, Items ot tournament golf, in' Prince Kttperf Dafig J3eE2 Monday, February 28.-1R49 J 1 'Z S ' -4- - " ' ... I E Looking Back KW,,,v,,veiire5:ur.r-i:5;- III SPORT -. ,l.Ree,,rJ VZg&2$XSi$ the winner of the hole and the nrlst. Th Royal and Ancient Game they became slaves to their i one who wins the most holes wins ! The game of golf can practi-' club, ball and green. And when the tournament. In this system1 om rniiv plaim Old Man Adam as a ! the kine's breech became Dub-'of play, the winner could n,.f,. 1 '" Civic Centre . Dates . 'Wortklooldnghto. j uci A:' , participant. As far back as man lie knowlege, people seemed to ally take more strokes than the'n killed i Tiew.Better, have hnvA no n n(imnntmti;if rV-iif nenr nnrl tetill uln fnn , . ; tru...:. " goes,, he kicked pebbles around !: . . . In 1592 the ' number of holes. breaking the law. ".Ill ban against golf was repealed.) in medal play, however th ' rat-fr Aih- lion Mary, rti.nun Queen nf of Scots, B,l. was - unlit - 1. - i .. .' I ir '"Wli It with tree branches or anything else that was available. . However, the firsttraces of golf as a game dates back to around the turn of the 15th cen Quite; one who requires the fewest i,w Pfoporuor r If 3 '-""'onton. a golfer as was English Queen i . Mary who originated the word "caddi" by calling the boy who : helped her around the course a cadet. The first English Uolf Club ; tury. In the middle of that century the Scots became quite serious about the game, which name, incidentally, probably stems from the Scottish word "golfe" meaning game. Parliament banned golf In March, 1457, upon the recommendation of the king who claimed the game was too dis- TUESDAY Sports a.m. 9:00 Bo-Me-Hi Gym Class, p.m. 3:30 Rup-Rec Junior Boys. 8:00 Rup-Rec Men. School Basketball League .4:00 HlRh School III and High I. High I and High III. 4:45 Annunciation and High II. Basketball League Gamec G:30 Junior Rupert and North Star. 7:15 Women Coin's and High School. 8:00 Intermediate-Morgan's and Stone's. 9:15 Senior-Brown woods and Co-op. Special was tunned in lBr.4 and the first golf tournament in hist-roy was in 1800. The game traveled to the North American Continent between 18(30 and 18- 1 . CW . . w . ' " ; , S -l v - S 4 ' il - tV " - . f l U ' il 11. 70 being played first in Canada tracting. There was a fine and Tne first s(,ious Am(.,.ican Rol imprisonment appueo lur me i ft!r of record was John Q Reld playing of the game some years j Qf yonkers N y xhe Uniu,d 'ar- i States Golf Association was Paradoxically enough, the tormei on rH-ember 22, 1894 King of Boots who signed the;The professional Qolflng A.sso-proclamation forbidding golf.ldaUon was formed in !91G took a few swings at a ball and ( t, cm thin. hnn.wnM h . Tee For Ten Million j f to many' I there were perhaps him that happened so men who later had to eat their j 50.W golfers In the country. Fif-unkind words about golf after' tPpn yr ''pr Perhaps there, : , were 150,000. Now you can make! CARNIVAL QUOEN Shirley Williams, 18,- above, chosen queen of the winter carnival at Fort William, Ont., wears her crown. The festival was highlighted by a huge parade, dog team races, low sawing competition and beard ?,EN'S ftDKi lorizetl, no and it MI:N"S FISII "Efi-S HIMh; 'uwr, Sdov Now MEN'S Si lls sleds, nw . BOYS' Ivnims. rto panis, Shots. your own estimate of those who 1 p.m. 3:30 Junior Buys' and Teen Girls Leathercraft. 7:30 Mixed Advanced Leatherciaft. 8:00 Electrical Workers Union. 8:00 Synphony Orchestra. 8:00 Teachers' Association. 8:00 Bridge Lessons.. 8:00-J.C.C. Public Speaking. ' HEAVYWEIGHT WILL RETURN TO BRITAIN The U.S. heavyweight Lee Saoid, who was disqualified for a foul blow in his fight against Bruce Woodcock, is shown leaving Lodon en-route to America. He expects to go back to Britain in midsummer to fight the winner of the Bruce Woodcock-Freddie Mills heavyweight championship in June. Savold has promised to go back regardless of whether he fights Joe Louis or not. S of 7 free throws. Individual scoring: Seniar Savoy Arney 18, Davis 8, R. Holkestad 4, Morgan S, Menzies, M. Holkestad 7, Haugan 4 40. play and play at the game. You would be conservative If you said 10,000,000. While some people play a good game