" i.l A i PROVINCIAL LIB3A3T, VICTORIA, B. C. OIir.lESDRUQG ilt (it-4 Daily Delivers NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHOHE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 4a ' PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2R 1049 Ptjtcw rrvv rwT " MVM A AM m 7 inavia Ma Join Atlantic Pact I Scand DROP SUPPLIES Canada Building To Be Speeded Up ARROW LAKES Canadian nd St. Laurent Battle DENUNCIATIONS IN HOUSE jA roaring House of Commons today heard St. Laurent and Opposition Leader George Drew jcrics of angry denunciations in which the Prime ,fi Drew of "irresponsibility' and was in turn of "courage" and "decency." started over a speech that Drew made in Mont-,e week-end and spread to the federal against Drew over his Hong Kpng expedition OTTAWA, ft More than 100 building officials from across the country will begin a two-day probe of Canada's building regulations today to knock out impediments to the Dominion's building progress. Principal Party In Denmark Calls Upon Gov't To Face West OSLO, Norway (CP) High diplomatic sources predict that all Scandinavia, including traditionally neutral Swedenprobably will join the proposed transport VANCOUVER 5UVER, P) A Royal i ' V n Air Force Dakota ' - v ,rT; " I t made 17 runs over two ii "-f f V hamlets in British Col- (J interior late Sunday to to J f) )0 pounds pounds of of food food to to 10 10 J isolated umbia's drop 4,000 persons who had only 48 hours SUDDlies left in thpir it The plane arrived back here f .- - - " V f RAILWAY IS AT NORMAL Traffic Moving Agatoi Today After Month's Battle With Snow Conditions North Atlantic defence pact within six months. Norway is already prepared to cast in her lot with . the . west. Denmark's principal political party, the Social Democrats, only yester- y In NOVA SCOTIA GETS STORM four hours after it took off on a 5000-mile umnd trip to Halcyon and St. Leon Hot Springs on Upper Arrow Lake. lee on the lake, 250 miles east of here, prevented steamers from making regular supply calls. The cargo Included 90J pounds of fodder for livestock. Fire MONTREAL-LONDON Fnr tl firat Hmo clnra oarlxr day called on that country to face west in the quest for military security. High officials in Sweden privately acknowledged that their a February it was a case of. TEN HOURS NORTH SYDNEY, N.S.- Following an extended period of mild weather, the winter's worst snowstorm broke over Cape Victims of Blaze Mjnilolia normal operations today on the ine of the Canadian National Railways in the lower Skeena valley. Trains are running again MONTREAL ffl-Travelllng at 7l ' v""""" " ' . . f between eastern and western Breton during the week-end. ., i- Five sis- times near jet plane , speeds, a jder-tlieir ages powers much longfer. Sweden's sympathy is known to lie with the west. CITY POLICE FINES SLUMP Revenue from police fines and court costs in January totalled ZZZ Z , , bell last Tuesday set a record and H 0f nly .thC CnCefn for a west-to-east Atlantic cross- The blizzard was felt all over Nova Scotia. Snowfalls and gales were reported from practically all over the martime procinces. Railway, highway and communication services were, disrupted miiwayintfii ior me moment, was the possibility of slides in view of the milder weather conditions. Saturday's passenger train ing. Capt. Campbell flew a four-1 motored North Star from Mon-' treal to London in ten hours and plovork minntoe nk r--i rr 1 Q wiin. and a TransCanada Air Lines $261.50, according to the month-plane could not land here but ly police report released today from the East arrived at. 3 a m - " 4 v. , "tes on tne marie set last year. Great Britain Needs Billion went on to Montreal. ijht to 21 years yesterday when .aims torch of a me building in arn Manitoba , North Dakota Nettie 21; An-,t Sadie, 10, and .mhtcrs oi Mrs. ad; and John Sid been board-;d home, seen engaged in ,e buyers in Mur-n'.hwrst ot Win- late. The hard working snow at the City Hall after consideration at the week-end by the city police committee. For the corresponding month In 1948. revenue was $1,575. Insurance plow came in on Saturday afternoon followed by two freights, ft was not necessary to send the plow out today. The regular eastbound train Paul Hoffman, Head of E.R.P, Justifies Figure to Help Recovery Desperado Is Killed Is Lauded During the month, 51 infor-', mations were laid under the Criminal Code, Indian Act and j Government Liquor Act. These AMBASSADOR PRESENTS CREDENTIALS Vicomte Alain du Pcrc, ambassador of Belgium to Canada, left, is shown with