Prince Rupert DaHp rectos LtD. Friday, May 21, 1948 wholesaler said. "It Is refresh Ing to know that the retailer' will be able to naf on a savin . ! to the consurrff ,PlCnwiw; J ELIMINATION OF SALES TAX . ! LOWERS PRICES COLORFUL RITE JOINS PRAIRIE GIRL, CITY MAN Reminiscences By W.J. and Reflections An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert sud all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Cuss Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by -Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Pii!ie Rupert. British Columbia. O A. HUNTER, Managins Eoitor. H. G PERRY. Managing" Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUhEAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER AS.SOCIATION A marrias'S of interest in Sas SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per -. l&c: Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, 17 00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 4 00. katchewan and Prince Rupert I The Postmaster General an- slon of the First Great War. For Rupert was solemni7ed at 7:30 I nounces that after July 1 all let- a few years the Canadian Scot-Thursday evening by Rev R A ller mail wil) be car-red by air, tish sailed around and about the Wilson at First United Church ' whether 14 bear reular or air world, giving useful service and earning tne nest oi reports, Then one day in a gale off the sullen .shores of Scandinavia a wreck ended her days. That's ""uriimuy, ne-safcf, fresh ut-n prices naa dropped two cents a pound wholesale thU week. The 1948-49 budget knocked off the eight percent sales tax from smoked meats, cooked nieais, ana shortening and nr. smoked meats. Its elimination may mean a difference of about live cents a pound. Canned meats and panned salmon also come Into the pic-ture but, at present, It is not known whether or not meats canned prior to Uie elimination of the tax can be sold tax-free or not. Those manufactured after the elimination of the tax will carry none. Canned salmon of the 1947 pack will carry the tax but the 1948 pack will be tax-free. BIBLE'S LETTER COUNT The Bible coutalns 3,556.480 letters and 773,748 words. If you think this is wrong, count them. all, folks! Ontario is Most Wicked Province TORONTO Dr. J. R. Mutch-nior, secretary of evangelism and social service, has delivered a withering blast against Ontario. The province, he declared, leads all Canada in its number of ''evil-doers.", "Ontario,'" said Dr. Mutfhmor, "ran chalk up half of Elimination by the federal! government of Its eight percent sales tax on smoked and cooked meats, a announced Tuesday night by Finance Minister Abbott in his budget speech should bring a note of cheer la families which for months have been faced with constantly rising meat prices.' A city meat wholesaler today estimated that dropping of the tax should mean a difference to the consumer of between five and six cents a pound on that type of product which now ranges In the neighborhood of $1 a pound. But, as Jthe retailers have already bought on the prices Including sale tax, no changes In retail prices are expected before next week. "For the last several months we have had to contend with constantly rising prices," the tfaHaM - r.l all the drunkenness in this 1 I "An Immense Project POWER, development and aluminum AS00,(K'0,(H)0 plant project, the possibilities of which on the British Columbia coast high officials of the Aluminum Co. of Canada are here to investigate, would pale into almost insignificance any industrial enterprise yet undertaken on the west coast. Much as we appreciate and value our own show, such an enterprise as the Port Edward cellulose pulp mill project a mere $25,000,000 would be overshadowed. As the industrial world looks to the Pacific Coast and the vast undeveloped resources here, money talk is beginning to assume tremendous terms. If this soil of thing goes on, British Columbia may ere long not be the third industrial province of Canada but may outstrip Ontario and Quebec. Aad why should it not'.' Certainly not either Ontario or Quebec surpass us in potential of natural resources. Particularly interesting to Prince Rupert,, of course, is the fact that one of the sites to be investigated for the great aluminum power develonment should he at Gardner Canal, a mere hundred miles down the coast while another is in D?m Channel a hundred or so miles further south. Of course, it may not come to either of these places, Bute Inlet, some 200 miles north of Vancouver, having been the originally mentioned site. Prince Rupert and northern British Columbia is bound to share in a great way in the impending industrial development of British Columbia. THE WORD 'DOMINION' FATHER OF CONFEDERATION, Sir Leonard A Tilly, found in a passage of the Bible, the word "Dominion" and this was endorsed by Parliament. Tinder that designation, Canada's sons have -tlied in battle and this country has grown to greatness. .Yet, there are some who, for strange reasons object to the expression "Dominion." Why? Wrote Milton "By Him were all things created: ... w hether they be thrones, dominions, or principalities or powers." Another authority, defining the word says "Independent right of possession, use and control, sovereignty, supremacy." ! postage. Ana it