MINISTRY OPENED SKI1ERS ARE a ' tdrinrr ttuprrt DaiJp rectos Thursday, November 3, 1949 f ill ' ' BY NEW PASTOR Last week-end about members of the Prince Ru- Last Sunday marked a milestone in the growth of the Reu- Aa tnJfO?nctut. dnilr r.p--sp--r derid to the upbulldla? ff Prinee Fupert and si!' comnr.iuuies compniing northern and central British Columbii. (Authorized as Second Class Mail. Post Oflire Department. Ottawa) Published everv afternoon except Snndey by Prince P.upert Dpi! News Ltd.,' 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. U. A HtJJITER. Manatlna Editor. H G. PERRY. Managing Director. HKMEER OP CANADIAN PREPS AUDIT BUREAU OK CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES -55fc 'nr Bt'pti.Mt Church of Prince Ru- pert Ski Club went up the moun- t Cl v '- ' - - . ,. lels at vi-rv from ouy carrier, Per ween. 20c: Per tannta. 75c: Per Year. 8 00. fuijjvv- s By Mall, Per Month, 60c; Per Year. 15.00 i if. ' '. ,- tain repairing cabins, cutting wood, blazing trail and preparing for the coming winter Earlier a general meeting of the Club was held wiiere th ceding season's actlviiiea wer ? outlined Since that lime i lot of work has been put Into tue fiki Tow. so It will be in opeiat.kiR m soon as there Is snow! pair and .VS W(K.t m work Special 'rim, "',Ei'S WOItsril, VV,rt, l)r un!y Ml.' V I in.. . pert. At tr.e newiy inaugurateu morning service .the Church welcomed its new pastor, Leonard Thorpe. Mr. Thorpe comes from Dnn-cn. Vancouver Island, Hnr5 k a graduate of the Northwest Bun-ttst Bible College at Port Cdquit-lani. , The pastor's morning theme was "Worshipping Wllh Moses." He showed three pertinent reasons for the power of Moses, as he prevailed with Cod in prayer. In the light of today" need of Chrlitinns with that same power, 4 1 V C , a - ,: . M 'I MEN'S Oltl'.ss AM) Advertise n. tiie Daily News! !SOX-Nw , " ' '-fed ? . ' - ; men's SMr.r mi. I" MEN'S Kunj Now d-. MENS LEATHM HR14KID.I ... ARCHBISHOP DECORATED Archbishop Mairice Roy, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Quebec and Bi.hop Ordinary of the Canadian Anr.ed Forces, is shown receiving the decoration of a Commander of the Order of Orange Nassau,, highest honor the Netherlands ttovernment can bestow on a non-resident. Decorating the archbishop are L. O A. Sohlichtin. left, Netherlands press attache, and H. F. Eschauzier, Netherlands (CP Charge d'Affaires at Ottawa. Photoi PRINCE GEORGE SAILfl FOR VANCOUVER ; "in m, npiTtai MEN'S ALL. h I Rl ISf R he pointed out the necessity r,f examining devotional habits. In the evening, Mr. Thorpes' menage was centred around thp , Old Testament atory of Naaman'X miraculous cure of leorosy. Using this to illustrate the simple, o refashioned gospel ,he urged the unsaved to exercise saving fal'h In the finished wrk of Christ. LETTERBOX ( RATEPAYERS and Intrrriediav Purl Each Thursday MEN'S MUSS Sill, from GROUP SEEKS ME.V'S I'NDFKtYHi: btnation,, mrdinm , MORE MEMBERS at 11:15 p.m. Kor KETCHIKAN M'F.DXKSDAY MlflNlGIIT For Resefyatlona Write or Call Dan't b tortured by .jff Speeial MEN'S K.MNCO.m ; fittinr POPPY DAT-Editor, Daily News: On Saturday next, the people-of Prince Rupert will be asked to purchase the poppies which make it possible for the Canadian Leg-Ion here to carry on its welfare work. zens in active particlpaton in affairs of the ci'y and u; of ;he enfranchisement and to promote understanding b? tween citizens and the city council. Membership dues were set tentatively at 25 cents to the end of the year and $1 a year thereafter. School Secretary Mrs. M. M. Roper was authorized by the .ehool board at last night's meeting to attend a meeting of School Secretaries, sponsored by the Department of Education, at Victoria on December 8 and 9. East End Ratepayers Association, which is in the process of organizing, will elect a permanent slate of officers on November 15 an.I In t)1 l ITt OH DKPdT OFFICE PRINCF RUPP'.H'' BC. MEN'S 'M! l!l)f Full lined MEN'S COVERT (li COATS-Tops in fail, fit This work is important b,,t 1 ! time., a membership drive will Put a lew dtotM f VllllB Va-tfK-iMr I eh mwtrii. It rwti drain in us J, brt