Gov-eLVor-General Viscount Alexander and Mr. L. B. Pearson, secretary of state for external affairs, after he presented his letter WASHINGTON. D.C. W! The is leaving this evening at 8 o'clock. Two freight trams left here cause uf the lire, of credence to His Excellency at Government House in Ottawa. yesterday afternoon and got resulted in 45 convictions, three dismissals and withdrawal of i charges in two cases. Charges; 1 President C. G. Ham Reports Truman administration today at Hospital Annual advised Congress that the pro- -Much has been written and Posed $940,000,000 in new aid to said concerning the hospltali- Great Britain Is a "tight tig-zation scheme and. because of tire' an absolute minimum. through to Pacific without de Vicious Arizonian Slain By Police In Shower Bath lay. of Intoxication accounted for 27; THE WEATHER t is believed that vrrcome in their of sime drscrip-p, it is fell thai .should have been Superintendent C. A. Berner Synopsis announced this morning that1 its widespread application, none "Any reduction in It," warned PHOENIX, Arizona O A1, of the 45 convictions, vicious triple slayer, Bill Ray1 Monetary losses from Criminal; Gilbert, made good his boast Code complaints during the Southern British Columbia's ' four of the largest bulldozers in can afford to disregard it," Pre- Paul Hoffman, head of the eco- CITY POWER CRISIS OVER " Ni'cd fur iunsci viiUnu uf v eetricul power in Prince Ruikt from the build iour-day spell of clear mild the country had been brought sident C. G. Ham said Friday, nomlc co-operation administra- i h ,Z fT;m i that he would iwver . be laken c si Iudi the.fLancv with recoveries set at '11.07. ., s.her is due to rnd late to- into the lower Skeena area from night at the annual meeting I tion. would adversely affect day. A storm which is already the Prince George district for the Prince Rupert General Hos- tinued recovery in bctl'i the I auvc. uui ji n 4111c iavu 1 n A visUuis: In ; causing &ouineHM gajes ana ram use in cleaning out the heavy P'tai Association, under Uie united states and w -r-rr n over the Queen Charlotte Isl- ( ow anci siides which gave the Plan e ran expect a degree of, Europe. frn the trtdv ut- i Arizona ex-cvnvici lea aeaa i fJlAY'J STf iJK S was dcdai erf officially over by the Northern British Columbia brfore a blaze of police gun anris u-ill rnnvp nrrnts flip pn. n t , , EtanHapHt7aHnn fhrnurr'h ernv. I TArEiticA nf varviner n:Tl"'n7 (Oourtesy 8. D. Johnston o. 'jU! ) m sirls live in wiu- nr tire coast tonight and over the ache durlne the Dast three weeks ernment control but Prince Ru-j British statements as to hew far interior tomorrow, me ' weainer Mr. Berner is leaving Wednes- per'' general nospnai win con- ureat Britain nas recovered rry l :H 1 , . . t tinue to be administered and from the strains of wa-y the week of warm wrau ni r had ln-. creased water reserves in the i company's Fall;; River and Sha-I v atlans hydro reservoirs. i ucsoay win ou wiowvry aau day night for a tr)p ovef the Jine mild in the wake of"he disturb- , Vancouver Bralornc (ask I 8 8fi B. R. Con 03 B. R. X 10 ance. committee called in Hoffman to justify Britain's share of the new $5,580,000,000 European recovery program. The rowfr Company slopped! Forecast Come Cariboo Quartz 132 run in accordance with the wishes of the local Board." "Victoria," he declared, "set" the rate and scale of charge which, at first glance, gives the impression of a tremendous increase in costs. Analysis however, indicates that it is a much fire last night. His naked body I was riddled with twelve bullet !. holes. The 28:ycar-old Gilbert killed a woman and two men near (Needles, California, last Wednesday. The gun battle with the jjMjlice ended a crime foray in , which Gilbert and a prison pal, ! George Adolph Schmld, 22, kid-j napped a Phoenix woman, kill-led the three Callfornlans and returned to Arizona with a plan jto kill the state prison warden .04 ,2 .41 5.05 Congress Hedloy Mascot Pcnd Oreille ... oviice CO-OP ANNUAL MEETING OPENS Seventy Delegates Attending Three-Day Gatheririg TWO DIE 113 t "-inc the dry dock steam plant, Qliet,n charlottes and North switching back to the Fahs , coast Intermittent rain today River plant as its main sourc- ( and tonight. Cloudy with show-vt power, at the week-end, Com- Crs tomorrow. Southeast gales piny Manager T. B. Black said (40 miles per hour) shifting to this morning. southwest 30" tomorrow morn-Toniulit, lor the first time in ing. Continuing mild. Lows tost fortnight, city business places night and highs