Prince Uuucrt Dailp mi)8 Monday, February 28, 1949 is Cronin. Madsen Paulette. Tliree Years Delphine Astoria, Helen Astoria, Roland Tur- ,Pr-llO n... . vivacih -J""Jir,c y win. SHIPS and Troon, Robert Cameron, elmir- cotte. Two Years Patrol Leader MICKEY IS AT CAPITOL A delightful homespun family picture in color "Mickcv" i TO LEAD BOY SCOUTS EAST man; Harry Quick, Scoutmaster. Third Prince Rupert Scout HI n , '" for ,:., Troop, Fred Conrad, chairman; r h,., WATERFRONT rA Two weeks hence the uouular Dennis Garon, Scoutmaster. tier. anon,,,, . ' Mary Doanq. 1 One Year Guide Betty Garner, Guide Donalda Letoumeau. BROWmLS Three Years Julia Prockter, Stars Louise Anderson, Donna Moller, Muriel Procter. Don ho.. . ' J., First Prince Rupert Cub Pack James Evans,' chairman; Rev the feature for tonight and tomorrow at the Capitol Theatre here. Adaption to the screen of .succe. ''tV"'8 Bsil 3. Prockter, Cubmaster: P'ayed hi i "HIi..,. . ' HjI Bill old coastal liner Calala will be coming back for a . few weeks on the Prince Rupcrt-Stewart-Alice Arm route of the Union Wilfrid St. Clair, assistant cub- ".KPV V tne popular novel "Clementine," it is the story of a typical teenage tomboy. The title star Is h na Hudson, Kathic Finlayson. master. Vpy, inc. rKUGKAM edit,... . . !tri' Second Prince Rupert Cub The program included Camrj newcomer 16-year-old Lois But- Col. Dixon to Make Ottawa Trip Announcement at Loral Rally District Boy Scouts' Association at the local Boy Scout-Girl Guide rally at the week-end made the interesting announcement that Lt.-Col. Keith Dixon former district commissioner here and now located at Victoria, had been appointed to lead the western group of Boy Scouts which would be going this Steamships service. The Catala will be taking over the run from I X Pack, Robert Cameron, chair miHI, Fire by First. Second and Tiiirri man; Bob Ferguson, Cubmaster, and Bob Irvine, assistant cub uuide Companies under Miss TODAY and TUESDAY Silversides, Miss Joan Miller and 7 the steamer Camosun which Is to be withdrawn to have some overhaul work carried out In Vancouver. P.m. Miss Marjorie Anstev resDective- master. Third Prince Rupert Cub Pack I :t i;i J 1 f (i If i .1 I Fred Conrad, chairman; Don Mc ly, first aid display by Second Prince Rupert Scout Troop under Scoutmaster Harry Quick. Allister, Cubmaster. flashlight march by First and Second Prince RuDert Guide Fourth Prince Rupert Cub jPack, Inspector F. B. Woods-; Johnson, chairman; Rev. R. A summer to Ottawa for the Dominion jamboree. Mr. Anfleld hoped that there would be local Scouts who would achieve such On her regular weekly voyage, the Camosun, Capt. John Bo-den,, arrived in port at 3:45 yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and waypoints, sailing at 11 Companies, game bv Second Prince Rupert Cub Pack under fk ffl fry I cubmaster Robert Fereuson and Wilson, Cubmaster. Commissioner Honora Silver-sides made presentation of Guide and Brownie stars as fol Assistant Cubmaster Robert Ir p.m. for Port Simpson, Alice Arm and Stewart whence she is duo back here tomorrow morn vine, game by First Prince Ru proficiency as would qualify them to go to this great gathering. The announcement was made as Mr. Anfield introduced James Nicol who directed Canadian lows : pert Cub Pack under Cubmaster Basil Prockter. sinsim? and ing to sail at 1:30 p.m. tor Vancouver and waypoints. At 5:15 GUIDES Four Years Pack .Leader r,Pr-, dancing by Second Prince Ru- ALSO ARCTIC JUNGLE 'DADDY DICK NEWS i j " uijr anernoon uie steamer ry Prockter. Pack Leader Maria.' Coquitlain. Capt. Ilarrv McLean Legion flag presentations were as follows: Second Prince . Rupert Scout Brett. Pack Leaders Frances Murphy, Jeanette Cloutier, Mav- arrived back from a voyage to ipert Brownie Pack under Mrs Alex Haig, work display by Second Prince Rupert Cub Pack and fairy ring by First Prince Rupert Brownie Pack under Mrs. Rex Thompson. Assisting with the program were Miss Geraldine Cafe nf the' CHIROPRACTOR 18 YoarRj liRlNQ YQl,t souin Qrieen Charlotte Island Points, sailing at 10 p.m. for Butedale, Nanui, Westview and va:icoucr. The Ketchikan fish pucker Sydney docked here Sunday nifmt to unload three carloads of American frozen fish for mil First Prince iiuni-rt Comnanv. SEEING EYE DOG AIDS BLIND HORSEMAN Wi th his master on horseback, seeing eye dog Moki still has function to perform, stops horse and rider for traffic light at a Chicago street intersection. The sightless horseman is Robert Coleman, 40 His three-gaited mount is Northern Star. Girl Guides, and Mrs. Ted Moore : Li 'MVE: John F. L. Hughes, D.C Ph.C. 21-22 Besncr Block Phone BLUE 412 for Appointment HOI K8 10:30 m. to 12:30 p.m. kiiU J to g p.m. KHMXIM Monday and I.'rldajr. 