is to be hoped that, on arrival in Prince Ru- pert, the letters will be picked up by letter carriers and taken l to the respective address, Speaking of curses arid all that, Scotland's whisky enriches the treasury by forty million pounds a year in taxes and earns ten million dollars in hard currency. Well Jock? The Minister of Transport says shipbuilding will be speed-, ed up .along the best and latest lines. He' doubtless knows that jtlie government confesses to ; ownership of the fine construc tion plant, with reputation, atl Prince Rupert. The first tleepsea ship ever built at Prince Rupert was ' launched about mid-afternoon on a gorgeous summer day. Everything went slick as' butter. ' Tonnage was around einhl thousand ;md she bore the name j "Canadian Scottish." The time was not long after the crmrlu-. P110NK 654 25c Per Dozen Paid For Empties 'T'V,' .ivprtiswnt la not pnbii.nhcd or displayed by the Llqimr Control Bcjardor when Miss Marjorie Elena Bryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bryan, of Brideeford, Saskatchewan, became the bride of Robert Charles McNab, son of Charles McNab and the late Mrs. McNab. of this city. A number of friends of the principals attended the rite. Groomsman was David McNah, brother of the (trixim, and Jamc. Lawrie was usher. Given in marriage by John Strachan, brother-in-law of the groom, the bride was gowned iv white satin with floor-length net veil. Her headdress was Eaiianded with silver leaves urn: she carried a large bouquet of red roses.' Bridesmaids were Miss rwelvn j McNab, sister of the groom, and 'Miss Muriel Webb, the iormer I wearing a gown of rose crepe with blue net headdress and blue Kloves. and the latter gowned in gold tafieta. Doth carried bouquets of tulips and iris. A.s the register was sinned. I Miss Grace Merrill sang ' Be j cause." She was accompanied by Miss Rose Marie Hart wig at th-; organ. j At the reception which fol-i lowed in Sons of Norway Hall, toast to the bride was proposed by Rev. R. A. Wilson and tht , bridesmaids were toasted by the groomsman. The couple cut their wedding cake in traditional fashion. Pictures were taken by Jack Wrathall. Dancing was enjoyed to music by Aandy Mc-Naughton at the piano. Following the reception, the couple left on-the Prince Rupcri. for Vancouver where they v. ill take up residence The groom is on the staff of an electrical appliance firm in the .southern city. Tlie bride was formerly employed by the navy here. GADGET PROTECTS AUTOS VANCOUVER - F. La vers and L. Emmery of Vancouver have invented a gadget to guard autos against thieves. It sets off an alarm if the car is even jiggled a bit m& . i 1 --erf WRATH A LIAS PHOTO FIMSIIINfi Develoninr. Printing Knl.ireirn; QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Proles.sional Supplies Just Arrived... Th Popular LE CANT and NATURE'S RIVAL FOUNDATION GARMENTS .Styled-and manufactured by the Parisian Cor.set Company These Parisian garments are nude from thoroughly tested fabrics properly constructed and desined to give the wearer complete satisfaction. Available In tlzes 34 to 4 (SiraQflbcaSyc gireQUSirasr;;, : " " J thf oy -Winu itnks?" It I tasvr in thmkmg who 1 "Ctruialy t wmt rtntts ks, upr pl4n. 'Certjmlu ,i. , mC t want H ill in r ui . t'f them kriuw strike'! "Sound, ttspoiwH don t v.'jnt Knb. R the best tb j niemoers, in cnnJitimii, hut ij, K-ounty fur the hb 11' II W secumv. 9 , when they an fe; revolution 'Cjjir.manistj v down the exi-'juo thjt it tin'l mil think, help in tL: i 'Men nf fiAvi ployers inj LIvk V worker m pxi, achieve pejte ! justice m rut reUtii ins. "Onlv t!ie C nuife aiui unlurpw "Tlut't snmetl iwmjn ril Tli, t(i Uj llnnk ulxBjt. (Tht liil of the Ou Vl... In fllf If i U1ICKCU m ) C TO l,uv" f .. IV. fan pVt D1MNT. m PHONE ' I yvn"", BLOUSE1S BY JORDAN SPORTSWEAR Striped Jerseys In rmvy and white. Femuiimi tailored and esjieclall pretty for spring KirU Wenr BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT ANNETTE ,,ASs S23 -THIRD AVENUE WEST RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CI.At SKN SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MAIUMi AMI FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY-RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK HALES OK CHARTERS (Just East oi Llpsett's, Waterlront). Bx 548 Phone Green 975 TRY Ren Cafle FOR TASTY MEALS ' Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OITR SPECIAETT VC i-Ti'jld Owe 30 percent of the men who build. Gutta Percha tires ' '" ja-. raiifcG SI Ng QjfcT have spent more than a quarter century with Gutta Percha C-WV T 'J perfecting their skills . . . perfecting the tires they produce. J' ' VS ' -,f " eif great skills which make the difference between ' Jf . T. ... 7lJ ordinary tires and Gutta Percha tires. Their experience ' is OPEN IT :JJ"7.uTl MM - ,t m , r .. S4, SAM. TO 1A.M. "U1 K"a,ncc mure umes anu saier maes wnen you - M' z. f r. rT. ,"per.ri,LJ?f tm buy Gutta Percha tires. SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE "" '' sss'ify' ' PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Kaicn Co-op Fix Up Clean Up Paint Ud NEWf rXJB..CESr RESULTS MARSHALL-WELLS FINE QUALITY PAINTS JUST PHONE WE DELIVER Phone 179 Box 1127 Ml it West ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY