Prince Rupert Daflp X3eto LtB. Friday, May 21. 1948 !n'he Quality Tea Timely Topics from 7 errace Game Matters Are Discussed Norrington were appointed a i Mi Terrace Hospital Ass'n Carries On TERRACE The Terrace Hos M V i r Mrs. Ernest Zorri and snWl daughter arrived on Tuesday from Smlthers to visit with Mrs. Zorn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Osborne. committee of two to organize a meeting where a new committee would be formed with representatives from all the active organizations In Terrace. Concern was expressed over the sanitary conditions in Terrace and Iluntine Down of Wolves Sought Early Trout Season BURN8 LAKE A roiisln -J 1 ... L I I 1 suit the condition existing in different areas but eould by no means cover the whole of the zone. At Burns Lake, on account of all creeks being overcrowded early in May and the small trout which have been deteriorating annually for many years, it is the general opinion that creek fishing should open on May 1 as by May 24 the creek runs are over. This, condition is general throughout the Lakes Dt-trict. Representatives of the Tweedsmuir Park Rod and Gun Club suggest that the coming convention should b held at Burns Lake as being much more central than Prince George. Delegates will be appointed to attend the next convention, pos TERRACE KINSMEN ELECT OFFICERS i TERRACE At a dinner meeting of the Terrace Kismen Club held in the dining room of the Silver Tip Cafe on Wednesday night officers for the 'ensuing term were elected as follows: President, J. Schultzie. Secretary, J. McLeod. i Treasurer, Lloyd Johnstone. Directors R. Rogers, -V. Gi-aud, H. Pache. the secretary pro-tenv. Mrs. meeting of the Tweedsmuir Park Rod and Gun Club was held in the Women's Auxlliarv Hall Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chesher and family drove to Prince Rupert on Wednesday, returning the same night after taking in the show "Gone With the Wind." Norrington, was instructed to ORANGE PEKOE communicate with the village commissioners asking them to investigate the matter and suggesting that new sanitary by lES DISTRICT here Monday night, the meting lasting until midnight. Many matters of importance were discussed. Many Tweedsmuir Park guides were in attendance and the business of the meeting disposed of with all possible despatch. An order-in-councll, quoting an increase in nearly all trophy pital Association will continue in existence it was decided at a public meeting in the Orange Hall on Wednesday evening presided over by President G. McAdams. It was the first meeting since December, 15, 1945 wen the-association was formed. Since then the executive has achieved most gratifying results. The hospital has become an accomplished fact. The land, on which stood the former brigade headquarters, was leased from George Little. The building was purchased from the War Assets and the Red Cross Society has converted it into one of the most up-to-date hospitals of Its size in B.C. Feeling that their work had about getting an amoulance service in town as this had become a vital necessity now. Offers of plants to beautify the hospital grounds have been received, C. P. Balagno of Prince Rupert being among the first to donate some of the plants. . PLE GATHER laws be instituted at once. Miss Ross,, matron of the hospital was present at the meeting and, as Dr. Mills was unable to be present, she submitted his request that something should be done f The principal business of the evening was the preparing for the celebration on May 24. Everything is ready and-the day ! should be a great success. CHRISTENING Mrs. John Keefe, and the great-giat-grandmother. Mrs. J. w. Henkol. Sponsors were Mrs. G. Sutton-Atklns ana iwr. R .w. Oarvon. An informal tea followed the ceremony at the home of the parents at 3120 Adanac Street. JUiiu.s unuicn in vancira- tipmony recently wnen sibly at Vanderhoof, in order to ease the transportation problem. This matter will be decided possibly at Prince George in June, 1948, and at the conven jj E. wniuies Dapuzea Alice, four months old fees brought lengthy discussion. It was finally aproved with the exception of the raise to $00. Many of the guides date their hunting parties a year, ahead and the trophy fee on moose has already been quoted at $40. The argument brought forth the questionwhat becomes of Iter (if Mr. and Mrs. R. W. HEALTH AT $1 A HEAD MONTREAL, ( Its costs ace Edith Keefe of Fran- IT PAYS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH been completed, the executive resigned in a body and the ques about $1 a head of Likt'i. The baoy wore a ..... .. .1 . L. . 