7:30 p.m. Tin those unable to come during thi day. RECEPTIONIST Id attendance afternoons. lOf SATLSKVa-Ofi! and Mrs. Carlson of the Cathedral Group of Brownies. Exercises, drills and games were performed, with mnrkprt WALLACE'S Spring Material For The Whole Family By all means see Wallace's large new stock of materials for Spring. Time to sew for Mother, Daughter, Baby, Father and Son . . . YES, materials for the entire shipment to the United States Deal I-AAKULIJIKU I market. It is likely to be the Sydney's last trip here for sev ;ENtRAL Iifii (Continued rrom Page 2) precision indicating painstaking eral weeks, siiipn hnv rn. warning and patient nraet.inp EASE UP ON INDONESIA THE HAGUE (P the Netherr uv.1 , Capt. Osmund Hendrickson 718 Second Ave, down, a bayonet was handier than a snadp. plans to have her overhauled at wot, without color were some of the displays such as the camp-fire scene and thp finciirrhf Ketchikan. The Sydney was nrt viously here on Friday. With daybreak, a white flag I was sighted and that was thej end of shooting. It was seen! that the trenches were little marching of the Girl Guides. Earnest fun was seen as young Brownies and Cubs staged their well-directed games. The first aid display was indicative of thP WALLACE'S of Course FOR ALL TYPES OF PRiNTl GREETING CARDS OH l(f. Slm PENS AND PENCILS n0ME ST,T1 SEE - more, than a few hundred feeC away, when the lines, advancing lands government announced today a speed-up in transfer of sovereignty over Indonesia to a federal government. It announced also the convocation of a round-table conference at The Hague March 12 and its decision to release leaders of the Indonesian republic. FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RFD 70S CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM THIS AND THAT useful training which the Scouts receive and practice. Proceedings of the .evening were under the general direction of Commissioner Honora Silver-sides of the Girl Guides and District Commissioner A. Ham. Dili!) Priiiliiio through the darkness, were fired on. Later in the morning one could wander- through the laager, a picture of rot and wreckage. Decaying oxen by the score lay along the river shores or in the stream. ,This was the source of subsequent enteri.: You saw it in the News! 11 ton Grant of the Boy Scouts. Executive nfrieprs r,f D-i I ;i i i It fever on a wide scale. Some of the boys found what looked like Rupert Boy Scouts' Association1 lor 1949 are: President, F E ' an old sea chest with a painting ' or Table Mountain on the cover. It was empty, except biscuit crumbs covering the bottom. General Cronie was received lien you laMc talmon. imili.i. ,11. . in . . "imuiu, vice-president, Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton; secretary, Ar-mine Boas; treasurer, Grant Stewart; executive, Earl R. Gordon, Neville Gerrmvl n,. t i U-c s,lver WuYs spanned in the mighty Lrascr ami other mon,ai(l rim; f V.M jMacDonald, Inspector F. B , . ; Woods-Johnson, N. L. Jones, Robert Cameron, Fred Conrad and staff Sergeant G. A. Johnston, j i 'I he Girl Guide Association executive comprises Mrs. R. I, I I Mcintosh, honora j Mrs. G. R. S. Biackaby, pm,i-i dent; Mrs. M. B. Lemon, vice-1 Mrs. W. S. Kergin, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Basil S. Prockter, Mrs. J. B. Gibson and Mrs A. L. Iloltby, executive. ! by Lord Roberts who shook I hands and offered congratulations on his defence. The general did not have a military look. He wore a semi-army dress, intended more for utility than style. He looked more like a plainly