A FRIEND 2 12rfncc Rupert Daflp rectus Monday, February 23, 1949 !T LW. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British O A HDNTPR Columbia ' " MBF OP CANADIAN or PERRY' Dt rector. ,), CHrZr-D SUBSCRIPTION RATES CB",Pr- P"r rL1?CpP" M"nth. 75c: Per Year. ,8 00. BSftp . By Mail- Month 50c; Per Year. 5.U0 .year note . ,'na' M i (jr.'- 4 I A- Ho- If you n ear to my lay will lend. I will quote you my definition of a friend. He must be a handy, unobstructive "fella" Have much in common with our best umbrella Right there and true when the clouds are bustiri" When trouble is brewing, he must be trusting. Not much In evidence when fate is smiling. Charitable, cheerful and seldom complaining, Aware of our faults, yet feel'friendship binding. Quite often forgotten when the sun is shining, " His heart must be sterling with a polden lining'. ;.. . ! ; ANDREW WASEND, "' ' , ... Hays Cove Ave" w. J B,,.. Science Also Fails C CJENCE HAS FAILED to deliver so far many ; O thi.ios the public expects. We can't control weather, hair grow again on a haldpate, live to be 150, or make the enprirv in Q LETTERBOX P. M. Burns, inspector of cus- being in"a'sho toms, and J. Dee, his assistant, na)U havf1"'" arrived in the city on the Camo- timi'? ntn' sun yesterday afternoon f rom A- Try k ' Vancouver. Deinw hpr ,.r.-, "ui KINDERGARTEN Editor, Daily News: In your report of my remarks Possible that Vm, cial duties. . crai ZiY A brken ra" ,S beHevpd CPR s responsible for the derailing of the Z?h ' '"J,0' Ba"ff' n Janua 18- ne Perso" jured an more it SonTthe ifft f""' SU-f!rvfd m nr hlJUrieS' This aerial Photo the sirtv.n wn along the mai, mam line after leaving the ra ils near a sharp curve. , cP Photo) to the central council of the Parent -'Teachers' Association last Monday evening there is an error which ought to be corrected. The reporter evidently con : atoms do our work. We can't prevent cancer or the common cold. Science, the 20th-century magician, has pulled off many miracles, and talked of many others. To some, it seems that science has broken its promises." But science never promises anything-. It seeks facts and methods. Scientists have talked of possibilities and done a lot of exploring. Over-enthusiastic listeners may go off the deep end. Take rain-making. Scientists pulled rain and snow from clouds by seeding them with dry ice and other pellets. They took a first step toward controlling weather and said so. Just that. Lots of 'homespun experiments flew up into the clouds to I become rain witch doctors. Uusually they mussed ' Paardeberg 49 Years Ago I shot, hung an observation bal- loon. Pom-pom guns spoke dailv tused my account of the origin of our kindergarten with its present organization. Since the of 1948 the kindergarten has fall a ' I and everv eveninc sp ni-rhliuhtj Ii I from Kimberley swung across becn UJ1der tHe admulistraUon Anniversary Yesiercay oi Turning Point In Boer War language, means farmer, 1,1 or ICIEST 12 . . . . ltt 324 2nd , i r. , , u 01 our uur Sunrinv ounaay Rr-h.ml achool. T In iY. th wit Tu... it , , "'e aiues. oinpaiues were post- , ,, , j peasant. Among the many . pictures of I II UI lm' ed on the heights of kopjes to wacning staff consisted po,uu,te were under sleee- 01 Mrs- Geo,W Ferguson historic interest at the Cana- watch for possible aid. and Kimberley' Ladysmih Miss Helen H. Hurd. Since Jan- dian Legion is one entitled and riXAL KATTLE "The Dawn of Majuba." It rep- Mafeking. j 0n " Se Tn yar-oS' 0ia classes ciasses resents J have bt'en the closing scenes at Before Kimberlev i-hmcni al, sh., , , . PROMPT; j Paardeberg the morning of Rhodes himself haocned taH. trenches was mad T Z...." Miss. Hard- See I s for Your AST? Vl; vvnen me lirsr. atom hnmh . "I RTEots? WALLPAPER REQUIREMENTS PHONf w imu cAijiutieu, Jlianv ebruarv 27 1900 u-hpn R,-,,- m "iu ia employed Dy the Z People thought the day of atomic enemy Was ii rces, under O n S -!Cr0nJe'8 ay totolled aPP"xi-! and s,"a11 "ef; Trs Women's Missionary Society of - Pn0,.,t ? UaS,J 1 Irately five thousand. He P4. and strode an the United Church around the coi-nor , ,'cronje surrendered On aban- and comes to evervoL Ene,8LW0Ud be S cheaP ameatrny Jears befoS - -h background - in everyone eveiyone cuW co"M could have have everJ-Jh, everything he he wanted, antec for fo? Britisii- J"JZZZZ, -troops had found u or.Fretorla Rber had i dnt starll8ht and m.ci-, children's work of this kind. i i W ,Juy and ( maybe an hour s work a day. j necessary necessary to to lay lay down down their their revlse revised the lne wnole ole p1 R. A. WILSON Plan of cam-, liw m. . First United Church. Daily Hews Clarified Ads get Quick Results? Some officials said atomic energy might be put o peacetime use within 15 years. Four years later that guess still stands, give or take a few years. The problems are huge, with some new unforeseen was at a place called Majuba Heded .. Cronje's further Mauser rifles " Th.rl Hill. flight vas blocked. He ! lhtre. ? m And so, the score was evened. caught in a bend of the Modder)- , S'rri " -"ion to stickg theead P;.e': Prince Ki.pert Florist.. 300 3rd Ave. 3ox 10 TeJ.777 Flowers for All Occasions Jeionri.t. 1 ii i . . anniversary almost half a cen- t. filT. . " lcu uuwn . hind and keep on digging I.