of golf with only 2 or 3 golf clubs and some tour courses with 35 and 40, there arp 14 basic golfing clubs which ate recognized by the various Golfing Associations as the maximum to VS' S1VE.HI ii win ROV81 ALL A More WASHABLE tH vr before. Cover, with ONE COAT on moit wll tuiftcct. Contain. SEALIZED Oil -Mill beiuly to will. Eiy to tpply . . . Mttd tdy to utc. E19M beauliful tmti nd wrxtc. Bo-Me-Hi Platen J3, 8, Olson 10, Spring 16, 2, Sunberg 4, Scherk 2, 65. Intermediate now BOYS' ,nd be carried in any tournament and caught the Savoy guard line wide open. Bo-Me-Hi excelled in all departments as their shooting was tops, passing smooth and their teamwork really clicking. Savoy floored a near complete line-up, missing only Ed Uic-cone. It was the first time in many games they had so many players up. Several of them showed lack of condition from BASKETBALL Fashion In First Place Intermediate Basketball League Leadership Changes Hands Comadina Quits PANTS and j Merchants Ilebb 6, Ander- ( piay " o years knees, per son 4, johnsen 6, Owens 10, i n0. i Driver, No. 2 Brassie. No. Moore, Youngman, Simonson 2. 1 s gpoon. No. 4. Cleek, No. 1 Mercer 20. I ririviiiiT Iron No 2 Midiron. No. 3 ' LADIES 'B' BOWLS LEAGUE SCHEDULE March 1 Big Sisters vs. Miller Bay; Boosters vs. Belmont; Brownwoods vs. Busy Bees; Rosa Lees vs. Toilers; Stars vs. Noble j & Wick. March 8 Busy Bees vs. Stars; Toilers vs. Miller Bay; Belmont vs. Noble & Wick; Boosters vs. Rosa Lees; Big Sisters vs. Brown-Rosa Lees vs. Stars; Noble & woods. March 15 Miller Bay vs. Noble Fashion-ilatta 2, Intermela I Mid Masliie, No. 4 Mashle Iron. 4, J. Haugan 7, G. Haugan 14, J no. 5 Mashie, No. ('. Spade Mashie, i Gill 8, Teng, James 7, Arntsen No. 7 Mashie Niblick, No. 8 Lof- j 1 I .J? I l FB I 42. the long lay-off whclh lowered Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers bound- their calibre of play, ed into third place in the Senior , Savoy tD0K 105 shoU and Basketball League Saturday j made 21. They scored 4 of 11 L Junior ter, No. 8 Niblick, No. 10 Putter. Tw Competitive Systems There are two competitive sys- Kinsmen Letournea 9, Helin mgnt as mey swampea trie sa-, ree throws. Bo-Me-Hi took 85 ' i Mnv-Q a 0t, t rrT crmfirl l!C - At nvA nni4- 4-U . . . - . ' ' J ' .UJ. oMuu u ,u uuu kui, snots and scored 27. This is one Blackaby, Dumas 124. nuiei men into me cellar, in I nf the hest. shooting nercpnt High School Forman 4, Hills LADIES' BOWLS "A" SCHEDULE the Intermediate game Fashion Bes in the senior League this & Wick; Brownwoods vs. Stars, 8, Jeffries 2, Hamilton 3. Clark, Smith 1, Rhodes, Brown, Shep-pard 18. Basketball standings: Boosters vs. Busy Bees; Big Sisters vs. Rosa Lees; Toilers vs Belmont. March 22 Busy Bees vs. Big Sisters; Boosters vs. Toilers; broke their tie with Merchants whom they defeated 42 to 29. All play-off positions in the Junior League were decided when Kinsmen dropped High School 24 to 18 and eliminated them from any chances of gaining a berth. March 7 G. & A. vs Annettps Variety vs. DcJong's, Savoy's vs. Scuby's; Taft & Odowes vs. Manson's. Orange vs. Westview season. They canned 11 of 20 free throws. It was the last appearance of the veteran arbiter, Johnny Comadina, who explained to the Daily News that he was getting tired of unjustified criticism from time to time and didn't have to take it any more. INTERMEDIATE r.EAGl'E Fashion Footwear had no BE onww Tku dtrtunt tt not publitkad w ditpUytdbydM Liquoi CankftJ Botdi k td Govtmntait tt Btitiih CslwmW March 14 DeJong's vs. Su-!W1CK vs- Brownwoods; Belmont voy's, Scuby's vs. G. & A.; An-!vs- Millftr BaV-nettes vs. Variety; Manson's vs.1 March 29 Tollers vs. Busy Westview, Orange vs. Taft & Btes; Big Sisters vs. Boosters; Odowes. i Miller Bay vs. Brownwoods; Bei- j j mont vs. Stars; Rasa Lees vs. You Saw It in The News. Noble & Wick. UUHUv An added attraction to the games was ttte start of the "Hoop Shoot Contest" when 20 participants tried their hand at 0yn to gw. day and Su-and evenings day and Tt. after 9 o'ciott Senior W L Pet. j Co-op 11 2 .840 Brownwood s 5 7 .417 , Bo-Me-Hi 5 8 .385 i Savoy 4 8 .333 Intermediate ' ' Fashion 10 4 .714 Merchants fl 5 .643 High School 7 7 .500 i Morgans 6 9 .400 ; Stones 3 