tomorrow: mty turn on their advertising Port Hardy 38 and 45, Massett dplay signs, returning the 38 and 45. Prince Rupert 38 and downtown district to its former ,3-brilliance. . more equitaDie Dasis man ior- merly and one which wli' bene- .1 f 1 1 U m f riftT ,: ' Viii4 1 fit the entire population" Mr. Ham emphasized that, First session of the annual three-day meeting of the Prince Six More Missing: at Kenyan College In Ohio and other officials. while rates are laid down by Must Kevrre j 1 1 iirty-St-vcii I i 1 I'i. it - Vaiicoii-1 liter in 47 years! I Pinplialic "Good f 5 Imlmy weatlwr ! I'dMiU'd spring. It! "s above and over ; Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative victoriai tne hospilal nmt)at opened this morning in the Odd-,. r reSuonslbilltv. and evsnr GAMBIER, Ohio 0) Kenyon fellows' Hall with 70 members citiien ao aj lo rfimtnu .College here today listed six students missing in a $1,000,000 dormitory fire that killed two of the organization present ana , ber is fact." two official delegates from the He outlined physical expnn- Pioneer 3.25 Premier Border 03 Privateer 19 Reeves McDonald 2.8.r Reno ;G Sheep Creek 1.35 Silbak Premier 35 Taku River 25 Vananda 30 Salmon Gold 12'-i Spud Valley laski ... .03 Canadian .. 4 10 A. P. Con. 23 Atlantic r'7 Cahnont 30 C. & K 4' Central Lecluc 107 Home Oil . .10.00 Mercury 13 Okalta 120 Pacific Pete 2 18 f it was CI yester- sion of the hospital in 1948. This others and injured twenty-six HOSPITAL SHOWS $6,000 LOSS FOR 1948 OPERATION Despite an operating loss of .Street lights, which had been operating at reduced power during the crisis, were restored to their full brightness at the weekend. I While water levels at Shawat-lans and Falls River are not yet i back to their normaj levels fol-! luw:i weeks of cold, rainless EYE INJURED IN PUB RIOT A serious eye injury was received Saturday night by Ted Johnson, waiter in a Third Av- two southern B.C. Co-operatives. This morning's business was concerned with the hearing of minutes of the last annual meeting, introduction of delegates and discussion of camp opera included remodelling of the yesterday. Firemen are- search-military wing which gives the ing the ruins for more bodies. Institution recognition as "one of Canada's most modern operating hospitals." rAVNFPV MAM tion nolicies for the comine sea- . ntrsfs si'AR.r.K ihUt was ush-r end of February ys: Wted tlicni over 1 Vanrouver golf 'liuyed over golf m. V a n I'uuvcr 'lifkcti cameras In almost $6,000 last year, affairs of the Prince Rupert General Hospital were termed "satisfac weaiher, the run-off. due to enue beverage room, as he and relatively high temperatures, is other waiters tried to restore sufficient to maintain full use , order in the room when a minor of both plants. i riot occurred Just prior to the No rain has yet fallen at Falls' H:30 closing hour. tory" by the annual meeting or son. j "Unfortunately, little im- DIES SUNDAY Chairman of the session was provement can be recorded in The death took place In the Anton Martinusen, chairman of the nursing situation and, for city Sunday of Tollefvter Saug-the board. He introduced John tnis reason, full use of our new ; stad, 64-year old englneer-tor- Donaldson, delegate from the addition is prevented. Also, we ' man at Millerd Cannery," Seal the Hospital Association Friday i.. i. it . .wttiiwll ilinm. ! Princess 28 Royal Canadian W Toronto Johnson received damage to his right eye which may result Kyuquot Trollers' Co-operative, definitely lack accommodation Cove, after an illness. He is sur- " 'ihed in Koot- River but melting; snow has brought the water l;vel to a safe heiuhl. Daimcr of any fur vived by his wife in the cify Victoria and O. E. Hanson, of , for our staff, but active meas- in impairment of his vision. ber. The deficit was revealed in the revenue and expenditure account read by Secretary D.C. Stevenson. Total revenues amounted to f'dsor Cut,..,.., and two daughters in Vancou- the United Fishermen's Co-op- ures are under way to remedy a struggle to eject a ther need for conservation of , during this with construction of an ver. The body will be sent to rock slides de- Atliona Aumaquc Beattie Bcvcourt group of men who started to .11 .24 ',i .53 1 i .25 ,12 ative, Vancouver. Sessions will continue Tues- cause trimhle ax the nlace was I electricity is negligible. Despite the power shortage, formal restrictions were never closing down for the night. He'day and Wednesday. Bobjo "ewe of an east-M!tlian National a' Stout and the second locomotive "bps. u,HS