think one thing that pcrhap, , be start(d. a prPiIm,nary mppt. Intergovernmental Conference SATISFACTION should prevail over GENERAL the calling by Prime Minister St. Laurent of the Dominion-provincial conference for January 10 to which British Columbia has been one of the provinces to promptly assent. All are agreed upon the necessity of the conference and, during the election campaign, pledges were made that there would be a minimum of delay in calling it. Called to consider "constitutional questions" as affecting the Dominion and the provincial jurisdiction, that objective may well contain all the outstanding matters which have been hanging fire for many years between Ottawa and the provinces and which have, from time to time, been settled with temporary expedients such as grants-in-aid and the like. It is to be hoped that the newest conference will be entered into with a cordial spirit of give and take between Ottawa and the provinces and among the provinces themselves. Much good may then accrue for the welfare and happiness of Canada as a whole. CANADA'S RIVERS IT MAY BE because we have so much country', but I we Canadians are inclined to be woefully ignorant of our own geography. Take our rivers, for instance. We think of the St. Lawrence as being one of the great waterways of the world which it is but how many Canadians know that we have a longer river? The St. Lawrence is nearly 2,000 miles long, from the Atlantic Ocean to the westerly end of the Great Lakes system, a waterway "which reaches almost half way across the continent. But longer than the St. Lawrence is the Mackenzie, which flows north from Great Slave Lake 'to the Arctic Ocean, a distance of 2,514 miles. iTbe Yukon is 1979 miles long. The Saskatchewan River, 1,205 miles, rises in the Rockies, flos.aross the plains, -and joins the Winnipeg system of lakes drained by he Nelson, a river system 1,600 miles in length. The Churchill River, with its tributaries, has a total length of 1,300 miles, draining into Hudson Bay. Our own Fraser is 695 miles in length. The Skeena River is 325 miles long. Canada's rivers have played a big part in the development of a great country. has not been sufficiently stressed V1C8(S lf-VS DRESS PVVI assortment, nrrfrit Now KNITTING WOOl in? In the East End hall declcf-ed Tuesday night. The 30 citizens who attended deferred election of a full executive panel for two weeks and voted in the meantime to maintain Robert Ferguson as temporary chairman. H. R. Thor- is the fact the poppy is the symbol of remembrance . . . remembrance of the dead of two world wars. Our memories are apt to b? a tittle short and, were it not for this annual poppy sale, 1 sometimes wonder if those who did Hy. fibular lie Now, per ball BOYS' LAC EH M liieso !' WFvllDDIV steinson will continue as inters im secretary - treasurer. not lose sons and husbands in Need for an active member IIOOTS-AII sitn. Special f BOYS SCHOOL an i PANTS frn! HOYS' R.MNfOiTS-fittlnr. From , BOYS' ALL-Hoiii. 1 JACKETS f, ship embracing a larger number of taxpayers was considered vi M VlMf II L JUI I la I , STEEL OIL STANDS OF ALL SIZES the two wars would be as fully conscious of the sacrifice as they are. I do want to stress the Importance of this one day in V e year being set aside in this w;:y. Those who have not had experience with the Poppy Fund tal and A. Pearson was named to head an organizing committee which will promote greater membenWp. Other committee members are Robert Cameron,' George McWhlnnie. P. Lester, Harry Quick. Harry Harrison, may perhaps be inclined to ques tion whether the Poppy Func! is necessary here in Prince Rupert. W. D. Griffiths, Frank Baldwin, Mrs. R. Ferguson and J. W. Prus- Irv i i v. m i i-v mi mm ik- jw m ' . m m i w I can assure them it, is. It is true that there are veterans end veterans' dependents who cannot work. It is true that we hare i:i our Acts of Parliament considerable social legislation, but i is equally true that things such as CHANDLt' PORTKAIT ST j Vision of the organisation ex-j panding to or infpirng, the for- mation of other Ratepayers' As-i sociations m other parts of the citv