10 .231 ' Ladies j ' Dom's 9 3 .750 Peoples 9 4 .692 High School 6 5" Ml Miller Bay o 12 .000 Junior North Star 12 1 .923 Kinsmen 9 4 .92 j Rupert Hotel 4 8 .308 High School 1 12 .077 THIS AND THAT Steve Dumas as he missed his quarter did Merchants shine, 13 consecutive ones to defeat tying Fashion first two shots and then scored time. In the Bill McChesney. Fashion broke BUILDING RE-MODELLING REPAIRING See MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders and Contractors PHONE 303 second qu fast and, with NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 60 Room, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. B C Phone 251 P.O. Box 199 JOH! The Rainmakers started out their luick passing attack, they, BUL to make trouble for the Savoy. built UP a 19"11 lead at half squad as they began dropping time- Merchants were held to in shots from everywhere to one field Boal as their passing build up a lead that was never, was wild and shooting below OPTO!!" threatened. Spring and Flaten Par- In tne second half Fashion shook loose in the first quarter tcePt UP tneir scoring attack and sparked the students all and were toying with Merch- the game as they took a 15 to ants in the final quarter. In all 10 lead at the quarter and then games this season, Merchants quickened their fast-breaking nave- had difficulty in beating John Bu! attack in the second quarter as tne Fashion squad. Fashion's shooting was good they extended their lead to 33-19 A STRAIGHT CUT for a and their teamwork smooth. Merchants had a hard time keeping a tight defence as their guards were weak and left their Is There A . FUEL I . ...!' We want the black at half time. Savoy came to life in the third quarter with Ted Arney beginning to find his eye and score repeatedly with his hook shots. Bo-Me-Hi continued their terrific scoring as they took a 47 to 32 lead at three-quarter time. In the final quarter it was a shooting contest between Arney and Olson as both hit for 8 points. Bo-Me-Hi scored time and again as they broke fast U-T VS Bill11 ni'STION sriF.NT" i Only "He'll got over it. This is the first new car he's had in six years." Materia for ski: positions wide open. Merchants took 70 shots and made 13. They scored 3 of 11 free throws. Fashion took 77 shots and made 19. They scored 4 of 9 free throws. JUNIOR LEAGUE Kinsmen continued to tack on another defeat to the hapless High School as they pounded out a 24 to 18 win over the students. Only in the first half did High School come close as they held Kinsmen down to a 10-9 lead. In the third quarter High School's defence split wide open and Kinsmen, led by Letour-neau, put the game on Ice as they took a 20 to 9 lead at quarter time. High Scvhool were shut out of the scoring column in the quarter. In the foufth quarter High School made a desperate effort but fell short as Kinsmen retained their lead. Kinsmen took 46 shots : and made 10. They scored 4 of 9 free throws. High School took 54 shots and made 8. They made SATIh Ask for Millbonk. Experience he smoking enjoyment that con be yourt in cigarette after cigarette of day I If the Straight Cut Virginia the top tobacco from tip to tip that makes Millbank "Truly Mild". ! Fish ermen! Thorn S! WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 Liim BL 253 FIRST Got that hii-h speed engine of yours ready to do a job this coming season. Avoid the last minute scramble, have us check it over for If you. an overhaul Is required we should have the engine now in order to strip down and secure any parts that might not be immediately available. TIME IS LIMITED. We are equipped for and specialize in the overhaul of CHRYSLER MARINE ENGINES. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 506 Commod 1 t fassmm- Advertise in the Daily News! "Better n ft 3 HOLLYWOOD cafe .. Most Up-to-Date Cafe in the City Open from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. THE Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Bl'ILOKKS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORKS ESTIMATES FREE ON REQUEST P. O. Box 1G76 :: Phone Red 633 7e&te firmer - Dest Food i Mi YI Phone nfrS1 We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 Third Ave. I - Yfafte milder - 7ey'w better