lakon tr. Wnital where the, ounuay aiteuiuuu, a meeting Buffalo Canadian 16 Consul. Smelters 101.50 imposed here, as they were in , . givrn treatment by I of the membership was called to the south. Conservation was in Korglu. W discussions regarding am- response ti appeals by the power .in) .00 Donalda Eldona Waiters in the beverage par- j aigamauon oi ine tnree coast lor managed to get the unruly j fishing co-operatives, but no de- addition to the nurses' home. Vancouver on the Camosun Mr. Ham paid tribute to the Tuesday for burial. Mr. Saug- new children's ward financed stad ,had been a resident of by the Prince Rupert Rotary Prince Rupert for the last seven Club as an "outstanding contri- years. He was born in .Minne- bution." sota. Efforts to obtain a staff diet- itian, as recommended by the Prince Rupert Medical Associa- I OCAL TIDES tion, have been unsuccessful but will be continued, he said. Tuesday, March 1, 1949 Mr. Ham received a vote of, High 2:27 20.5 feet thanks from the 20 members 14:26 20.5 feet nresent for his work during the , Low 8:29 5.2 feet East Sullivan - 2.73 $145,757, while expenditures totalled $151,568. Deficit In the year's operation was $5,810. A breakdown of revenues showed the following receipts: Hospital fees charged, $91,071. Special services, $36,953. From tills was deducted a total of $15,905 for free cases, bad debts written off, provision for doubtful debts and rebates, leav customers out onto the street : cisions resulted. Bl NOT 5.15 company and was sufficient to stave off the need for forced j est lift ions. Mr. Black today (hanked the where the trouble continued and attracted a crowd estimated Giant Ycllowknifc God's Lake Ilardrock Harricana Hcva 6 BACK A meeting of the B.C. Fishermen's Co-operative Federation will be held in Vancouver in the first week in March. public for Its voluntary conser- al belween 2()0 and 3og before .41 .)! .or,:;, .10 27 Vi vation oi eieeiricny ana waier it was queIlcd by lne city pol ul'1P Juinmse will during tne crisis. Hosco ice. One i,J0(li'iK back man, William Addison, Jacknifc . " 04 3.7 feet 20:41 last year. I Venice is built was taken into custody and The city of .38 islands inter-; charged with creating a dis upon 122 small against "il March si ing a net collected amount from hospital fees of $112,719. Provincial grants totalled $23,G70. municipal per diem grants $6,908 and other revenues, turbance. i sected by canals and laguons. a Jap- lian PrcdlcLs. To Members of the '"'"a, aL.,,i -ii for- "est Vane uuvcr and including Income from Invest- NOTICE PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S w'Ui 1000 lh ... o'her Jap- -west Kootenay ri,WxxL believps HOCKEY SCORES SUNDAY National League New York 3, Detroit 2. Boston 2, Chicago 2 (tie . Pacific Coast League Portland 8, San Francisco 3. Oakland 6, San Diego 1. SATURDAY National League Detroit 0, Montreal 1. Chicago 2, Toronto 2 (tie). Pacific Coast League Oakland 3, Los Angeles 1. San Diego 2, Fresno 4. Seattle 6, Tacoma 4. be ' ments., laboratory fees, $2,399, making a total of $145,757. In the expenditure column, salaries and wages accounted for 579,088 while hospital, medical and dietary supplies totalled Jolict Quebec Lake Rowan Lapaska Mttie Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake McKenzie Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt Moneta Negus ' Noranda Louvicourt Pickle Crow Regcourt San Antonio Senator Rouyn Sherrit Gordon Steep Rock i nu Modus to the .08 .or.1; .73 .12'; L'06 .40 1.02 43 2.20 51.75 .29 2.01 .06 4 05 .41 2.20. 1.4; CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Notice of Meetings to be held In the Oddfellows Hall ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS 10 A. M. TUESDAY. MARCH 1st 10 A. M. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2nd ,?'lla,lhc 1110Kl of ' Wld out flnan- ' Willi increased water reserves, conservation in the usage of electrical energy Is no longer necessary. We wish to thank all our customers who voluntarily assisted us by economizing in water and energy consumption during an unprecedented winter period. Economies effected were sufficient to guarantee con-tin unity of electrical service, and maintain the city water supply in a safe ondition to meet any emergency. NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. $44,980. Purchased services amounted to $13,931. Insurance , enforced cvacua-mc Cf the 'the government, homes for them- depreciation, municipal taxes, repairs and other Items made up the balance of the $151,568 operating cost.