1 i tion to follow. Delegates will be chosen for the big convention at Harrison Hot Springs in 1949 and all expenses be paid by the Department. try (o keep Montrealer y jatKl't mail'- vy n-i git-ub- Ininthcr and was carried in healthy. The Montreal cit.l Oji0 lv woolen shawl passed on committee reports total expen a" tne revenue collected by the her great-great-grand- diture of the city department '.department? Little of It goes to road improvement, less to trails r. Among those present jof health for the year ended jtiip (irundparents, Mr. and April 30, 1947, was $1,220,996. REMOVE DRIVING HAZARDS RE GIN.-. Pj Circulars enclosed with light and water ac 17 7 I I and a totally inadequate amount, to the suppression of predators. The service of a two-man plane tion was raised whether to elect new officer or dissolve the association. However, in view of i-he fact that the association had guaranteed the Red Cross that $5,000 would be raised by I the community as their share in the cost of establishing the hospital, it was decided that the ; Hospital Association should con-, tinue to function for the sole of raising the necessary j money. Tob Cigarette acco counts have reminded Regina citizens of a by-law effective June 1 which says hedges and fences, if they are within 15 feet of a corner and obstruct the ! vision of motorists, must come down. wa requested to hunt wolves during the winter months as they are rapidly decimating the bands of moose, cariboo and goats. The "tick" question also came NYLONSi MILD, SWIET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA Mr. McAdams and Mrs. C. J I Wk - 1 "V Just what I've always wanted T Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. ('arils for every occasion. Fountain fens. im.u Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE NIL- .4m, up. Hunters have observed that the ticks confine their attacks to game'animals which are thin, weak and doomed in any case. The wolves choose the youngest and fattest. i Discussion of hunters misusing planes brought out a motion "that planes be allowed to lund only at registered landing fields in the Lakes District, but not to be allowed to engage in hunting nor fishing by plane." The meeting endorsed a strong objection to the area encircled by the Circle Water Route being closed to big game hunters and in an unofficial meeting with ! the trappers and guides Inspector GUI stated that there was no likelihood of any part of Tweeds r ONE PAIR jll IVIIKY $10 Oil MOItl'f I'l lt( IIASK MADE AT DOMS' 223 IIIJ'AUTMENT STORE WWW now brought to you by D. F. Goodrich At long laet yoa aa ride free from the worry of bih blownaU and puncture! A sensational new B. F. Goodrich tire-hibe team given you smoother riding longer mileage . . . extra bluwout protection . . . plu FREEDOM FHOJ1 PLNCILREi New B. F. Go4rich Silrertown Tire New B. F. Goodrich Seol-o-motic Tube 0UTWEABS FBE-WAB TIBES! SEALS PUNCTUBES AS YOU BIDE! 1 muir Park being clotted in the near future. Orval Harrison of Wistaria accounted for twenty wolves and PAINT VP CAMPAIGN For Shingles, Fences and Rough Lumber Ue SHINGOLEEN For Outside Wood Work, Porches and Steps Use BAPCO PURE PAINT . . THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. fifty-thre coyotes in Tweedsmuir , Park during the last season, j Cariboo are reported to be slightly on the increase in spita "of the depredations-' of ' the wolves, as game hunters took only a few heads during the past two hunting seasons. LAKES DISTRICT IMPORTANT ZONE At a friendly meeting of trappers, guides and other members. I Normal tread is wear -p-r--a-d over a wider, flatter tread that pills more rulilx-r on the road. You get greater road-gripping traeliun for safer riding . ; . safer stopo. And 35 per cent stronger lwdy and side, walls provide extra hlowout protection . . ; longer mileage. The sensational new B. F. Goodrich Seal-o matic Sufety Tnl stain punctures instantly . . . permanently . . , a you rVe! It's mm exclusive B. F. Goodrich feature! And tli Seal-wntaiie has thicker, stronger wall thai aliNorb ulioi k . . . protect your tires against premature failure and blowouts. INCOME TAX m 111 'S'l a a ' If J . m RETURNS PREPARED SEE tOTT AHK C1IEKSK Rv Creunied Fresh Mm-- fM.RNTIN DA1KY I Your Dally ii.l, WKATHEH HKHVHP II. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRl B. F. Goodrich Silvertown tires give longer mileage, greater safety, with any standard to he. And Scal-o-matics can lie used with tire Hut any easing. together! There you have th perfect lire-liihe team that gives lduwont protection PLUS freedom Atom punctures,! S your tt. F. Goodrich dealer today I Malm or Tkm,, taMwlta, Amnolhm Aranann, KuUm, ' Mn, InaWrM HMyr Product! mo' Kotmo! Business and Professional of the Tweedsmuir Park Rod and Gun Club, Inspector Gill ol the Game Department enlightened them as to the value of the central interior zone. This zone is composed of the districts surrounding Burns Lake, Smlthers, Vanderhoo', Prince George nnd McBride all of which towns have aggressive Rod- and Gun Clubs, all seeking, not only improvements in the game laws, but principally the protection of the wild life of the central interior. Many purely local laws might be changed to 1? i72,ftfllk ST?aT7To EL "BEST IN THE LONG RUN Local Goodrich-Silvertown Distributors RUPERT MOTORS LTD. IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store .The Popular S.S. "S- Nationally-known lines In GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PBOBATK ii the Mntfer of the "Ailnthilstriitliin Act" HIMl III the Mutter or the IXtilte of Allierl hHitmel llesrhuiiips, otherwise kimwil hs Kittllliel IpHijiiiipK, llei'eueil, Intestine. TAKE NOTICE that by order or Ills Honour JudiiB W. O Fulton, made the 3rd duy of Muy. A D. 1948. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Albert Samuel De.schamps, otherwise known as Samuel Ueschamps. decenseri. All parties having claims ngalnst tht said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the lftth day ot June 1048. after which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which 1 then had no knowledge. All parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . .' PRINCE ' , . "'I1UU1HU,U.U11 pius u new Aeit-rserve rood Section with a Free Delivery RUPERT Sails For Service. . . ,. Phone RED 5G1 I'.O. Box 721 THE SKEENA MERCANTILE P. J. CHENEY for your 1IL dk.ntist ROCK AND CONCRETE 5. SMITH BLOCK . CAIX BLUE 939 7G5 p.o. Box 1401 M j SAUNDERS JU1TE New, Modern Equipment TH & ELK INS LTD. A" Work uara"teed Plumbing and Heating Engineers JONES NEWS STAND We h:uidle EaStern nnd Western re 174 P ' O ' Box 274 i. Papers Swedish-American Tribune fmv i.i t TTTinTTi-'C! "1A i. Jj. JlUAjJ-ll'iO and Western Mirier Chiropractor Sixth Street Red 808 21-22 BESNER BLOCK H Box 894 Phone Blue 442 PIANO TECHNICIAN , Tuning, Voicing and Repairs 'I'.OUGE L- EORIE MIKE COLUSSI lc Arcountant, Auditor, etc. Phone RED 739 mo Tax Returns Compiled. 1381 Overlook Street B 'snpr Block Phone 387 . GEORGE McWIIINNEY PWAnTVHflP . I REAU1Y SHOP PAINTING AND i.aV. Permanent Wavjig 1 M'ER HANGING Beauty Culture in I P.O. Box 1426 a'1 lts branches I Bacon St. Phone Qreen 394 204 4th Street Phone 655 hl'IIEN ERICKSON J PIANO TECHNICIAN HANDYMAN. . j TUNING AND REPAIRS HOME SERVICE f k 195 411 West 7th Ave. GENERAL CONTRACTORS fVain Schedule Building and Repairs of all kinds t the Rait v R,,fS chimneys and Oil Burners punday, Wednesday, Friday- 1 8 P m. m tlie East PHONES: fuesday, Thursday, Saturday- 0rpen 486 Red 894 45 p.nv. 1T ii v . . Tor Downtrodden Heels Wells (P.R.) Ltd. and Worn Soles We, uMiin.. WeighinS mac SHOE HOSPITAL -"E 7H0 BLUE 980 Box 774 Second Ave. LUMBER IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane their Indebtedness to me forthwith. CtORDON P. FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. DONNACONA, MASONITE, PLYWOOD SASH DOOUS Available at VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT ?"t information call or wrlt City or Depot Ticket OHIm PRINCI RCPERT. B.C. OP IN TIIF. BUPHEME t.'OURT imiTISH COLUMBIA Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting Fishing Sightseeing PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONES 651 052 COAL LUMBER PAINTS Complete Line of Building Supplies IN PROBATE 111 the Mailer nl the Mtate of Curl Andrew Norlainler. HeretiHeil, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge W. O. Fulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 7th day of May, A.D. 1948, appointed Admin SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. Terrace: PHONES Prince RuDert w. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney, Ltd. 35 - Red Top Cabs LING istrator of the Estate of Carl Andrew Norlander, deoeased. late of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, who died on or about the 31st day of January. 1H48, at the City of Prince Rupert. British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and alt persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 16th day of June. 1948. failing which ditrtbution will be made having redistribution will be made having regard only to such claims of.which 1 DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 10th day of May. 1848. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING Sl'PERPAN PRESS KODACIIROME and KODAK FILMS Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. aox 646 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. FOR T11R BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ... See Tour ', GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bufck Chev. Tracks Poatiae OldsmobUa G.M.C. Track MACHINE WORK A 8PECIALTY ! Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE. B.C. THE TAILOR We are taking: cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 849 220 Sixth Street QORIXIN FRA8ER FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. (ia5)