dressed farmer than a fighting man who had stood off a trained army, personally directed by a renowned command- , er. Cronje was soon on his way to Capetown, later to be taken to St. Helena in the South At-'. Jantic where, eighty years' earlier, the exiled Napoleon haci ; di''d. The march over th" open v:;Hlt i and into Blocmtontein would have been a stimulating and not unpleasant experience had anyone known the pleasure of .satisfying a ravenous appetite. But half rations had been the . rule for weeks. Raiding parties had captured tons of supplies. I V ' l jtTnll'lilil VV. J. Marshall of the Doniin-jion Fisheries service sailed last mght on the Coquitiam for a . trip to Vancouver. -1' dCar' Thcy were ony tuning "Pi' IT PAYS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH Fevv shaved. Hundreds were lousy. Field drrss was torn or ! ragged, or soiled or all three. Mornings were brilliant, day3 warm, and sunny, nifthls cool. J On a wide front, the regiments I tramped to the tune of the pipes. The Argyle and Sutherland j Highlanders appeared to prefer I "The Cock 'o The North." i Strong and spacious wattons. 'ifefeZ Cigarette Tobacco f . I I MILD, ' " SWEET " c c ' 'RRiruT BRIGHT VIRGINIA . loaded to the limit, and hauled by long strings of oxen and mules rolled and lurched across the rough miles. Native drivers. To a hundred and llircn ...:.. I ' I ' ' zz ' 1 f-Jj i using both hands to manage their long whips, ran alongside and with whistles and shouts urged the toiling beasts Canada sends one of ihc WorldV finest whiskies-Seagram's Y.oS Delightfully Afferent in lastc heagram' V.O. Canadian Whisky is1 Known all over the globe for its sTnoolhness, light body and h Mal houquei. For the lighlesl, laiil-lasting whisky you lime ever ' joyed, try Seagram's AK Caimdian Whisky. JMen who think of tomorrow drink Seagram's V.O. l't';,.v' TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East- Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 0V is the Ti COLONIST'S SCOOP WW... 'It fell to the lot of a British From the East 1nT"esday. Thursday, Saturda 10:45 p.m. WHY SEAGKAM'S SELLS CANADA FJKST Columbia daily to scoop the world on the surrender. This was the Victoria Colonist. W, W. Wrathall, old-timer of Prine Jhis is an adaptation of one of a series of NOW AVAILABLE Of the Worlil. tiro I.. L--llillT willi l'M iSf1"1 your refriKt-raUon system. We will be glad to assist you in any imnrove-ments nupiuvt contemplated. ditionforthe heavy work season which is ahead. Jlupert, recalls it clearly. In ' . V III J of The House of Seagram lhal llf 1900, he was living in Victoria. l'.enls designed by The House r of Seagram i help promote the prestige of Canada and sell Canadian produels to and served as a messenger for of every Canadian business enHrj1 r Kikiiii.l no III I lie full' me uanactian Pacific Telegraphs. He took the famous despatch to the Colonist. Even I hp WrO h I SEE US FOR YOUR REFRIGERATION REQUIREMENTS 1 ' 'M l 1$ cv Canada itself; "! ',iat U War Office was scooped. It Ik the interest of every me markets ol the world. The advertisements, which arc appearing in magazines and newspapers published i various Ian-guages and circulated in all parts ; WaJk-in or Reach-in Coolers - Frozen Food - Cabinets -Ice Cream Cabinets and Domestic Refrigerators said the B.C. morning paper landed its wonderful beat through Harry Davy, a boomer manufacturer to help H it lf Kill if a II Canadian " r . ; , ' I! in foreign markets. Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. LOOK FOR TIIE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL telegraph operator, and now a Colonist pensioner. Harry's acquaintance -with operators in Montreal, Canso and New York made it possible to follow the hunch of a retired British officer who knew Africa and who had been insisting a Boer crisis' was- near. There certainly was.'. THE HOUSE OF SEAGKAM PHONE 210 or 209 e SEAGKAM'S C KOWN KOYAL . SKAURAHrw v.O. ." . SICAC;i?AM c no,.. , nvv SKA(iH'V,l " oj ' . rr.ii.n.aivi MUIlAM s . kiii. n 1 This advertisement is not Puwlhntu pmuoTTTi 7Z TZl. or displayed BrlU by the of Liquo, Control Government Board, or by the it 1 I