questions outstanding between India and Pakistan, recently placed a wreath on the grave of Mahommed AU Jinnah, founder , of this Moslem-led Dominion. . .. U kLt. A.' 1 I I SUCCESSFUL CHRISTIAN. LIFE i a. This will not happen if i the eggs are dipped into cold water immediately before put ?jn nil (MHrnii- mi ii .iii. pin.: Minihiy M hmil lit f ll ;IH hlMIHII. N (Mill llll l. J, W ot Dunsinulr St. M)minunUni H A.m. t iv school 2 00 p m. (By Rev. F. Antrobus, First Baptist tinurch) J First I'rcsbj terian Church There are two classes of persons who start .out in j F0"1" Avenue East rV,r;..H'..n Wn.linco Kn woU o Am.10ta ,nvJ Minister: R"V. G. E. Sffidall i I couldn't find any of the I iron door knobs which have im- t-'v-iuns of pictures on them as I if they had been carved. But, Z ting them into the boiling water. S ProeKter U.A.. a u. Hector: (Rlu -4iol -foili!! rf if orv"l tVircn i'V- wi n 1. a o "yvi klit a ciia. iitn laauic nivi"- ihciac v-wiiipin-c ruv- rjirector Mrs. E J. B A., B D. of of Music: Music: Smith lit T lUI'TIST v.- K Ht Young fit cess ot it. is it possible to point out a plain pathway j in which anyone who will can walk .and following i Fr-U Antj-obus (Grwn 8121 ; did linci some door knobs with a ! i smooth, white enamel surface ' The hardware man told me that some of his customers painted pictures on them. 1 bought some paints, bought a book on how to j: Kaien Co-Op COVER YOUR FLOORS NOW! OFf ALL FLOOR COVERINGS INLA1DS OONCOLEUM REXOLEUM BAROLF.L'M j which will make success absolutely sure? I believe m ; the Scriptures wt hat the i l Simple instructions which will1 with half their heart and part I make success in the Christian 0f themselves and their possess- life sure. jions. It is a wretched life of t ,$-T I'Kl snVTI RIAN nth Avrnue Ea-st i:cf Hi v Owitko E. Senrtall I (OrffD Btei I I Ili-T I Mil II t Hi tilh A vi' West " r: K. A Wilwin. M A. (Given 613) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 11:00 a.m. "Order Out of Chaos." Junior Anthem: "Birds Are Singing." 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. "Mystery and Meaning." Anthem: "Seek "Ye the Lord." LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND, WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL be an artist and started to paint. I . "I thought I was pretty fioo.'i, ' so 'I got some canvas, an easel and went to work. Now I'm in business and I've already sold two paintings. So far I've been A number of other items (36) i. tint hnin loVit stumDiiiiE ana iaiiure, mis me. at cost price 11V, II1UOV fcl-tt. :w. i -iv,t k.ninninn is ia t. rhrirf of half-heartedness! There is ,.IM'II. TUllKYMI.i: Jl f'.tll Ave Vvst tfitor. I'iiul A HurlKT PHONE 179 Feb. 7th to 19th only WRITE 251 3rd Ave. Box 1127 . fairly well orthodox in my tech-j rtique. None of the Drui or impressionistic school for me Soloist. J. A. Teng. Monday, 8 p.m. Young People. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ftIVT10 AKMV : 1''r Sirt-v C O. :'' M;i jor W Yunrrnsn firt-ct .ry Class 2 'ill pm. S'unUiiy Si hoiI :) (x im (Black as your Saviour who died foroy. Pace and victory and use-your sins (John 1:121. Trust fulness only in being out-and-the whole matter of your for-jout for Christ, giveness to Him, (2. Cor. 5 :21 . We must confess Christ open-It Is in this first step that many Jy before men Rom.lO:10i, make a mistake. They think and Matt.l0:32. To make the if they are good God will for- greatest success in the Christ-Kive 'them because of Christ's Jan . life, we should confess death plus their goodness. Then Christ at every opportunity-take Him as your Deliverer in the home, at school, at work, (mm thp iwiwpr nf sin ririv hv in church, everywhere. An old But. I'm v.'iUire; to try. An.-. I probably v, ill. ' Mis.- l::.;c, aU'intrh born i.: Toroiilo. is pnio.'hiy the mos: British comedienne on Rru.vl- Greer & 1 Bridden CONTRACTORS and ' BUILDERS wav. She said she had no idea I . I ' I I 1 Hi H 5th Ave. at Mc Brltlp St. Pa tor: . Soilund i Black 0101 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 813 P.O. Box 526 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 872 10th East Make "a dav . Trust Him to do it! Take preacher once said, ' ST. ITII'H'H AM. I. H AN Si ul Cove Arrbil'-amn E Hudson 'ino..y .StIkhiI 1 1 oo a m. EveniiiK Prayer 7:30 pm. (Blue 837) Him as your Master! Don't seek to guide your own life! Many fail, because they shrink back from this entire surrender. They wish to serve Jesus DRY KINDLING WOOD,1 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS REGULAR RA1TIST CHURCH (Fundamentalist) 329 6th E., Near His;h School Phone 305 SUNDAY. FEB. 6. 1949 12:15 p.m Sunoay School. (Classes for AH Come!) 7:30 j: m. Gospel Service. Speaker: (i. It. S. KLA"KABY Subject: "WHICH WAY?" (Lord's Supper follows Evening Service t. Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Thursday, 3:30 p.m. Mission Band. Friday, 7:30 p.m. Young Peoples. WK liFI.IKYF. AM) PREACH THE ITIX ;OSI'IX III hit UK Si FIR AND CEDAR 50c Sack Delivered PHONE B & W TRANSFER Green 180 CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. how her name ever came up v. hen they were ensU:).' the V-thur Schwariz-Hnward Diet musical. "I've jumped back and forth ftero.