-'im; scientists long talked about v wtt nrr n-l t,-vnr h,t . 10 flSht t if t out. There was time P,.H.. - B fc' J b ii. , .r . fcwiu iiuiu , - me uuiiiuig tn ri1 , . u" rage b lllK tea. VVP t hcu ootun 1 rnv . . no nt nf Hw Sni(h nr. V neuciies Ul vv.y UL.LlJrl i V I I 4 f- I r i ni'n vhjwvj iiillLdll Will n . - ... Simply too luu expensive. expensive, But. nut ivp we are m;,-n. mining the 18 there was the first engage- mao-. of a large army, operating over amonf he casualties being Ian !" "lcer. 0f the first C" area the size of France and Ormes Drugs Sunday, ie D, Spain combined, from a base ' u"w"Kent "e le 6,000 miles away. Ten thousand ' The trencr-lined encampment Af-U'E ABM, sjif PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS horses were needed every month. ior laager) along the river shnrec r-riiri i . nesium and bromine from the sea, at a profit On clothes we've come a long way. But not ; everything can be made lint-free or wrinkle re- sistant. - The riddles of the cancer, common cold, polio haven't been solved. Often what looks like key clu-s ; are found. That's all to date. . A. Jiussian scientist coirl n i,..'.i.i. . i Smday, I! TO 9 P.M roB sonn ol'ORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 AM SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS' 12 NOON 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. The opening stages along the butM Ho lugela River in Natal were little to preserve lifeprefer better than a series of re- hold Cronje where he was verses. Two generals, one a' Scottish officer, were , hot. rip.H HunSer. rather than battle.l CHiRlOTIE S.s. CoQuiUimJ I lilWP I ii i j J 25, 10 p.m. ' wnil n cottu tv.rt , . - ' . . . ""'UKlll UCUIHK Th. f. - -. """" ., question. Hold FOR NORTjl o t i , , i ri u t - i i uim,ci uuiiiiiianninfT sir ... ..w.v- CIURL0TH Lali car deUvery service trom .m. Ull S p.m. Emergency bicycle deliver from 7 pjn. till p.m. and Sunday s.s Coquitlara. I , .....uum nave a normal lite' of 150 n'm' hWPVer' had span years. Tfiat Rivers Buller, was relieved of T,g frisks. ; M-asn t a promise, either. Our ihis COId f ays thfe ch length of life i4 risine- Roberts, if : steadily. North American peopleJnow live "arf Sf, toT &S ' f ?"er 011 the aVer'e than they did in 1900. Prac- I The word , !ir"!?,e' . sifF and skirmish JO p.m. - , FRANK 911 ha.. Prince h ft I ' PHONE 81 r,ae we n f r i : ncai men think it Will be rai.Prltn inn I- well beyond' rffle ! Tlilrd Avenue " f4 ' iBIBBMWMMMMWBtBMM ' , ' ' "I ','""'"yVJV,m"'"'" !--' j ; -- f" " ' r - : isi; 1 ;,V ' &7& iff' ' ifiu' ' " - : i.v , . vuiuvjcaiow more : he future. But not overnight, by a magic pill, as f iar as we can see. : CANADIANS SHOULD LEARN J THE Prince Rupert Public Library has on display J oi books and a, Pamphlets on interna- , tional affairs. The library, together with the Cana- ; chan Institute of International Affairs offers this ; feature as part of its work in stimulating interest ;. m current problems and in presenting to citizens ; some of the worthwhile reading that is available . Included in the display are Behind the Headlines 8 published by the' Interna yamphle Canadian Institute of : lonal Affairs. This pamphlet series deak ?e " Tr111', Stl'en8th and Future u "Thp The State and Human Rights;" "Soviet ill lead Canadian citizens to a greater interest such problems and to a greater L o thei 1 fa .as a source of facts and ideas. y v - Today Canada is playing an increasingly jm-r : portent role in world affairs but in order that her mter national leadership be sound, it is .. that the citizens of Canada become more necessary familiar - vith international problems. Only in this way c-m that thoughtful public oninion hi "I somewhere, somewhere, is in in your your hands. hands. 4, , t is necessary to sunnort ;nf" Z. Mmci ""'' uie actions of nnr our rr.i;f; i i political leaders n ntta.n .i . .. . " "nu in u,e of the world PaJs Right now, the life Df a mother in hospital 1 The Red Cross asks your help, too in supplying aid to crippled veterans,' n relief wherever din-tor strikes, in giving life to suffering humanity everywhere UVntinued 8UPPrt is urgently needed to carry on and extend this great work. Give willingly, generously! Give Red Cross services also includp; Treatment or Crippled Children, Nutrition Services First Aid and Home NuZ A mother in hospital has just given birth her Lfe-a blood transfusion. Fortunately a supply of blood of the right type "is made available by the Red Cross to save the lives of this mother and other mothers in cWdbirth-and to save the lives of accident victims. But the Red Cross must have funds to support this Free Blood Transfusion Service, which is being extended as rapidly as 'Possible to cover all Canada. It this splendid work. It is supported by you and thousands of other Canadians am - v.. 55HJY 'n the HOME Whn comldtrlng your dono-lion, timimbtr thai thii yor tho Canadian Rd Croi ntds S Million Dsllart 40 moro than tht prtvlout apptal. "rau worn Activities, etc. rwstsyouK work- GVg :hoose a VcTl'RE ammK just Also available: Picture Wire and Ilaneers All stock at reasonable prices. I I t I! i ; . ; : ' i . -f ! r ' ; . 1 . . ' : : Campaign Headquarters- Bank of Commerce Phone 16 518 3rd AvefW. Phone Red 400 -