was a vital element In th Kilm Finishinr t J Flash I'hutm XVn EXCHANGE DRUMS , ON HAND Phone Mack K8 1 THOM SHEET MKTAL LTD, the old Phone Green 389 2 1 age pension and other ,.t.inn. it. u,-n Mt. that n-hp,i PRINCE RUPKilT Advertise la Ine Da similar legislation and allowances the East End group gets under are inadequate in the face of j way its influence will broaden present living costs. However. to the betterment of community and this is a fact, the majority of interest. worthy veterans are peopl with General outline of the aims a very intense personal pride, of the asociation was given by They have given Canada service W. D. Griffiths who told the during war time, many of them meeting that it was open to all on two occasions. They are the ratepayers no matter in which type of people who hesitate to' part of the city they reside, approach organized charities. I It is also dedicated to devel-Were it not for the Canndii.n I opment of the Interest of citl- OP TASTY MEALS AT RexCa Mother khousTBesf.' Chinese Dishat a Spnij MAHCHAM) OIL HEATEliS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations SMITH & ELKINS LTD. cmo sun enow .VI Legion, and the comratk-ship jwhk'h was born in war. nu.::y of these deserving cases would not Ea C deuond Avenur oiipiiie PriDcr Kupert Hum jbe known about. : The Poppy Funcr enables the AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT ... ORDER YOUR oeso 3Cntaa (garfts Tnnxv :imi am. to 8:30 a m Ption 173 for Ouuifl' i PHONE 114 BOX 274 Canadian Legion to assist, veterans and veterans dependents HOost in umes oi emergency. Every penny collected in Prince Rup.'i t i ULrv a and District Is used righ hcr In C1 u PHONE 79 .and YICKERS Boxed Assortments That will be sure to please eVery member of the family at . . . this district, and the expnsos of "Poppy Day" as well as the cos', of operating the 'Poppy Fund" throughout the year are borne by our Branch " out of our own branch funds. I would ask your support ai:d that of the people of Prince Rupert in carrying o'i this vcy worthy work. Itlallarr Piarmat GIN VICKERS li DISTIUIO IN CANADA a w ft n DisTiiiutiD it Calvrtt 3 y ' kx This atfvtrtisenifnl is not puhlisheti or di pbytel hy the Liquor Control HoarJ i, by the Government of British Ojlumhi; JAMES NICOLL, Canadian Legion, Branch 27, Prince Rupert. ft hours PHONE 234 PiKSNER BLOCK, 3KI) AVE. Weekdays 9 a.m. to ! p.m. SiindayH 12 Noun lo 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to ! p.iT- It's S1XTI I STREET and THIRD AVF' Your Money Complete Display o f THERE'S a rim; iMM for everv earned tlie hard way and it is only right that it should he treated accordingly. But why not make it, in return, work for you. By careful selection of a list of high grade securities including Dominion of Canada Bonds, and good industrial preferred and common stoiks an average return of more than V, 2 on your money can be obtained. We shall be glad to submit a list for your consideration. Write, phone or visit our most convenient office. There is no charge or obligation. James Richardson & Sons ESTABLISHED 1857 PUltPOSE U FLOOR LAMPS TABLE LAMPS BOUDOIR LAMPS Priced from , $3.80 to $25.00 School for 'tomorrow The newspaper boy .... the boy who delivers your papers is a typical Canadian boy. He is the business man of tomorrow. And as a carrier, he learns those lessons which will prepare him for a successful future. Carrier Competition Starting on October 3 the Daily News Is sponsoring a carrier competition with a bicycle as first prize and many other valuable cash prizes. The boys will be awarded points for obtaining' hew subscribers for dependability and for efficiency In collections. So any help that you can give your rarrler will be appreciated by him and he In turn will try m serve you .... his customer .... to the utmost of his ability. .. . Bee Our LARGE NEW SELECTION f Latest Diamond Styles B" a'" Complete stock of Slffnate, Birthstone MANSON'S YOUR FRIENDLY JFAKI; J-J Pacific Coast Office: NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. LTD. VICTORIA VANCOUVER 1.10 BESNER BLOCK PRINCE Rl PERT, B.C. PHONE 210 STEWART, B.C. BOX 998