-s the Atlantic in so man., show-." she said, "that while I'm still looked upon here a ; typi-al!y, in Hay market I am sonr i imes refeired to a "that American." Within a few weeks Miss 1.11 lie i.-. clu .io.i her Broadway rut. in "Inside U.S.A." and poin.if with in on a coast-to-coast torn "1 suppose by ihe nc::t time 1 get back to Loiii',n," she said "they will be calling me "Tna; 'Texan' or 'That Calihii nian' oi 'that Brooklyn Bum.'" Jtrsl Ihutrii (Bluuxh 1J:0 a.m. Morning Worship. great deal of Christ and He will make a great deal of you!" How many backsliders fall away from Christ at this point? Then too we must study His word (Peter 2:2). The Word ot God is the nourishment for your new life. Many are back in the world through neglect of daily private Bible reading and daily private prayer for the two go tofiethcr. Have set times regularly for prayer, like Daniel (Psalm 55:17. Begin the day with thanksgiving and prayer and close it the same way. Make special prayer when tempted. This is the joyful life, free from care. Be sure to go to work for PPJNCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 Guest Speaker: Rev. W. R. Cantelon. Floor Sanding ' A Specialty M" Sundav School. I5YTOWN MACHI'NK WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts 3oat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to iur showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. P.O. BOX 721 M p.m. Evening Worship. . , . - RED 5C1 j Guest Speaker: Rev. A. J. Lawton. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING Christ and keep looking for See I's for Your WALLPAPER REQUIREMENTS more and do it out of love for: Him. The working Christian is SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 the happy one, and, the more 8.30 a.m Holy Communion, we do for Him, the more we re-:H:00 a.m.Holy Communion ceive from Him. Then give, nri Rrrrnnn GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, elc. ncome Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 !oir o fniy . PHONE blue nns P.O. Box 1184 largely. Success and growth In 7:30 p.m., Evensong and Sermon DIAMOND PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Make Year Pfans and be all set to build, that new home or to re model the old one when spring comes. J We will be glad to assist you in every way passible. ; MITCHELL & I CURRIE ? LIMITED . : Builders and 'Contractors PHONE 3C3 ; Latest Shades, Styles and Colors Special PreaciiCr.-Rev. M. A. Stevens, B.A., enroute from Bedford to Ocean Falls. WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing J Enlarging QUICK SERVICE I Tl."ir value lepends on many things. V.'e often hae a chance to buy diamonds of so poor a quality wr.would not offer them to our cus HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Us branches 204 4 th Street Phone 655 J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 tomers. the Christian life depends on few things more than upon liberal giving. A stingy Christian cannot be a growing one. It is wonderful how a Christian man begins to grow when he begins to give. Give systematically and set aside a fixed proportion of all your goods. A tenth is a good proportion to begin with. Finally, Keep pushing on Phil.3: 13,14f. Press toward the mark for the prize. Forget the sins and failures of the past: confess, them and He is faithful and just to forgive: believe that and press on. For fhey should bi pure and clear In color without lowliness or tint. ' The cutting ollhcir 58 little facets should be j ,'iindiriii "ti 4 Professional Supplies DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST. SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK well done. Their shape shoud be well proportioned. They HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 liouj,i have no flaws spots. Some large stonti are not worth as much as '"hers half the size. One of our custoiwrs brought In a diamond for resetting which we sot, over 30 years ago and it v as imazing how the vine had increased. We pride ourselves that we sell a quality so f ood u, at there will nevt- he any fault to find. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINSKRS Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners get the achievements and victories of the past too and press FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed PHONES M -M II HI "HrtlllfF- -' Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 Iron and Brass Oasnngs Electric and Acetylene Welding SAVOY; HOTEL ! Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 T.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT i on to greater. A larger life lies ahead. To believe we have already obtained and to be contented and ( puffed up over it, will lead to backsliding (Eph. 4:13). Young Christian friends and older Christians, the road to certain success In the Christian life is, plain -enough. .Shall we tak it? These truths are familiar, but are we practising them? May the Lord guide you! QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels nd Worn Solei MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Av. ! Well Cartage Ltd. ! I Complete Moving Service i Crating Packing Cartage ! BLUE 780 RED 516 .Mt Bride St. DELI V E R Phone 311 W E SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY